Realtime Testcases

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,991
  • Pages: 35
Project Name


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User Module







Start Date of Testing Date of Approval

TestCase ID





Enter the URL of the application

The IE should be available for openig of the build

GUI Test cases TC_Home_002

check availability of the all objects in the home page Home Page should be available


Check the alignment of the all objects in the home page Home Page should be available


check the spelt of all objects in the hope page Home Page should be available


Check the consistency of all objects in the home page Home Page should be available


Check for the "Welcome Guest" note in the left side of the Home Page Home Page should open

Functionality Test Cases


Check the functionality of "Home"Button Home Page should open


Check the funcitonality of "About Us" button

Home Page should open


Check the functionality of the " Shopping cart" button

Home Page should open


Check the functionality of the " Sign In" buttion Home Page should open


Check for the functionality of the Search Text box Home Page should open


Check for the functionality of search text box Home Page should open


Check the functionality of the Search Text box

Home page should open


Check the functionaltiy of the Search Text box


Check the functionality of the categories combobox Home page should be opened


Check the functionality of the categories combobox Home page should open


Check the functioaltiy of the categories combobox Home Page should open


Check the functionaltiy of the categories combobox Home Page should open


Check the functionality of the Search Button

Home Page should open

Home Page should open


Check the fuctionaltiy of the Search Button

Home Page should be opened


Check the functinality of the "Search" button

Home Page should be opened


Check the funcaionality of the "Search"button

Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of the "Search" text box

Home page should be opened


Check the availability of category tree view in the left side if the home page

Home Page should be opened


Check the similarity of the Tree View and Categories combobox

Home Page should be opened


Check the funcationaltiy of "Open All" button

Home Page should be opened


Check the funcationaltiy of "Categories" root link Home Page should be opened


check the functionality of the root link

Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of the root link

Home Page should be opened


Check the funcationaltiy of "Collapse All" button

Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of the "Collapse All" button Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of the "Add to Cart" button

Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of the "Add To Cart" button

Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of the "Add To Cart" after selecting the product

Home Page should be opened


Check the status of the "Next" button and "Previous" button in the Home page Home Page should be opened


Check the funcationaltiy of the "Next" button


Check the status of the "Next" and "Previous" buttons in next displyed page Home Page should be opened


Check the status of the "Next" button and "Previous" buttons in the end of the page Home Page should be opened


Check the functioaltiy "About Us" link

Home Page should be opened

Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of "Contact Us" link

Home Page should be opened


Check the functionality of "Terms & Conditions" link

Home Page should be opened

Project Lead Test Lead Approved by Authorised by Type of Testing Ref. to Test Plan Document End Date of Testing

Test Procedure

Executed by

Expected Results

1 open the IE. On the pc 2. type the URL address in the address field 3. click on the GO button

The Synergy Shopping Cart Home Page should be opened

1.Enter the URL 2 Home page should be opened MVS

It should be available

1.Enter the URL 2 Home page should be opened MVS

All the objects should be aligned

1.Enter the URL 2 Home page should be opened MVS

All the objects should be spelt correctly

1.Enter the URL 2 Home page should be opened MVS

all the objects should be consistent

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened

Welcome Guest note should be displayed in the left side of the home page


1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. click on the Home Button


Home page should be opened

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. click on the About Us Button MVS

Corresponding Page should be opened

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. click on the Shopping Cart button MVS

It displays "Your Shopping Cart is Empty"

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. click on the Sign In Button


Sign In Page should be opened


It should display a pop up message as "Enter atleast one character"


It should display a pop up message as " Please select one of the item from the categories"


It should display the error message

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. keep the search text box as empty 4. select any item from the categories 5. click on the search button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter a word or a letter in the search text box 4. Keep the categories as blank 5. click on the search button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Keep the search text box as blank 4. Keep the categories as blank 5. click on the search button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter any product name or a letter in the search text box 4. Select one of the item from categories 5. click on the search button


It should display the Corresponding search results


It should not be modified


It should not accept the item name


Categories should be in the Alphabetical order


It should display the Corresponding search results


It should display the Required Page

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter a word or a letter in the search text box 4. select item from categories combobox and modify the item

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter a word or a letter in the search text box 4. Enter any item name in the categories Combobox

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter a word or a letter in the search text box 4.Choose the items in Alphabetical order from categories Combobox

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter a word or a letter in the search text box 4.Choose the items in categories Combobox 5. Click on the Search Button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter a word or a letter in the search text box 4. select item from categories combobox 5. Click on the search button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. keep the search text box as blank 4. and select any item from the categories 5.Click on the Search Button


It should display the error message as "Enter minimum one character in the Search Field"

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Enter any item name in search text box 4. keep the categories combobox as blank 5.Click on the Search Button MVS

It should display a warning as "select any item from the categories" combobox

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. keep search text box as blank 4. keep the categories combobox as blank 5.Click on the Search Button MVS

It should display an error message as "Enter minimum one character in the Search Field"

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3.Select one of the product in the search text box which is not related to the categories 4. Click on the search button MVS

It should display an error message

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened MVS

it should be


The items in the Categories combobox and Tree View should be similar


It should display the Tree View of categories with sub and child root links

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3 Select the categories combo box

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the Open All button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the root link of any one of the category MVS 1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the root link of any one of the category 4. click on the root link of sub category MVS 1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the root link of any one of the category 4. click on the root link of sub category 5. Close the root link of the Main category

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Collapse All" button

It should open all the child categories link


It should close all the root links including sub and child categories


it should hide all the sub and child root links


It should display the Main root links of Categories


It should display "Your Shopping Cart" page

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the Open All button 4 Click on the Collapse All button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Add to Cart" button

It should open the sub root links of the particular category

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Add to Cart" button 4. Click on "Continue Shopping" button in"your shopping cart" page MVS

Should display the Synergy Shopping Cart Home Page


It should display the "your shopping cart" details


"Next" button should be enable and "Previous" button should be disable status


It should display the Next Page of Shopping Cart


It should display Previous button and Next button are enable status


It should display Previous button enable and Next button are disable status


It should display the "About Us "page

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Add to Cart" button 4. Click on "Continue Shopping" button in"your shopping cart" page 5. Click on the Add To Cart button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Next" button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Next" button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Next" button

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "About Us" LInk

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Contact Us" LInk MVS

It should display the "Contact Us" page


It should display the "Terms&Conditions" page

1. Enter the URL 2. Home page should be opened 3. Click on the "Terms & Conditions" LInk

Actual Results


Ref.Defect Report Id

Regression test details

Regression test results

Url of the page


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