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Part - II: EIA Methods and Techniques Session 5: Introduction to EIA Methods Categories of EIA Methodologies Checklist Methods

September 15, 2009

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Phases of EIA Phase 1: Defining the Goals Phase 2: Identifying the Potential Impacts

Steps for Identification of Impacts ? Step 1: Base line study for Environmental Settings Step 2: Classification of Impacts Step 3: Development of Analytical Framework Step 4: Screening St 5: Step 5 Scoping S i

Phase 3: Predicting the Significant Impacts Phase 4: Evaluation of Impacts Phase 5: Incorporation of Measures or Alternatives for Impact Minimizations Phase 6: Reporting Phase 7: Monitoring and Feedback

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Present session „

Methodologies Selection


Type of EIA methods ‰

Steps for Identification of Impacts ? Step 1: Base line study for Environmental Settings Step 2: Classification of Impacts Step 3: Development of Analytical Framework Step 4: Screening Step 5: Scoping

Checklist Methods and its Type

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Methodologies Selection „

No universal methodology (project type and setting)


Appropriate pp p for the task ((identification,, comparison, p , description) p )


Free from assessor’s bias (re-producible)


Economical (Data, cost, time, personnel, equipment)


Ad-hoc methods


Must be used with continuous application of judgment related to data input, analysis and interpretation

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Methodologies Selection Purpose of using methods 1. Pertinent Environmental factors are included in the study (50 to 1000 item) 2.

Aid in planning the baseline studies in locations where the relevant environmental data are lacking


Means of synthesis of information and evaluation of alternatives on common basis.


Evaluating the cost effectiveness of mitigative measures

5 5.

Summarizing and Communicating the impact information


A procedure to ensure the incorporation of the un-quantified environmental amenities and values Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar,

Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Type of EIA methods „

Ad-hoc methods: Employing/ assembling the team of experts to identify the impact in their respective area of expertise with minimum guidance/aid.


Structured methods „ „ „ „ „

Checklist Matrices Network Diagrams Overlays Cause Effect Tables

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Phase 2: Identifying the Potential Impacts Step 3: Development of Analytical Framework

EIA methodologies: Checklist ? „

Wh t it is? What i ?


Where checklist method is highly useful?


What are different type of checklists?


Where each of them is useful?


How to proceed?


What should be it’s content?


Can we quantify using the checklist method?


How to integrate quantification with Checklist?

Steps for Identification of Impacts ? Step 1: Base line study for Environmental Settings Step 2: Classification of Impacts Step 3: Development of Analytical Framework Step 4: Screening Step 5: Scoping


What it Checklist? 1.

A structured t t d and d classified l ifi d list li t incorporating i ti th actions the ti and d the th impact aspects (parameter/factors).


It does not say conclusively about the existence of impact (likely impact)


Purpose to prepare a framework (inclusive) so that the any of the likely important impact/factor is not missing in consideration


Type of checklists ‰ Simple checklist ‰ Modified Checklist ƒ It may also be modified to incorporate the scale-rating (numerical scores/letter assign/linear proportionate) and weighting ‰ Comprehensive Questionnaire checklist ‰

Health impact focused (USAID, WHO, WB)


Descriptive checklist

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Simple checklists „

Only list of environmental factors needs to be considered


No further information on specific level, data required, method or measurement method method, impact prediction/assessment


Systemization and summarization of thought (USDA)


It may include i l d th the mitigation iti ti iinformation, f ti additional/supportive information (ADB guidelines) Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar,

Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Type of Checklist Methods

1. Simple Checklist •

Provide list of likely impacts

List is categorized by environmental or social components

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Summarization Relevant question Will the project ? Will the project result in?

Answers : • • • •

Yes May be N No Can not comment

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Types of Checklist Methods

M difi d Ch Modified Checklists kli t „

It incorporate small matrices in itself


Project/Activity might effect „


Yes or No

If Yes, then ‰ ‰

Try to identify the feature effected and upto what extent Feature-wise answer of impact nature (matrix) ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

Direct, Indirect Synergetic/ Mutually exclusive Short or long term Reversible or irreversible Sever/ moderate/Insignificant

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Type of Checklist Methods

Comprehensive p Q Questionnaire checklist (Health) Direct impact p on People p of Project j Area „

Will Something/ somebody „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

New comes/settles N / ttl in i area? ? relocated? Exposed? overburden? Aggravate? pathways contaminated? change happen? pollution threat? developmental p impact? p new activities?

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Type of Checklist Methods Comprehensive Questionnaire checklist with Health focus Indirect Impacts ‰

Will any change result any of above impact?

Direct Impact on Workers ‰

Will exposed? (new environment, change immunity, living and working condition)

Impact on Health Services ‰

Will Health service be overburdened?

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Type of Checklist Methods

Descriptive Checklist „

Describe the each factor and its status (potential environmental impact) p ) in Area


Covers all aspects Socio-economic, environmental (physical/Biological), health


Information on each factor contain: „ „ „ „

Definition Measurement Prediction of Impact Functional Curves for data interpretation

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


Reading for next session Chapter 4 and 5 of Canter

Thanks you y

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9


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