Error Path Testcases Dt2

  • November 2019
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@DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - DCS Spooling - During a spooling session, switchover the port and ensure DCS withstands. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043527 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, DCS, Spooling, switchover @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that during spooling, if switchover happens, DCS starts spooling from the other card. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that after switchover the port DCS register and start spooling with newly active port. Setup 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 2. BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y  ch pr  act pr 3. Successfully provisioned BcnIwfIf under BcnIwf.  add Biwf/x if/y  set Biwf/x if/y subnetAccessName Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d 4. Successfully provisioned Tr under BcnIwfIf.  add Biwf/x if/y tr/25  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 queryInitRange 5  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 queryInitEbscId 8  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 trafficRange 25  ch pr  act p 5. Successfully provision BtsIf,inSa and egSa.  add Biwf/x if/y tr/25 BtsIf/y  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 BtsIf/y btsIpAddress

 set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 BtsIf/y egressBroadcastAddressFilter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15  add biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y egSa/0  add biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y InSa/0  set biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y egSa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1  set biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y InSa/0 spi 261, keyIndex 1  ch pr  act pr 6. There should not be any SWERRs/alarms. 7. Egress routes reported from IP Serving 4pGeMSW card. 8. Verify that BcnIwf is registered with DCS using following command:  Login to serving card.  os rlogin “card8”  set unsafe  set promote  r  dispBcnIwfif  Verify BcnIwfIfState state must be serving Ouput: BcnIwfIfState : Serving BcnIwfMateIfState: NonServing  dispBcnIwfIf  Verify DCS Registered field must be True. Output: DCS Registered : True Procedure 1. Wait for the DCS probe. 2. During DCS probe, lock the eth port of the nextHop associated with the serving card. Expected Result 1. Verify that on nextHop whose eth port is locked, changes the BcnIwfIfState to NonServing. 2. Verify that previously IP NonServing now changes to IP Serving. 3. Verify that newly Ip Serving BcnIwfIf registers with DCS. 4. Verify that Ip NonServing BcnIwfIf (previously Serving) deregisters with DCS. 5. Verify that when next DCS probe occurs, the data is spooled from newly IP Serving card. Cleanup None @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX

@TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Hierchical Clear - Ensure all alarms raised against deleted components are cleared in BSSM by hierchical clear command issued from ebsc. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043526 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, hierarchical, BSSM, alarms @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that when BCN components are deleted and have outstanding alarms against them, a hierarchical clear alarm is issued by Bcn component so that BSSM clears all the outstanding alarms from its active alarm list. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that if there are outstanding alarms and Hierchical Clear – raised during LP switch-over then ensure all alarms raised against deleted components are cleared in BSSM by hierchical clear command issued from ebsc. Setup This test case assumes that if needed patch will be used to generate alarm wherever needed and wherever applicable tools will be used to generate alarms. 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. Procedure 1. Use the patch to generate BcnIwf LNS Registration Failure alarm by BcnIwf component.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y  ch pr  act pr 2. Use Msb Tools to generate BcnIwfIf Datapath Allocation Failure.  Determine the ip address using the command on passport. l Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/* ouput: Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d  Change the output IP address a.b.c.d. into hexadecimal value (0xefgh).

 Login to both cards and create msbTunnelGrp using below command. a. msbTestIpTunnelGrpAllocate 0xefgh  Verify that msbTunnelGrp allocated successfully using command on card: a. printAllIpTunnelGrps  Provision the bcnIwfIf component: a. Add biwf/x if/y b. set Biwf/x if/y subnetAccessName Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d c. ch p d. act p  Verify that BcnIwfIf component is successfully provisioned. 3. Use Msb Tools to generate BtsIf Datapath setup Failure. For this, need to create maximum MsbIpTunnels in the MSB and then try to provision BtsIf.  Login on the 4pGeMSW card and find which one is IP Serving.  os rlogin “card4”  r  dispBcnIwfIf Details For If/0: Details For BcnIwfIfIf: *************************************** BcnIwfIfState: Serving BcnIwfMateIfState: NonServing  Login to serving card and run the command from eggshell “dispBcnIwfIf” to find out nextHop address.  dispBcnIwfIf 0 1 --------------------------------------------------------| NhIp | LCI | Card# | Port | Metric | Status| --------------------------------------------------------My Nh 0 4 0 1 0 ----------------------------------------------------------Mate Nh 0 5 3 2 0  Run the command “printIpTunnelGrp 1” on FP card to find out the localIpAddress.  Card 4 -> printIpTunnelGrp 1 channelId = 1, incarnation = 1, channelType = IpTunnelGrp (21), state = Enabled LocalIpAddr = 0xa1f05c9 or [], FcIpFwdId = 0x0, NumOfIpTunnels = 1,  Now, create 512 MsbIptunnels under the Tunnel Grp as seen in above step.

i. msbTestCreatIpTunnelGrp localIpAddress, 512, hex value of nextHop, use the LCI from output in step 2 (in this case 0).  Verify that 512 tunnels are created successfully. i. printAllIpTunnels  Now provision BtsIf with inSa and egSA. 4. Ensure that the above alarms are seen on the BSSM Active alarm list. 5. Now, delete BcnIwf component  del biwf/0  act prov Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwf component and its subcomponent get successfully deprovisioned. 2. Verify that BcnIwf and its subcomponents issue a hier clear for all alarms to be cleared by BSSM. 3. Verify that BSSM clears all the outstanding alarms. Cleanup None @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify Add Egress route failure and corresponding alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043379 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, AER, Failure, alarm @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if BcnIwf receives AddEgressRoute Failure message from BRM, BcnIwf generates AddEgressRoute Failure alarm (alarm Index = 70690121). @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that BcnIwf generates AddEgressRoute Failure alarm with alarmIndex 70690121 when it receives AddEgressRouteNack message from BRM.

