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FIRST QUARTER - TG WEEK 1 I. Objectives A. Expressive Objective Observe politeness at all times Show kindness to everyone B. Instructional Objectives 1. Listening Comprehension: Note significant details 2. Oral Language: Use appropriate facial expressions 3. Vocabulary Development: Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on given context clues, synonyms and antonyms 4. Oral Reading Fluency: Self-correct when reading 5. Grammar: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (aspects of verbs) 6. Writing/ Composition: Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/ other graphic organizers 7. Viewing: Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialog, setting or setup) 8. Attitude: Observe politeness at all times II.

Subject Matter A. Topics 1. Literature The Sly Fox 2. Context Clues (Synonyms and Antonyms) 3. Aspects of verbs

4. Writing Three-paragraph composition using an outline/graphic organizers 5. Forms and Conventions of Films and Moving Pictures B. Materials



Pictures (fox and wolf)

Film (any inspirational short film)

Picture words forming compound words

Outline/graphic organizer


Day 1 I.

Objectives 1. Note significant details of the selection listened to. 2. Observe politeness at all times. 3. Show kindness to everyone. 4. Use appropriate facial expressions in delivering some lines of the characters of the selection listened to.


Subject Matter A. Topic: Noting significant details of the selection listened to Use appropriate facial expressions B. References: EN5LC- Ia- 2.1 The Sly Fox -Developing Reading Power 5 p. 43-45 C. Materials: selections, pictures, laptop


Procedure A. Setting the Stage Show pictures of fox and wolf

Ask: Are these animals the same? What can you say about the fox? How about the wolf? If you are going to choose between the two, who will you want to be? Why? B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say: Today, we are going to read a story and learn to use appropriate facial expressions in delivering the lines of the characters. You will be learning to answer questions based on the noted significant details of the selection you listened to. Set the standards in listening to a story. C. Modeling for Students Let the pupils arrange the jumbled letters to identify the word used in the story being defined. a. b. c.

growing thickly ------- h s y u b soft hair of certain animals ------ u f r projecting part of the face including the mouth and nose--- z l e z m

d. e.

having a full rounded shape -----tricky or wise----- y s l

u u m l p p

Have the pupils listen to the story “The Sly Fox”. While reading, the teacher emphasizes

appropriate facial expressions for the lines of the characters of the

story. Instruct the pupils to observe how the appropriate facial expressions are used in delivering the lines of the story. Then, pupils will be answering the questions. “The Sly Fox” The fox is a wild animal that looks like a dog. It has a pointed nose and ears , a bushy tail and thick fur. The fox is said to be a very clever animal in fooling others. The wolf is a wild animal that looks like a dog too. It has thick fur and pointed muzzle. Wolves and foxes hunt other animals. Sometimes, they end up hunting each other.

One night, a fox met a wolf in the forest. The wolf was very hungry and in a terrible mood. So the wolf said to the fox. “Don’t move! I’m going to eat you this minute.” As he spoke, the wolf backed the fox up against a tree. The fox realized she could not run away. “I have to use my wits instead of my legs,” she said to herself. “I could have been a good dinner for you last year. I was then very fat and plump. But I had three babies then. Now I’m slim and not delicious.” “I don’t care if you are plump or not. I don’t care how many babies you have. I’m going to eat you right now!”

The wolf began closing in on the fox. “Stop!, the fox shouted. “ Look how skinny I am. I ran off all my fat looking for my babies. But I know a place where you can find something good and fat.” Wolf backed off and listened to Fox. “There is a well near here. In the bottom of it is a big round piece of meat. You can get it instead of eating me. Shall we go?” The wolf trotted off after the fox, making sure that she could not run away. They came upon a well. “See for yourself, what a fat juicy piece of meat is at the bottom of this well. I wanted to get it for my babies. But you can have it.” Inside the well was a delicious looking yellow round piece of meat. Above the well, the moon shone bright and clear. The wolf leaned over the well wondering how to get the piece of meat. The fox jumped up quickly and pushed the wolf down into the deep well. “ I’m a sly old mother Fox!” Fox said to herself.

Afterwards, the teacher will call each row to deliver the lines of the characters of the story listened to with appropriate facial expressions. Then, the teacher will call some of pupils individually in front of the class to deliver the lines with appropriate facial expressions.  “Don’t move! I’m going to eat you this minute.”  “I have to use my wits instead of my legs”  “I could have been a good dinner for you last year. I was then very fat and plump. But I had three babies then. Now I’m slim and not delicious”.

How did facial expressions affect in saying these lines of the characters of the story you listened to? (Facial expressions make the story more realistic and emotional) Answer the comprehension questions based on the story heard. 1. Who were the characters of the story? 2. Where did the story happen? 3. What did the fox do to be not eaten for dinner by the wolf? 4. Why did the wolf not eat the fox? 5. What was at the bottom of the well that looked delicious and good? Ask: What did you do to answer all the given questions? (Listened to the story and remembered the details) D. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Try and Learn E. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Do and Learn F. Closure/Assessment Noting details of a story means pointing out the characters around which the story revolves, the place and when it happened and the series of actions that make the story itself. Use of appropriate facial expressions in delivering the lines of the characters in the story helps in making the story more realistic, creative and emotional. The listeners feel more excited to know what will happen next and they become more imaginative.


Evaluation Listen to the story to be read by the teacher. Then answer the questions that follow. Aurea is in a hurry preparing to go to school. She didn’t wake up early because she watched her favorite late night show. She opened her purse and said, “My allowance is not enough for the remaining three days before my next allowance” she felt so worried. It is because she is fond of buying bracelets and necklaces. Questions: 1. Who is the main character of the story? 2. Draw the appropriate facial expression related to this line of Aurea “My allowance is not enough for the remaining three days before my next allowance”.


Assignment Make a comic strip of the story “The Sly Fox”

Day 2 I.

Objectives: 1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on given context clues, synonyms and antonyms. 2. Appreciate experiences in life. 3. Write meaningful sentences using compound words.


Subject Matter A. Topic: Inferring Meaning of Unfamiliar Compound Words Based on Context Clues, Synonyms and Antonyms. B. References: EN5V-Ia-12 and 13 Lesson Guides in Elem Eng. 5(Ateneo) p.103 https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=short+stories+with+compound+words& biw=1242&bih=585&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiwffrseLMAhXKnpQKHfQaCgwQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=C2ehXQLCWXLwiM%3A

C. Materials: short paragraph activity sheets pictures III.

Procedure A. Setting the Stage Have you experienced riding a bus? Did you experience witnessing a commotion on your community? What did you feel? B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say: We are going to read a short paragraph about Mark’s experiences on his way home. In here, you are going to learn some compound words. And later on, we are going to infer meanings of unfamiliar compound words based on given context clues, synonyms and antonyms. Compound words are words that are combined together to form new words and new meanings. Context clues are the parts of sentence or paragraph that comes before or after the unfamiliar words. Synonyms are words with similar meanings while antonyms are those words with opposite meanings.

C. Modeling for the Students The class will read the paragraph. Mark slung his backpack over his shoulder and ran. The bus company had just introduced a new bus route. Over the cliffs in the distance, Mark could see the sea sparkling. With a smile, he paid for his ticket and sat down. On the drivers lap there was a newspaper with a bold headline reading ‘Burglar Caught’. At the back of the bus, a commotion started up with two teenage boys arguing. Over the bridge, the bus traveled on until it pulled up at Mark’s

stop. Below the deep water in the canal, fish swam in the murky depths. Turning down a side alley, Mark reached his front door and took out his key. From the back lawn the dog was barking a welcome, and Mark was very glad to be home at last.

Read the following words: A




front door



back lawn


How many words were combined to form new word and new meaning? What do you call the words with two or more words that are combined together to form a new word and new meaning? How do compound words in column A written? In column B?in column C? Say: Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words in the following sentences. a.

The sky was overcast, rain was expected because it was

cloudy afternoon. -. What word in the sentence hint the meaning of the unfamiliar word? (cloudy)` This is an example of context clue. -

Encircle the synonym of the underlined compound word. b.

I have read the foreword of the book “Mother’s Wit”.(

conclusion, introduction, content) Foreword and conclusion are synonyms, they have the same meaning. -

Box the word that has opposite meaning of the underlined compound word. c.

His statement was an example of falsehood. ( truth, lies,

rumor) Falsehood and truth are antonyms, they have opposite meaning.

D. Guided Practice The class will be divided into 4 for a group activity. Gr. 1- Infer meaning of compound words through context clues Gr. 2- Infer meaning of compound words through synonyms Gr.3- Infer meaning of compound words through antonyms E. Independent Practice For Exercise 1 refer to LM, Do and Learn For Exercise 2 refer to LM, Learn Some More F. Closure/ Assessment Compound words come from two or more words that are combined together to form a new word and a new meaning. Context clues hint the parts of a sentence or paragraph that come before or after the unfamiliar word. Synonyms are words with similar meanings. Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. IV.

Evaluation Infer the meaning of the compound word in each sentence. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. My mother and I cross at the overpass. The underlined compound word is synonymous to ____________. a. footbridge

b. hall way

c. road

2. The keywords must be in uppercase because it is easier to emphasize if they are written in capital letters. What words in the sentence hint the meaning of the word uppercase? a. capital letters

b. keywords

c. emphasize

3. Manny Pacquiao experienced being knocked-out in his fights. ___________ has opposite meaning with the word knocked-out. a. cheated

b. defeated

c. revived


Assignment Using your own understanding of the words, define the following words and compound words. Use the compound words in meaningful sentences. 1. boxing-_____________________________________________ ring-_______________________________________________ boxing ring- _________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________ 2. finger-______________________________________________ print-_______________________________________________ finger print-__________________________________________ Sentence:___________________________________________

Day 3 I.

Objectives 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures- aspects of verbs. 2. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on word parts. 3. Appreciate the beauty of the environment


Subject Matter A. Topic: Aspects of Verbs Inferring Meaning of Compound Words Based on Word Parts B. References: EN5-Ia-12 and 13 EN5G-Ia-3.3 http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be/engdep1/download/defiswitt/doc/compounds.pd f

C. Materials: laptop, pictures, metacards III.

Procedure A. Setting the Stage The teacher will show pictures of trees, flowers, birds, rivers Ask: Do you take care of our environment? What activity do you usually do to take care of our environment? B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say: You have learned that verbs are action words. Today, you will be learning different aspects of verbs. Before proceeding to the topic of the day let us first have a drill. C. Modeling for Students Read and analyze the following words.

A postdate

post(after) + date= after the dat


super(more than) + natural= more than the



ex- president

ex( former)+

president= former president nonsense multitask

non(without) + sense= without sense multi(many) + task= many task

B colorless

color+ less(without)= without color


cheer+ ful (full of)= full of cheer


break + able (having the quality= having the



break adulthood

adult+ hood(state/condition of being)= state of

being adult

In what part of the words in set A do the syllables added? (at the beginning) -Syllables added at the beginning of a word are called prefixes. In what part of the words in set B do the syllables added? (at the last part) -Syllables added at the last part of the word are called suffixes. Say: Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words.

Study the following sentences.

The president continues

The teachers continue to

to motivate people to take

motivate pupils to take care of

care of the environment.


the environment.


He continued working with the group his father founded since 2002.

Theywill continue to inspire people of all ages.



Look at the sentences in tree A and B. When are you going to add –s or –es in your verb? Look at the sentence in tree C. What will be added to a regular verb when the action was done already? How about in irregular verb? Look at tree D. What modal will be added to the base form of the verb to express futurity? D. Guided Practice The class will be divided into 5 and play a game called “E-Raffle” .Each group will be receiving metacards to write their answer. As the raffle goes, there are verbs to be flashed with corresponding tense of verb. Each group will compose clear and coherent sentences using the verb in the tense asked. 2 minutes will be used to answer each item. 1st word: play nd

tense: future

2 word: cook

tense: past

3rd word: run

tense: future


4 word: use

tense: present

5th word: see

tense: past

E. Independent Practice Exercise 1 The following sentences are written in past tense. Rewrite them in present and future tense on the lines below. a. The rain fell on the green valley. Present tense:_____________________________________________________ Future tense:______________________________________________________

b. Jane borrowed Richard’s eraser. Present tense:_____________________________________________________ Future tense:______________________________________________________

c. The shark swam through the ocean. Present tense:____________________________________________________ Future tense:_____________________________________________________ Exercise 2 Compose sentences using the given sets of words. Refer to the word enclosed in the parentheses to know the tense of the verb to be used in each item. Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present) Carlito swims at the beach. a. Angel, read, pocketbook, (future) ____________________________________________ b. Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year (past) ____________________________________________ c. Farmers, plant, rice, ( present) ____________________________________________ F. Closure/ Assessment  Verbs are action words. There are three aspects of verbs.  If the action is being done in the present time, the verb is in present tense.  If the action is done already in the past time, the verb is in past tense.  If the action is to be done in future time , the verb is in future tense.

Day 4 I.

Objectives 1. Plan a two to three- paragraph composition using an outline/other graphic organizers 2. Observe politeness at all times. 3. Show respect to others


Subject Matter A.

Topic: Planning a Two to Three Paragraph Composition Using an Outline/Other

Graphic B.

Organizers References: EN5WC- Ia- EN5A-Ia-16 Lesson Guides in Elementary English 6 p.2


Materials: Pictures, laptop, graphic organizers, outline

III. Procedures A.

Setting the Stage Who is in the picture? What makes him so popular around the world? What characteristic of a Filipino does he signify? As a Filipino, how do you show respect to others? To God?

(Graphic organizer will be used to elicit answers) B. Explaining the Students What to Do

Yesterday, you have learned about the aspects of verbs and you were able to compose clear and coherent sentences using verbs in different aspects. Today, we are going to write paragraphs based on outline/ other graphic organizers.


Modeling for Students Analyze the following graphic organizer. Answer the questions that follow.

Fiilipino as respectful person calls older brother "Kuya",an d sister "Ate"


using "po" and "opo" kisses the hands of parents/gra ndparents

shows due respect to parents, elders and people in authority

Fiilipino as Godloving Person patterns life the way God wants it

prays not only for himself

loves his neighbors

believes in one God

Based on the Semantic web, who is a respectful person and a God-loving person? How do Filipinos show respect to others? How do Filipinos show love to God? Say: Now, let us plan a two-paragraph composition using the details of the semantic web.

A Filipino is a respectful person. He calls older brother “kuya” and older sister “ate”. He kisses the hands of his parents and grandparents. He is always using “po” and “opo”. He shows de respect to parents, elders and people in authority. A Filipino is also a God-loving person. He believes in one God. He patterns his life the way God wants it. He loves his neighbors. And most of all, he prays not only for himself.


Guided Practice Using the details of the semantic web, plan a two-paragraph composition. Fresh gardens Scenic


Perfect Cone Shape

Mayon Volcano






Independent Practice The outline contains a personality of a Filipino. Write a two- paragraph

composition using the following details. The Filipinos are humane and concern to his fellowmen. A. Cares for himself and to his fellowmen B. Thoughtful, loving, understanding, helpful, friendly and charitable C. Ready to give a helping hand when needed D. Ready to share laughter to cheer up those who are lonely F.

Closure/ Assessment

The clustering graphic organizer shows and separates the developed ideas from other ideas.

The use of graphic organizers and outlines provides the organization of ideas easy to understand and makes learning more enjoyable.

Day 5 I.

Objectives 1. Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialog, setting or set up) 2. Observe politeness at all times


Subject Matter A. Topic: Forms and Conventions of Films and Moving Pictures B. References: EN5A-Ia-5.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNBtdNgH0Ds C. Materials: video, laptop, projector


Procedure: A. Setting the Stage Ask: Are you fond of watching films? What kind of film do you like? What things do you notice when the film is already playing? B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say: Today, we are going to watch a video. But before we proceed, let us take notes and analyze the different forms and conventions of the film.

C. Modeling for Students Read and analyze the following terms: a. Setting - can be used for a number of purposes It might be used for: •

Realism - (Time and place of setting is made known)

Atmosphere - (Reinforce desired mood)

E.g. Horror movies • Symbolism - (Can be conveyed through setting) E.g. a storm can represent inner turmoil b. Characterization – a narrative might use •

Sympathetic characters- With whom the audience strongly

identifies with. They may share qualities and values. •

Unsympathetic Characters- Audience dislikes. May increase

sympathy to main character. c. Performance - This will also affect the way an audience responds. Elements of performance include facial expressions, body language and delivery of lines.

d. Props, Sets and Locations - can influence our interpretation of character as contribute to the atmosphere of the film. e. Camera Work/blocking - Frequent use of close-ups can encourage the audience to identify with a character. Wide shots can emphasize the beauty of a scene or give a sense of emptiness. Different angles can make characters appear powerful and threatening or weak and frightened. f.

Lighting - Soft and harsh lighting can manipulate a viewer's attitude towards a setting or a character. The way light is used can make objects, people and environments look beautiful or ugly, soft or harsh, artificial or real. Light may be used expressively or realistically.

Backlighting.A romantic heroine is often backlit to create a halo effect on her hair.

D. Guided Practice With the aid of the teacher, the class will view the video “Stellar Moves: The Story of Pluto”. The students will take note of the different forms and conventions of the film. E. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Do and Learn F. Closure/ Assessment There are different forms and conventions of the film. These are setting, characterization, plot, performance, costuming, props, set and location, camera work, lighting, sound and editing

WEEK 2 – DISCOVERING MY TALENTS Objectives A. Expressive Objectives 1. Identify and use polite words. 2. Identify the characters, setting, and plot of a literary text. 3. Write two to three paragraph compositions using an outline/other graphic organizer. B. Instructional Objectives Listening Comprehension Identify the elements of literary texts. Oral Language Use appropriate body movement/gestures Vocabulary Development Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies. Reading Comprehension Infer the theme of a literary text. Oral Reading Fluency Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accurate rate of 95100%. Grammar Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: aspects of verbs. Writing/Composition Plan a two to three paragraph composition based on the prepared outline/other graphic organizer. Viewing Describe different forms and convention of film and moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialog, setting, or set-up. Attitude Observe politeness at all times.


OBJECTIVE 1. Identify the elements of a literary text. 2. Infer the theme of the literary text. 3. Observe politeness at all times.


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topics Story: “A Letter Soup” by Pedro Pablo Sacristan http://freestoriesforkids.com/children/stories-and-tales/letter-soup Story: “The Fox in the Well” Aesop’s Fables Story: “The Queue” by Jean Paul Banay B. Materials Picture of a thief, a stealing machine, deaf little girl using sign language, letter soup flashcards containing polite words. Story Chart of “A Letter Soup”, “The Fox in the Well”, and “Inside the Canteen” http://clipart.me/premium-people/outlaw-565307 C. References:  Curriculum Guide: CG in English 5 Week 2 o EN5LC – Ib – 2.17.1 o EN5RC – Ib – 2.9.1 D. Focus Skill/s:  Listening, Analyzing, Classifying E. Value Focus:  Being Polite


PROCEDURE A. Setting Up the Stage Motivation

Sing: “Be Polite – Good Manner Song” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLYIo_sLqH0 B. Explaining the Students What To Do Say:

“Today we are going to learn about the elements of a literary text.” Present the story in the LM on page ____. Call a pupil volunteer to read the story orally. Comprehension Check: Ask the questions in the LM. Talk about the pupils answers.

C. Modelling for Students Unlocking of Difficult Words (using picture clues, context clues, and examples. a. crook Say: “The crook is stole the lady’s bag.” (show the picture of a crook) “What do crooks steal? Why do they steal things?” b. argue Say: “Don’t argue over who little things.” (show picture of two people arguing) “Why do people argue?” c. deaf Say: “The two girls are deaf.” (Show pictures of two deaf girls) “Why do some people cannot hear?” Ask:

“What should you remember when listening to a story?” “What are the things we should know about the story?” “What elements did you remember from the story we read?”

