Exam Questions

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What is the most common eye problem affecting men and women older than 50? A. cataracts B. astigmatism C. glaucoma D. choroid Which structure of the middle layer of the eye regulates the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil? A. Choroid B. Ciliary body C. Iris D. Pupil answer : C What type of receptors are specialized to respond to temperature? a) photoreceptors b) thermoreceptors c) chemoreceptors d) mechanoreceptors Answer: b The shape of a typical neuron is specialized for: A. Movement B. Communication with other cells C. Barrier Building D. Transporting Blood ANSWER: B Neuroglial cells do what to neurons? A. Support B. Protect C. Insulate D. Nuture E. All of the Above ANSWER: E What is an Axon? A. Body of neuron B. Long extension of neuron C. The signal of the neuron D. None of the Above ANSWER: B Neurons have: A. Dendrites B. Cell Body C. Axon D. All of the Above ANSWER: D DNA contains all of the following bases except: A. Adenine B. Guanine C. Cytosine D. Thymine E. Uracil Answer: E

The following is defined as an entire set of genes carried by one member of a species. A. Genome

B. Gene Therapy C. Polymerase Chain Reaction D. Biotechnology E. Ribosomal RNA Answer: A DNA... A: Is a double-stranded molecule. B. Has a sugar deoxyribose. C: Functions primarily in the nucleus. D. All of the above. E. None of the above. Answer: D Which of the following is the first step in creating a transgenic animal? A. Infect the gene of interest into donor cell B. Implant cell into host mother C. Locate offspring with transgenic gene D. None of the above Answer: A More than _____ of human DNA does not code for protein. A. 10% B. 25% C. 50% D. 95% E. 99% C is correct. Which of the following is not one of the four Nucleotides: A. Adenine B. Cytosine C. Thymine D. Codene E. None of the Above Answer: D Which RNA molecule carries DNA's information in the sequence of its bases (codons) from the nucleus to the cytoplasm? A. rRNA B. nRNA C. mRNA D. tRNA Answer: C A change in DNA is called a ________? A. disproportionation B. recombination C. polymerase chain reaction D. mutation Answer: D. Which is a similarity between RNA and DNA?... A. Are nucleic acids B. Are composed of linked nucleotides C. Have a sugar-phosphate backbone D. Have four types of bases E. All of the above Answer: E

Curing genetic diseases by putting normal, functional genes into body cells affected by a mutant gene is called...

A. biotechnology B. genetic engineering C. gene therapy D. recombination Answer: C. The triplet code of CAT in DNA is represented as ___ in mRNA and ___ in tRNA. A. CAT, CAT B. GAA, CAT C. GTA, CAU D. GUA, CAU Answer: D A three-base sequence on transfer RNA (tRNA) that binds to the complementary base pairs of a codon on the mRNA is a(n) A. .Anticodon B. Codon C. Polymerase D. Promoter Answer: A What is ...the manipulation of genetic material for human purposes? A. Biotechnology B. Genetic Engeenering C. Mutation D. Transcription Answer: B What are DNA changes called? A. Haloids B. RNA C. Life D. Mutations Answer: D What percentage of Earth's Water Supply is NOT in oceans? A:3 B:40 C: 50 D: 13 E:50 ANSWER: A The Earth's population in 2008 was: A. 3 Billion B. 4 Billion C. 5 Billion D. 6.7 Billion E. 10 Billion ANSWER: D 97% of the Earth's water is in: A. Oceans B. Lakes C. Rivers D. Swamps E. Bogs ANSWER: A

What are some warning signs of cancer? A. change in bowel or bladder habit or function B. a sore that does not heal C. unusual bleeding or bloody discharge

D. thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere E. all of the above Answer is E. Which one of the following is known to cause cancer? A. Tobacco Smoke B. Radiation C. Viruses D. Excessive Alcohol Consumption E. All of the Above The answer is E. What happens to a cell when damage is too extensive to repair? A. Cell returns to cell cycle B. Cell begins mutation C. Cell damage accumulates leading to cancer D. Cell divides and produces more cells E. It is programmed cell death The answer is E. What is NOT a way to cure cancer? A.Surgery to remove tumors B.Radiation therapy to kill localized cancer cells C.Inhibition of blood vessel formation D.Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells E. Take an advil The answer is E. Energy sources for muscle contraction: ATP formed from creatine phosphate and ADP happeneds: a.6 seconds into exercise b.10 seconds into exercise c.30-40 seconds into exercise d.End of exercise e.After prolonged exercise ANSWER: B Energy sources for muscle concentration: ATP Stored in muscles happens: a.6 seconds into exercise b.10 seconds into exercise c.30-40 seconds into exercise d.End of exercise e After prolonged exercise ANSWER: A Energy source for muscle concentration: Oxygen debt is paid back happens: a.6 seconds into exercise b.10 seconds into exercise c.30-40 seconds into exercise d.End of exercise e.After prolonged exercise ANSWER: E How many bones are in the middle ear? a.)1 b.)2 c.)3 d.)4 e.)5 answer: c How many types of olfactory receptors do we have? a.) about 50 b.) about 200 c.) about 1000 d.) about 20,000

e.) about 1,000,000 answer: C The pupil is located in which part of the body? a.) Ear b.) Mouth c.) Nose d.) Eye e.) Chest answer: D What are the factors that reduce the size of populations? a. density-independent regulating factors b. density-dependent regulating factors c. density-growth regulating factors d. both a&b answer: d An example of a density-dependent regulating factor is... a. food scarcity b. disease causing organisms c. a&b d. none ...of the above answer: c What percentage of Earth's water is in the oceans? a. 75% b. 50% c. 97% d. 25% answer: c why are forests disappearing? a. human population is increasing and getting rid of trees to have land or space and to build homes b. because we're having too many forest fires esp. in California c. too much oil and gasoline are consumed by the population which kills the forest plantation d. people are carving their initials on trees and breaking branches while hiking answer: a What is the lens? A. A layer of tissue that contains the photoreceptors B. The colored part of the eye C. A transparent, semispherical body of tissue behind the iris and pupil D. The opening at the center of the iris Answer: C What is the function of the cornea? A. Receives light B. Controls shape of lens C. Refracts l...ight D. Protects the eyeball Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT a structure of the inner layer of the eye? A. Retina B. Rods C. Cones

D. Fovea E. All of the above are part of the inner layer Answer: E What are cones? a) the photoreceptors responsible for black and white vision. b) the photoreceptors responsible for color vision. c) the layer of tissue that contains photoreceptors. d) the group of axons from the eye to the brain. Answer: B About how many skeletal muscles we have that are usually attached to bones? A.400 B.500 C.600 D.700 E.850 Answer: D What connects to the Motor neuron? A.Myofibril B.Sacroplasmic C.Acetylcholine D.Tubele Answer: C Which two muscles you are u...sing when flexing or extending your arm? A.biceps and triceps B.biceps and rectus C.rectus and triceps D.pectoralis and rectus Answer: A What is the most common type of cancer for women? A. Lung B. Ovary C. Breast D. Bladder answer: C which is not true of DNA? A. it is single-stranded B. it has a sugar deoxyribose c. it functions primarily in the nucleus D. it contains the bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine answer: A one difference be...tween RNA and DNA is A. DNA is stable and RNA is not B. RNA is stable and DNA is not C. DNA is single-stranded D. RNA has a sugar and DNA does not E. They are not different answer: A

What is polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? A. A reaction that destroys the cell B. A technique used to increase the amount of specific DNA C. A result of cancer D. A disease caused by liver failure answer: B

What makes up the peripheral nervous system? A. brain and spinal cord B. all nervous tissue in the body, excluding the brain and spinal cord C. nervous tissue, brain and spinal cord D. spinal cord answer: B nerve impulses leave the neuron through_____ a)dendrites b)cell body c) nucleus d) axon e) axon endings anwer E The _____ increases the rate of conduction of nerve impulses and helps their repair. A. Myelin Sheath B. Sodium-Potassium Pumps C. Nerve D. Dendrites Answer: A Cancer can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT A. Viruses B. Certain Chemicals C. Poor Nutrition D. Radiation ANSWER: C Which of the following is not a type of neuron? A. Afferent B. Efferent C. Interneuron D. Outerneuron Answer: D Which of the following carry information toward the brain and spinal cord? a) Motor Neurons b) Interneurons c) Sensory Neurons d) Effectors e) None of the above ANSWER C What is the long extension of a neuron ca...lled? A) Dendrite B) Axon C) Effector D) Neurotransmitter ANSWER B

