Eso1 Hw

  • May 2020
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The future Exercise 1

Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (/). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space. They're probably going to knock the building down. √ We are be going to get a dog soon. be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The bus is leaves at eight twenty. The doors of the theatre are about to open. The meeting will be start at half past seven. The festival is for to take place in June. My friend will be calling here tomorrow morning. We were going to eat in the restaurant, but it was full. I have to register for my course before the classes will begin. I will to have finished lunch by two o'clock.

Exercise 2 Put in a form of the verb. Use the future continuous (will be doing), the future perfect (will have done) or was/were going to. ► It's quite a long way, isn't it? We'// have walked (walk) about five miles by the time we get back, I'd say. 1 It'll be better if you don't ring at one o'clock. We………………………….. ... (have) lunch then. 2 I………………. .......... (drive) over and see you, but there's something wrong with the car. 3 I've got loads of work. I expect I ..................... (work) all night. And I'm not looking forward to it. 4 I'll have much more time next week because I…………………………….. (do) all my exams then. 5 We……………………………… (buy) that computer game, but they don't make it for the kind of computer we've got. 6 I know you'll put on a wonderful show. You .............(have) so much practice by the time you perform it that it's sure to be brilliant. Exercise 3 Complete the conversation. Use will, be going to or a present tense. Choose the best form. Sometimes more than one answer is correct. Peter: Hello. Where are you going? Polly: To my evening class. I'm learning Swedish. And next week (►) /'// have (I / have) a chance to speak it for real. (1)……………………………… (I / go) to Sweden for three weeks. (2)………………………………. (I / leave) on Friday. (3)……………………………… (I / visit) some friends there. Peter: (4) …………………………… (that / be) nice. Polly: Well, I'd better hurry. My lesson (5) ..................... (start) at half past seven, and it's twenty-five past now. Peter: OK. Come and see me when (6) .................................... (you / get) back from Sweden. Polly: Thanks. (7) ............................(I / send) you a postcard.

Modal verbs Exercise 1 Decide which word is correct. ► Could I have some more tea, please? a) Could b) Shall c) Will d) Would 1 Everyone's asleep. We…………….. make a noise. a) couldn't b) mustn't c) needn't d) wouldn't 2 you like to go for a ride with us? a) Do b) Should c) Will d) Would 3 I wonder if this is the right way. lt notbe. a) can b) could c) might d) must 4 I don't think I want to see this film. ~ Oh, I think you…………….. enjoy it a) can b) shall c) will d) would 5 I'm quite happy to walk. You ....... drive me home. a) don't b) haven't c) mustn't d) needn't 6 1 show you the way? ~ Oh, thank you. a) Do b) Shall c) Will d) Would 7 It's late. I think we ......... better go. a) had b) have c) should d) would 8 We all tried to push the van, but it…………….. move. a) can't b) couldn't c) won't d) wouldn't Exercise 2 Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (/). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space. I won't be able to come to the meeting. / We didn't needn't have watered the garden because it's raining, didn't 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Would you like to be in the team? Did people have to bring their own sleeping-bags? I could to ski when I was quite young. Would you mind for checking these figures? We may be go swimming tomorrow. 1 knew that I would be sorry later. If you had fallen, you could have been hurt yourself. We're not supposed to use this entrance. You don't have to do all the work yourself. Anna wasn't be allowed to take photos.

Exercise 3 Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets. ► Perhaps Susan knows the address, (may) Susan may know the address. 1 We should be careful, (ought) 2 I managed to finish all my work, (able) 3 I realize that it was a terrible experience for you. (must) 4 It's against the rules for players to have a drink, (allowed)

Conditionals 1 Type l and type 2

Complete the conversation. Put in the correct form of the verb. You may need to use will or would. Matthew: I haven't forgotten your birthday, you know. If you like, I'll book (I / book) a table for Thursday at our favourite restaurant. Emma: My birthday is on Wednesday, Matthew. You're playing basketball then, aren't you? If you cared for me, (1)…………………………….. (you / not / play) basketball on my birthday. Matthew: What's the difference? If (2)………………………………. (we / go) out on Thursday, it'll be just the same. If (3)………………………………. (I / not / play), I'd be letting the team down. Emma: Yes, I suppose (4)………………………………...(it / be) a disaster if you missed one game. Well, if (5) …………………. (you / think) more of your friends than you do of me, you can forget the whole thing. Matthew: I just don't understand you sometimes, Emma. Emma: If (6)………………………. (you / think) about it, you'd understand. And I think (7)………………………………(it / be) better if we forgot all about my birthday. Matthew: Don't be silly, Emma. If you get into one of your bad moods, (8) …………………………………(it / not / do) any good. Emma: If you were interested in my feelings, (9) ........ ………. (I / not / get) into a bad mood.