D. Guided Practice Read the story again silently. List down the elements of the literary text you have read. Write your answer on your notebook. Refer to Find Out and Learn on the LM.

Call a pupil-volunteer to read and retell the story using the information he/she have gathered. E. Independent Practice Read the story “The Fox in the Well” and answer the whquestions. THE FOX IN THE WELL Aesop’s Fable One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped and jumped but he could not get out. The well was too deep. Soon he began to feel cold and hungry. Suddenly there was a noise from above. A goat had come to drink from the well. It looked in and saw the fox. “Why, what are you doing down there, Mr. Fox?” asked the goat. The fox was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a way to trick the goat. “Oh, I’m drinking,” he said. “Down there? But there’s water in the bucket up here.” “Yes, I know,” said the fox. “But the water down here is much sweeter. Why don’t you come down and taste it for yourself?” “I think I will do that.” And the silly animal jumped into the well. At once the fox leapt on to the goat’s back. And from there he soon

Guide Questions:

jumped out of the well.

1. Who was trapped in the well?

“Hey! Where are you going?” cried the goat. “What about me? How am I

2.outWho came passing one day? going to get of here?” 3. What convinced the goat to go down the well? 4. How did the fox get out of the well? 5. What is the moral of the story? F. Closure/Assessment Teaching Points  When listening to story being read, we should listen carefully and pay attention to the details of the story. In this way we can identify the elements of a literary text.  We could also take down notes while listening and reading.  The elements of a literary text are the character, setting, and plot, conflict, and theme.  The theme is the subject of the story and what the author wants to convey to the readers.

 The plot is made up of events that happened in the story. It consists of the beginning, the middle, and the ending. o Beginning – It gives the problem faced by the main character. o Middle – It presents the actions made by the character to solve the problem. o Ending – It gives the solution to the problem. G. Evaluation Read the story “Inside the Canteen” and identify the elements of the literary text.

Inside the Canteen by Jean Paul V. Banay

It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin Elementary School. It was already break time for Grade V-Coral. Children line up in a queue to go the canteen to have their recess. At the canteen, the children lined up in a queue waiting for their turn to buy their food. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil rushed in front of the queue and shouted at the canteen manager for food. Calmly, the canteen manager said to Luke “Luke, it is not nice to shout at people, especially when you’re at the canteen. And we should observe the rules inside the canteen. Look at these children, they line up in a queue and wait for their turn. You should do the same.” said the canteen manager. Identify the element of the literary text from the story you just read. Choose your After that day, Luke lined up in the queue and asked politely for food. answer from the boxes below. character plot


conflict theme

1. It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin Elementary School. 2. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil 3. Luke rushed in front of the queue 4. The canteen manager told Luke about the rules inside the canteen. 5. Following rules inside the canteen is the right thing to do.


OBJECTIVE 1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies 2. Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%. 3. Observe politeness at all times.


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic Compound Words Story: “A Letter Soup” by Pedro Pablo Sacristan taken from http://freestoriesforkids.com/children/stories-and-tales/letter-soup B. Materials chartcontaining compound words. picture puzzle of compound words. Story Chart of “A Letter Soup” http://clipart.me/premium-people/outlaw-565307 C. References:  Curriculum Guide: CG in English 5 Week 2 o EN5LC – Ib – 12 and 13 o EN5RC – Ib – 1.6 D. Focus Skill/s:  Speaking, Oral Reading Fluency, Vocabulary Development


E. Value Focus:  Being polite PROCEDURE A. Setting Up the Stage Motivation: Divide the class into 8-10 groups. Give them the picture puzzle of compound words. Ask them to solve the puzzle and write the name of the picture on a strip of paper. Have a representative from each group present the picture and the word they have formed.



love letter

fairy tale





B. Explaining the Students What To Do Say:

“Today we are going to study about compound words.”

Have the pupils read “Find Out and Learn” from the LM page ____. Answer the questions below the sentences. C. Modelling for Students Read the story in the “Try and Learn” in the LM page ____. Identify the compound words in the story. Write it down on your notebook. D. Guided Practice Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B in order to create a compound word. Note that the words in Column B can only be used once. Column A Column B 1. rain a. case 2. flower b. drop 3. window c. fly 4. butter d. light 5. police e. man 6. book f. pane 7. sun g. pot 8. day h. room 9. sea i. shell 10. store j. shine

E. Independent Practice Do “Do and Learn” in the LM page ____.

F. Closure/Assessment Compound words are two words put together to create a new word. They can be open, closed, or hyphenated. Examples:  Open Compound Words dog house, ice cream, six-pack, runner-up  Closed Compound Words ladybug, toothpaste, bedroom  Hyphenated Compound Words editor-in-chief, officer-in-charge, life-saver G. Evaluation Answer “Learn Some More” on the LM page _____.


OBJECTIVES 1. Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100%. 2. Use appropriate body movements/gestures.


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Appropriate Body Movements/Gestures “The Homecoming” by Jean Paul V. Banay

B. Materials: pictures of body movements/gestures flashcards of action words (verbs) C. References: Curriculum Guide in English 5 –EN5OL – Ib – 2.6.2 Learners Manual in Grade 5 (Division Level)

D. Focus Skill/s: Oral Language, Oral Reading Fluency E. Value Focus: Love of Family III.

PROCEDURE A. Setting Up the Stage Group the class into two groups. Have them play a game of charades using the words below. Call a representative from each group to act out the word. angry (using hands) tired (using whole body) talking (using hands)

happy (using whole body) excited (using whole body) stop (using hands)

scared (using face) bored (using hands and feet) sad (using face and hands)

B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say:

“Today we are going to study about body movements and gestures.” Have the pupils read “Read and Learn” from the LM page ____. Answer the questions below the sentences.

C. Modelling for Students Unlocking of Difficult Words (using picture clues, context clues, and examples)  chatting Say: “Everybody was chatting about what their father looked like now.” (show picture of people talking) What are they doing? 

tapped Say “They just tapped their feet to loose boredom.” (show picture of someone tapping their feet”. What is he doing? How does he do it?

kiosk Say: “Mother was sipping coffee she bought from a kiosk.” (show the picture of a kiosk)

Read the story “The Homecoming” in the LM’s “Let’s Read More” page ___ and answer the questions after.

D. Guided Practice Have the pupils read “Try and Learn” on the LM page ____.





silence please





E. Independent Practice Answer “Do and Learn” on page ____ of the LM. F. Closure/Assessment Body movements refer to the actual movement of the body. It is a kind of nonverbal communicationwhere thoughtsintentionsor feelings are expressed by physical behavioursuch as facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch, and use of space. Body movements maybe implied as a verbs or an adjective.

G. Evaluation Have the pupils read the following sentences and have them identify the body movement/gesture used in the sentence. 1. Terence Romeo shoots the ball at the last second. 2. The athletes stretched their body before doing the routine. 3. Mother rubs fathers back when he is tired. 4. Squeeze it to get the toothpaste. 5. My sister likes pinching me when she is mad.


OBJECTIVES 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures – aspects of verbs. 2. Plan a two or three paragraph composition using an outline or other graphic organizers.


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Writing Compositions Using Aspects of Verbs B. Materials: Chart of Aspects of verbs Pictures showing actions Pictures of an outline and different graphic organizers C. References: Curriculum Guide in English 5 – EN5G-Ib-3.3, EN5WC-Ib- Learners Manual in English 5

D. Focus Skill/s: Writing E. Value Focus: Observe Politeness at all times III.

PROCEDURE A. Setting Up the Stage Sing “She’ll be coming round the mountain”

B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say:

“Today we are going to write about the aspects of verb” “But first, what are verbs?” “What are the tenses of verbs?”

C. Modelling for Students Have the students read “Read and Learn” on the LM page ____. Discuss the process on how to create an outline and use other graphic organizers. D. Guided Practice Group the class into five groups and have them answer “Try and Learn” on the LM page ____. Have them write their answer on a manila paper and have a representative present their answer in front of the class. E. Independent Practice Let the pupils answer “Do and Learn” on page _____. F. Closure/Assessment The aspect of a verb is determined by whether the action is on-going or completed. The three aspects are: 1. The simple aspect is indefinite, not sure if the action is on-going or completed. It may also indicate if the action is habitual or repeated action. 2. In the perfect aspect the task is already completed. 3. While in the progressive aspect, the action is still taking place or ongoing. The same principle applies to the past form of the verb.

An outline is a formal system used to think and organize your ideas. You can use it to see if your ideas are connected to each other and what order works best. Outlines can be useful to help you see the overall picture. There are two kinds of outlines: the topic outline and the sentence outline. 1. The topic outline consists of words or short phrases. 2. The sentence outline is done in full sentences. It is normally used when you want to focus on complex details. Steps in making an outline: 1. Identify the topic or the main idea. 2. Identify the main categories. 3. Create the first category. 4. Create subcategories. Normally, use Roman numerals to write the main idea. Then under the main idea, we indent and write the first subcategory with a capital letter. See the example below. G. Evaluation Write a three paragraph composition about your daily routine before you go to school, while in the school, and during at night. IV.

Assignment Create an outline of your family tree starting from your grandparents.


OBJECTIVES 1. Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialogue, setting or set-up)


SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic:Describing different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures (light, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialogue, setting or set-up) B. Materials: video about making films sample of a script

C. References: Curriculum Guide in English 5 – EN5V-Ib-5.1 Learner’s Manual page D. Focus Skill/s: Viewing, Listening, Speaking, Writing E. Value Focus: paying attention, being punctual, cooperation III.

PROCEDURE A. Setting Up the Stage Show posters of movies and films, local and abroad. Ask: “How do you think these movies are made?” “If you were to make your own movie, what do you think do you need?” “What are the things you need to remember when making a movie?” B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say: “Today we’ll be studying about the forms and conventions of a film and moving picture. What are the things we need in making a movie and what do need to remember if we are to make our own film or movie?” C. Modelling for Students Discuss “Read and Learn” on page ____ of the LM. Show the short film “Principles of Film Form” from youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXmlLLqWrZQ D. Guided Practice Have the students answer the “Find Out and Learn” on the LM on page ____.

Key to Correction Try to identify which form or convention of film is being described. Choose from the words inside the box.

Lights Dialogue blocking direction setting lights acting dialogue characterization

blocking direction characterization

acting setting or set-up.

1. The actors are positioned in front of the house. 2. The director is telling the actors what he wants in the scene. 3. They are filming near the sea. 4. They use natural sunlight. 5. The actress made us cry at that scene. 6. “Get out, the house is on fire!!!” shouted the actor. 7. Glinda plays as the good witch.

E. Independent Practice Group the pupils into four groups. Have them assign a director, a cameraman, a floor director, a lights man, and the rest will be actors and actresses. Have them act out a scene with the following theme: Group 1 – Drama Film Group 2 – Horror Film Group 3 – Actions Film Group 4 – Comedy Film Give each group 5-7 minutes to think about what scene they will reenact and present their work in front of the class. F. Closure/Assessment The different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures are: 1. Lightsrefers to the lighting used in films can be natural or artificial. It is used achieve aesthetical or practical effect while illuminating the scene. 2. Blockingis the precise staging of actors in order to facilitate the performance of a film

3. Directionis the control of the scenes in the film. In simpler terms, it is giving directions to the actors and the people in charge of the set and those behind the camera. 4. Characterizationrefers to the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character 5. Actingis the work of an actor or actress, in which a person in theatre, film, television, and any other storytelling medium portrays a character. 6. Dialogueis the conversation between characters in the film. 7. Setting or set-uprefers to the time and location where filming takes place. G. Evaluation Match the words in Column A with the word clue about in Column B. Column A 1. lights 2. blocking

a) b)

3. direction 4. characterization 5. acting 6. dialogue 7. setting or set-up

c) d) e) f)

Column B control of the set and actors during filming conversation between the actors illuminating the set whether natural or artificial personality of the character time and location where filming takes place work of an actor or actress

QUARTER 1 Week 3 Day 1 I.

Objective EO: Observe politeness at all times LC: Identify the elements of literary texts RC: Summarize narrative texts based on the elements

F: Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate of 95 – 100% II.

Subject Matter Topic:

Identifying the elements of literary texts

Materials: Pictures, Stories written in cartolina Reference: Curriculum Guide Code: EN5LC – Ic – 2.17.2, EN5RC-Ic-2.23, EN5A-Ic-16 http://www.kidsworldfun.com/shortstories.php


Learning Activities A. Setting the Stage (using a picture of a girl) Refer to LM,Think and Tell Ask: What can you see on the picture? What can you say about the girl in the picture? Have you heard the story of Princess Polite? What are the standards in listening? B. Explaining the Students What to Do Say: Class, our lesson for today is about identifying the elements of literary texts and summarizing narrative texts Literary elements refers to an aspect of a whole text. The elements are setting, character and plot. C. Modeling The teacher will read the story of “Princess Polite” to the pupils.

Princess Polite (Short Story) by Jasmine Logan, Grade pr, QLD Once there was a girl called Princess Polite but people in her castle called her Polly or Polly Polite. One day a super star came to her castle. Polly said “Why have you come here? And what is your

“James Sammy and I met him at a wedding.” Sarah said. “Oh how sweet!” Polly said. “Nice to meet you Polly Polite.” the handsome prince said. “You smell like tuna!’ Polly said. “Oh.” He said. “We are here to get married!” Sarah said. “Wait, I thought we were here to see you rock out. I don’t want to marry you!” James said, “I want to marry Polly!” Polly married the prince. The rock star rocked out on the stage but was crying the whole time. She stopped crying for a moment then she cried into a bucket it had a thousand drips in it and it went all the way up to the top. She had to tip it out and start all over again. The prince and the princess lived happily ever after. The rock star spent the rest of her life crying a million tears into a bucket and starting all over again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Ask: Who is the main character in the story? How would you describe her? Is it good to be polite to other people specially to the elders? Why? Who are the minor characters in the story? Where did the story occur? When? Read the part. Describe it. What do you call this part of the story? (setting) Do all stories need a setting? Why?

Say: Class, these are the elements of literary texts and their definition. 

The characters are the people or animals in the story.

The setting talks about the place and the time that the events in the story happened.

The plot is made up of the events that happened in the story. It consists of the beginning, the middle, and the ending.  Beginning – it gives the problem faced by the main character  Middle – it represents the actions made by the characters to solve theproblem  Ending – it gives the solution to the problem

D. Guided Practice Read aloud the story “The Greedy Boy” then, identify the elements of liteary text. Refer to LM, Try and Learn. Ask: What is the setting of the story? Read the part where the setting is mentioned. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each of the characters. Identify the parts in the selection that helped you described the characters. E. Independent Practice Read the selection and do the activity that follows. Read LM, do and Learn for the selection “Mind Your Own Business” Summarize the elements of the story by filling in the semantic web. Title of the Story





F. Closure Class, kindly complete the statements below by filling out the missing information.

The elements of literary texts are ______________, plot , ________________, and _____________. IV.

Evaluation The teacher will give a short story entitled “The Ant and the Dove” to the pupils for them to read and analyze,Refer to LM, Learn Some More. Comprehension questions with choices will also be provided to assess whether the competency was achieved


Agreement Choose your favorite story and identify elements of literary texts in your notebook.

QUARTER 1 Week 3 Day 2


Objective EO: Realize the importance of our forests by preserving them V: Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (affixed) based on the given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and others strategies


Subject Matter Topic:

Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the given context

clues Materials: Enlarged pictures of boyscout and girlscout,copy of the story

Reference: Curriculum Guide EN5V – Ic – 12 and 13 http://www.k12reader.com/worksheet/context-clues III.

Learning Activities A. Setting the Stage (Using picture of Girl Scout and Boy Scout ) Refer to LM, Think and Tell Ask: Who are in the pictures? How many of you are members of the GSP or

the BSP? What are the common activities of a girl scout and a boy scout?

B. Explaining the students What to do Today we will infer the meaning of the unfamiliar words that we will encounter in the story you are about to read.The story we are going to read is about the trip and the activities of the girl scouts. Make a guess of their activities. Read the story using Directed Reading Teaching Activity (DRTA) How to do it.  The learner formulates his own hypothesis about the story based on the title, pictures and others before reading.  The learner reads the text by parts. After every part, the learner answers the questions about what might happennext based on the context of the story or as revealed by the author.  Confirmation of the hypothesis as the learners read the text, allowing for correction if hypothesis is incorrect. C. Modeling Read the story then answer the questions that follows.

Story Last year, the Girl Scouts in our district celebrated their anniversary with a journey. What do you think is the meaning of journey? The purpose of this trip was to explore the virgin forests of Palawan. (What do you mean by virgin?) since the forests of Palawan have not yet been touched by loggers. Many of the Girl Scouts who went were independent girls and did not need help in doing basic or essential things like cooking and hiking.What do you think is the meaning of independent? essential? Learning the meaning of cooperation helped to make their trip a success. (guess the meaning of cooperation) By working together well, most of them learned much and enjoy the trip. They learned the value of preserving or taking good care of our forests to avoid floods and soil erosion. (what is the meaning of preserving?)

Ask: 

Who celebrated their anniversary?

How did they celebrate their anniversary?

What was the purpose of their trip?

How can you descrice a virgin forest?

Where do you think can we find a virgin forest?

What value did the Girl Scout learn about the forest? Say: To get the meaning of a word, it must be used in a context and there is a clue.When we say context clue, it means get the meaning of the word as it is used with other words. “Therefore, the words that precede and follow an unfamiliar word will help you get its specific meaning. The word or is a signal that a meaning for a new word will follow.

D. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Try and Learn

E. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Learn Some More

F. Closure How can we get the meaning of unfamiliar words? IV.

Evaluation Read the given sentences, then choose one of the words from below that will best fit the sentence. After this, underline the word in the sentence that gave you clue to the word you chose.







1. Every ________ I have breakfast. 2. Turn on the _____________. It is dark in this room. 3. Bring this letter to the post office for _____________. 4. I can hear someone _______________ at the door. 5. Father brought some flowers which mother put in a _____________.

QUARTER 1 Week 3 Day 3 I.

Objective EO: Show tactfulness when communicating with others W: Write two to three paragraph composition based on the prepared outline


Subject Matter Topic:Writing two to three paragraph based on the prepared outline Materials: pictures, copy of outline Reference: Curriculum Guide Code: EN5WC – Ic – 2.2.4 http://www.elementary.ph/keywords/outline


Learning Activities A. Setting the Stage Write a sentence for each of the given pictures.

Ask: Do you like? What birds do you like? Why? Introduce the title of the outline.

B. Expalining the Students What to Do Class, our lesson for today is about writing two to three paragraph based on the outline that I will give to you.And how do we write paragraph using an outline? (By writing the topics following their correct order in the outline) C. Modeling

Read the outline to the pupils. I.

Characteristics of Vultures

A. Large birds of prey B. Have baldheads and neck C. Have very good eyesight D. Have a keen sense of smell II. How vultures get their food

A. Do not hunt for food B. Live on rotting bodies of dead animals C. Have to wait for their dinner D. Eats food left by the lion

Ask:      

What kind of birds are vultures? (Large birds of prey) Why do vultures do not hunt for food? (because they live on dead animals) What kind of outline is presented? (topic outline) What are the main topics in the outline? (Characteristics of ‘Vultures and How vultures get their food) Are they subtopics given for the main topics? (yes) Can this outline be written in paragraph form? (yes) Let’s try writing them in paragraph form. Call selected pupils to write the paragraph on the board.

D.Guided Practice (Group Activity) Write the paragraph using the outline given. Conduct the writing relay. Post the outline on the board. Give a sheet of paper to each group.