What protects the Central Nervous System? A) Bone and Membranes B) Cerebrospinal fluid C) Bone, Membranes and Cerebrospinal fluid D) A Brick Wall E) None of the above Answer C

What is/are characteristics of white matter? a) consists of myelinated axons b) consists of interneurons, cell bodies, and unmyelinated axons c)... allows communication between the cerebral hemispheres d) allows communication over long distances e) a & d answer: E What are the two types of matter located in the brain? A) white, black B) white, gray C) gray, black D) gray, brown E) pink, yellow answer: B The cerebral hemispheres sit comfortably over the A) Hypothalamus B) Thalamus C) Primary motor area D) Frontal Lobe E) Dark Side of the Moon answer: B Which of the following are traits of muscles? A. Muscles are excitable B. Muscles are contractible C. Mucles are extensible D. Muscles are elastic E. All of the above Answer: E After prolonged exercise, all of the following occur EXCEPT? A. Glucose is formed B. Creatine phosphate is restored C. Oxygen is restored to myglobin D. Lactic acid is no longer used to produce ATP E. Glycogen reserves are restored Answer: A Characteristics of fast twitch muscles include all of these EXCEPT? A. Designed for rapid, powerful response B. Large amounts of actin and myosin C. Fatigue rapidly D. Packed with myoglobin E. Depend heavily on anaerobic metabolic pathways Answer: D

A ligament connects ___________? A. Bone to muscle B. Bone to bone C. Skin to Muscle D. Muscle to muscle E. None of the above Answer: D What are the parts of a Neuron? A. Dendrites

B. Cell Body C. Axon D. All of the above Answer: D The strength of muscle contractions depend on the number of _______ units involved. A. Neuron B. Skeletal C. Motor D. Tendon Answer: C What causes flexion? A. The biceps contracts and pulls the forearm up, fl...exing the arm. B. The relaxed triceps is stretched. C. The triceps contracts and pulls the forearm down, extending the arm. D. The relaxed biceps is stretched. E. A and B Answer: E Which RNA molecule carries DNA's information in the sequence of its bases (codons) from the nucleus to the cytoplasm? A. rRNA B. nRNA C. mRNA D. tRNA Answer: C A change in DNA is called a ________? A. disproportionation B. recombination C. polymerase chain reaction D. mutation Answer: D. Which is a similarity between RNA and DNA?... A. Are nucleic acids B. Are composed of linked nucleotides C. Have a sugar-phosphate backbone D. Have four types of bases E. All of the above Answer: E Curing genetic diseases by putting normal, functional genes into body cells affected by a mutant gene is called... A. biotechnology B. genetic engineering C. gene therapy D. recombination Answer: C. Cancer cells often fail to trigger... A.apoptosis B.protein C.tumors D.none of the above (Answer:A) which one is a way to treat cancer? a. Surgery b. Radiation c. Immunotherapy d. Gene therapy

e. all of the above (Answer: e) How many bones are in the human body? a) 167 b) 188 c) 200 d) 206 e) 312 Answer: d How many total vertebrae are there in the body? a) 28 b) 36 c) 26 d) 8 e) 12 Answer: c Which of the following is not a component of the axial skeleton? A. Skull B. Vertebral Column C. Sternum D. Rib Cage E. Pelvic Bone Answer: E Glial Cells: a.) support neurons b.) protect neurons c.) Insulate neurons D.) Nuture neurons E.) All of the above ANSWER: E Neurons that are sent to the brain are: a.) Afferent b.) efferent c.) Interneurons d.) deterrent e.) none of the above ANSWER: A All of these are components of neurons EXCEPT: a.) Dendrites b.) Cell Body c.) cilia d.) Axones e.) Al...l of these are components of neurons ANSWER:C Action Potential occurs when: a.) ions are forced through ion channels b.) ions move passively through ion channels c.) protons are forced through proton channels d.) electrons move passively through electron channels e.) electrons move freely through the cell wall ANSWER: B What describes how populations can change in size? a) population dynamics b) carrying capacity c) age structure d) global warming correct answer: (a)