2 Type 2 and type 3

Complete the conversations. Put in the correct form of the verb. Use the past simple, the past perfect, would, or would have. ► Mike: You look tired. Harriet: Well, if you hadn't woken (you / not / wake) me up in the middle of the night, I wouldn't be (I / not be) so tired. 1 Rita: Is Trevor a practical person? Laura: Trevor? No, he isn't. If .. ……………………. (he / be) practical, …………………………….(he / put) those shelves up a bit quicker. It took him ages. 2 Tom: Why are you sitting in the dark? David: Let's just say that if ..................................(I / pay) my electricity bill last month, ................................... (I / not be) in the dark now. 3 Matthew: Why are you so angry with me? All I did yesterday was play basketball. Emma: If ................................. (you / love) me, …………………………….(you / not / leave) me here all alone on my birthday.

THE PASSIVE VOICE Exercise 1 Change the sentences from active to passive (uses especially indirect passive).

1. Doctors use this medicine widely. 2. They deliver milk before 8 a.m. 3. When I came to the service station, they were still repairing my car. 4. Jack walked to school yesterday. 5. Don't worry, our people will meet the group at the airport. 6. This man is installing a new xerox in the office. 7. We stayed in a three-star hotel. 8. The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they confused the names which the witness had given them. 9. They threw him into prison and deprived him of his property. 10. The leaves fell to the ground. 11. Have you received the message yet? 12. People are destroying large areas of forest every day. 13. Mary's cat ran away last week. 14.I hope they will have completed the repairs by tomorrow. 15. Some people were using the tennis court, so we couldn't play. 16. No one has solved that problem yet. 17. Did someone invite you to the party? 18. I agree with you, gentlemen. 19. This news surprised me. 20. Mr. Lee will teach this class.

Question Tags

1 Question Tags You are at a barbecue. Add tags to help start a friendly conversation. These sausages are delicious, aren't they7. ~ They certainly are. You haven't lived here long, have you ? ~ No, only three months. 1 It's quite a big garden, ...................... ? ~ Yes, there's plenty of room. 2 There aren't many people here yet,........................ ? ~ No, but it's still quite early. 3 You're Rachel's friend,...................... ? ~ Yes, I'm Vicky. 4 You came in a sports car, .....................? ~ That's right. 5 These burgers look good,........................ ? ~ I can't wait to try them. 6 We can sit on the grass, .........................? ~ I think it's dry enough. 7 The weather forecast wasn't very good, ……………………………..? ~ No, it wasn't. 2 Question Tags Complete the conversation. Put in the question tags. Emma: You don't really want to go out with me any more, do you7. Matthew: Of course I do. But I need a bit of time to myself sometimes. Emma: You get plenty of time to yourself, (1)............... ? Matthew: Emma, you know what I feel for you. I've told you enough times, (2) ................... ? Emma: Yes, you have. And you're quite happy, (3) ............ ? You don't mind, (4) ....................... ? The situation doesn't bother you, (5) ............... ? Matthew: Why are we arguing? There's nothing to argue about, (6)………………………….... ? Emma: You can't ever look at things from my point of view, (7) .......................................................................................... ……………………... ?

3 Requests and suggestions What would you say in these situations? Write sentences with a question tag. Use the word in brackets. ► You want to look at a newspaper. Daniel might have one, so ask him. (haven't) You haven't got a newspaper, have you? 1 Suggest to Vicky that you both listen to some music. (Let's) 2 Warn David not to do anything silly. (Don't) 3 You need a train timetable. Emma might have one, so ask her. (haven't) 4 Ask Rachel to pass you the salt. (Pass)

Relative clauses Exercise Decide which word or phrase is correct. ► What I really need is a long holiday. a) that b) what c) which d) who 1 At last I've found the information that I was looking a) for b) for it c) for that d) it 2 Everyone………………………. the building was searched by the police. a) enter b) entered c) entering d) enters 3 The plane……………………… has just taken off is an hour late. a) it b) what c) which d) who 4 I had just one reply. Abco was the………………………. company to reply to my letter. a) last b) most c) only d) second 5 My friend Nigel,………………………. works in the City, earns much more than I do. a) that b) which c) who d) whose 6 Martin is someone with ............................. I usually agree. a) him b) that c) who d) whom 7 I'd like to see the photo……………….. a) took b) you took it c) that you took d) that you took it 8 Atlanta is the city……………………… the Olympic Games were held in 1996. a) that b) when c) where d) which 9 It rained all the time, ................................. was a great pity. a) that b) what c) which d) who 10 We passed shops …………………… ... windows were decorated for Christmas. a) the b) their c) which d) whose