Have the group sets on a row before conducting it. Instruction: 1. Leader writes the first sentences of the paragraph then passes the paper at his/her back. 2. The second member writes another sentence following the outline. And passes again the paper afterwards. 3. Continue until all the topics in the outline has been written. 4. Show tactfulness when communicating with your groupmates/ classmates.

Outline: The Air Pump I.

The diaphragm is an air pump A. It moves up to push the air out of the lungs. B. The curved muscles under the lungs is called the diaphragm. C. The diaphragm works so that fresh air will flow in your ribs

II. There are special body parts that control a parson’s breathing. A. You can’t switch you muscle on and off B. You can’t let them go fast or slow C. You breath sometimes go slow or faster depending upon the activity you do.

E.Independent Practice

Here’s another outline. Write 2 paragraphs based on the outline given. Clouds I.

Why clouds are important A. ____________________ B. protect us from the heat of the sun

C. ____________________ II. ____________________ A. During fine weather, early in the morning clouds are golden yellow. B. ____________________ C. ____________________

Answer: I. A. sources of rain B. tell us what kind of weather we will have

II. Cloud’s color depend on time and kind of weather A. at noon, they are white on a sunny day B. at sunset, they turn red F.Closure What have you learned from today’s lesson? How do we write two to three paragraph based on a praticular outline?


Write the paragraphs based on the outline given below. The Whale I.

A sea mammal well built for living in water A. Has blubber or fat to keep at warm B. Has few bristle of hair on its head C. Has front links shaped like flippers D. Gives birth to live babies

II. How the whale gets air A. Breaths air through its lungs B. Swims to the surface of the water to breathe air C. Blows out stale air before breathing in D. Will drown if cannot come to the surface to breathe V.Assignment

Copy the outline. Rewrite it in paragraph form. I.

Germs grow easily A. Grow in dirty places B. Grow in places of different temperature C. Grow in bright or dark places II. Germs are spread in many ways A. Spread when people sleep together B. Spread by using common things C. Spread by sneezing, coughing or kissing

QUARTER 1 Week 3 Day 4


Objective EO: Take good care of personal belongings

G: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: modals


Subject Matter

Topic:Modal Auxiliaries used to, would Materials: pictures, poem written in a cartolina Reference: Lesson Guides in Elem. English 5, page 69 Curriculum Guide Code: EN5G-Ic-3.6 III.

Learning Activities A.Setting the Stage Do you still remember what you used to do when you were small? What are these activities that you used to do? How do you feel when you recall these activities that you used to do? B.Explaining the Students What to Do Say: Class, we will compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical Structures specifically the modal auxiliaries used to,will and would.   

Modals are verbs used with other verbs. They can express a habit. Used to, would - are used to express a past habit Will – is used to express a present habit

C.Modeling Say: You are going to read a poem about what a child used to do and what he always does now THEN AND NOW When I was a child I used to go from place to place Crawling with my hands and feet. I used to play with all my toys Tearing and pulling them apart. Now that I have grown I would go wherever I want Going out with all my friends.


Let the pupils read the poem as a class then by groups.

Ask: What did the author use to do when he was a child? (Write the answers on the board) What helping verbs were used to describe what he always did when he was small? - Let the pupils read the answers on the board. Tell them that these are the activities that the author always did when he was small. - Let the pupils read this paragraph We usually visit my grandparents every Sunday. Early in the morning on Sundays, mother will prepare some food to take with us. She will cook fish as well as chicken because grandpa likes fish but grandma eats only chicken.

Ask: How does mother usually do on Sundays? -Will prepare some food What helping verb was used to express what mother usually does on Sunday? -will What do we call these activities that we always do or always did in the past? -habits How many verbs are used to express these habits? -two What are the main verbs? -go, play, join, prepare What do we call these verbs? -auxiliary verbs In what forms are these auxiliary verbs used? -base forms

What do we call the helping verbs used before the auxiliary verbs? -modals or madol auxiliaries Do the modals remain in the same form or do they follow that the subject is? -They remain in the same form no matter what the subject is. When do we use the modal used to and would? -To express past habit When do we use the modal will? -To express present habit Say: According to the poem, how did the author play with his toys? Did he take good care of his toys? As he grow older do you think he still did that to his toys or other belongings? How about you, do you take good care of your things and other personal belongings? How? Why should we take good care of our things or personal belongings? How should we handle borrowed things or the things in school? D.Guided Practice Let the pupils form four groups. Let each group form a small circle. Let each member of every group share with the rest of the group members his habit when he/she was small using the modal used to, would and his habit now using the modal will. E.Independent Practice The teacher presents strips of cartolina where some sentences are written.She will call one pupil to give the appropriate modal to complete the sentence.Then the pupil will read the complete sentence.     

Maria _______ drink milk in a feeding bottle. Now she _______ use a glass whenever she drinks milk. I _______ sleep on my parent’s bed when I was small. She ______ buy her mother a gift on her birthday. They ______ live in Manila in the 1990’s.

F.Closure What are modals?

What modals are used to express a past habit? What modals are used to express a present habit?


Evaluation Use each modals inside the pie in a sentence.

used to join

used to get

QUARTER 1 Week 3

will go

would eat

will visit

Day 5 I.

Objectives VC:Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures. OL: Use formal and informal English based on audience and purpose.


Subject Matter Topic:Different Forms and conventions of film and moving pictures Materials:Projector,Laptop,speaker,video,pictures, strips of paper Reference:Curriculum Guide Code:ENVC-Ic-5.1, EN5OL-Ic-3.9 https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=film&rlz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNoxwUsNDX8 http://www.slideshare.net/u1024811/film-conventions-powerpoint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bZPoOMfsVg


Learning Activities A.Setting the Stage Are you fond of watching films or movies? What movies have you watched? Which from those movies you have watched,do you like best? Look at the pictures below and guess the title of the movie.

B.Explaining the Students What to do Say: Class, today we will discuss about the different forms and conventions of films and moving pictures but let me first describe what a film/ movie is.. A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon.

The different forms and conventions of films are:  

Characterization - describe the depiction of a character in a movie Acting is the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in theatre, television, film, or any other storytelling medium who tells the story by portraying a character and, usually, speaking or singing the written text or play.

Dialog – the things that are said by the characters in a movie; a discussion/ conversation between two or more people

Setting or set up – the time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place

Direction – the instructions given to the actors and other people working on a film

Blocking is the positioning and movement of the characters to tell the story in visual term

Lighting - the use of various light sources, both artificial and natural, to achieve some aesthetic or practical effect while illuminating a scene. We will also tackle about the use of informal and formal english. Formal language is using standard English (not slang) and appropriate grammar when speaking or writing. Informal language is the language we use when we feel very comfortable and casual around people. For example, talking with or writing to our peers, close friends, and family may be appropriate times to use informal speech. You may choose to use slang or some inappropriate grammar. Informal language does not require standard English.

C.Modeling The teacher will discuss about the powerpoint presentation to the pupils. Afterwards, pupils will be given a chance to watch the movie entitled “imagination” and analyze the forms and convention of this film. Questions: 1. What is the film all about? 2. Who are the characters in the film? 3. What is the setting/ set up of the film? 4. What can you say about the dialog being used in it? Lighting? Blocking?

5. Describe the lesson that you have learned from the film using a simple formal and informal english.

D.Guided Practice Pupils will play the game “Laglag Panyo” whoever pupils get the handkerchief will be the one to answer the questions inside the box. 1. What is the difference between Formal and Informal English? 2. What is a film or a movie? 3. Why is blockings important in a film? 4. What is the use of lighting in a scene? 5. Who plays an important role in a film? E.Independent Practice

Draw a hatif the statement is correct and an umbrella

if not.

1. The use of lighting can be both artificial and natural. 2. Actors/actress tells the story in a film by portraying a character. 3. Directions are the instructions given to the actors only. 4. Dialog are the things that are said by the characters in the movie. 5. A film createsthe illusion of moving images. F.Closure What are the different conventions of a film? IV.


A. Match Column A with the descriptions in Column B. Column A 1. Things that are said by the characters in a movie

Column B A. Dialog

2. The time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place

B. Directions

3. The use of various light sources

C. Film

4. Instructions given to the actors and other people


5. Motion picture or photoplay

E. Setting

B.Using the pictures below, write a simple dialogue with Formal and Informal English.


Week 4

I. Objectives A. Expressive Objectives 1. Realize the important of being polite at all times. 2. Express tactfulness when communicating with others. B. Instructional Objectives Listening Comprehension Distinguish fact from opinion. Oral Language Respond to ideas and opinions after reflection

Vocabulary Development Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Science) Reading Comprehension Distinguish text –types according to purpose- To classify or describe Oral Reading Fluency Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words Grammar Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (collective nouns and verb agreement)

Writing Composition Revise writing for clarity-correct spelling Viewing Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -Stereotypes

-Point view

Attitude Observe politeness at all times Show tactfulness II. Subject Matter A. Topics


a. Fact and opinion b. Ideas and opinions after reflection c. Different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Science) d. Text –types according to purpose- To classify or describe e. Automaticity to grade level frequently occurring content area words f. Clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures nouns and verb agreement) g. Clarity-correct spelling h. Images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -Stereotypes

-Point view

B. Materials 




Audio video clip

C. References K to 12 Curriculum Guide – English Grade 5

III. Procedure 

Day 1

I. Objectives 1. Distinguish fact from opinion. 2. Respond to ideas and opinion after reflection.



II. References: PELC II 12 Developing My English Power 5 pp. 97-100 English Expressways Language p.242-244 Code: EN5LC-IId-2.10 and EN5OL-IID-3.4.1 Materials: Chart, pictures III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage Game: Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon) with a statement stating a fact or an opinion inside a box. Those who picked an opinion should go to the left side; those who picked a fact should go to the right side. Pupils who did not get it correctly should recite a poem; render a song or a dance number.         

Boats never sink. Ice is cold. Three is not a number between two and four. All people can read. A kitten grew up to be a cat. You should brush your teeth. A baby cannot count one to ten Rich people are happy. Water is important to men.

B. Explaining the Students what to do a. Today were going to distinguish fact from opinion. Refer to LM‚ Try and Learn. b. Modeling for students

Ask: When you are watching a debate how can you say that the speaker is just giving her/his opinion or her/his statement is a fact? What are the right things to do if someone is giving his opinion? Do you think that giving a fact should have documents to proof? Why? Why that it is important to hear your opinion in a certain issue? C. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Do and Learn Group the class into three. Give them a checklist of statement of fact and opinion. Let them answer it and compare their

works with the other group.

D. Independent Practice Refer to LM‚ Learn Some More Let the pupils the activity in the LM by shading the part of the box before the number. E. Closure/ Assessment Shade the

if the sentence states a fact and for the sentence that states

an opinion cross it. 1. A forest is the best place to relax. 2. Christmas is the best time of the year. 3. Forest protects our wildlife; gives homes; food and water to animals and birds. 4. it is easier to wrap a big gift that a small one. 5. Malunggay leaves is good for the health.

IV. Evaluation

Read the short selection and the sentences that follow. Draw a star in a blank if the sentence is a fact and a moon it is an opinion. He was a Teodoro F. Valencia the park commissioner himself. He was in charge of Rizal Park and it was he who managed to make the park one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world. He wanted to make children happy. That is why Rizal Park has playground for children‚ a skating rink and palms. Teenagers sit on the benches or stroll around fountains and along flowering hedges or watch carp and goldfish swim gaily in ponds. A planetarium stands beside a library rich in magazines and books for young and old.

_______1. Teodoro Valencia was the park commissioner in charge of Rizal Park. _______2. Rizal Park is one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world. _______3. Families enjoy having picnics on the clean thick grass. _______4. In summer people sleep outdoors in the park. _______5. The sunset looks prettiest in summer when the sun paints the clouds in gorgeous colors.

V. Assignment Write five statements describing the Filipinos under the following headings. Fact


Day 2

I. Objectives 1. Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Science) 2. Distinguish text-types according to purpose-To classify or describe

II. References: PELC II 12 Dictionary Code: EN5V-IId-20.1.1, EN5V-d-20.2.1‚ EN5RC-d-3.2.1 Materials: Pocket Charts, III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage Shows different pictures in the class (e.g. house‚ Group the class into two. Let the first class identify the meaning of the word while the other group must give their own meaning about the pictures.

B. Explaining the Students what to Today class we are going to discuss about the connotation and denotation of the words in Science. Based on the game that we have we simply identify the difference of the two. So for more clarification let us have the activity.

C. Guided Practice Divide the group into four. Give them a manila paper and pictures. Let them post the pictures on it and make a column for connotation and denotation. Refer to LM Find Out and Learn D. Independent Practice Refer to LM Try and Learn .

E. Closure/ Assessment   

Denotation. The dictionary meaning of a word. The literal meaning of a word. Connotation. The emotional or cultural meaning attached to a word. Diction. Style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words includes language, figurative language, and tone.

IV. Evaluation Refer to LM Do and Learn

Day 3

I. Objectives 1. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words. 2. Gather relevant information from various resources-Dictionaries

II. References: PELC III 1.2 English Expressway Reading pp.20-24 Code: EN5V-EN5F-IId-1.8.1, EN5SS-IId-1.4 Materials: Dictionary, picture, charts, papers, pentel pen

III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage

You have been using the dictionary for a long time. Do you also know the important of dictionary in our speaking specially with our diction? What will happen if we are not able to talk but we have to communicate? Let us have this game. COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES DICTIONARY Divide students into groups of 3. Give each group a dictionary. Let them create the ideal student, school, class, teacher, or whatever. When they have their creation finished, each group will explain the meaning of it through the use of the dictionary. B. Explaining the Students what to do From the Game that we have done ask the following: What do you feel during the game? Are you able to communicate clearly without talking? Emphasize the importance of reading correctly. C. Guided Practice Group the class into three. Refer to LM. Find Out and Learn Give them a story to read. Let them discuss the correct pronunciation of the words in the selection. Then let the group have one presenter to read the selection in front of the class. After the presentation the teacher must look for the rubric that he/she prepared for the scoring. Also as a facilitator the teacher must correct if there is any correction in the reading of the pupils. Let the pupils know the importance of using the dictionary in getting the correct diction of each word in the paragraph. D. Independent Practice Refer to LM‚ Try and Learn Ask the pupils to get their dictionary and answer the activity. E. Closure/ Assessment Refer to LM, Do and Learn

IV. Evaluation Read the paragraph by group and check for the pronunciation of the word. Ants are found everywhere in the world. They make their home in buildings, gardens etc. They live in anthills. Ants are very hardworking insects. Throughout the summers they collect food for the winter season. Whenever they find a sweet lying on the floor they stick to the sweet and carry it to their home. Thus, in this way, they clean the floor. Ants are generally red and black in color. They have two eyes and six legs. They are social insects. They live in groups or colonies. Most ants are scavengers they collect whatever food they can find. They are usually wingless but they develop wings when they reproduce. Their bites are quite painful. V. Assignment Use a dictionary and copy one entry with three or more meanings. Copy all the information on that entry, including the given sample sentences. Write your notes in your notebook.

Day 4

I. Objectives 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -collective nouns and verb agreement 2. Revise writing for clarity – correct spelling

II. References: PELC II 12 English Language 5 p. 109 http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/sentences/20-Rules-of-subject-verbhttp://www.preservearticles.com/2011080410136/7-sample-paragraphs-for-kids-freeto-read.html http://www.englishleap.com/grammar/collective-nouns Code: EN5G-IId-2.2.6‚ EN5G-d-3.9, EN5WC-IId-1.8.2

Materials: Charts‚ pictures III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage Call 9 students and group them into 3. Give the group each envelops. Inside on it is a group of words to be arrange to form a sentence. Answers: Group 1 – My dogs always growl at the postal carrier. Group 2 – Peter doesn’t likes vegetables Group 3 – Basketball rolls across the floor. Ask the pupils “ What did you notice in the subject? How about the verb? What is the relationship of the subject and the verb?

B. Explaining the Students what to do Teacher will say that they are going to tackle about the verb agreement. In this process teacher can use the Think Pad for more clarification about the verb agreement. Example: Choose in the parenthesis the correct verb to be use in the sentence. 1. Sugar and flour (is‚ are) needed to the recipe. 2. The majority (rules, rule) most of the time., 3., Basketball (roll, rolls) across the floor C. Guided Practice Group the class into 4. Perform the activity. Let the teacher give the standard in group activity and ready rubrics for scoring.

The entire group will have the same question to be answer so that after the activity they can compare the result. Instruct them to complete the sentence. Group 1 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry. Group 2 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry. Group 3 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry. Group 4 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry. D. Independent Practice Let the pupils answer the activity in the LM.

E. Closure/ Assessment Subject verb agreement simply means the subject and verb must agree in number. This means both need to be singular or both need to be plural. Collective nouns can be singular or plural depending on meaning. Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with collective nouns:

IV. Evaluation Draw a

in a blank if the statement is correct and a

if it is wrong.

______1., These scissors cut well., ______2. Athletic develops good sportsmanship. ______3.The staff have gone their separate ways for the holidays. ______4. The jury have finally reached his decision. ______5. The committee meets every Thursday.

V. Assignment Write the verb and subject of the following sentence. 1. Jack, along with some of his closest friends, is sharing a limo to the prom. 2. The recent string of burglaries, in addition to poor building maintenance, have inspired the outspoken resident to call a tenants meeting. 3. The travelling salesman was dismayed to learn that neither his son his daughter were interested in moving. 4. Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza. 5. Nothing has determined as of yet.

Day 5

I. Objectives 1. Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -Stereotypes

-Point view


2. Observe politeness at all times. 3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others. II. References: PELC II 12 Code: EN5VC-IId-7‚ EN5VC-IId-7.1, EN5VC-IId-7.2‚ EN5VC-IId-7.3

Materials: Pictures, charts, video clip

III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage

Look at the pictures class. What can you say about the pictures? Is anyone of you already watched a movie? How do you act inside a movie theater? Do you think it is important to act correctly during watching any film movie or even we are just watching a TV? Emphasize the good attitudes in watching a film viewing.

B. Explaining the Students what to do Present to the class a video clip entitled “ “ Let them watch the video and ask them to get the values that the characters in the movie possess.

C. Guided Practice Watch the video

D. Independent Practice Answer the activity on Do and Learn

E. Closure/ Assessment

Stereotype: to believe infairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same. IV. Evaluation Identify the different images/ideas. Write P if it’s use for propaganda S for stereotypes and PV for point view.







Week 4

I. Objectives A. Expressive Objectives 1. Realize the important of being polite at all times. 2. Express tactfulness when communicating with others. B. Instructional Objectives Listening Comprehension Distinguish fact from opinion. Oral Language Respond to ideas and opinions after reflection Vocabulary Development Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Science)

Reading Comprehension Distinguish text –types according to purpose- To classify or describe Oral Reading Fluency Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words Grammar Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (collective nouns and verb agreement)

Writing Composition Revise writing for clarity-correct spelling Viewing Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -Stereotypes

-Point view


Attitude Observe politeness at all times Show tactfulness II. Subject Matter A. Topics a. Fact and opinion b. Ideas and opinions after reflection c. Different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Science)

d. Text –types according to purpose- To classify or describe e. Automaticity to grade level frequently occurring content area words f. Clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures nouns and verb agreement) g. Clarity-correct spelling h. Images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -Stereotypes

-Point view

B. Materials 




Audio video clip

C. References K to 12 Curriculum Guide – English Grade 5

III. Procedure 

Day 1

I. Objectives 1. Distinguish fact from opinion. 2. Respond to ideas and opinion after reflection. II. References: PELC II 12 Developing My English Power 5 pp. 97-100 English Expressways Language p.242-244



Code: EN5LC-IId-2.10 and EN5OL-IID-3.4.1 Materials: Chart, pictures III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage Game: Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon) with a statement stating a fact or an opinion inside a box. Those who picked an opinion should go to the left side; those who picked a fact should go to the right side. Pupils who did not get it correctly should recite a poem; render a song or a dance number.         