Also, verify that BcnIwf egress routes are not added to RouteTable and neither audited by BRM. Setup 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 2. BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration. 3. BcnIwfIf, Tr, BtsIf provisioned under BcnIwf. 4. No egress routes should be present in BRM. 5. There should not be any AddEgressRoute Failure alarm against BcnIwf component. 6. The following configuration should be used for provisioning BtsIf, inSa and egSA on the passport 10> d -p bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 Biwf/3 If/0 Tr/1 queryInitRange = 5 queryInitEBscId = 4 trafficRangeGroup = 0 trafficRange = 1 bcnRoutingVersion = v1 ->d -p bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 Biwf/3 If/0 Tr/1 BtsIf/0 btsIpAddress = egressBroadcastAddressFilter = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 thresholdRxIpPacketLoss = lower : 0 % upper : 0 % thresholdAbsoluteRxIpPacketLoss = lower : 0 upper : 0 thresholdRxAverageIpPacketLoss = lower : 0 % upper : 0 % thresholdAbsoluteRxAverageIpPacketLoss = lower : 0 upper : 0 8> d -p bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 insa/0 Biwf/3 If/0 Tr/1 BtsIf/0 InSA/0 securityParameterIndex = 290 keyIndex = 0 ok 2007-12-28 04:59:17.24 9> d -p bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 egsa/0 Biwf/3 If/0 Tr/1 BtsIf/0 EgSA/0 securityParameterIndex = 290 keyIndex = 0 Procedure 1. Identify the BAR & Dei to be added to Route Table using BcnIf Simulator Tool on CP. To start the BcnIfSim Tool on CP, use  callx startBcnIfSim 1 You should see as below -- ProcessBcnIfSim initialization -- Messaging self to query LNS for BRM pid -- Try to find LNS entry for BRM process -- Sending request...

-- Found LNS entry -- Normal reply -- BRM pid retrieved and stored -- Ready for route addition... 2. Add the following Bar/DEI using BcnIfSim AddRoute command to BRM. callx addNewRoute 0x040000 0x172000 1 0 4 callx addNewRoute 0x050000 0x172000 1 0 4 callx addNewRoute 0x060000 0x172000 1 0 4 callx addNewRoute 0x070000 0x172000 1 0 4 3. Ensure that Routes get added to Route Table as below. ->callx dispAllTRRoutes Traffic Table routeId bar bar(hex)dei ownerPid bcnIf inst# Pinst del ms rr routeStatus trg 0x10000000 262144 0x040000 0x172000 0x000000 BtsIf 0 00000 1 0 0x10100000 327680 0x050000 0x172000 0x000000 BtsIf 0 00000 1 1 0 0x10200000 393216 0x060000 0x172000 0x000000 BtsIf 0 00000 1 1 0 0x10300000 458752 0x070000 0x172000 0x000000 BtsIf 0 00000 1 1 0

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1









4. Now provision egSa and inSa under BtsIf.  add bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 egSa/0  add bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 inSa/0  set bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 egSa/0 spi 290, keyIndex 0  set bcnIwf/3 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 inSa/0 spi 290, keyIndex 0  ch prov  act prov 5. Turn on debug traces on by logging to IP Serving 4pGeMSW card.  dbg_addTrc “” 10 Expected Result 1. Verify that egress routes are added on IP Serving 4pGeMSW card.  dispBcnIwfEAConns 1 2. The following The following debug traces should be seen from BcnIwfBrmHandler The BRM Handler receive the message bcnEgressRoutesNackMsg_c. 0 => BcnBaseBrmHandler::handleEgressRoutesNackMsg_v (line 936) Received Egress Routes Nacked 0: BarDeiErrV: bar: 262144 failType: ERR 1: BarDeiErrV: bar: 327680 failType: ERR 2: BarDeiErrV: bar: 393216 failType: ERR

3: BarDeiErrV: bar: 458752 failType: ERR BcnIwfProcess: In at 969: BrmMessageNack ErrorReason = 0x5


3. Verify that BcnIwf routes are not added to Route Table. 4. Verify that the below alarm is seen. Biwf/3; 2007-12-28 03:53:10.55 MSG major processing configurationError 70690121 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000006 Rel: Lp/8 Com: Failed to add egress routes for this BcnIf. Probable cause : Duplicate BcnIf configuration data. Please examine the following failed entries. TP BAR RC TRG TR 1 5 0 TR 1 5 0 TR 1 5 0 TR 1 5 0 Cleanup 1. Delete the egress routes added from using simulator using below command and verify if they are removed from BRM RT. os set unsafe set promote delRoute__15ProcessBcnIfSimUiUi 0x040000 0x172000 delRoute__15ProcessBcnIfSimUiUi 0x050000 0x172000 delRoute__15ProcessBcnIfSimUiUi 0x060000 0x172000 delRoute__15ProcessBcnIfSimUiUi 0x070000 0x172000 @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BCN - VR Communication Failure due to LNS not able to rpely back with VR PID. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043378 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, VR PID, Failure, alarm @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if LNS is unable to reply back with correct VR PID or doesn’t respond at all for VR PID,

BcnIwfIf times out after max attempts and raises BcnIwfIf Initialization Failure alarm. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that if BcnIwfIf fails to get positive response from LNS for VR PID or LNS itself doesn’t send any response for VR PID, BcnIwfIf doesn’t initialize and generates Initialization Failure alarm. Setup This testcase will use a patch to block LNS Request Response for VR PID by making code changes. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Passport with 4pGeMSW card in pair, provisioned under DLEP. VR is properly configured and is registered with LNS. BcnIwf successfully provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair. There should not be any alarms/SWERRs/TRAPS on the passport shelf.

Procedure 1. Provision BcnIwfIf component.  add biwf/1 if/0  set biwf/1 if/0 subnetAccessName Vr/ipbh PP/ipbhSA Ipport logicalIf/  ch p  act p Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwfIf successfully gets provisioned. 2. Verify that BcnIwfIf identifies the VR instance from its provData and sends PID request message to LNS. 3. Verify that BcnIwfIf times out to receive correct PID from LNS and generates Initialization Failure alarm. Cleanup None @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BcnIwf delete scenario. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043525 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, bcnIwf, delete

@Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that when BcnIwf is deleted, Bcniwf successfully deprovisions and there are no memory leaks, alarms or SWERRs. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that after BcnIwf is deprovisioned, BcnIwf is successfully deleted without any memory leaks/SWERRs/ or any other alarms. Setup This test case uses memory Tool to verify memory leaks. 9. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 10.Login to both cards and run the blow command to load & configure the memLeakTool.  set promote  verLoad "memTool"  memToolConfig "a" 1 11.BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y  ch pr  act pr 12.Successfully provisioned BcnIwfIf under BcnIwf.  add Biwf/0 if/0  set Biwf/0 if/0 subnetAccessName Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d 13.Successfully provisioned Tr under BcnIwfIf.  add Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25  set Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 queryInitRange 5  set Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 queryInitEbscId 8  set Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 trafficRange 25  ch pr  act p 14.Successfully provision BtsIf,inSa and egSa.  add Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 BtsIf/0  set Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 BtsIf/0 btsIpAddress  set Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 BtsIf/0 egressBroadcastAddressFilter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15  add biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 egSa/0

 add biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 InSa/0  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 egSa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 InSa/0 spi 261, keyIndex 1  ch pr  act pr 15.There should not be any SWERRs/alarms. 16.Egress routes reported from IP Serving 4pGeMSW card. Procedure 1. Delete BcnIwf component.  del bcnIwf/x  ch p  act p Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwf & other subcomponents get deprovisined successfully. 2. Verify that there are no unwanted SWERRs/TRAPS or alarms from BcnIwf or its subcomponents. 3. Verify that there is no memory leak related to BcnIwf process. Use the following command to get a snapshot of the memory.  safeMemAudit tf The output will be as follows. Normal Local Partition Pool: 1 Blk

Hdr Addr


St Ty


Owner [User]

----- ---------- -------- -- -- ------------------------------2 0x1a7a2dd8 2448 A u 0x125dd301 unknown owner type 3 0x1a7a3768 4240 A u 0x125dd301 unknown owner type 4 0x1a7a47f8 1680 A u 0x125dd301 unknown owner type 5 0x1a7a4e88 2960 A u 0x125dd301 unknown owner type 92 0x1a7ad758 1528 A t 0x1a7c0f08 trlogOutTask [] 94 0x1a7ae630 1528 A t 0x1a7c0f08 trlogOutTask [] 4. To verify if the unknown owner type as shown above belong to BcnIwf, do the following. Verify that the stack trace doesn’t show anything related to BcnIwf, BcnIwfIf, BcnIwfTr, BtsIf, inSa,egSa.

   

memToolShow memToolShow memToolShow memToolShow

0x1a7a2dd8 0x1a7a3768 0x1a7a47f8 0x1a7a4e88

Cleanup None @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BcnIwf If Datapath deallocation failure. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043376 @TS_TESTER:|: ssumit @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: ssumit @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, BcnIwfIfDatapath, TunnelGrp, deallocation failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that when BcnIwfIf failed to deallocate the datapath, it generates a Datapath Deallocation failure alarm. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that when BcnIwfIf fails to deallocate the datapath during deprovisioning, it generates Datapath Deallocation Failure alarm. Setup This testcase uses MSB Tool to deallocate BcnIwfIf Datapath (BcnIwfIf Allocated MsbIpTunnelGrp) prematurely and then tries to deallocate MsbIpTunnelGrp when BcnIwfIf is deprovisioned 1. Passport with 4pGeMSW card in pair, provisioned on DLEP. 2. BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair. 3. BcnIwfIf/y provisioned under BcnIwf/x. 4. BcnIwfIf successfully allocated Datapath. Use the following MSB API to verify the TunnelGrp is Enabled.  printAllIpTunnelGrps 5. Ensure that there are no Datapath related alarms from BcnIwfIf. Procedure 1. Deallocate the MsbIpTunnelGrp using MSB tool. Get the TunnelGrp Channel Id from foll API.  os rlogin “card8”  set unsafe  set promote  printAllIpTunnelGrps gives all MsbIpTunnelGrps

 msbTestIpTunnelGrpDeallocate where chan ID is TunneGrp Id from previous command. 2. Ensure that the following message is seen on eggShell of the 4pGeMSW card “The call succeeded”. 3. Ensure that there is no more MsbIpTunnelGrp except with chan Id as zero.  printAllIpTunnelGrps 4. Deprovision BcnIwfIf  del biwf/1 if/0  ch prov  act prov Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwfIf component is successfully deprovisioned. 2. Verify that BcnIwfIf component fails to deallocate the datapath and generates the following alarm. Shelf Card/8 SpServ; 2008-01-08 00:55:05.37 MSG warning processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120300 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: hotStandby UNKNW: false Id: 010000A6 Rel: Com: Lp/8; 2008-01-08 00:55:05.22 MSG minor processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690247 Id: 08000010 Rel: Lp/8 Int: 8/1/2/30917;; 261; N1609BA OrigCom: BcnIwfIf Datapath Deallocation Failed Int: 1/0/2/20459;; 519; N1609BA 3. Verify that there is no more MsbIpTunnelGrp except with chan Id as zero.  printAllIpTunnelGrps Cleanup

None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BcnIwf initilization Failure. This includes failed to register with LNS or BRM PID Request or request Mate PID from LNS. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043377 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, BcnIwf, initialization, failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual

@UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that when BcnIwf fails to initialize, it raises BcnIwf Initialization Failure alarm and remaisn un-initialized. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that if BcnIwf failed to register with LNS or unable to receive PID from BRM or fails to register with BRM as ingress agent, BcnIwf will not initialize successfully. Setup This testcase uses createFake Tool to create fake ISA and register them with BRM. Since this will fill up the ISA Table, BcnIwf when provisioned will not register successfully with BRM as Ingress Agent. 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 2. Ensure that there are 128 ISA processes already registerdd with BRM. In other words, BRM ISA Table should be full. 3. For this, login to CP card.  os rlogin  set unsafe  set promote  Run the below command which will create 128 fake ISA and register all of them with BRM. callx createFake 128, 1, 0, 30 [First parameter is for creating no of ISA(in this case 128 and its maximum limit). Second parameter is for registration of fake ISA with BRM (1== register with BRM). Fourth parameter is for BAR type specified for fake ISA.(16==Q/I, 8==traffic, 4==broadcast etc… )]

4. Ensure that ISA Table is full. On CP, do the following callx dispISA Procedure 1. Provision BcnIwf component.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y  ch pr  act pr Expected Result