CAUSATIVE HAVE – HAVE SOMETHING DONE 1 Have something done Look at the pictures and say what people are doing or what they did. Use these phrases: her photo, his windows, his car, her eyes, his hair Use these verbs: dean, cut, repair, take, test

► 1 2 3 4

At the moment Trevor is having his hair cut. Last week Mike................................................................................................................... At the moment Melissa ..................................................................................................... Yesterday David................................................................................................................... At the moment Rachel ...................................................................................................

2 Have something done Read about each situation and write sentences with have something done. ► Melanie is paying the man who has repaired her bicycle. Melanie has had her bicycle repaired. 1 David went to the hospital. A nurse bandaged his arm. 2 Daniel is going to the dentist. She's going to fill his tooth. 3 Laura is walking around town while her photos are being developed.

Reported Speech (Questions) Reported questions These people are at the tourist information centre. What do they want to know?

Example: She wants to know what the most interesting sights are. Example: He wants to know if the centre has got a town plan. 1 ……………………………………………………….…. 2 ……………………………………………………………. 3 …………………………………………………………... 4 ..........................................................................................

Asking for information You need information. Ask for it using Could you tell me ... ? or Do you know . . . ? ►Where are the toilets? (tell) Could you tell me where the toilets are? 1 Can I park here? (know) 2 How long does the film last? (tell) 3 How often do the buses run? (know) 4 Are we allowed to smoke? (know) 5 What time is the flight? (tell) 6 How much does a ticket cost? (tell) The tense change Barry Douglas, Zedco Chief Executive, is talking to a reporter about his business career. He can still remember his first job interview after leaving school. Interviewer: Barry: ? ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

'Where do you live?' 'Have you worked before?' 'Why do you want the job?' 'How did you hear about it?' 'Are you fit?' 'Can you work on Saturdays?' 'How will you travel to work?' 'Have you got a bicycle?' 'How much do you hope to earn?' 'When can you start?'

The interviewer asked me where I lived. She asked me if I had worked before. She wanted to know I remember she asked She wondered Then she asked me She wanted to know And she asked me She also asked And finally she asked

Comparative and superlative Exercise 1 Write the comparative form of the words in brackets. Example: They've made these chocolate bars smaller (small). Example: Sport is more interesting (interesting) than politics. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Can't you think of anything ........................ (intelligent) to say? Well, the place looks.................................(clean) now. Janet looks ……………………………… (thin) than she did. You need to draw it…………………...... (carefully). The weather is getting ............................... (bad). The programme will be shown at a .......................... (late) date. I can't stay .............................(long) than half an hour. A mobile phone would be a ....................... (useful) present. I'll try to finish the job ......................... (soon). It was ……………………………… (busy) than usual in town today. I'll be even ……………………………. . (annoyed) if you do that again. Since the break-in I feel ............................... (nervous).

Exercise 2 Write the superlative form of the words in brackets. Example: It's the shortest (short) day of the year. Example: It's the most beautiful (beautiful) building in the world. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

That was the .................................. (funny) film I've ever seen. It was the ……………............... (horrible) feeling I've ever had. Have you read her ………. .................... (recent) book? It's the ............................... (large) company in the country. It was the ………………………………. (boring) speech I've ever heard. You've got the .......................... (far) to travel. That's the ................................... (helpful) idea so far. The factory uses the ............................. (modern) production methods. This is the …………………………… (early) I've ever got up. It was the .....…………. ............ (sad) day of my life.

Exercise 3 Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a sentence is correct put a tick (/). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary word out of the sentence and write it in the space. Example: I've got the least powerful computer in the world. √ Example: London is mere bigger than Birmingham. More 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Silver isn't as expensive as gold. Indian food is the nicer than Chinese, I think. The telephone is one of the most useful inventions ever I feel a much better now, thank you. The longer you wait, so the harder it'll be. The piano is heavier than the sofa. This is the most quickest way to the hotel. You're taller than he is. Who is the cleverest student in of the class? The weather is getting hotter and more hotter.

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