Boats never sink. Ice is cold. Three is not a number between two and four. All people can read. A kitten grew up to be a cat. You should brush your teeth. A baby cannot count one to ten Rich people are happy. Water is important to men.

B. Explaining the Students what to do a. Today were going to distinguish fact from opinion. Refer to LM‚ Try and Learn. b. Modeling for students Ask: When you are watching a debate how can you say that the speaker is just giving her/his opinion or her/his statement is a fact? What are the right things to do if someone is giving his opinion? Do you think that giving a fact should have documents to proof? Why? Why that it is important to hear your opinion in a certain issue?

C. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Do and Learn Group the class into three. Give them a checklist of statement of fact and opinion. Let them answer it and compare their

works with the other group.

D. Independent Practice Refer to LM‚ Learn Some More Let the pupils the activity in the LM by shading the part of the box before the number. E. Closure/ Assessment Shade the

if the sentence states a fact and for the sentence that states

an opinion cross it. 1. A forest is the best place to relax. 2. Christmas is the best time of the year. 3. Forest protects our wildlife; gives homes; food and water to animals and birds. 4. it is easier to wrap a big gift that a small one. 5. Malunggay leaves is good for the health.

IV. Evaluation Read the short selection and the sentences that follow. Draw a star in a blank if the sentence is a fact and a moon it is an opinion. He was a Teodoro F. Valencia the park commissioner himself. He was in charge of Rizal Park and it was he who managed to make the park one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world. He wanted to make children happy. That is why Rizal Park has playground for children‚ a skating rink and palms. Teenagers sit on the benches or stroll

around fountains and along flowering hedges or watch carp and goldfish swim gaily in ponds. A planetarium stands beside a library rich in magazines and books for young and old.

_______1. Teodoro Valencia was the park commissioner in charge of Rizal Park. _______2. Rizal Park is one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world. _______3. Families enjoy having picnics on the clean thick grass. _______4. In summer people sleep outdoors in the park. _______5. The sunset looks prettiest in summer when the sun paints the clouds in gorgeous colors.

V. Assignment Write five statements describing the Filipinos under the following headings. Fact


Day 2

I. Objectives 1. Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation) (Science) 2. Distinguish text-types according to purpose-To classify or describe

II. References: PELC II 12 Dictionary Code: EN5V-IId-20.1.1, EN5V-d-20.2.1‚ EN5RC-d-3.2.1 Materials: Pocket Charts,

III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage Shows different pictures in the class (e.g. house‚ Group the class into two. Let the first class identify the meaning of the word while the other group must give their own meaning about the pictures.

B. Explaining the Students what to Today class we are going to discuss about the connotation and denotation of the words in Science. Based on the game that we have we simply identify the difference of the two. So for more clarification let us have the activity.

C. Guided Practice Divide the group into four. Give them a manila paper and pictures. Let them post the pictures on it and make a column for connotation and denotation. Refer to LM Find Out and Learn D. Independent Practice Refer to LM Try and Learn . E. Closure/ Assessment   

Denotation. The dictionary meaning of a word. The literal meaning of a word. Connotation. The emotional or cultural meaning attached to a word. Diction. Style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words includes language, figurative language, and tone.

IV. Evaluation Refer to LM Do and Learn

Day 3

I. Objectives 1. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words. 2. Gather relevant information from various resources-Dictionaries

II. References: PELC III 1.2 English Expressway Reading pp.20-24 Code: EN5V-EN5F-IId-1.8.1, EN5SS-IId-1.4 Materials: Dictionary, picture, charts, papers, pentel pen

III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage You have been using the dictionary for a long time. Do you also know the important of dictionary in our speaking specially with our diction? What will happen if we are not able to talk but we have to communicate? Let us have this game. COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES DICTIONARY Divide students into groups of 3. Give each group a dictionary. Let them create the ideal student, school, class, teacher, or whatever. When they

have their creation finished, each group will explain the meaning of it through the use of the dictionary. B. Explaining the Students what to do From the Game that we have done ask the following: What do you feel during the game? Are you able to communicate clearly without talking? Emphasize the importance of reading correctly. C. Guided Practice Group the class into three. Refer to LM. Find Out and Learn Give them a story to read. Let them discuss the correct pronunciation of the words in the selection. Then let the group have one presenter to read the selection in front of the class. After the presentation the teacher must look for the rubric that he/she prepared for the scoring. Also as a facilitator the teacher must correct if there is any correction in the reading of the pupils. Let the pupils know the importance of using the dictionary in getting the correct diction of each word in the paragraph. D. Independent Practice Refer to LM‚ Try and Learn Ask the pupils to get their dictionary and answer the activity. E. Closure/ Assessment Refer to LM, Do and Learn IV. Evaluation Read the paragraph by group and check for the pronunciation of the word. Ants are found everywhere in the world. They make their home in buildings, gardens etc. They live in anthills. Ants are very hardworking insects. Throughout the summers they collect food for the winter season. Whenever they find a sweet lying on the floor they stick to the sweet and carry it to their home. Thus, in this way, they clean the floor. Ants are

generally red and black in color. They have two eyes and six legs. They are social insects. They live in groups or colonies. Most ants are scavengers they collect whatever food they can find. They are usually wingless but they develop wings when they reproduce. Their bites are quite painful. V. Assignment Use a dictionary and copy one entry with three or more meanings. Copy all the information on that entry, including the given sample sentences. Write your notes in your notebook.

Day 4

I. Objectives 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -collective nouns and verb agreement 2. Revise writing for clarity – correct spelling

II. References: PELC II 12 English Language 5 p. 109 http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/sentences/20-Rules-of-subject-verbhttp://www.preservearticles.com/2011080410136/7-sample-paragraphs-for-kids-freeto-read.html http://www.englishleap.com/grammar/collective-nouns Code: EN5G-IId-2.2.6‚ EN5G-d-3.9, EN5WC-IId-1.8.2 Materials: Charts‚ pictures III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage

Call 9 students and group them into 3. Give the group each envelops. Inside on it is a group of words to be arrange to form a sentence. Answers: Group 1 – My dogs always growl at the postal carrier. Group 2 – Peter doesn’t likes vegetables Group 3 – Basketball rolls across the floor. Ask the pupils “ What did you notice in the subject? How about the verb? What is the relationship of the subject and the verb?

B. Explaining the Students what to do Teacher will say that they are going to tackle about the verb agreement. In this process teacher can use the Think Pad for more clarification about the verb agreement. Example: Choose in the parenthesis the correct verb to be use in the sentence. 1. Sugar and flour (is‚ are) needed to the recipe. 2. The majority (rules, rule) most of the time., 3., Basketball (roll, rolls) across the floor C. Guided Practice Group the class into 4. Perform the activity. Let the teacher give the standard in group activity and ready rubrics for scoring. The entire group will have the same question to be answer so that after the activity they can compare the result. Instruct them to complete the sentence. Group 1 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry.

Group 2 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry. Group 3 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry. Group 4 a. Each _____ a trophy for playing. b. Something ___ very wrong here. c. The crowd ___ getting angry. D. Independent Practice Let the pupils answer the activity in the LM.

E. Closure/ Assessment Subject verb agreement simply means the subject and verb must agree in number. This means both need to be singular or both need to be plural. Collective nouns can be singular or plural depending on meaning. Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with collective nouns:

IV. Evaluation Draw a

in a blank if the statement is correct and a

if it is wrong.

______1., These scissors cut well., ______2. Athletic develops good sportsmanship. ______3.The staff have gone their separate ways for the holidays. ______4. The jury have finally reached his decision. ______5. The committee meets every Thursday.

V. Assignment Write the verb and subject of the following sentence. 1. Jack, along with some of his closest friends, is sharing a limo to the prom. 2. The recent string of burglaries, in addition to poor building maintenance, have inspired the outspoken resident to call a tenants meeting. 3. The travelling salesman was dismayed to learn that neither his son his daughter were interested in moving. 4. Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza. 5. Nothing has determined as of yet.

Day 5

I. Objectives 1. Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -Stereotypes

-Point view


2. Observe politeness at all times. 3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others. II. References: PELC II 12 Code: EN5VC-IId-7‚ EN5VC-IId-7.1, EN5VC-IId-7.2‚ EN5VC-IId-7.3 Materials: Pictures, charts, video clip

III. Procedure A. Setting the Stage

Look at the pictures class. What can you say about the pictures? Is anyone of you already watched a movie? How do you act inside a movie theater? Do you think it is important to act correctly during watching any film movie or even we are just watching a TV? Emphasize the good attitudes in watching a film viewing.

B. Explaining the Students what to do Present to the class a video clip entitled “ “ Let them watch the video and ask them to get the values that the characters in the movie possess.

C. Guided Practice Watch the video

D. Independent Practice Answer the activity on Do and Learn

E. Closure/ Assessment

Stereotype: to believe infairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same. IV. Evaluation Identify the different images/ideas. Write P if it’s use for propaganda S for stereotypes and PV for point view.






QUARTER 1 Teacher’s Guide WEEK 6 I.

OBJECTIVES A. Expressive Objectives 1. Observe politeness at all times. 2. Show tactfulness when communicating with others B. Instructional Objectives Listening Comprehension Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose Oral Language Use formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation Vocabulary Development Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (blended) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies Reading Comprehension Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) in a given text. Oral Reading Fluency

Read with automatically grade level frequently occurring content area words (Science) Grammar Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures conjunctions Writing / Composition Revise writing for clarity – punctuation marks

Attitude Observe politeness at all times Show tactfulness when communicating with others II.

SUBJECT MATTER A. Topics 1. Literature/ My Mother Dear 2. Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar words (blended) 3. Figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) 4. Conjunctions 5. Punctuation marks B. Materials Curriculum Guide Selection, My Mother Dear, Enjoying Reading 5 pp. 2- 4 Picture of mother and child

Day 1 I.

Objectives 1. Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.

2. Use formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation. 3. Observe politeness at all times. 4. Show tactfulness when communicating with others II.

Subject Matter Topics: Inferring the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose Using formal and informal English when appropriate to task and situation References: Curriculum Guide EN5LC – If – 2.B.1/ 2.B.2/ 2.B.3 EN5OL – If – 3.9 Enjoying Reading 5 pp. 2- 4 Focused Skill: Inferring Value: Politeness



A. Setting the stage Ask: Do you feel the love and care of you mother? What are the instances that show your mother’s tender loving care? B. Explaining the Student What to Do? Say: Class our lesson for today is about inferring the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose. When we infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose we are giving our idea on what maybe the feeling/intention of the speaker in the poem. 

It is giving the feeling/intention of the speaker or writer in one scenario.

C. Modeling A. Pre – Listening before the teacher read the story 1. Unlocking of difficulties 1. A dagger is thrust into her heart. The word thrust means A. To push

B. to play

C. to remain

2. If you feel secure when you are with your parents, you are A. Afraid

B. confident

C. angry

3. When a mother caresses her child, she _____him/her. A. Touches

B. scolds

C. Reprimand

4. Sheila hurt herself when she touched the dagger. A dagger is _______. A. A round and smooth object B. An elongated and rough object C. A pointed and sharp object 5. It is for the sake of a child, then, it is for his/her own________.

A. Misery

B. benefit

C. look out

B. The teacher will read the poem to the class My Mother Dear

Who brought me to this world To see the wonder works of God And enjoy life to the fullest? Who puts her arms around me During chilly evenings To make me feel warm? Who is in great pain When I am in sorrow As if a dagger is thrust into her heart? Who tell me stories at night And caresses me as I fall asleep, Till I dream of beautiful things? Who is there at my side Whenever I am sick? She is awake all night. Who plays with me To brighten my day? She never counts the hours Till her tired body drops. Who offers her life For the sake of her child; Not thinking of herself;

Not thinking of what it may take? The woman who gave me this life, My dearest mother, whom I love so much. Say: What do you think is the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose in the poem? a. He/ She is happy. b. He/ She is feeling loved and cared by his/her mother. c. He/ She wants to show her appreciation to his/her mother. Say: Class this might be the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose in the poem? Children, these are what we call inferring the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose. D.Guided Practice Teacher will read again the poem to the pupils. Then they will infer the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose. Group I – Stanzas 2 and 3 Group II – Stanza 4 Group III – Stanza 6 Group IV – Stanza 8 E. Independent Practice The teacher will read the following sentences and the pupil will infer the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose. Group I – Mr. Ramirez had a dialogue with the boys. During the interview, he noticed that Arthur answered his questions politely. Group II – One of the applicants was praised as worthy of confidence by the mayor and was given a recommendation. F. Closure Mood is defined in poetry as the feelings or emotions that are evoked in the reader by the poem. Conversely, tone expresses the attitude the author has towards the subject or topic of the poem.

Inferring the speaker’s tone, mood or purpose may be done by determining the purpose of the author in writing the poem or selection. It may be done through keen observation on the way the speaker’s read the lines and through analyzing of the words used in the poem or selection. Evaluation The teacher will read the paragraph. Pupils will analyze what will be the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.“Their cheers energized him and after few more seconds, he was already on top. “I did it! I did it! he shouted politely”. Day 2 I.

Objective Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (blended) based on given context clues, synonyms, antonyms, word parts and other strategies.


Subject Matter Topic: Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words (blended) based on given context clues, synonyms, antonyms, word parts and other strategies. References: Curriculum Guide EN5V – If – 12 and 13 203https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_word Focused Skill: Inferring



A. Setting the stage Ask: Have you encountered words such as brunch, motel, smog etc. Who among you knows the meaning of these unfamiliar words? B. Explaining the Student What to Do? Say: Class our lesson for today is about inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words (blended). We may use context clues, synonyms, antonyms word parts and other strategies to know the meaning of these unfamiliar words (blended). 

Blended words are two words joined together by taking parts of both words and combining the parts into a new word.

Synonyms are words with the same meaning.

Antonyms are words with opposite meaning.

Context clues are giving the meaning from the sentence itself

Word parts by analyzing the meaning of each word being combined.

C. Modeling I.

Read the sentences orally. Context Clues

1. I ate my brunch at the canteen since I haven’t eaten my breakfast and lunch. 2. Elsa sends mail through her electronic computer last night but Anna read her email the next morning. What do you think is the meaning of brunch? Email? SayClass these are example of blended words. We can find the meaning of these unfamiliar words using context clues or we can find the meaning of words in the sentence. Such as: 1. breakfast + lunch = brunch 2. electronic + mail = email


Read and observe the following words SYNONYMS ANTONYMS Smassy Smart rude Smassy Unwise timid Multiplex Multiple Multiplex Single simple complex What do you think is the meaning of smassy? Multiplex? Say. Synonyms are words with the same meaning. Unfamiliar words can be defined through synonyms. Such as Smassy = smart but rude, Multiplex = multiple complex. Antonyms are words with opposite meaning. Unfamiliar words be defined through antonyms. Such as Smassy= unwise timid, Multiplex = multiple complex.


Analyze the following words Word parts Simultaneous Smoke

broadcast Fog

Unfamiliar word (blended) Simulcast Smog

What do you is the meaning of simulcast? Smog? Say: These are example of blended words. We can find the meaning of these unfamiliar words through theirword parts. Such as Simulcast = simultaneous broadcast, smog = smoke and fog.

D. Guided Practice Group I – Look for the meaning of the underlined words through context clues. Report the answer through singing. 1. Due to the smoke of kaingin and the fog in the mountain the farmers cannot see clearly because of the smog. a. Kaingin and forest b. Fog and Mountain c. Smoke and fog 2. Mang Juan used the hybrid seedlings of squash that gave him an enormous and giant harvest; he was able to sell his ginormous products at high price. a. Giant and enormous b. Seedlings and products c. Hybrid and squash

Group II – Arrange the jumbled letter to get the synonyms or antonyms of the following words. Report the answer through poem. 1. INTERNATIONAL NETWORK – T E N I N E R T 2. PICTURE ELEMENT = EXLIP Group III – Look for the word parts of the following words inside the treasure box.

Report the answer through rap. 1. Cyborg = cybernetic + organism 2. Bash = bang + smash

Independent Practice Exercise1. Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar words. 1. Anna must have an analysis with her urine. She will undergo urinalysis tomorrow. 2. Everyone loves wifi for many reasons. This wireless fidelity is very useful nowadays. 3. Many of us learn to express our feelings throughblogs, we can write our concern in a web and then log it in. 4. Hospitals use intercom in every room so that every patient’s concern may be paged in this international communication for their convenience. 5. Wireless modem is a necessity among professionals. This wireless modulator and demodulator bring convenience wherever the needs occur. Exercise2. Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar words by analyzing its word parts. Example: Brunch = breakfast + lunch 1. Cellophane 2. Slithy 3. Spanglish 4. Emoticon 5. Smog

Closure (Game) Complete the statement by filling in the blanks with the words that you will get inside the balloons. Unfamiliar words (blended)may be infer through ___________,___________,__________,and__________. (Real balloons)



F. Evaluation Infer the meaning of the unfamiliar words. 1. Brunch 2. Email 3. Motel 4. Simulcast 5. Smog

G. Agreement Write another 5 unfamiliar words (blended) in your notebooks.

Day 3 I.

Objective Analyze figure of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole in a given text.


Subject Matter Topic: Analyzing figure of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole in a given text. References: Curriculum Guide EN5RC – If – 2 and 3 http://similepoems.blogspot.com/ http://mrbroadfield.blogspot.com/2011/03/personification-poems.html Focused Skill: Analyzing Value: Politeness



A. Setting the stage Ask: Who among you love poems? Why do you love poems? Let us read the line. My love is like a red red rose By, Robert Burns

Say. This is an example of figures of speech. B. Explaining the Student What to Do? Say: Class our lesson for today is about analyzing figure of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole. C. Modeling

Read the poem orally. Analyze the similarities and differences of the poems. Simile Metaphor



Ask. Let us analyze the first poem. What can you say about the first poem? second poem? Third poem?Fourth poem? Say.

Class these are figure of speech. Figure of speech is

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning. It is used to add color to the language.

Poem 1 – Simile A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. It uses the word as or like. Example: Emerald is as green as grass. Poem 2 – Metaphor It is a figure of speech that compares two unlike objects directly. It doesn’t use the word like or as. Example: Lifeis abroken winged bird. Poem 3 - Personification It is a figure of speech that is giving life to inanimate objects. Example: The seais agigantic wolf. Poem 4 – Hyperbole It is an exaggerated statement or claims not meant to be taken literally. Example: They arranged themselves in the window.

D. Guided Practice Analyze the following sentences and determine if it is simile, metaphor, personification or hyperbole. GroupI. A ruby is as red as blood. Group II. Life is a barren field. Group III. The sea leaps all day. Group IV. They both took root in the carpet. E. Independent Practice Analyze the four poems. Figure out why it isclassified to that figure of speech.( Refer to LM)

Group I – Poem I Group II – Poem II Group III – Poem III Group IV – Poem IV

F. Closure A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning. It is used to add color to the language. In analyzing a poem you have to remember the following: Simile A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. It uses the word as or like. Example: Emerald is as green as grass. Metaphor It is a figure of speech that compares two unlike objects directly. It doesn’t use the word like or as. Example: Lifeis abroken winged bird. Personification It is a figure of speech that is giving life to inanimate objects. Example: The seais agigantic wolf. Hyperbole It is an exaggerated statement or claims not meant to be taken literally. Example: They arranged themselves in the window. G. Evaluation Analyze the poem considering the figure of speech used. Refer to (LM) Day 4. Objective

Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -


Subject Matter Topic.Composing clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -

conjunction References: Curriculum Guide EN5G – If – 8.3/8.4 https://www.google.com/search?q=conjunctions&ie=utf-8&oe=utf8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&ei=IKM7V8j3GZOC2ATo0YxA Focused Skill: Composing/ Writing

Procedure A. Setting the stage. Read the following sentences written on the piece of paper to be given in your group. 1. I had a good time in the partyalthough I didn’t know those people. 2. She passed her exam becauseshe studied very well. 3. You won’t know what to doif you don’t listen attentively. The teacher will ask the class to read the underlined words. Say. Class these are conjunctions.It is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause. B. Explaining the Student What to Do? Say: Class our lesson for today is composing clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -



It is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.It is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.