1. Verify that BcnIwf component provisioned successfully. 2. Verify that BcnIwf fails to register with BRM as ingress agent and raises the alarm. The alarm will be raised by both BcnIwf processes on 4pGeMSW card pair. Lp/4; 2008-01-21 17:09:13.43 SET critical processing commProtocolError 70690201 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 04000079 Rel: Lp/4 Com: BCN Ingress Registration Failure Int: 4/0/2/7838;; 841; N1609BC38 Shelf Card/5 SpServ; 2008-01-21 17:09:13.44 MSG warning processing commProtocolError 70120300 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: hotStandby UNKNW: false Id: 010000EB Rel: Com: Lp/5; 2008-01-21 17:09:13.43 SET critical processing commProtocolError 70690201 Id: 05000077 Rel: Lp/5 Int: 5/1/2/7582;; 841; N1609BC38 OrigCom: BCN Ingress Registration Failure Int: 1/1/2/6379;; 519; N1609BC

3. Login to both the FP cards and run the below commands to verify that BcnIwf process BcnIwfProcessState state must be WaitingForIARegistration.  os rlogin “card4”  r  Card 5 -> dispBcnIwf 1 BcnIwIfProcess BcnIwfProcess Pid : 0xa29d9e BcnIwfProcessState: WaitingForISARegistration BRM Pid Available : True ISA Registered : False MateCommunicationUp: Up LNS Registration Attempts: 0  exit  os rlogin “card4”  r  Card 4 -> dispBcnIwf 1 BcnIwIfProcess BcnIwfProcess Pid : 0xa29d9e BcnIwfProcessState: WaitingForISARegistration

BRM Pid Available : True ISA Registered : False MateCommunicationUp: Up LNS Registration Attempts: 0 4.

Verify that no other alarm or swerr will come on passport.

Cleanup None @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BcnIwf self ingress routes setup failure and the alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043386 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, selfingress, routes, failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if BcnIwf fails to setup the self ingress routes, it generates Self ingress routes setup failure alarm. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that if BcnIwf fails to setup self ingress routes, these routes are not seen in BcnIwf Ingress Conn database and it also raises Self Ingress Routes Setup Failure alarm. Setup This testcase uses patch to simulate the self ingress route setup failure with the help of which the alarm can be verified. 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 2. No alarms exist with respect to BcnIwf or its subcomponents on the passport shelf. Procedure 1. BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y

 ch pr  act pr 2. Successfully provisioned BcnIwfIf under BcnIwf.  add Biwf/x if/y  set Biwf/x if/y subnetAccessName Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d 3. Successfully provisioned Tr under BcnIwfIf.  add Biwf/x if/y tr/25  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 queryInitRange 5  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 queryInitEbscId 8  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 trafficRange 25  ch pr  act p 4. Successfully provision BtsIf,inSa and egSa.  add Biwf/x if/y tr/25 BtsIf/y  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 BtsIf/y btsIpAddress  set Biwf/x if/y tr/25 BtsIf/y egressBroadcastAddressFilter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15  add biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y egSa/0  add biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y InSa/0  set biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y egSa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1  set biwf/x if/y tr/25 btsif/y InSa/0 spi 261, keyIndex 1  ch pr  act pr Expected Result 1. Verify that all Bcn components gets provisioned successfully. 2. Verify that BtsIf is able to setup egress routes and successfully report it to BRM. On CP =====  os  set unsafe  set promote  callx dispRT 3. Verify that BcnIwf fails to setup self ingress routes and raises the self ingress route setup failure alarm. 4. Verify that in BcnIwf ingress conn database, no ingress routes exists with routeId as 0xFFFFFFFF.  os rlogin “card8”  set unsafe  set promote  r  dispBcnIwfIAConnsDb

RouteID 0x5300000 0x05200000 0x05100000 0x05000000

Output: BAR DEI 0x570000 0xF727D3 0x560000 0xF727D2 0x550000 0xF727D1 0x540000 0xF727D0

MsbChannelID 0x00000003 0x00000002 0x00000001 0x00000000

Spared F F F F

Branch F F F F

Status U U U U


None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BcnIwf-x If-y delete scenario. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043524 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, BcnIwf, BcnIwfIf, delete @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if BcnIwf/x If/y is deleted, there are no alarms/SWERRs and memory leak of “unknown type” relating to BcnIwfIf. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that after deleting BcnIwfif and its subcomponents, there should not be any memory leaks. Setup This test case uses memory Tool to verify memory leaks. 3. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 4. Login to both cards and run the blow command to load & configure the memLeakTool.  set promote  verLoad "memTool"  memToolConfig "a" 1 5. BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration. 6. Successfully provisioned BcnIwfIf under BcnIwf. 7. Successfully provisioned Tr under BcnIwfIf. 8. Successfully provision BtsIf.

Procedure 1. Delete all the component till BcnIwf.  del bcnIwf/x if/y  ch p  act p Expected Result 2. Verify that there are no memory leaks related to BcnIwfIf, BcnIwfTr, BtsIf component. Use the following command to get a snapshot of the memory.  safeMemAudit tf The output will be as follows. Normal Local Partition Pool: 1 Blk

Hdr Addr


St Ty


Owner [User]

----- ---------- -------- -- -- ------------------------------2 3 4 5 92 94

0x1a7a2dd8 0x1a7a3768 0x1a7a47f8 0x1a7a4e88 0x1a7ad758 0x1a7ae630

2448 4240 1680 2960 1528 1528


u u u u t t

0x125dd301 0x125dd301 0x125dd301 0x125dd301 0x1a7c0f08 0x1a7c0f08

unknown owner type unknown owner type unknown owner type unknown owner type trlogOutTask [] trlogOutTask []

3. To verify if the unknown owner type as shown above belong to BcnIwf, do the following. Verify that the stack trace doesn’t show anything related to BcnIwf, BcnIwfIf, BcnIwfTr, BtsIf.

 memToolShow 0x1a7a2dd8 Cleanup None @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BcnIwfIf Datapath setup Failure (MsbIpTunnelGrp Allocate-Configure Failure). @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043375 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, TunnelGrp failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|:

@TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if BcnIwfIf fails to allocate/configure MsbIptunnelGrp (its datapath), it will raise Datapath Setup Failure alarm. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that when BcnIwfIf fails to allocate or configure MsbIpTunnelGrp (its datapath), it generates Datapath Setup Failure alarm. Setup This testcase uses MSB Tool to create MsbIpTunnelGrp with the ipSA with which BcnIwfIf will be linked later. As a result, when BcnIwfIf is provisioned later and linked with same logicalIf instance, it will result in allocation failure. 1. Passport with 4pGeMSW card in pair, provisioned on DLEP. 2. BcnIwf/x successfully provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y  ch pr  act pr 3. There should not be any MsbIpTunnelGrp allocated on either of the 4pGeMSW card.  os rlogin “cardx”  set unsafe  printAllIpTunnelGrps Procedure 1. Determine the ip address using the command on passport  l Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/* ouput: Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d  Change the output IP address a.b.c.d. into hexadecimal value (0xefgh). 2. Login to both cards and create msbTunnelGrp using below command.  msbTestIpTunnelGrpAllocate 0xefgh 3. Verify that msbTunnelGrp allocated successfully using command on card:  printAllIpTunnelGrps 4. Now, provision the bcnIwfIf component:  add biwf/x if/y  set Biwf/x if/y subnetAccessName Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d

Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwfIf component is successfully provisioned. 2. Verify that BcnIwfIf component fails to allocate the datapath and generates the following alarm. Lp/9; 2008-01-07 17:39:18.31 SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690203 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 09000021 Rel: Lp/9 Com: BcnIwfIf Datapath Setup Failure Int: 9/1/2/4543;; 217; N1609BC

3. Verify that in OSI state for BcnIwfIf component alarmStatus field should be critical. Cleanup None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BRM late reply. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043528 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, BRM, delay @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if BcnIwf receives late reply for ingress registration ack or egress routes Ack, it retries for certain attempts and if necessary raises an alarm to indicate the failure. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that if BcnIwf doesn’t receive response for certain number of times for ingress agent reg or AER reporting, it retries for certain number of times before raising any alarm. Setup This testcase will use a patch for blocking Ingress Agent Registration response for certain number of times. After few

attempts, the blocking will be removed and response message will be processed. 1. Passport with 4pGeMSW cards in pair, provisioned under DLEP Procedure 1. Provision BcnIwf component  add bcniwf/0  set biwf/0 logicalProcessor dlep/3  ch p  act p Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwf component is successfully provisioned. 2. Verify that BcnIwf retrieves BRM PID and sends Ingress Agent Registration message. 3. Verify that BcnIwf times out for receiving Ingress Agent registration response message and continues to retry. 4. Verify that once the blocking of ingress agent registration response message is removed, BcnIwf successfully processes the response and gets initialized successfully. Cleanup

None @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify BtsIf-BtsDcgIf Datapath setup failure and the alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043387 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, Datapath, setup, BtsIf, BtsDcg @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if BtsIf/BtsDcgIf fails to setup the datapath, a datapath setup Failure alarm is generated. Note that If multiple BtsIf/BtsDcgIf under the same Tr fail to setup the datapath, there will be only one outstanding alarm. However, the osiState (usageState, alarmStatus) of each failed BtsIf/BtsDcgIf will be updated. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal

Verify that if BtsIf-BtsDcgIf failed to setup Datapath then it generates the alarm. Setup This testcase uses MSB Tool to allocate maximum MsbIpTunnels using MsbIpTunnelGrp so that any new MsbIIpTunnel cannot be allocated resulting in BCN Datapath Allocation Failure. 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 2. Successfully provisioned BcnIwf/x on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration. 3. Successfully provisioned BcnIwfIf under BcnIwf. 4. Successfully provisioned Tr under BcnIwfIf. 5. Verify that no alarm or swerr related to BcnIwf on passport. Procedure 1. Login on the 4pGeMSW card and find which one is IP Serving.  os rlogin “card4”  r  dispBcnIwfIf Details For If/0: Details For BcnIwfIfIf: *************************************** BcnIwfIfState: BcnIwfMateIfState:

Serving NonServing

2. Login to serving card and run the command from eggshell “dispBcnIwfIf” to find out nextHop address.  dispBcnIwfIf 0 1 --------------------------------------------------------| NhIp | LCI | Card# | Port | Metric | Status| --------------------------------------------------------My Nh 0 4 0 1 0 ----------------------------------------------------------Mate Nh 0 5 3 2 0 3. Run the command “printIpTunnelGrp 1” on FP card to find out the localIpAddress.  Card 4 -> printIpTunnelGrp 1 channelId = 1, incarnation = 1, channelType = IpTunnelGrp (21), state = Enabled LocalIpAddr = 0xa1f05c9 or [], FcIpFwdId = 0x0, NumOfIpTunnels = 1, 4. Now, create 512 MsbIptunnels under the Tunnel Grp as seen in step 3.  msbTestCreatIpTunnelGrp localIpAddress, 512, hex value of nextHop, use the LCI from output in step 2. In this case 0.

        

5. Verify that 512 tunnels are created successfully.  printAllIpTunnels 6. Now provision BtsIf add Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 BtsIf/0 set Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 BtsIf/0 btsIpAddress set Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 BtsIf/0 egressBroadcastAddressFilter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 add biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 egSa/0 add biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 InSa/0 set biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 egSa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1 set biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 btsif/0 InSa/0 spi 261, keyIndex 1 ch pr act pr

Expected Result 1. Verify that BtsIf is successfully provisioned. 2. Verify that BtsIf fails to allocate a new MsbIpTunnel and generates the Datapath setup failure alarm. Lp/9; 2008-01-07 17:39:18.31 SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690100 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 09000021 Rel: Lp/9 Com: Datapath Setup Failure Int: 9/1/2/4543;; 1221; N1609BA 3. Verify that the OsiState alarmStatus is critical, adminStatus in unlocked and usageState is degraded/idle. 4. After the alarm is verified, now deprovision BtsIf.  del Biwf/0 if/0 tr/25 BtsIf/0  ch pr  act pr 5. Verify that BtsIf is successfully deprovisioned. 6. Verify that datapath setup failure alarm is cleared. CLR alarm will be appearing on passport: Lp/9; 2008-01-07 20:11:03.34 CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690100 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 09000018 Rel: Lp/9 Com: Clearing Datapath setup failure Int: 9/1/2/8147;; 1280; N1609BA Cleanup 1. Delete all already MsbIpTunnels. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify Eg SA Allocation failure and the alarm.

@TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043383 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, EgressSA, Allocation, Failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that when Egress SA fails to allocate, an egress SA Failed to allocate alarm is generated. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that when Egress SA fails to get allocated, an alarm is raised. Setup This testcase uses patch to fail the egress SA allocation since under normal circumstances this failureis hard to generate. 1. Passport with 4pGeMSW card pair configured in DLEP mode. 2. BcnIwf/x provisioned successfully on 4pGeMSW card pair. 3. BcnIwfIf/y provisioned under BcnIwf/x. 4. BcnIwfTr/z provisioned under BcnIwfIf/y. 5. BtsIwf/a provisioned under BcnIwfTr/z. 6. No Security Association provisioned under BtsIwf/a. Procedure 1. Provision egress security association under BtsIwf/a.  add biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 egsa/0  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 egsa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1  ch prov  act prov 2. After the alarm is verified on BtsIf, provision egSA under a BtsDcg and verify the alarm for the same.  add biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10 btsIp  add biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10 egSa/0  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 egsa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1  ch prov  act prov Expected Result

1. Verify that Egress SA fails to get allocated and the following alarm is raised. Alarm seen from CAS Active card Lp/8; 2007-12-11 07:35:08.97 SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690248 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000006 Rel: Lp/8 Com: Ip Authentication Egress SA Allocation Failure (spi = 260, keyIndex = 1) Int: 8/0/2/5845;; 723; N1609BB Alarm seen from CAS Standby card PROV 225> Shelf Card/9 SpServ; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.08 MSG warning processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120300 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: hotStandby UNKNW: false Id: 010000AB Rel: Com: Lp/9; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.07 SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690248 Id: 09000002 Rel: Lp/9 Int: 9/0/2/3285;; 723; N1609BB OrigCom: Ip Authentication Egress SA Allocation Failure (spi = 260,keyIndex = 1) Int: 1/1/2/17643;; 519; N1609BB 2. Verify that OsiState alarmStatus field of BtsIf under which the SA was provisioned. It should be set to critical.  d –o biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 osiState 3. After the Step 2 under Procedure is executed, verify that the OsiState alarmStatus field of BtsDcg is set to critical.  d –o biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10 osiState Cleanup

None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify Eg SA Deallocation failure and the alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043384 @TS_TESTER:|:

@TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, EgressSA, Deallocation, failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that when Egress SA fails to deallocate, an alarm is raised. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that when Egress SA fails to deallocate, an Egress SA Deallocation failure alarm is generated. This testcase uses patch to fail the Egress SA deallocation since under normal circumstances this failure is hard to generate. Setup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Passport with 4pGeMSW card pair configured in DLEP mode. BcnIwf/x provisioned successfully on 4pGeMSW card pair. BcnIwfIf/y provisioned under BcnIwf/x. BcnIwfTr/z provisioned under BcnIwfIf/y. BtsIwf/a provisioned under BcnIwfTr/z. Egress Security Association successfully provisioned under BtsIwf/a.

Procedure 1. Note down the OsiState alarm status of BtsIwf component. 2. Deprovision egress security association under BtsIwf/a.  del biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 egsa/0  ch prov  act prov 3. After verifying the Egress SA Dealloc failure under BtsIwf, verify the same under a BtsDcg. Expected Result 1. Verify that Egress SA fails to get deallocated and the following alarm is raised. Alarm seen from CAS Active card Lp/8; 2007-12-11 07:35:08.97 MSG minor processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690208 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL:

ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000006 Rel: Lp/8 Com: Ip Authentication Egress SA Deallocation Failure (spi = 260) Int: 8/0/2/5845;; 836; N1609BB Alarm seen from CAS Standby card PROV 225> Shelf Card/9 SpServ; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.08 MSG warning processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120300 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: hotStandby UNKNW: false Id: 010000AB Rel: Com: Lp/9; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.07 MSG minor processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690208 Id: 09000002 Rel: Lp/9 Int: 9/0/2/3285;; 836; N1609BB OrigCom: Ip Authentication Egress SA Allocation Failure (spi = 260) Int: 1/1/2/17643;; 519; N1609BB 2. Verify that the OsiState alarmStatus of BtsIf under which SA Dealloc failed is not changed. Cleanup None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify In SA Allocation failure and the alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043382 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, IngressSA, Allocation, failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if Ingress SA fails to allocate, an alarm is generated. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7

Objective/Goal Verify that when Ingress SA fails to get allocated, an alarm is raised. Setup This testcase uses patch to fail the Ingress SA allocation since under normal circumstances this failureis hard to generate. 1. Passport with 4pGeMSW card pair configured in DLEP mode. 2. BcnIwf/x provisioned successfully on 4pGeMSW card pair. 3. BcnIwfIf/y provisioned under BcnIwf/x. 4. BcnIwfTr/z provisioned under BcnIwfIf/y. 5. BtsIwf/a provisioned under BcnIwfTr/z. 6. No Security Association provisioned under BtsIwf/a. Procedure 1. Provision ingress security association under BtsIwf/a.  add biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 insa/0  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 insa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1  ch prov  act prov 2. After the alarm is verified on BtsIf, provision inSA under a BtsDcg and verify the alarm for the same.  add biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10 btsIp  add biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10 inSa/0  set biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 insa/0 spi 260, keyIndex 1  ch prov  act prov Expected Result 1. Verify that Ingress SA fails to get allocated and the following alarm is raised. Alarm seen from CAS Active card Lp/8; 2007-12-11 07:35:08.97 SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690207 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000006 Rel: Lp/8 Com: Ip Authentication Ingress SA Allocation Failure (spi = 260, keyIndex = 1) Int: 8/0/2/5845;; 723; N1609BB Alarm seen from CAS Standby card PROV 225> Shelf Card/9 SpServ; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.08

MSG warning processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120300 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: hotStandby UNKNW: false Id: 010000AB Rel: Com: Lp/9; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.07 SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690207 Id: 09000002 Rel: Lp/9 Int: 9/0/2/3285;; 723; N1609BB OrigCom: Ip Authentication Ingress SA Allocation Failure (spi = 260,keyIndex = 1) Int: 1/1/2/17643;; 519; N1609BB 2. Verify that OsiState alarmStatus field of BtsIf under which the SA was provisioned. It should be set to critical.  d –o biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 osiState 3. After the Step 2 under Procedure is executed, verify that the OsiState alarmStatus field of BtsDcg is set to critical.  d –o biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsDcg/10 osiState Cleanup

None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify In SA Deallocation failure and the alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043385 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, IngressSA, Deallocation, failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that when Ingress SA fails to deallocate, an alarm is generated. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that when Ingress SA fails to deallocate, an Ingress SA Deallocation failure alarm is generated.