What is the removal of trees from an area without replacing them? a) deforestation b) desertification c) age structure d) global warming correct answer: (a) Which of these is NOT a possible consequence of global warming? a) melting ice caps b) rising sea level c) colder oceans d) changing weather patterns correct answer: (c) The "scapula" is also commonly class: a. collarbone b. shoulder blade c. forearm bone d. wrist bone e. thighbone ANSWER B What is the term for mature bone cells? A. Lacuna B. Osteon C. Osteocytes D. Marrow E. Periosteum ANSWER C About 20 million Americans, most of them elderly white women, suffer from what disease? A.... Herpes B. Erythrocytism C. Anorexia D. Osteoporosis E. AIDS ANSWER D Arthritis refers to : A. Arm and leg pain only B. Joint Inflammation C. A torn ligament D. the irreversible lose of bone E. All of the above ANSWER B

Muscle Dystrophy causes a) progressive muscle deterioration b) extreme body building c) muscle contraction d) soreness after working out e) all of the above ANSWER: A The 3 kinds of muscles have what in common? a) muscles are excitable b) muscles are contractible c) muscles are extensible d) muscles are elastic e) a...ll of the above ANSWER: E Muscles will contract so long as there is present

a) ADP b) ATP c) Pi d) Myosin e) none of the above ANSWER: B This type of nerve cell is located between motor neurons and sensory neurons, interprets signals, and is located in the brain and spinal cord. A) Interneuons B) Efferent neurons C) Impulse neurons D) Afferent neurons E) Schwann cells Answer) A What disease is a result of the death of dopamineproducing neurons deep ni the ...brain's movement control center? A) Alzheimer's Disease B) Parkinson's Disease C) Depression D) Hodgkin's Disease E) Infectious Disease Answer) B A wave of changes that travels down the neuron's plasma membrane is called what? A) Synaptic Transmission B) Action Potential C) Nerve Impulses D) Resting Potential E) Neurotransmitter Answer) B Someone who is totally unresponsive to all sensory input and cannot be awakened is in a a) Deep sleep b) Coma c) Cancer state d) Stroke e) Heart attack Answer) B

What is the biggest factor in regulating bone growth? A. Nutrition and food intake B. Genes C. Hormones D. Cells E. Osteocytes Answer: C Which of the following is NOT a primary function of the framework of bones and cartilage known as the skeleton? A) Support B) Movement C) Protection D) Hormone production E) Storage of minerals D is the correct answer Yellow Marrow is? A) A fatty tissue used for energy storage?

B) A plate that seperates each end of th...e bone from its shaft C) Joint Inflammation D) A series of bones through which the spinal cord passes E) A framework of bones and cartilage that performs functions for the bod A is the correct answer There are ________________ thoracic vertebrae A. 12 B. 7 C. 2 D. 1 E. 26 Answer is A. cold and heat receptors detect.. a. pressure change b. size change c. temperature change d. adaptation answer: c - temperature change Which of the following is NOT one of the five primary tastes? A sour B sweet C bitter D hot E salty ANS----D which statement below is right? A.around 20%of what we usually think of as ...the flavor of a food is really detected by our sense of smell B.farsightness is caused by image focus before retina C.blind spot is caused by the abscence of optic nerve D.a person who lacks red cones sees deep red as black ans --D Which nervous system regulates invountary bodily activities, such as breathing rate and heart rate? a. Central Nervous System b. Somatic Nervous System c. Autonomic Nervous System d. Parasympathetic Nervous System e. Sympathetic Nervous System The answer is c. Autonomic Nervous System The hypothalamus controls... A.) heart rate B.) blood pressure C.) breathing rate D.) body temperature E.) all of the above Answer: E Which part of the brain is the largest? A.)temporal lobe b.)parietal Lobe c.)Cerebrum d.)Occipital lobe e.)Major Lobe Answer-C