C. Modeling

Read and analyze the following sentences. Clause 1 Conjunction Clause 2 1. Lito got sick Because He played under the rain. 2. Elsa’s mothersupp orts her studies in a private school


She only sells vegetables for a living.

Sentence Lito got sickbecausehe played under the rain. Elsa’s mother supports her studies in a private school although she only sells vegetables.

Ask. 1. What is the conjunction used in the first example? 2.In the second example what is the conjunction use? Say. Example no. 1 usedCoordinating conjunction. It is used to give equal emphasis to a pair of main clauses. Let us remember the acronym FANBOYS. ( for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so) Example no. 2 used Subordinating conjunction. It is a conjunction that used to join independent clause and dependent clause. The most common subordinating conjunctions are: after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while. D. Guided Practice Have a draw lot on how are you going to present your answer.

Group I. Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunctionfrom the parenthesis: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever) This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how) _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless) You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless) I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)

Group II.Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunctionfrom the parenthesis: 1. We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)

2. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or) 3. The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed often. (though, as, once) 4. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when) 5. Write this down _________ you forget. (or, when, lest) Group III.Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunctions from the parenthesis: 1. My car has a radio _________ a CD player. (but, or, and) 2. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _________ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or) 3. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but) 4. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet, nor) 5. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Group IV. Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunctions from the parenthesis: I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet) I was on time, _________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for) Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so) Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts on display. (but, for, yet) Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and) E. Independent Practice Pandora ’s Box Pick one strip of paper and fill in the correct conjunction to be used. Use the different color papers. 1. I need to work hard _________ I pass the exam. 2. _________ he was the best candidate, he didn’t win the elections. 3. _________ you come back from your trip, we’ll meet to discuss the problem. 4. They said that the movie was fantastic _________I watched it. 5. _________ he was very ill, he didn’t take any medicine.

F. Closure

Conjunction is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause. It is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause. To write clear and coherent sentence using conjunction we must remember the following: 1. Coordinating conjunctionis used to give equal emphasis to a pair of main clauses. Let us remember the acronym FANBOYS. ( for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so) 2. Subordinating conjunction is used to join independent clause and dependent clause. The most common subordinating conjunctions are: after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while.

G. Evaluation Write 5 sentences using conjunctions.


Objective 3. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words. (Science) 4. Revise writing for clarity -

Punctuation marks

Subject Matter 1. Topics. 1. Reading with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words. (Science) 2. Revising writing for clarity

Punctuation marks References: Curriculum Guide EN5F – If –, EN5WC – If – 1.8.1 http://www.edhelper.com/ReadingComprehension_54_828.html A Fish That Shoots His Dinner by: Carl Burger Reading Marvel 5 pp. 98 - 99 Focused Skill: Reading/ Writing

Procedures A. Setting the stage

Ask. Class what can you say about the picture? Why it is important to us?

B. Explaining the Student What to Do? Say: Class our lesson for today is about sun. We are going to read the selection orally and afterwards we are going to revise some related writings about the sun for clarity with the use of proper punctuation marks.

C. Modeling Before reading the selection teacher will read the science words used in the selection. NUCLEAR REACTION NUCLEAR FUSION CORE HELIUM ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION Read the selection orally. First reading will be done by the teacher. How the sun works The sun is a giant ball of burning, glowing gases. It is 333 400 times the mass of the Earth and 109 times its diameter. The sun shines because of the incredible amount of energy produced by a nuclear reaction called nuclear fusion. This reaction occurs in the center of the sun, also called the core. Nuclear fusion works by taking the nucleuses of atoms - in this case, hydrogen atoms - and forcing them together, creating a new element in this case, helium. Nuclear fusion creates immense amounts of energy which is radiated in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which includes infrared radiation, visible light, xrays and gamma rays. The teacher will ask the pupil to read again the highlighted words. Say. Class these are some of the science words that we encountered in our selection Ask:1.What is the punctuation mark used in the selection after each declarative sentence? How about if we have to pause for a while, what is the punctuation mark used? How about if we are expressing strong feeling, what is the punctuation mark to be used? In asking a question what punctuation mark are we going to be used?

D. Guided Practice

Read the selection orally. Then fill in the blanks the proper punctuation marks for the clarity of the selection.( . , ? ! ) Hundreds of earthquakes occur every year__ Most earthquakes do little harm __ but a few have killed thousands of people and cause enormous destruction __ Man has to endure earthquakes throughout history __ Can earthquakes be detected or predicted ___ How is this being done__ E. Independent Practice Rewrite the selection to make it clear. Use proper punctuation marks if needed. The archerfish’s water pistol is part of his body__ A narrow groove runs along his mouth__ When his tongue is pressed against this groove__ it makes a little tube __ To shoot __ the archerfish fills his mouth with water __ Then he quickly closes his gills __ This forces the water out of his mouth __ The archer knows how to control the water __ too__ He can make it come out one drop at a time __ Or he can make it come in one big squirt__ F. Closure Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to aid the clarity and comprehension of written language. Some common punctuation marks are the period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation

Quarter I Week 7 I. Objectives A. Expressive Objectives 1. Show tactfulness when communicating with others 2. Observe politeness at all times 3. Appreciate fairy tale stories. B. Instructional Objectives Listening Comprehension Distinguish reality from fantasy Oral Language Recount events effectively Vocabulary Development Infer meaning of unfamiliar words ( clipped) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) Reading Comprehension Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) in a given text Oral Reading Fluency Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words (Health) Grammar Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -conjunctions

Writing/Composition Revise writing for clarity -transition/ signal words Attitude towards literacy, literature, and language Observe politeness at all times Show tactfulness when communicating with others

II. Subject Matter A. Topics 1. “Tooth Fairy” 2. Fantasy and Reality 3. Clipped Words 4. Figures of Speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) 5. Conjunctions 6. Transition/Signal Words

B. Materials : Pictures Activity sheet Crossword puzzle Strips of cartolina

III. Procedure:

Quarter I Week 7 Day 1 I. Objectives 1. Distinguish reality from fantasy 2. Recounts events effectively 3. Appreciate fairy tale stories

II. Subject Matter: Topic

: Reality and Fantasy “ Tooth Fairy”


: pictures, activity cards

References : CG ENGLC-Ig-2.3, EN5OL-Ig-1.8 Enjoying Reading 4 Focused Skills : Listening, Recounting events Value: Appreciation and Cooperation III. Setting the Stage:

A. Ask: Do you love reading fairy tales? What fairy tales story do you know?

B. Explaining the Students What To Do

Say : Class look at the pictures, what is in the picture. This is a tooth fairy. The story that we are going to read has something to do with our lesson for today, its all about Reality and Fantasy. -

Reality tells about things that could happen in real life


Fantasy Tells about characters or events that cannot really happen or it is a product of imagination only.

1. Unlocking of Difficulties Choose the meaning of the underlined words. to move in quick

a broad smile


bend or hang downward


1. I snuggled down in my sleeping bag. 2. James hid his face in his hands and drooped his head. 3. He muttered something under his breath. 4. OK,” he said with a grin. 5. The remaining petals fluttered to the ground. C. Modeling

1. Reading the story by the teacher 2. Reading the story by the pupils 3. Choose a pupil who will read the story for the third time

Tooth Fairy Jenny snuggled under for blanket with her eyes wide open. “I will stay awake. Oh, I want to see the fairy,” she muttered sleepily. That afternoon in school, her milk tooth had wiggled and turned for the last time. It fell on a page of the book that Jenny was reading. Now she had a space just as most of her schoolmates had, right in the middle of her beautiful grin. Before going to bed that night, Jenny put the tooth under her pillow to see whether a fairy would take it away and leaved a surprise in its place. She wanted to stay awake, but her eyelids drooped and closed. The room was still quiet. Then, a tinkle, like the sound of a music box, filled the air. Out of the darkness, the shiniest little fairy any could imagine, floated into the room. She knelt down beside Jenny’s pillow and found the hidden tooth. The fairy dropped the tooth into a golden purse and whispered, “Now I have another pearl for my queen’s necklace. Thanks to you Jenny. Out of gratitude, I will leave you this coin. It will be your reward and will bring you luck, Jenny.” The music began again, and the fairy fluttered away. “Wake up, Child,” Jenny’s mother bent over her.

Ask the following questions: 1. What happened to Jenny’s tooth? 2. Why did she want to stay awake that night? 3. From out of the darkness, who floated into her room? 4. Why did the fairy take Jenny’s tooth? 5. If you lose a tooth, will you keep it under your pillow? Why or why not? 6. If you were in Jenny’s place and you found the coin under your pillow, what would you do with it? 7. Do you believe that there is a tooth fairy? Why do you think so? Say: Listen attentively as we recall some of the parts of the story. Let us analyze them

if they show reality or fantasy. 1. A tooth fell on a page of the book that Jenny was reading. (Reality) 2. Out of darkness, the shiniest little fairy anyone could imagine floated into the room. (Fantasy) 3. The room was still and quiet. (Reality) 4. Now she had a space just as most of her schoolmate had, right in the middle of her beautiful grin.(Reality) 5. The fairy dropped the tooth into a golden purse. (Fantasy)


Reality tells about things that coul happen in real life


Fantasy tells about characters or events that cannot really happen or it is a product of imagination only.

D. Guided Practice

1. Pantomiming a. Tell you pupils to think of their fantasy dream. b. Let them pantomime it while their classmates will guess what it is. Ask them again to think their ambition. Let them act it out again and class will guess it. c. Ask them also how they will achieve their ambition

2. Raise R card if the event or action is Reality and raise letter F if the action is Fantasy. 1. Blankets should be cleaned after use. 2. Through the Internet, people can play games with each other. They can do much more. 3. When the man hit the pot, diamond came out. 4. A woodcutter cuts wood in the forest.

5. Computers can cook our food.

E. Independent Practice The teacher will write the sentences in strips of cartolina. Then let the pupils put each one in proper column. Reality










1. The swan wears a crown. 2. The young girl is selling flowers at the church. 3. The volcano is erupting. 4. The girl’s dead grandmother comes to fetch her with a smile 5. The teacher is telling a story. 6. The witch stopped at the store 7. Antonio lives in the clouds 8. The park is full of children. 9. The farmer talked to the priest. 10. The genie granted Antonio’s wish. F. Closure:

Children, kindly differentiate reality from Fantasy. Reality refers to situations that may happen in real life.

Fantasy refers to situations that are magical or make believe and could not happen in real-life

IV. Evaluation: Sequence the events that happened in the story. Write numbers 1-5 on the space provided for. _____1. That afternoon in school, her milk tooth had wiggled and turned for the last time. _____2. The fairy dropped the tooth into a golden purse and whispered, “Now I have another pearl for my queen’s necklace. _____3. Jenny snuggled under for blanket with her eyes wide open. _____4. Before she opened her eyes, Jenny reached under the pillow. She was surprised when she felt something there. When she saw the coin, she sat up smiling. _____5. “But I saw her, Mother. I Just don’t know how. I wish I didn’t fall asleep,” she said winking at Mother. “Oh, well, I still have baby teeth anyway!”

V. Agreement:

Read each sentence carefully and decide whether it is Reality or Fantasy _____1. The butterfly flew from flower to flower. _____2. The top of the mountain is covered with fog. _____3. The giant carried the building in his right hand. _____4. They planted trees in the forest.

_____5. The man hit the pot out come diamonds

Prepared by: Richelle Esguerra Pila E.S.


Quarter I Week 7 Day 2 I. Objective : 1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (clipped) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) 2. Observe politeness at all times II. Subject Matter Topic


Meaning of unfamiliar words based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts)



chart, pictures


: CG EN5V-Ig-12 and 13 http://www.esl.ph/lessons/vocabulary/word-formationprocess/clipping.html Focused Skill : Vocabulary Development Value

: Cooperation and Open-mindedness

III. Learning Activities A. Setting the Stage Show the word Mathematics If I removed the Mathematics. Can you still recognize the word? There are times when we do not want to say the whole words, so we shorten them.

B. Explain the pupils what to do Class, our lesson for today is all about the unfamiliar clipped words

Clipped words are often used to shorten word for their convenience. C. Modeling

Notice the underlined shorten words. Let the pupils guess its original word Their company spends a lot of money on ads Burger does not suit old people The tourist bus broke down near Pangasinan. The copter forces landed in the disturbed areas to stem the communal violence There are bundles of currency notes inside the case. Gas has become an expensive fuel for low income group families. My uncle goes to the gym early morning. Get me a kilo of mangoes. This college has five labs.

What are the types of Clipping?

1. Backclipping (Apocopation) is the loss of one or more syllables at the end of a word. Examples:

abs (abdominal muscle)

app (application)

bi (bisexual)

bra (brassiere)

3. Foreclipping (Aphaeresis) refers to the omission of one or more syllables at the beginning of a word. Examples: •

phone (telephone)

sample (example)

coon (raccoon)

4. Middle Clipping (Syncope) retains the middle part of a word, getting rid of the beginning and ending parts. Examples: •

flu (influenza)

tec (detective)

5. Complex Clipping is the shortening of a compound word by preserving and combining its initial parts (or first syllables). Examples: •

sci-fi (science fiction)

midcult (middlebrow culture)

sitcom (situation comedy)

forex (foreign exchange)

Other examples: Original Word

Clipped Word

Type of Clipping



Fore clipping



Fore clipping



Back clipping




Definition a person who tries to find a way to change ordinary metals into gold and to find a medicine which would cure any disease. a large reptile with a hard skin that lives in and near rivers and lakes in the hot a large room containing many beds, especially in a boarding school or university Soft loose clothing which is




Middle clipping



Back clipping



Fore clipping

worn in bed and consists of trousers and a type of shirt. a piece of kitchen equipment which uses electricity to preserve food at a cold temperature a short written report prepared specially for a person or group of people which contains information about a particular matter. a motorway which you usually have to pay to use

D. Guided Practice A. Group the pupils into four. Give each group a picture. Using the picture, give its original word, clipped word, and meaning and use it in a sentence. Be able to present it to the class.

Group 1.

Group 3

Group 2

Group 4

B. Read the meaning of each clipped words and give its original word. Write your answer on the space provided for. __________1. decaf = to remove the caffeine from coffee __________2. prom = a formal dance held for a school class toward the end of the academic year __________ 3. croc = a large aggressive aquatic reptile with massive jaws and a body covered with bony plates __________ 4. mike = a device for converting sound waves into electrical energypop (music or art ) new and of general appeal, especially among young people __________5. prom = a formal dance held for a school class toward the end of the academic year

E. Independent Practice A. Write the word from the box that matches the bold clipped word beside it.

airplane taxicab

hamburgers advertisement dormitory






May 16, 2016 M.H. Del Pilar St. El Nido, Palawan Dear Wally, Last week, my family went to Manila to visit some schools Pauleen ________ applied to. It’s strange to think that next year my sister will be a highschool grad.____________ We took a taxi ____________ to the airport since our plane____________ left so early in the morning. The dorm ____________ rooms were awfully small, but Pauleen was really impressed with the science labs____________. Later on, we ate some burgers____________ at the student union and talked to a few students. My parents have finally decided that I’m old enough to ride my bike____________ to Dr. Cruz’s office. He posted an ad____________asking for help a couple of days a week. He thinks it’s great that I plan on being a vet____________one day and takes all my questions seriously. Have you been to any ballgames? Are you keeping stats ____________ of your favourite players? I Hope you’re having a great summer. Your friend, Jose

B. Give the original word of the given clipped word based on its meaning. Choose the letter

of the correct answer. 1. coke = carbonated drink flavoured with extract from Kola nuts a. coconut

b. cocaine

c. cocain

d. coca-cola

e. choke

2. co-ed = schooling attended by members of both sexes a. coedam

b. coeddo

c. coedit

d. coeditor



3. grannie, granny = the mother of your father or mother a. granary Grandmother

b. grand prix

c. grande dame

d. grandfather


4. vet = a doctor who practices veterinary medicine a. veterinarian Vegetarian

b. veteran

c. vetchworm

d. vestrywoman


5. gent = a man of refinement a. genealogist Gentleman

b. general agent

c. general team

d. genitals


F. Closure What do you mean by clipped words? Clipped words are often used in their shorten word for their convenience. IV. Evaluation: Match the original/clipped words from its meaning. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.




____ 1. a small carriage in which a baby sarge

a. Sergeant/

is pushed around

b. Permanent/

perm ____2. any of several non-commissioned officer


aeroplane/plane ranks in the army


perambulator/pram ____3. a member of the communist party

e. Communist/

commie ____4. a series of curls in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals ____5. An aircraft that has fixed wings and is powered by propellers or jets Prepared by: Richelle


Esguerra Pila E.S.

Quarter I Week 7 Day 3 I. Objectives

1. Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) in a given text 2. Appreciate figurative language

3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others

II. Subject Matter:


: Figures of Speech (Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole)


: chart of poem and verses, activity sheet

References : CG EN5RC-Ig2.3 Lesson Guide in Elementary English Grade 5 p. 2

http://www.mld.metu.edu.tr/sites/default/files/FIGURATIVE%20LANGUAGE.p df Focused Skills : Listening/ Analyzing Value

: Cooperation and participation

III. Setting the Stage:

A. Ask: Have you read a poem? Did you understand the meaning of the poem or what the author wants to convey? Why? Why not?

B. Explaining the Students What To Do

Say: Class our lesson for today is all about the Figures of Speech . - Figure of speech is an expression that means something different than the literal meaning of the words. - Figures of Speech can make one’s poetry , speech and writing more creative, expressive and interesting

Unlocking of Difficulties delight bower fold duster

- satisfaction - one who bends his head or body to show respect - to lay one part over another part - one used to remove dust

C. Modeling 1. Reading the poem by the teacher 2. Reading the poem by the pupils 3. Choose a pupil who will read the poem for the third time

NIGHT By William Blake The moon is like a flower. In heaven’s high bower. My tree is like a duster reading high Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.

Analysis and Discussion 1. How did the poem describe the moon? - Like a flower in heaven’s high bower. 2. Can the moon really do what the poet wrote? 3. Explain that poets use figurative language to create sensory images.

Types of Figurative Language Say :There are different types of figurative language.

Study the following lines from some poems. These lines show one kind of figurative language. The moon is like a flower. In heaven’s high bower. My tree is like a duster reading high. Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky. The lines above show simile. A simile states a comparison between two unlike objects but have something in common. A simile contains the words like or as. Ask: What two things are compared in the first example? What is common between the moon and a flower? What two things are compared in the second example? What is common between a tree and a duster? Say: Study another set of lines from some poems. These lines show another kind of figurative language.

A train is a dragon that roars through the dark. He wriggles his tail as he sends up a spark. Who tossed those golden coins? The dandelions glittering on my lawn? Say: The examples above show metaphor. Metaphor is a kind of figurative speech. It states a direct comparison of two unlike things that have something in common. A metaphor does not use the words like or as. What two things are compared in the first sample? In what way is a train like a dragon?