This testcase uses patch to fail the Ingress SA deallocation since under normal circumstances this failureis hard to generate. Setup 7. Passport with 4pGeMSW card pair configured in DLEP mode. 8. BcnIwf/x provisioned successfully on 4pGeMSW card pair. 9. BcnIwfIf/y provisioned under BcnIwf/x. 10.BcnIwfTr/z provisioned under BcnIwfIf/y. 11.BtsIwf/a provisioned under BcnIwfTr/z. 12.Ingress Security Association successfully provisioned under BtsIwf/a. Procedure 4. Note down the OsiState alarm status of BtsIwf component. 5. Deprovision ingress security association under BtsIwf/a.  del biwf/0 if/0 tr/1 btsif/0 insa/0  ch prov  act prov 6. After verifying the Ingress SA Dealloc failure under BtsIwf, verify the same under a BtsDcg. Expected Result 3. Verify that Ingress SA fails to get deallocated and the following alarm is raised. Alarm seen from CAS Active card Lp/8; 2007-12-11 07:35:08.97 MSG minor processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690208 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000006 Rel: Lp/8 Com: Ip Authentication Ingress SA Deallocation Failure (spi = 260) Int: 8/0/2/5845;; 836; N1609BB Alarm seen from CAS Standby card PROV 225> Shelf Card/9 SpServ; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.08 MSG warning processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120300 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: hotStandby UNKNW: false Id: 010000AB Rel: Com: Lp/9; 2007-12-11 07:35:09.07 MSG minor processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690208 Id: 09000002 Rel: Lp/9 Int: 9/0/2/3285;; 836; N1609BB

OrigCom: Ip Authentication Ingress SA Allocation Failure (spi = 260) Int: 1/1/2/17643;; 519; N1609BB 4. Verify that the OsiState alarmStatus of BtsIf under which SA Dealloc failed is not changed. Cleanup None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify Ingress agent registration failure and the alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043381 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, IngressAgent, Registration, failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: This testcase verifies that when BcnIwf fails to register as ingress agent with BRM, it raises BCN Ingress Agent Registration Failure alarm. Later, when it succeeds in registering with BRM, the alarm is cleared. Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that when BcnIwf fails to register with BRM, an Ingress Agent failure alarm is generated. Later, when it succeeds in registering with BRM as ingress agent, the alarm is cleared. This testcase is tested with tools available on CP to create fake ISP process and register them with BRM. As a result, the ISA table gets full on BRM. Setup 1. Passport with single 11pMSW card configured fully and running. 2. Passport with single 4pGeMSW card. Procedure 1. Ensure that ISP on 11pMSW card is registered with BRM. Find out the ISP Pid on 11pMSW and match with BRM’s ISA Table. On 4pGeMSW FP:

2. 3.

4. 5.

=============  callx pevShowProc 0 (find matching PID for bcnIspProcess) On CP: ======  callx dispISA Ensure that ISA Table on CP contains only one entry. Create Fake ISP Process on CP using the following command callx createFake 127,1,10,1. The above shall create 127 PEV process and register all of the them with BRM as ISA. The 2nd argument (1) is whether to register/not register with BRM. Display the ISA Table and ensure that the ISA Table contains 128 PIDs.  callx dispISA Now provision BcnIwf on 4pGeMSW card and turn on debug traces on on 4pGeMSW FP.  add biwf/0  set biwf/0 logProc lp/9 where lp/9 is 4pGeMSW FP  ch prov  act prov

Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwf tries to register with BRM and since it gets Table Full in IngressAgentAck message, it raises the foll alarm. Lp/8; 2007-12-31 04:49:03.42 SET critical processing commProtocolError 70690201 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000002 Rel: Lp/8 Com: BCN Ingress Registration Failure Int: 8/1/2/6853;; 841; N1609BA 2. Verify that BcnIwf contiuously tries to re-register with BRM. 3. Verify that once the alarm is raised, it is not re-raised again. 4. Now, reset the 11pMSW to have its ISP deregister with BRM.  reset sh ca/10 where card 10 is 11pMSW card. 5. Verify that as soon as 11pMSW is reset, BcnIwf succeeds in registering with BRM as ingress agent. 6. Verify that BcnIwf clears the alarm. Lp/8; 2007-12-31 04:49:51.84 CLR cleared processing commProtocolError 70690201 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000005 Rel: Lp/8 Com: BCN Ingress Registration Succeeded Int: 8/1/2/6853;; 805; N1609BA 7. Verify that BRM ISA Table does contain the BcnIwf PID.

 callx dispISA Cleanup None. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify Mate Handler commn failure scenario. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043390 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, MateHandler, Communication failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies if mate handler communication fails, it raises the alarm. In addition, due to Serving/NonServing concept, CAS oper commands & various other journalled information between Bcniwf will be affected. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that if mate communication fails between BcnIwf, it raises the alarm. In addition, all display commands where journaling to mate is required, will be affected. Setup In order to simulate the mate communication failure, we are creating congestion at message level on IP Serving card. Due to this, messages couldn’t be sent to the mate card as a result, mate communication failure will occur. 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 2. BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y  ch pr  act pr 3. Successfully provisioned BcnIwfIf under BcnIwf.  add Biwf/x if/y

 set Biwf/x if/y subnetAccessName Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d

4. Login to serving/ nonServing 4pGeMSW card and ensure that MateCommunicationUp field is set to Up.  os rlogin “card8”  set unsafe  set promote  r  dispBcnIwf output: Card 5 -> dispBcnIwf Card 5 -> BcnIwIfProcess BcnIwfProcess Pid : 0xa2bbd0 BcnIwfProcessState: Initialized BRM Pid Available : True ISA Registered : True MateCommunicationUp: Up 5. Ensure that the display commands are getting forwarded to CAS Standby 4pGeMSW if it is IP Serving card. 6. Ensure that CAS commands lock/unlock are getting forwarded to the CAS Standby 4pGeMSW card if it is IP Serving card and the adminstate of BtsIf/BtsDcgIfs is same on both the cards. Procedure 1. Login to the serving cards and run the following command in order to increase congestion level.(If congestion level will be high then messaging will fail for MateComnunication when audit will start in every 1 minutes, hence after 3 retry, alarm will be raised on passport)  os rlogin “card8”  set unsafe  set promote  r  callx pevCongToolDefSettings [tool's setting set to their defaults: task priority (51), verbose (on), repeat time (15s), congestion level equested (none))]  callx pevCongToolSetCongLevel 3 [set the congestion level to maintain: none(0), some(1), lots(2), total(>=3) ]