Which of the following is a mechanism that protects cells from cancer? A. Limitations on the number of times a cell can divide B. forming a sore C. there are no mechanisms to protect the cells D. swollen glands E. lumps on the skin Answer: A Which of the following is a known cause of cancer? A. Viruses, some of which... have oncogenes among their genes. B. Chemicals that case mutations. C. Radiation such as sun rays, cosmic rays, radon, and uranium. D. All of the above are known to cause cancer. Answer D GMO stands for: A) General model operator B) Genetically modified organism C) genetically made organ D) gene made organically answer is b The conventional cancer treatments include all except: a) surgery b) chemotherapy c) exercise d) radiation answer - C Where was the oldest fossil evidence for modern humans found? A.) Africa B.) The North Pole C.) United States of America D.) France E.) China Answer: A.) Africa What is/are branching diagrams used by scientists to depict hypotheses about evolutionary relationships among species or groups of species? A.) convergent e...volution B.) molecular clocks C.) phylogenetic trees D.) bipedalism E.) gene pool Answer: C.) phylogenetic trees The process by which Earth's lifeforms have changed from their earliest beginnings to today is... A. Evolution B. Chemistry C. Natural Selection D. Geographic Distribution E. Comparative Anatomy Answer: A. Evolution Which one is the structural unit of compact bone? A. Periosteum B. Osteocytes

C. Central canal D. Bone marrow E. Osteon Answer: E What are fontanels? A. The small bones of the hand B. Pads of fibrocartilage that help cushion the bones of the vertebral column C. Fibrous connective tissue that connects the bones of the cranium before and shortly after birth D. The light-absorbing pigments in the photoreceptors called Rods E. Inverse agonists at the benzodiazepine receptor Answer: C Bones function in: A. Support B. Movement C. Protection D. Storage of Minerals and Fat E. All of the above Answer: E What are tendons? A. Bands of connective tissue that attach bone to bone B. Cartilage disks C. Bands of muscle D. Bands of connective tissue that attach muscle to bone E. Bones in the foot Answer: D What is an abnormal growth of cells that can form a mass of tissue? a. mole b. pimple c. tumor d. hive answer: c. tumor What is the removal and analysis of a small piece of tissue suspected to be cancerous? a. tumor marker test b. biopsy c. genetic test d. radiation answer: b. biopsy Which of these is not a convention...al method for treating cancer? a. showering b. surgery c. radiation d. chemotherapy answer: a. showering What Is the function of cornea? A) to see B) protect the eye C) refracts light focusing on the retina . D) rounded lens E) none of the above answer c what is the inner ear? a. hair cell b. radiowave c. window

d. transmitter e. all the above answer d what is the function of the eardrum? A) vibrates in respons...e to sound waves B) loudness and pitch C) transmitting D) d all the above E) none of the above answer a To build muscle tone and mass, you have to make your muslces exert ___% of their maximum force. a)50 b)65 c)75 d)85 e)90 answer: C What neurons conduct information towards the brain and spinal cord? a.Sensory neurons b. Motor neurons c. Interneurons d. None of the above e. All of the above answer: A Which is not a... benefit of exercise? a.improving the heart b. improving the blood vessels c. increasing strength d. improved mood e. an increase in fat answer: E Unlike neurons, glial cells are able to _____. a. reproduce b. attack viruses c. manage body temperature d. undergo photosynthesis e. all of the above answer: A Painful damage to a ligament is called a ______. A. Break B. Osteoporosis C. Fragment D. Sprain E. Rupture Answer: D. Sprain The thalamus functions in the following, EXCEPT: a)motor activity b) smell c)memory d)taste E) none of the above Answer (b) Central nervous system is abbreviated... a)nnn B)CNS C)asa D)LOL answer (b)

The brain is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ command center a)army b)central c)tv d)center answer (b) The cerebrum is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ part of the brain a)dumbest b)biggest c)hollowest d) none of the above answer (b)

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