What two things are compared in the second sample? How is a dandelion like a golden coin? Say : Study the following lines from some poems. These lines show another kind of figurative language. Slowly, silently now the moon Walks the night in her silver shoes; This way and that, she peers and sees Silver fruits upon silver trees. The birds have washed their faces And cuddled in a row Upon a little frosty bush That twinkles in the snow. Say : These lines show personification. Personification is the giving of human qualities to animals, objects or ideas. Look at the first sample. What human qualities are given to the moon? The moon can walk in her silver shoes and can peer and see. What human qualities are given to the birds in the second example? Washed their faces and cuddled in a row Study the following lines from some poems. These lines show another kind of figurative language I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you Till China and Africa meet, And the river jumps over the mountain And the salmon sing in the street.

When will China and Africa meet? How can a river jump over a mountain? And when will salmon be intelligent enough to sing or evolved enough to walk the streets? Of course, none of these are literal projections for our future. W.H. Auden is using hyperbole to emphasize how long his love will last for his beloved. Say: These lines show hyperbole. Hyperbole is an exaggeration which is obvious, extreme, and intentional. It is used in order to stir up a strong emotion or response in the reader.

D. Guided Practice A. Direction: Group the pupils into four. Give each group famous lines from poems. Then let them identify what figurative language used. Group 1. The stars were diamonds in the sky. Her smile was a ray of sunshine. Group 2. I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, Group 3. How do you do it? You got me losing every breath. What did you give me to make my heart bleed out my chest? Group 4 The wind whispered through dry grass. The flowers danced in the gentle breeze. B. Direction: Form another four groups. Give each group a picture. Then out of the picture compose a sentence using figures of speech. Have your group representative and share your answer to the class. Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

E. Independent Practice Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences. 1. He has a heart of gold. 2. Dale’s smile was as bright as the sun shine. 3. Life is a journey; travel it well 4. A wicked whisper came and changed my life. 5. Men's words are bullets that their enemies take up and make use of against them. 6. He roared with the force of a thousand lions. 7. The theatre is his home. 8. There had been no rain for months and all the crops were death. Some parts of the farm were beginning to look like a desert. 9. After a good night sleep, I felt like a million dollars. 10. Everyone wanted Ken on the swim team because he could swim like a fish.

F. Closure:

Children, what do you mean by Figures of Speech? Figure of speech is an expression that means something different than the literal meaning of the words. - Figures of Speech can make one’s poetry , speech and writing more creative, expressive and interesting

IV. Evaluation

Identify the figurative words used in each sentence. Write S for simile, M for metaphor, P for personification and H for Hyperbole 1. The kettle sings as it sits on the stove. 2. The grass dances with the wind. 3. It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing jackets. 4. The clouds are as white as cotton. _____ 5. Her brother was a tower of strength during those hard times.

V. Agreement Look for a short story poem and copy it in your notebook. Underline the figurative words.

Prepared by: Richelle Esguerra Pila E.S.


Quarter I Week 7 Day 4

I. Objectives

1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -conjunctions 2. Identify the three types of conjunctions 3. Show care and love for the other people around you.

II. Subject Matter:


: Conjunctions


: Chart, crossword puzzle

References : CG EN5WC-Ig-1.8.3 http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lessonconjunctions.php English For All Times Reading Textbook Focused Skills : Listening/ Composing coherent sentence Value

: Kindness to others

III. Setting the Stage:

A. Ask : Class, do you have neighbors? How do you treat your neighbors?

B. Explaining the Students What To Do Say : Class our lesson for today is Conjunction. -

Conjunction is a part of speech that joins two words, phrases or clauses together.

C. Modeling

Say: You will read a paragraph about Sajid and Zarinah. a) The teacher sets standards in silent reading and hints for pupils to learn appreciation of paragraph. b) The teacher will present paragraph through the use of power point presentation. She will post it again on at a time for discussion.

Sajid and Zarinah are just two of our many Muslim brothers and sisters in Mindanao. Sajid and Zarinah are neighbors and over the years they have become good friends. They live near the sea which Sajid calls “waters. Another neighbour has a boat and the two children are allowed to use it any time they like. They sail the boat or spend their afternoon swimming. Sajid loves fishing but Zarinah finds it boring. She just swims or gather shells. On Saturdays and Sundays they often have beach picnics with their friends. The boys including Sajid make a charcoal bonfire and the girls set a picnic mat on the sand. Most of their friends prefer fishing but sometimes they have roast chicken. Sajid usually plays his guitar and everyone sings or dances. After

Ask the following question. The teacher will write the possible answer on the board. 1. Who are the characters in the story? 2. What do Sajid and Zarinah enjoy doing by the beach and at the sea? 3. How do Sajid, Zarinah and their friends usually spend the weekends? 4. What do Sajid loves to do that Zarina finds it boring?

How are the words and phrases in the following simple sentences connected? 1. Sajid


Zarinah are the characters in the story.

2. They sail the boat or spend their afternoon swimming. 3. Sajid and Zarinah with their friends, usually have picnics either in the morning or in the afternoon. 4. Sajid loves fishing but Zarinah finds it boring.

Say: The encircled words are what we called as Conjunctions -

Conjunctions is a part of speech that joins two words, phrases or clauses together.

There are three types of conjunctions: Coordinating Conjunctions for and nor but or yet so

Correlative Conjunctions either...or neither...nor not only...but also both...and whether...or

Common Subordinating Conjunctions after before although though even though as much as as long as as soon as because since so that

in order that if lest even if that unless until when where whether while

Coordinating conjunctions also called coordinators that connect two or more equal items. Examples: He plays tennis and soccer

Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs. They work in pairs to coordinate two items. Examples: I didn't know that she can neither read nor write.

Subordinating conjunctions, also called subordinators. Conjunctions that join a dependent (or subordinating) clause to an independent (or main) clause.

Examples: He reads the newspapers after he finishes work..

"So" is a small English word that can have different meanings. As mentioned in the table above, it is commonly used as a coordinator rather than as a subordinating conjunction. There are, however, instances when "so" may introduce purpose and in this case "so" is used as a subordinating conjunction. Examples: "I took my umbrella with me so I wouldn't get wet." " I stayed so I could see you."

D. Guided Practice Direction : Group the pupils into four. Give each group copies of crossword puzzle. Tell them to solve it by using appropriate conjunction.



3 .

4 6




Across 3. He must be very popular, ___ everyone in school knows him. 5. John wanted to stay, ___ his sister persuaded him to go. 6. ___ the rain, we went to the beach. 7. ___ I got home, my sister had already left. 8. It's too late to go out; ___, it's beginning to rain. Down 1. She wanted to go to the party; ___, she was not invited. 2. ___ it was cold, he went out without a sweater. 4. We can't buy it ___ we don't have enough money. 5. John had to go to the doctor ___ he was not feeling well. ( Across 3. for Down

5. but

1. however

6. despite

2. although

7. when

4. since

8. moreover

5. because )

E. Independent Practice A. Combine the following independent clause to form new sentences using conjunctions. 1. Our backyard is wide. It has good soil. 2. I cultivated a garden plot. I bought seeds. 3. I planted tomato seeds last week. Nothing grew. 4. I tried again. I succeeded. 5. I would like to plant more. There isn’t enough space. B. Write the appropriate conjunctions (and, or, not, but, after, before, until, that, when) to join the sentences to complete the myth.

The Rose There once was a pretty __________ very naughty child. Her name was Rosa. She was scornful of others, especially the poor. One day, a beggar went to their house. He begged for a drink __________ he was ignored by Rosa. She sent him away instead. Just __________ the beggar left, the world darkened. It rained hard. It thundered __________ lightning flashed. A bolt of lightning struck Rosa’s house. The rain stopped __________

F. Closure: What are the three types of conjunctions?

- Coordinating conjunctions - Correlative conjunctions - Subordinating conjunctions IV. Evaluation Compose 5 sentences using appropriate conjunctions V. Agreement Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions. 1. We started early _______ we might not miss the show. a. because b. so c. so that condition that 2. I can help you _______ you tell me the truth. a. unless b. provided 3. He is both scholarly _______cultured.

c. so

d. on

d. since

a. and

b. also

c. as well

d. none of

c. as

d. though

these 4. He looks ________he is ill. a. as if b. like

5. You must apologize_______ you will be punished. a. otherwise b. unless c. whether

d. but Prepared by: Richelle


Esguerra Pila E.S.

Quarter I Week 7 Day 5 I. Objectives 1. Revise writing for clarity –transitions /signal words 2. Read with automaticity occurring content area words (Health)

3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others

II. Subject Matter: Topic

: Transition words / Signal words


: pictures, strips of cartolina

References : EN5WC-Ig-1.8.3 Lesson Guide in English 5 p. 7 http://www.readingrockets.org/content/pdfs/transition%20words.pdf Focused Skills : Writing Value

: Appreciation

III. Setting the Stage: A. Show a picture of a girl or a boy cooking in the kitchen. Let the pupils tell something about the picture; Then ask them if they also cook at home.

Ask: Do you also eat vegetables? What nutrients can you get from eating vegetables? Have the pupils read the words written in flash cards. vitamin





B. Explaining the Students What To Do Say: Class, the selection we are going to read has something to do with our lesson for today which is all about transition words /signal words. - In writing, a transition is a word or phrase that connects one idea to another. This connection can occur within a paragraph or between paragraphs Unlocking of Difficulties Read the sentences. Then let the pupils tell the meaning of the word in the sentence you will say twice (underlined word in the sentence).

1. I sliced the cake into three pieces. 2. The best way to purify water at home is to simmer it. 3. Sprinkle water on the clothes before ironing it.

to scatter in small amount to boil slightly cut

C. Modeling Read the selection to the class.

First, we sliced the apples. Then, we simmered them in a saucepan until they were tender. Next, we added sugar and left the stew to cool. When it was cold, we stirred in yogurt. We then spooned the stewed apple into dishes and sprinkled each with crushed fruit and nut bars. Finally, we decorated each dish with apple slices.

Analysis and Discussion What is the first step in making apple and hazelnut crunch? How long will you simmer the apple? After adding sugar, what will you do next? What will you do when the stewed apple becomes cold? What is the last step? Why do you think we should decorate the crunches with apple slices?

Read again the underlined words. Tell the class that those are the examples of transition/signal words

What are transition signals? Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand your ideas. We use a variety of transition signals to fulfill a number of functions. Some of these functions include: to show the order or sequence of events; to indicate that a new idea or an example will follow; to show that a contrasting idea will be presented, or to signal a summary or a conclusion.

How are transition signals useful? Transition signals will: • make it easier for the reader to follow your ideas. • create powerful links between sentences and paragraphs to improve the flow of information across the whole text. The result is that the writing is smoother. • help to carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another or from one paragraph to another. How are transition signals used? • Transition signals are usually placed at the start of sentences; however, they may also appear in the middle or end of sentences. • A transition signal, or the clause introduced by a transition signal, is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. • You DO NOT need to use transition signals in every sentence in a paragraph; however, good use of transition words will help to make the relationship between the ideas in your writing clear and logical. Here are the commonly used transition words

Words or phrases to help sequence ideas or transition between sentences or paragraphs First Second third... in the first place... also... lastly after before before long finally in the meantime later meanwhile next soon then

Words or phrases to show location

Words or phrases to show location

above across around behind beside between in back of in front of inside near outside over under

above across around behind beside between in back of in front of inside near outside over under

Words or phrases to show time

while meanwhile soon then after second today later next tomorrow afterward as soon as before now next week

Words or phrases to indicate more information

Words or phrases to help conclude a piece of writing

besides furthermore in addition in fact

in conclusion finally lastly to sum up

Using transitions within a paragraph Transitions may be used at various times within a paragraph to show the connections between sentences. Here are some examples: Example: The main character displays strength and courage throughout the story. He shows fear and apprehension when he encounters the antagonist. Revision: The main character displays strength and courage throughout the story. However, he shows fear and apprehension when he encounters the antagonist. Say : The use of the transition in this case helps to show the contrast between the two ideas while also connecting them.

Example: In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place. The prince’s untimely death occurs two days before the wedding. Revision: In the novel, there are many tragic events that take place. For example, the prince’s untimely death occurs two days before the wedding.

Say : The transition helps to connect the idea to the example that follows.

D. Guided Practice

A. Direction : Tell the pupils to read the paragraph, then highlight all of the transition words. Ever since I moved into my own apartment last fall, I have gotten out of the habit of making my bed--except on Fridays, of course, when I change the sheets. Although some people may think that I am a slob, I have some sound reasons for breaking the bed-making habit. In the first place, I am not concerned about maintaining a tidy bedroom because no one except me ever ventures in there. Secondly, I only use my bed to sleep in, so why go to all of the effort of making it when I am just going to mess it up again the next time I’m in my room. In addition, I find nothing uncomfortable about crawling into a rumpled mass of sheets and blankets. On the contrary, I enjoy poking out a cozy space for myself before drifting off to sleep. Also, I think that a tightly made bed is downright uncomfortable: entering one makes me feel like a loaf of bread being wrapped and sealed. Finally, and most importantly, I think bed-making is an awful way to waste time in the morning. I would rather spend those precious minutes checking my email or feeding the cat than tucking in corners or snapping the spread. Therefore, I will not conform to the rules on tidiness and my bed will remain unmade!

B. Choose the correct answer to each question. 1. Which transition word shows location? a. for example

b. below

c. then

2. Which transition word shows time? a. between

b. in other words

c. Later

3. Which transition word adds information? a. in addition

b. over

c. Earlier

4. Which transition word compares and contrasts? a. earlier

b. besides

c. Otherwise

b. besides

c. in other words

5. Which transition word clarifies? a. first E. Independent Practice A. Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with the correct transition words in the box.


as a result of

once upon a time








(1)__________________ there lived a family of bears in a lovely wooded area. Their home was (2) __________________some trees (3) __________________a small stream. One day (4)__________________ the bears





home, she





came on

to the

the door.

house. (6)

__________________ even though no one answered her knock, she entered the house. (7) __________________ she ate some of the bears' food, and

she napped on one of their beds. (8) __________________ the bears returned home. They were surprised to see their door open. Their roars woke up the girl, and she fearfully ran from the house, (9) __________________ the woods, and back to her own home. (10)__________________ her experiences, she never again went into the woods alone.

B. Direction: Select a topic from the list below. Then write a short paragraph using transition words. . a sport

eating healthy food

a vacation

a holiday

a pet ___________________________________________________________________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________

F. Closure

What have you learned from today’s lesson? A transition is a word or phrase that connects one idea to another.

IV. Evaluation

Revise the following sentences by writing appropriate transition word on the line provided. 1. We wanted to go to a movie, ______ the theater was closed. 2. Joey’s car was full of gas, ______ we drove it to the beach. 3. The ballet did not impress the students. ______, the break dancers were a big hit. 4. We visited Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and ______, Las Vegas. 5. Some chili recipes do not include kidney beans. ______ would be the traditional West Texas chili. ( Answers 1. however

2. therefore

3. on the other hand

4. lastly 5. an example of


Prepared by: Richelle G. Esguerra Pila E.S.

Quarter 1 Week 8 I.

Objectives A. Expressive Objectives 1.

Realize the importance of humility in dealing with others


Appreciate God-given characteristics

B. Instructional Objectives Listening Comprehension Distinguish reality from fantasy Oral Language Recount events effectively Vocabulary Development Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (clipped) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies Reading Comprehension Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) in a given text

Oral Reading Fluency Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute Grammar Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: - conjunctions Attitude Observe politeness at all times Show tactfulness when communicating with others II.

Subject Matter A. Topic 1. Literature 

Carol’s Diary (Retrieved from: Lesson Guides in Elementary English – Grade 5, DepEd 2008)

Why the Carabao has Split Hoofs (Retrieved from: Developing Reading









ClemenceUmaliAbadilla, Saint Mary’s Publishing Corporation, 1998 p. 174-175) 

The Lark and the Wren (Retrieved from: Developing Reading Power








ClemenceUmaliAbadilla Saint Mary’s Publishing Corporation, 1998 p. 54) 

The Long Necked Giraffe and the Humble Pullet (Retrieved from New Dynamic Series in English 6, JO-ES Publishing House, Inc., 2004 by Josefina V. Suarez, Ed.D.

2. Reality and fantasy 3. Recounting events 4. Context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) 5. Figures of Speech (simile, metaphor, personification)

6. Conjunctions B. Materials


Picture/illustration of acarabao and turtle

Picture/illustration of a lark and wren

Picture/illustration of a giraffe and pullet

Real objects


Procedure Day 1 I.

Objectives 1.Recount events effectively 2. Distinguish reality from fantasy


Subject Matter: Recounting events effectively (EN5OL-Ih-1.8) Reality and Fantasy (EN5LC-Ih-2.3)


Procedure A. Setting the Stage Direction: Encircle the letter of the meaning of the underlined words. 1. The school’s foundation day is a great event for them to remember. a. Institution b. Celebration c. Collection 2. The principal orders the teachers to submit their annual report. a. Monthly b. Yearly c. Weekly

3. The teachers were overwhelmed at their presentation in the program. a. Surprised b. Bothered c. Overjoyed Refer to LM, Try and Learn

1. Motivation The teacher shows a diary Say: “Do you have a diary at home?” “What do you write on it?” The teacher will use a semantic web to find out what the students know about a diary.


Say: “We will just go back to this later to see if your answers are

found in the story”.

2. Motive Question Carol is a grade VI pupil who owns a diary. Find out what did she wrote in her diary. B. Explaining to Students What To Do

Say: “Today, you are going to learn the content of a diary. I’m going to read a sample entry in a diary”. Carol a grade VI pupil owns this diary. C. Modelling for Students The teacher will use an actual diary while reading the things written on it. The pupils can read silently. Refer to LM, Read and Learn Carol’s Diary On March 3, 2003 a great event took place in our school. It was the start of our annual foundation week. Many contests and games were held and big prizes were at stake. My friends and I bagged the first place in the MTAP competition for grade V pupils. We were very happy and our teachers congratulated us for being the winner. The next day I led the program intended for our teachers and principal. The pupil-participants of the program showed their best in singing, dancing and even acting. It was a tiresome afternoon but an exciting day. On the 3rd day, we heard a mass in our school’s chapel and in the afternoon a sportsfest was held. Being with my friends and classmates, while participating in all the sports events is an experience. We joined the relay contest, volleyball and badminton. We launched the school project dubbed as “May PerasaBasura” a day before the end of the week-long celebration. We also served the community through tree planting and cleaning the environment. Finally, the much awaited moment for us was the fifth day of the celebration, the awarding ceremony was held and we received our awards and prizes. I felt so happy and relaxed during the afternoon for I could already rest. I thanked God because I learned many things. (Retrieved from: Lesson Guides in Elementary English – Grade 5, DepEd 2008) D. Guided Practice – Refer to LM, Try and Learn

Say: “I have here a story grid. The number of squares in the grid corresponds to the number of events/scenes in the story. You are going to arrange the events using the grid.

Discussion Questions: 1. What do people usually write in their diaries? 2. How do you sequence or arrange the events of the story? Lead the pupils in formulating generalizations. Say: How can we recount events effectively?

Teaching Points   

Look for the main topics. List and identify orders of events in chronological order. Look for the transitional or clue words to arrange the events of the story.