Expected Result

1. Verify that After 3 audit attempts (it will take approximately 3 to 4 minutes) alarm will raised on passport. NOTE :( dispBcnIwf command will not work cause of heavy congestion level.) Cleanup os rlogin “card8” set unsafe set promote r  callx pevCongToolSetCongLevel 0    

@DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify PRM Communication Failure alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043388 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, PRM Communication Failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Setup Procedure Expected Result Cleanup @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify PRM Media Registration Failure. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043389

@TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, PRM Media, registration, failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Setup Procedure Expected Result Cleanup @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify the far end ingress setup failure and the alarm. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043380 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, farendingress, setup failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: This testcase verifies that when Bcniwf receives IngressSetup Failure message, it raises Far end Ingress Setup Failure alarm. Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal

Verify that Far End Ingress Setup Failure alarm is raised when BcnIwf receives Ingress Setup Failure message as a result of some other ingress agent (i.e. far end) not being able to setup ingress routes to BcnIwf. Setup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

One pair of 4pOC3 card in pair Lp eng arc ov subcomponent not added for 4pOC3 LPs. Passport shelf having one pair of 4pGeMSW card pair. Bcn components provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair. Egress routes reported to BRM from BcnIwf on 4pGeMSW. No Far end ingress setup failure alarm on 4pGeMSW card.

Procedure 1. Add lp eng arc ov subcomponent for 4pOC3 LPs.  add lp/12 eng arc ov  set lp/12 eng arc ov multicastBranchesCapacity 0  ch p  act p 2. Provision BSSM on 4pOC3 LP.  add lp/12 so/1  add lp/12 so/1 sts/0  add bss/1  set bss/1 interfaceName lp/12 so/1 sts/0  ch p  act p Expected Result 1. Verify that Bssm/1 receives setup BcnIwf’s egress routes from BRM for BcnIwf. dbg_addTrc “” 10 2. Verify that Bssm/1 sends Nack to BRM. On CP do,  callx dispISA Locate the Bssm PEV Process PID and verify that Nack count for the corresponding (i.e BSSM) ISA Object is 1. Find out the Bssm Pev Process ID from below command on 4pOC3 card.  callx pevShowProc 0 3. Verify that BcnIwf receives IngressSetup Failure message from BRM and raises FarEnd Ingress Setup Failure alarm as below. PROV 147> Shelf Card/8 SpServ; 2007-12-28 04:52:06.86 MSG warning processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120300 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: STBY: hotStandby UNKNW: false Id: 010000AB Rel: Com: Biwf/1; 2007-12-28 04:52:06.84 MSG critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70690120 Id: 0800000C Rel: Lp/8

Int: 8/1/2/18117;; 1285; N1609BA OrigCom: Failed to setup far end Ingress connections. Examine the following failed entries. Remote Card Number = 12 TP BAR RC TRG BC 14 3 0 Int: 1/0/2/25579;; 519; N1609BA Cleanup 1. Deprovision Bss/1 from 4pOC3 card. @DOMAIN:|: CDMA @PROJECT:|: CD16_NBSS_MTX @TS_NAME:|: DT2 - Verify VR Registration Failure for BcnIwfIf component on 4pGeMSW. @TS_SUBJECT:|: Design\33981 Integrated IPbackhaul\BSC\A00019239\BCN Service @QC_TCID:|: CD16043374 @TS_TESTER:|: @TS_TYPE:|: MANUAL @Author:|: @Prime:|: johno1 @Keywords:|: IPbackhaul, VR, Registration failure @Platform/Run Mode:|: Manual @UTO Objectives:|: @TaskID/ActID:|: A00019239 @Project:|: 33981 Integrated IPbackhaul @Created In Rel:|: 16 @Summary:|: This testcase verifies that if BcnIwfIf fails to get positive registration response or times out for response from VR, it generates registration failure alarm. @TS_DESCRIPTION:|: Livelink URL of testplan MSW_BSC_Design_Test_Plan.doc?func=doc.fetch&nodeId=23510882&vernum=7 Objective/Goal Verify that if BcnIwfIf fails to register with VR (timeout or negative response), BcnIwfIf generates Registration Failure alarm. Setup This testcase uses patch to failed VR registration since under normal circumstances this failure is hard to generate. 1. Passport with one pair of 4pGeMSW card and CP pair. 2. BcnIwf/x provisioned on 4pGeMSW card pair, provisioned in DLEP configuration.  add biwf/x  set biwf/x logicalProcessor dlep/y  ch pr

 act pr 3. There should not be any alarms/SWERRs/TRAPS related to BcnIwf. 4. Vr is successfully provisioned  l vr/ipbh PP/* Ipport logicalIf/* Procedure 1. Provision BcnIwfIf.  add Biwf/0 if/0  set Biwf/0 if/0 subnetAccessName Vr/IPBH Pp/IPBHSA IpPort LogicalIf/a.b.c.d  ch p  act p Expected Result 1. Verify that BcnIwfIf is successfully provisioned. 2. Verify that BcnIwfIf successfully retrieves the PID of VR corresponding to the instance of VR it is linked with. 3. Verify that BcnIwfIf sends registration message to VR and starst the response timer. 4. Verify that after max timeout for the Vr registration response, BcnIwfIf raises the Registration Failure alarm. Lp/8; 2007-12-11 06:37:23.97 SET critical communications underlyingResourceUnavail 70690202 ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle AVAIL: PROC: CNTRL: ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false Id: 08000006 Rel: Lp/8 Com: BcnIwfIf failed to registered with VR Int: 8/0/2/20949;; 261; N1609BB 5. Verify that on the 4pGeMSW cards, the BcnIwfIfVrRegState is UnRegistered.  dispBcnIwfIf 1 Details For If/0: Details For BcnIwfIfIf: *********************** BcnIwfIfState: BcnIwfMateIfState: BcnIwfIfVrRegistrationState: Cleanup


Unavailable Unavailable Unregistered

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