D. Modelling for Students Refer to LM, Read and Learn Say: Let us read the story carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Why the Carabao has Split Hoofs Once, Carabao and Turtle met on a way to the meadow. Turtle was very happy. He had long hoped to befriend Carabao. He felt a big fellow like Carabao would help him if he got into trouble. He said to Carabao. “Let us live together. Let us hunt food together! We will be happy in our friendship.” “You slow foot! How dare you make this proposal. Live with the ants and worms. But not with a powerful animal like me.” “So, you do not want me for a friend. Who told you that you are powerful? I bet you could not even win a race with me.” Carabao snorted and walked away. Turtle followed and nagged. “You cannot even race against me. You are a coward! I will tell all the animals what a big coward you are.” Don’t you do that! You want a race? A race you shall have! When do you want it?” “I will give you three days to prepare. The race would be long. It would cover seven hills.” Turtle took to his confidence his most trusted friends. He gave instructions to his friends. The day of the race came. At a given signal, Carabao and Turtle ran. The two runners lost sight of each other. When Carabao reached the second hill. Turtle was waving his arms at him. “I am here a long time.” And at every hill, Carabao found Turtle relaxed and much ahead of him. When Carabao reached the seventh hill, he saw Turtle foolishly smiling. Carabao was so angry. He kicked Turtle hard. And Carabao broke his hoof at the force of the blow. Turtle was not hurt. His shell was strong. Retrieved from: Developing Reading Power 6, A Support Program to Reading

By ClemenceUmaliAbadilla Saint Mary’s Publishing Corporation, 1998 p. 174-175 E. Independent Practice a. The sentences that follow are taken from the story. In the space before each number, write reality if the sentence states a situation that can happen in real life. Write fantasy if it can only happen in fairy tales or fables. Refer to LM, Do and Learn Day 2 I.

Objectives 1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (clipped) based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies 2. Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute


Subject Matter: Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words based on context clues (EN5V-Ih-12 and 13) Reading grade level texts with 118 words correct per minute (EN5F-Ih-1.13)



1. Setting the Stage Say: “What words in the sentence help you figure out the meaning of the underlined word?” Refer LM, Think and Tell

Say: “Read the following sentences. Tell the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Choose from the given choices.” 2. Explaining to Students What to Do Divide pupils into four (4) groups. Let each group do a separate task. Read the poem. Notice the underlined words in the poem. Refer to LM, Read and Learn The Lark and the Wren “Goodnight, Sir Wren!” said Little Lark. “The daylight fades it will soon be dark. I’ve bathed my wings in the sun’s last ray. I’ve sung my hymn to the parting day. So now I fly to my quiet glen In yonder meadow – Goodnight Wren.”

“Good night poor Lark.” Said the haughty Wren With a flick of his wings towards his happy friend. “I also go to my rest profound But not to sleep on the cold damp ground. The fittest place for a bird like me Is the topmost bough of a tall pine tree.”

Retrieved from: Developing Reading Power 6, A Support Program to Reading By ClemenceUmaliAbadilla Saint Mary’s Publishing Corporation, 1998 p. 54 3. Guided Practice Group pupils into four. Distribute the metacards to each group.

Group 1: Draw a lark and a wren. Group 2: Compose a song about a lark and a wren. Group 3: Show a skit on the part when the lark bid goodbye to the haughty wren. Group 4: Write a short message to the lark and wren. Be ready to read it before the class. Let the group present their outputs. 4. Independent Practice A. Refer to LM, Try and Learn. Let the pupils choose the sentence that can best describe the underlined word. B. Refer to LM, Do and Learn. Let the pupilschoose the antonym of the underlined word in each sentence from the box. Let them write their answers on the blank. Day 3 I.

Objectives 1. Analyze figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole) in a given text


Subject Matter: Figures of Speech (EN5RC-Ih-2.3)


Procedure A. Setting the Stage Listen as the teacher reads the Refer to LM, Think and Tell

Say: “Listen as I read the following stanzas of some poems. Tell the two things being compared. Tell in what way the two things are alike.” B. Explaining to Students What To Do Refer to LM, Try and Learn Say: “The following sentences contain a metaphor. Identify the metaphor by underlining the words that tell the two objects being compared.” C. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Do and Learn A. Say: “Let us read the following lines of poetry.” “What are the human qualities given to animals, objects or ideas?” Refer to LM, Do and Learn B. Let the pupils decide the figure of speech used in each sentence. Afterwards, let them read all the sentences.


Independent Practice

Refer to LM, Learn Some More Let the pupils study the lines of poetry. Let them identify the object personified and the give the human quality given to the subject.

Day 4 I.

Objectives 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -conjunctions


Subject Matter: Grammar Lesson: Conjunctions (EN5G-Ih-8.3/8.4)



1. Setting the Stage Say: “The following sentences haveconjunctions connecting words”. a. What do you noticed about the underlined words? b. What about the words between them? c. What do we call them? Refer to LM, Think and Tell 1. The eyes of the cat gleamed and glared in the dark. 2. Daffodils and daisies are beautiful flowers. 3. Honesty and obedience are positive vitues. 4. Dina or Donna will attend the practice. 5. Both are pretty and attractive. 2. Explaining to Students What to Do Say, “Read the following sentences. Encircle the conjunctions in these sentences. Underline the words, phrases, or clauses connected by each conjunction.” Refer to LM, Try and Learn 3. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Write About It Say: “Compose your own sentences using conjunctions and, or, but. Write them on the space provided for.” Day 5 I.

Objectives 1. Observe politeness at all times. 2. Show tactfulness when communicating with others


Subject Matter Politeness (EN5A-Ih-16) Tactfulness when communicating with others (EN5A-Ih-17)


Procedure A. Setting the Stage Refer to LM, Try and Learn. Ask pupils to supply the missing letters to complete the configuration clues Say: “Let us try to guess the following words used in the story”.

Write your answer in the configuration clues given before each number.

___ u

r ___ h ___ r

1.more distant, remote

s ___ u ___ e ___ e ____

2.to press between two bodies, to crush

s ___ r ___ t ___ ___

3.to mark the surface of anything

__ a ___ k ___ e

4.a cry of a hen or a goose

B. Explaining to Students What to Do Refer to LM, Read and Learn Say: “Read the following story and find out how politeness and tactfulness can make one reach great heights.”

The Long Necked Giraffe and the Humble Pullet There was a giraffe that was very tall. He always said, “It is good to be tall. Oh. How good it is to be tall”. “Oh no. It is good to be short. Honestly, it is wonderful to be short,” said the pullet. “Let us take a walk and see, “the giraffe answered back. They came upon a wall. There were trees near the wall. The giraffe ate and ate leaves of the trees while the pullet just looked and looked.

“See, it is good to be tall! I told you so,” the giraffe said to the pullet in between big bites. “Let us walk farther and see,” said the pullet. They came upon a very high wall. The pullet wished she could cross the tall wall, but with her size, she thought she couldn’t. All of a sudden, she saw a hole at the bottom. The pulley squeezed herself and went into the vegetable garden. There she ate and scratched while the giraffe waited patiently. “See it is good to be short,” the pullet said when she joined the giraffe again. The giraffe remarked. “You know what I think? I think it is best to be what you are.” “You are right, my friend,” cackled the pullet happily. And then they became best of friends. Retrieved from New Dynamic Series in English 6, JO-ES Publishing House, Inc., 2004 by Josefina V. Suarez, Ed.D.

C. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Talk about It. The teacher will guide pupils in answering the following questions. Say: “Let us answer the following questions “. 1. Who was very tall? very short? 2. What is the best thing to be according to the giraffe? 3. What became of them? 4. Why is it good to be tall? How was this shown in our story? 5. Why is it good to be short? How was this shown? 6. Do you agree with the giraffe that “it is best to be what you are?” If so, give examples.

7. Do you like the title of the story? Why? If not, what title do you think is better? D. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Write About It Say: Think of the advantages and disadvantages of being a tall and a short child. Write them in paragraph form on the space provided for.

Week 9 I.


A. Expressive Objectives 1. Appreciate the value of unity 2. Observe politeness at all times 3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others B. Instructional Objectives Oral Language Recount events effectively Vocabulary Development Clarify meading of words using dictionaries, thesaurus and/or online resources Oral Reading Fluency Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute Grammar Compose clear and coherent sentences using gramatical structures: Conjunctions

Study Strategy Get information from the news page Attitude Observe politeness at all times Show tactfulness when communicating with others

II. Subject Matter A. Topics

Recount events effectively Clarify meading of words using dictionaries, thesaurus and/or online resources Compose clear and coherent sentences using gramatical structures using conjunctions

B, References Aesop’s Fables “ The Bundle of Sticks” https://kathavarta.com/2008/07/26/fight-among-the-fingers/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CycU0owzEMw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuTncnbzWQc&list=PLTCbu9CPjfnVQsEJex zNHVjuGCwReB695&index=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi5wlyQ3hmk&list=PL2B48F21B556F3ED2&i ndex=32 https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/conjunctions.htm http://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/what-is-a-conjunction.html C. Materials  

Stories PowerPoint Presentations

  

Dictionaries, thesaurus or other online equipments Selection Pictures

Day 1


Objectives Recount events in a story read 1. Recount events in a story read 2. To appreciate the value of unity 3. Observe polteness at all times

II. Subject Matter Topic: Recount events in a story read Materials: Charts/Stories Reference: EN5OL-Ii-1.8 Aesop’s Fables “A Bundle pf Sticks” “Fight Among the Fingers” https://kathavarta.com/2008/07/26/fight-among-the-fingers/ Focused Skill:Recounting Events Value: Unity

III. Procedure A.

Setting The Stage

Show bundle of sticks Say: What can you say about the pictures? Let the pupils break the bundle of sticks.


Explaining The Students What to Do Say: Class, our lesson for today is about recounting events effectively. 

To recount events means that to tell the details of a given events”

To recount events effectively one must; a. Listen or read the stories very well. b. Be specific in giving the events in the story c. Organize the events properly


Modelling Let the pupils read the story “A Bundle of Sticks”

A Bundle Sticks Once upon a time, an old man lived with his three sons in a village. All his three sons were hard workers. Still, none of them agreed with each other and quarreled all the time. The old man tried a lot to unite them but he failed. While the villagers were surprised at their hard work and efforts, they also made fun of them on their fights. Months passed by and the old man fell sick. He talked to his sons to stay united, but none of his sons heard his words. So, he decided to teach them a practical lesson so that they would shed off their differences and stay united. The old man called as his sons. He told them, ‘I will give you a bundle of sticks. Separate each stick and you will have to break each stick into pieces of two. The one who breaks the sticks quickly will be rewarded more.’ All sons agreed.

The old man gave a bundle of 10 sticks to everyone of them and asked to break it into pieces. All the sons broke the sticks into pieces in minutes. And again they started to quarrel among themselves as who came first. The old man said, ‘Dear sons, the game is not over. Now I will give another bundle of sticks to all of you. You will have to break the sticks as a bundle, not as separate sticks.’ The sons agreed and began to break the bundle of sticks. Unfortunately, they could not break the bundle. They tried very hard but failed to complete the task. All sons said to the father about their failure. The old man replied, ‘Dear sons, See! You could easily break the single sticks into pieces, but you were not able to break the bundle! The sticks were same. So, if you stay united, nobody can make any harm to you. If you quarrel every time with your brothers, anyone can easily defeat you. I request you to stay united.’ The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that whatever be the problem, they would all stay together. Comprehension Questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who are the character in the stories? Where did the story happened? How will you describe the three brothers? Why did the man called the three brothers? What did he told them to do? Did the three brothers break the sticks during their first try? What did happened during the second time they tried it? 6. What is the moral lesson of the story?

D, Guided Practice

Give the events that happens in the story by placing it inside the box and it must be in the right sequence.Choose from the sentences below the boxes.The group who finish first will be the winner.

     

The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that they will resovlved problems together The old man let his sons quarelled all the time. There lived an old old and three brothers who alayas quarelled with each other. The old man told his sons and told them to break the sticks again but as a bundle. The old man told them the moral lessons of the bundle of sticks.. The old man summoned his sons and asked them to separate the bundle of sticks and break each one of it.

E. Independent Practice The teacher will ask each groups to phantomine some of the events in the story. The group who gives the best detailt events will be the winner.   

The three brothers are all are hard working but always quarreled with each other. The old man summoned his sons and asked them to separate the bundle of sticks and break each one of it. The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that they will resovlved problems together.

F. Closure How to recount events effectively? 

To recount events means that to tell the details of a given events”

To recount events effectively one must; a. Listen or read the stories very well.

b. Be specific in giving the events in the story c. Organize the events properly IV. Evaluation Recount the events in the following story. Write atleast five sentence to recount the following events

Fight Among the Fingers bykathavarta Once there was a fight among the fingers. Each of them was fighting, “I am the king of the fingers, I am the greatest, I am the most important”. All of them went to the court and stood in front of the judge for his decision. In the court, the thumb stood in front of the judge and said: “I am the king, because I am the strongest and firmest. Without me no one is able to do work. Hence I am the king”. The judge heard all that. Next the index finger got up and said, “I am the king, because I threaten everyone. I point to things, direct people and show things. Hence I have names like threatener, shower, and pointer.” The judge heard all that. Next, the middle finger got up and said, “I am the strongest and longest of all the fingers. Hence I deserve to be the king”. The judge heard all that. Next the ring finger stood and said, “I am the richest, because I wear a ring made of gold, studded with all the precious gems. Hence I am the king”. Next, the little finger stood up with eyes filled with tears and said, “I am not strong like the thumb. I cannot threaten others. I am very small and negligible. I am very poor and do not wear a gold ring. But when I do Namaskara, there I stand in front. I am lucky to have the first sight (Darshan) of all the great people.” Having heard that, the judge decided that the little finger deserves to be the king of all the fingers.

V. Assignment Recount the events that happened to you yesterday.

Day 2 I.Objective 1. Note details in a story viewed 2. Recount events in a sory viewed 3. Observe polteness at all times II. Subject Matter Topic: Recount events in a story view Materials: Stories ,powerpoint presentation Reference: EN5OL-Ii-1.8 The Legend of Maria Makiling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CycU0owzEMw Malakas and Maganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuTncnbzWQc&list=PLTCbu9CPjfnVQsEJexzNHVju GCwReB695&index=3

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi5wlyQ3hmk&list=PL2B48F21B556F3ED2&index=3 2 Focused Skill: Noting events Value: Politenes III. Procedure A. Setting The Stage

Show a Picture of “Maria Makiling”

What can you say about the picture? B. Expalining The Students What to Do

Say: Class, our lesson for today is about recounting events effectively in a story viewed

C. Modelling The teacher will tell the students to watch The Legend of Maria Makiling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CycU0owzEMw Ask the Following Questions 1. Who are the characters in the stories? 2. What are the good things Maria Makilingdo the the townpeople?

3. Why are they surprised when they see the farm of the man Maria Makiling fall in love with? 4. What kind of letter did the young man received?

5. Did the Young man enlist in the army? 6. What did he do in order not to enlist in the army?

7. How did Maria Makiling took up the news when she learned that his beloved man will get married?What did she do after that? 8. How will you describe the the mountain of Maria Makiling if you are in a plane land?

D. Guided Practice Watch Again the Legend Of Maria Makilin. Give the events that happened in the story. Place it inside the crcle.

E. Independent Practice Watch the story of Of “Malakas and Maganda”. Recount the events in the story using a series event chains.]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuTncnbzWQc&list=PLTCbu9CPjfnVQsEJexzNHVju GCwReB695&index=3

F. Closure How to recount events effectively?  To recount events means that to tell the details of a given events”  To recount events effectively one must; d. Watch and understand the stories very well. e. Be specific in giving the events in the story f. Recall all the major events g. Organize the events properly

IV. Evaluation Watch again another stories, “”The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”. Recount the events in the storyin atleast 5 sentences.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi5wlyQ3hmk&list=PL2B48F21B556F3ED2&index=3 2

1 2 3 4 5

Day 3

I. Objectives 1. Browse and read a story 2. Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus and/or online resources 3. Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus and/or online resources Materials: dictionaries, thesaurus and/or online resources Reference: EN5VD-IIe-8.1/8.2/8.3, EN5F-IIe-8.1 Focused Skill: Recounting Events Value: Skimmming

III. Procedure A. Setting a Stage Show a Thesaurus or a Dictionary. What is the use of the dictionary? B. Expalaining The Students What to Do Say: Class, today you are going to read different stories and clarify the meaning of unfamiliar words using a dictionary, thesaurus or other online resources. C. Modeling Say: Class, bring out your any the following adictionaries, thesaurus or even your cellphones. We are going to read a stories about , “Tsunamis and Earthquakes”. Earthquakes and Tsunamis By: Sue Peterson

Earthquakes are the sudden shock of the earth’ssurface that result in the earth shaking and rolling. They can be felt over large geographical areas for brief moments of time. This is a natural way for the earth to release stress. Did you know that more than a million earthquakes shock the world each year? Let’s look at what causes thisunpredictable phenomenon. There are nearly 20 tectonic plates that are along theearth’s surface that continuously move past each other. When these plates stretch or squeeze, huge rocks form

at their edges and the rocks shift causing an earthquake. You can visualize an earthquake by holding a pencil horizontally in the air and applying force to both ends by pushing down on them. Eventually, the pencil will break somewherebetween the two pencil ends to release the stress placed on it. This is exactly how the earth’s crust reacts to produce an earthquake. The plates move and put forces on each otherso the earth’s crust breaks for this stress to be released in the form of energy. This energy then moves at a terrifying rate through the earth as an earthquake. A seismograph is an instrument used to record the strength of the earthquake. It also measures how long the earthquake occurs. Other significant terms to know concerning the topic of earthquakes include the “epicenter” which is the point on the earth’s surface above the source of the earthquake; “seismic waves” which is the energy created by the quake that causes building, structures, and the earth to move horizontally; and the Richter Scale, a measurement of an earthquake’s intensity. The points on the Richter Scale correspond to theamount of shaking of the earth (ten times the amount of shaking and 33 times the amount of energy). It has been reported that the energy released by a large earthquake may be equal to 10,000 times the energy of the first atomic bomb and cause anxiety-ridden victims to panic. Following is a chart that shows the types of earthquakes and the rating of each on the Richter Scale. Richter Scale 4 Minor Earthquake 5 Moderate Earthquake 6 Strong Earthquake 7 Major Earthquake 8 Great Earthquake

If you live in a region of the world that has been knownto have a history of earthquakes, it is advised that you assemble a well-equipped safety and emergency kit. It is also imperative to have an established disaster plan so everyone remains safe. During an actual earthquake, it is advisable to get under a sturdy piece of furniture where nothing can fall on you and to stay clear of glass windows and larger objects. If you are outdoors, you need to stay far away of buildings, trees, and power lines. If you are in a car, it is important to drive to a safe area and stay in the car until the trembles stop. There may be aftershocks, movements after theearthquake. Check for personal injuries and damage to your home when all movement has subsided. Depending on the strength of the earthquake, you may be horrified and need someone for reassurance. It is urgent that you remain calm. You may be able to reassemble some of the items that were tossed about and repair the disorder that has occurredduring this disaster at a later time.

Tsunamis are formed by the displacement of water, either alandslide, volcanic eruption or by the slippage of the earth’s plates, rock about 15-200 kilometers (50,000650,000 feet) deep that carry the continents and seas of the earth on an underground ocean of hot, semi-solid material. Tsunamis are large ocean waves that flow straight avoiding any winding and circular turns like most every day waves.Tsunamis travel up to 965kph.(600 mph), thus capable of causing severe damage with their treacherous speed alone.They travel the fastest in deeper water, yet hit near the shoreline at 48-64 kph (30-40 mph). Let us get the meaning of the following underlined words. 1. Geographical – 2. Unpredictable – 3. Tectonic – 4. Imperative – 5. Sturdy – 6. Aftershock – 7. Subsided – 8. Horrified – 9. Urgent – 10. Reassemble – 11. Disaster – 12. Displacement – 13. Winding – 14. Severe – 15. Treacherous – D. Guided Practice Have a contest in getting the meaning of words. (teacher may give as many words) The first group that can post the meaning on the board wins while the other groups will find it. Match each word in Column A with its meaning in Column B. Write the answer on a separate sheet of paper. A 1. atmosphere 2. autopsy 3. blush 4. authentic 5. barren

B a. genuine and original b. having no trees or other growing plants c. the mixture of gases that surrounds an astronomical object such as the earth d. to turn red in the face because of emotion, especially embarrassment, shame, modesty, or pleasure e. medical examination of a dead body in order to establish the cause and circumstances of death

E. Independent Practice Have the students to work “Scavenger Hunt” wherein the students will find the word in a dictionary with the help of a clue and get the meaning of the following words. The first group who will finish is the winner.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The last word in your dictionary – A word with more than 3 meanings – A word with five or more than syllables – Open to any page what is the longest word you see – Find a word you have never heard before -

F. Closure Clarifying the meaning words can be done through the use of dictionaries, thesaurus or other online materials.

IV. Evaluation Clarify the following words using a dictionary, thesaurus or other online materials. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V.

Dredge – Lucid – Seethe – Nimble – Loftly –

Assignment Read a story and write at least 5 words you do not understand. Find the meaning of words using the dictionary.

Day 4


Objectives 1, Compose clear and coherent sentences using gramatical structures: Conjunctions 1.1 Compose clear and coherent sentences using coordinating conjunctions

2. Observe politeness at all times 3, Show tactfulness when communicating with others II.

Subject Matter

Topic:Compose clear and coherent sentences using gramatical structures: Conjunctions Materials: powerpoint presentation Reference: EN5G-Ii-8.3/8.4 https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/conjunctions.htm http://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/what-is-aconjunction.html Focused Skill: Compose sentence with conjunctions Value: Tactfullness III.

Procedure A. Setting The Stage Show a PowerPoint Presentation.

B. Expalining The Students What to Do Say: Class, today you are going to clear and coherent sentences using coordinating conjunctions. Conjunctions are words that jointwo or more words, phrases and clause. Coordinating conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, and independent clauses. C. Modelling Refer again to the later power point presentattions. Teacher will read the sentences. a. b. c. d.

My favorite heroes are Batman and Green Lantern. The gold is hidden at the beach or at the lake. I like coffee, but I don’t like tea. Jose Rizal wanted reform for the Philippines, so they established the Kilusang Propaganda in Spain.

When to Use Each Coordinating Conjunction: Reason To communicate addition To communicate contrast To communicate a result/effect To communicate a reason/cause

Coordinating Conjunction and but, yet so for

To communicate a choice To communicate a negative choice

or nor

Other Examples: The shoes were not blue suede nor black leather. It wasn’t a costume party, yet many came dressed as literary villains. I hate to waste a drop of gas, for it is very expensive these days.   

What are the conjunctions used on the following examples? What conjunction are to be used when connect that tells a negative choice? When to use the coordinating conjunction “for”?

D. Guided Practice The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how coordinating conjunctions work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. Would you rather have cheese _____ bologna on your sandwich? 1. For 2. Nor 3. Or 4. So Answer: 3. Would you rather have cheese or bologna on your sandwich?

2. His two favorite sports are football ______ tennis. 1. Or 2. And 3. Nor 4. For Answer: 2. His two favorite sports are football and tennis. 3. I wanted to go to the beach, _______ Mary refused.

1. But 2. Or 3. So 4. For Answer: 1. I wanted to go to the beach, but Mary refused. 4. I am allergic to cats, ______ I have three of them. 1. Or 2. For 3. Yet 4. So Answer: 3. I am allergic to cats, yet I have three of them. 5. I am a vegetarian, _______ I don’t eat any meat. 1. So 2. Yet 3. Nor 4. But Answer: 1. I am a vegetarian, so I don’t eat any meat.

E. Independent Practice Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the different coordinating conjunctions. The group who presents the most coherent sentences will be the winner. Remind the students to be tactful in constructing a sentence. and





F. Closure What is a conjunction? What is a coordinating conjunction?



Give the correct coordinating conjunction on the following sentence. My dog enjoys being bathed, __ hates getting his nails trimmed. IV.

Evaluation Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the coordinating conjunction for, nor, or, so and yet. Do this on a piece of paper.


Assignment Choose a conjunction below to join each pair of sentences. and but yet so for nor or 1. I was going to see a movie. My mother asked me to clean our backyard. 2. Toni saves money everyday. He will buy a new dress for her mother. 3. Pampilo finishes his work early. He can go to his night job.

Day 5 I.

Objectives 1, Compose clear and coherent sentences using gramatical structures: -Conjunctions 1.1 Compose clear and coherent sentences using subordinating conjunctions 2. Observe politeness at all times 3, Show tactfulness when communicating with others

II. Subject Matter Topic:Compose clear and coherent sentences using gramatical structures: Conjunctions

Materials: powerpoint presentation Reference: EN5G-Ii-8.3/8.4 https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/conjunctions.htm http://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/what-is-a-conjunction.html Focused Skill: Compose sentence with conjunctions Value: Tactfullness VI.

Procedure A. Setting The Stage Show a Picture Study the picture very well Guess: What is the missing word in the picture? Clue: It is a person who is lower in rank or position. The answer must be in plural form.

B. Expalining The Students Whatt To Do Say: Class, today you are going to compose a clear and coherent sentence using subordinating conjunctions. .

 

A subordinating conjunction joins a dependent clause into an independent clause. Subordinating conjunctions often begin a dependent clause. If the dependent clause begins or interrupts the sentence, then it is separated


from the independent clause by a comma. Subordinating conjunctions also join two clauses together, but in doing so, they make one clause dependent (or "subordinate") upon the other.


The teacher will read the following.

A subordinating conjunction may appear at a sentence beginning or between two clauses in a sentence. A subordinate conjunction usually provides a tighter connection between clauses than a coordinating conjunctions does. Loose: Tight:

It is raining, so we have an umbrella. Because it is raining, we have an umbrella.

Punctuation Note:

When the dependent clause is placed first in a sentence, use a comma between the two clauses. When the independent clause is placed first and the dependent clause second, do not separate the two clauses with a comma.

When to Use Common Subordinate Conjunctions: Reason

Subordinate Conjunction

Regarding time

after, before, once, since, until, when, whenever, while

To communicate a reason/cause

as, because, since

To communicate a result/effect

in order that, so that, that

To communicate a condition

if, even if, unless

To communicate contrast

although, even though, though, whereas

Regarding location

where, wherever

Regarding a choice

than, whether

Other examples; Once she found the perfect broach, she purchased three outfits to match it. He wore the top hat wherever he went.  

What does a subordinating conjunction connect? What happen to the other clause when a subordinating conjunction is

  

used? What happen when the dependent clause is place at the beginning of the sentence? Whem do we use the subordinating conjunctions “even if” and “unless” What are the suborduinating conjunctions to be used when it communicate a contrast?

D. Guided Practice

Choose from among these subordinating conjunctions to complete each sentence: although

as long as


even if


so that



1. She has decided to move to Portland _______ there are more opportunities for employment in that city. 2. You can borrow my car _______

you agree to be very careful with it.

3. They'll have a good corn harvest this year ________ it rains a lot and prevents them from harvesting their crops. 4. Our neighbor is going to buy a gun _________ she can protect herself from intruders who break into her apartment. 5. _________ he can save a lot of money by taking the bus, Russ still drives his car into the city every day. 6. Ronald is going to finish his homework _________ it takes him all night. 7. My daughter can't wait _______ she gets her new bike. 8. Stay in the car ________ I go into the store. I'll be right back. 9. It's a good idea to go to college for four years ________ it's possible to get a good job without a degree. 10. __________ he's overweight, Tony eats a lot of food before he goes to bed. That's not healthy.

E. Independent Practice

Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the different subordinating conjunctions. The group who presents the most coherent sentences will be the winner. Remind the students to be tactful in constructing a sentence. once because wherever

in order that

even if

even though


F. Closure What is a subordinating conjunction? Give the correct subordinating conjunction on the following sentence. The teacher got angry because the students were talking _______ he was trying to teach the class. IV. Evaluation Compose a coherent and clear sentence using the different subordinating conjunctions. Use the following subordinating conjunctions below.




so that



Quarter 1 Theme: Integrated Language Arts Domain Week 10 I.

Objectives A. Expressive Objectives 1. Observe politeness at all times 2. Show tactfulness when communicating with each other’s B. Instructional Objectives Listening Comprehension Note details in a selection listened to Oral Language Recounts events effectively Vocabulary Development Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus, and / or online resources Oral Reading Fluency Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute

II. Subject Matter A. Topics 1. 2. 3. 4.

Show Politeness atall times Show tactfulness when communicating with each other’s Recounts events effectively Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus, and / or online resources 5. Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute B. Materials • picture/illustration of events. • song Pila March • chart. Graphic organizer B. References: English Textbook Expressway Language and Reading Teachers Guide Grade IV. Lesson guide in English V Lakat- travel blogspot.com. https/www youtube.com, goggle.com.ph, http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Tactful, http://www.quizony.com/howtactful-are-you/29.html#ixzz49Hrrw4iY

Day 1– Oral Language I.


Recounts events effectively II.

Subject Matter

Recounting events effectively

References:EN5 OL-Ij-1.8, English Textbook Expressway Language and Reading, Teachers Guide Grade IV. Lesson Guide in English V Lakat- travel blogspot.com.

Materials: pictures/ illustration of events,chart organizer, LED Projector III. Learning Activities A. Setting the Stage Say: What holiday or events do we celebrate in our country? What activities do you do on holiday?. B. Explaining the student what to do Say: ‘‘In the story you are going to listen to, let us find out the antiquity of Pailah Festival in Pila,Laguna. Share your ownexperience in this specil events of this festival. B. Modeling for students Show some model pictures of festival ( powerpoint) Show a picture of heritage houses in Pila. What can you say about the festival and houses? How will you describe them? C. Guided Practice Refer to LM, Think and Tell Show pictures of different events. Say: What are the pictures all about? What activities do you do on this events In the story you are going to listen to, let us find out the antiquity of Pailah Festival in Pila,Laguna. Ask: “How are Pailah Festival similar to other festival?’‘ ‘‘How are they different?” “In what way are these events different from the other festivals?’’ Read the story to the class.(Using Voice Recorder)

Pailah Festival Pailah Festival named after from its town's ancient name Pila, Laguna. "PAILAH" also derived as Palay (Rice) as their major crop since Hispanic era, Isda (Fish) since the municipality is also near in the lake, Tilapia is also one of their livelihood, Lilok Antigo (Antique Carvings) along the district not only from the crops farming and fishing they have dependent but they also have handicraft products to make this town also known as one of the best suppliers of native products and wood carvings which is Laguna is famous to its talents and skills. Halaman (Ornamental plants) they have produced a lot of supplies for different places of Manila and its neighboring provinces for their premier class of ornamental plants. This event were duly attended by Nayon Photographers' Club who were invited to cover the yearly event. From manila we prepared to depart as early as 5:00 am to witness this event by 8:00 am. As we arrived we have ample time to set up and prepare our things. One you can observe if you are in Pila is like you are travelling back in time, the old houses are well maintained and preserved its Hispanic architectural designs, same as the church as well. This municipality of Laguna is a sleepy town but were not affected by war for its excessive bombardments during Japanese American battle, up to now the evident of the town is still on its finest preservation of heritage village such as their houses, church and other structures that you can find here.

Suggested questions:     

Where does the word PAILAH came from? Why do you think this event were duly attended by some photographers ?’’ Why Pila, Laguna is a land of Heritage houses? How are Pailah Festival similar to other festival?’ In what way are these events different from the other festivals?’’

D. Independent Practice Group the class into five. Give each group a specific task to do using clear and specific instructions. Set standards for pupils to follow so that the group task will be done efficiently within the given time. Group 1 Make a news story about to recount events effectively . Present the news story to the class in the form of Newscating. Group 2 Think of a song you know about your town. Practice singing the song. Be ready to sing it to the class. (Example;” Halina sa Pila Magpunta”) Group 3 Make a poster of events that important or memorable to you. Group 4 Rap these lines from the story. Present it to the class. Discussion:  Why Pila is called “BAYANG PINAGPALA”?  Cite some evidences, why this town is now one of the tourist attractions in Laguna?

E.ClosureAssessesment Refer to LM, Remember. Read the words associated with different events. Recounts how do they relate each other IV. Evaluation: Tells a at least 10 word that recounts the significance of having a Feast/ Festival in your own town. V. Assignment: Cut pictures of different events in the newspaper or magazine and paste it on your notebook.

Day 2- Vocabulary Development I.

Objectives Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus, and / or online resources


Subject Matter: Clarifying the meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus, and / or online resources References:EN5-Ij-8.1/8.2/8.3, English Expressway Reading pp.117-120 Teachers Guide Grade V. pp 111-114,Reading Marvels V p 37,hhtp//google.com.ph. Materials: Story of Pailah Festivals, Dictionary, graphic organizer,projector


Learning Activities A. Setting the Stage Refer to LM, Think and Tell Games: How strong is your vocabulary? Choose the correct meaning of a words. Read as quickly as possible the words in each line. Circle those that have the same or similar meanings as the keyword. beautiful-





. Show a dictionary to the class. What do you want to know about the dictionary? Write your answer in the KWL Chart. (I know, want to know, what I learned chart)

KNOW Expected answer It is a book contains many words. The words are arranged alphabetically

WANT Expected Answer

LEARN Expected Answer

I want to know how it is used

A dictionary gives word many meanings

I want to know what are written on it

We can use the dictionary To clarify the appropriate meanings from several meanings

B. Explaining the students what to do Say: Are you a Scout? What does it mean to be a scout?Do you take the scout’s oath to the heart?What good deeds have you done for others lately? Using the Dictionary match each word from the story in column A with its meaning in column B. C. Modeling for students Refer To LM., Try and Learn D. Guided Practice( Refer to LM, Read And Learn) The teacher will show to the class a dictionary entry with a list of several meaning and part of speech to clarify the meaning of a word in a sentence. Round (round) adj.1. shaped like a ball; n. 1.one part of a game or sports 2. Shaped like a circle; 2. A series of events 3. Having a curved surface; 3. A short song with 2 or more voices How many meanings are given for round? What parts of speech are listed? What does the word round mean in the following sentence? Read the sentences:  The Barangay Tanod makes a round in the Barangay to catch the robber.  Manny Pacquiao won the games for only five rounds.  Row,row your boat is a kind of round song.  Her face is round.

E. Independent Practice Refer to LM, Learn some more Choose the meaning of the first word as used in the given sentence. Write the letter on the blank (use the dictionary entry)

Activity 1 1. 2. 3. 4.

Divide the class into four groups Provide a dictionary for each group Assigned each group 5 words Tell them to look for the meanings of that word.

Activity 2 1. Divide the class into four groups 2. Give them a word with multiple meanings used in a sentence 3. Let them choose the meaning of the assigned word that fits each sentence F. Closure Assessment: Using the metacards let the learners paste on the circle and read what they learn in using Dictionary/Thesaurus.

What did you learn about the Dictionary/Thesaurus?

IV.Evaluation:LM, Try and Learn Read the following sentence and then copy the number of the meaning of the underline word (model, echo, park)

Day 3- Oral Reading Fluency I.

Objectives Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute


Subject Matter: Reading Grade level text with 118 words correct per minute References: EN5F- Ij-1.13,https://www.google.com.ph/ Materials: Pictures, copy of song, Projector.


Learning Activities A. Setting the stage  Study the pictures below. What do they tell? Work with a partner. Discuss a short story about the pictures. Make sure that you use a verb in their correct form.( Refer to LM Think and Tell) B. Explaining what the students what to do  Read the sentences correctly -Easter is one of the many Philippine religious festivals. - Filipinos attended the series of nine dawn masses called misa de gallo. -Last year, my family celebrated Easter Sunday in Bulacan. -Carolers went from house to house and sung Christmas songs for money and fun B. Modeling for students Ask: What do you usually have during Christmas? Who gives you a gift? How Filipinos spend Christmas? Teacher will Sing/play the song.Christmas in our Heart by Jose Mari Chan. Let the learners sing the song confidently with the teachers. C. Guided Practice Refer to LM - Read and Learn Read the words of the song with 118 words per minute. Do the first reading of the story. Afterwards, read by partner. Read the lyrics of the song correctly in the form of story with your partner in a minute. Comprehension Check-up: refer to LM, Talk about it.

D. Independent Practice ( Cooperative Activities) Group I-2Make a jingle on how Filipinos spend Christmas Group 3-4Choose an important events in your locality. Member of the group will narrate, while the others will make a simulation or dramatization. Present it to the class. E. Closure Assessment: How many words have you read correctly? Fluency in reading per minute is a key foundational skill that helps read complex text with greater understanding. When students read with accuracy and expression at an appropriate reading rate, their fluency supports their comprehension. Repeated reading practice with short passages improves word recognition and automaticity.


Evaluation: Read the selection correctly and be able to read it in a minute. Refer to LM ( Read and Learn) “Hometown Hero”

Day 4 -Attitudes


Objectives Observe politeness


Subject Matter: Observing Politeness References: EN5 – Ij-16, google.com.ph,http://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/polite Materials: story of the selection, illustration/pictures,lcd projector for Power Point


Learning activities A. Setting the Stage News for the day: ask volunteers to share the thing/events they saw as they were on their way to school. Read the sentence below the pictures. What good character traits shown in the illustration.

B. Explaining the Students what to do

What are the standard in Silent reading Read the selection carefully and be able to find out the moral lesson of the story. Refer to LM. Fox and the Rabbit C. Modeling for Students Show different act of politeness. ( 4 pictures one word)

____OL__T___NE___S___ D. GuidedPractice Let the class make a simulation or act the pictures showing politeness E. Independent Practice Group I – Role playing that observe politeness Group 2- Slogan of Politeness Group 3- Make a short story that observe politeness Group 4- Poster making with the theme: Politeness is the Flower of Humanity F. Closure Assessment . Let the pupils learn by heart the different expression of politeness; ~What should you say if you walk in front of someone? You say___( “Excuse me”) ~Moving over so someone can sit down is called? ------(“Sharing”) ~When you ask for something you say…..(”Please”) ~When you receive something you say….(”Thank You”) IV.

Evaluation: Are you polite? Read and choose the letter of the correct answer 1. Someone you don't really like keeps following you around. What do you do? a. Tell him/her to get lost. b. Ask him/her to quit following you around in a nice way. c. Secretly escape and hide. d. Let him/her follow you around

2. You're really good in History and are taking a test on it on Friday. The coolest kid in class asks you to give him the answers. What do you do? a. You don't care if he/she is cool or not; you don't give the answers. b. Give a lame excuse and say no. c. Give him/her the answers but tell the teacher after. d. Tell him/her you'll think about it. 3: Somebody has been asking you the same question over and over. What will you do? a. b. c. d.

Roll your eyes and tell the answer. Tell him/her to listen more and give the answer. Tell him/her the wrong answer. Give the answer.

4. You are hanging out with your friends and everybody wants to do something you don't want to. What do you do? a. Go along with them. b. Argue, but go along in the end. c. Tell them they're losers and leave. d. Give them a lame excuse and go home. 5:You're supposed to exchange papers to check an assignment. Somebody who is always late to exchange asks you to exchange with him/her. You already have your paper ready to check. What do you do? a. b. c. d.

Say no. Say sure. Give a lame excuse and refuse. Roll your eyes and say no.

Day 5- Attitudes


Objectives Show tactfulness when communicating with each other’s


Subject Matter Showing tactfulness when communicating with each other’s References :EN5A.- Ij-17,https/www youtube.com, goggle.com.ph, http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Tactful,http://www.quizony.com/how-tactful-areyou/29.html#ixzz49Hrrw4iY Materials: pictures, metacard, projector,chart,


Learning Activities A. Setting the Stage What come first to your mind when you read this quotes or messages?

”Think before you speak”. Where do we use these words?

B. Explaining the students what to do Read the tactless blunt andmore tactful in the graphic organizer and be able to answer the ff. question below. Refer to LM, Find Out and Learn

Question: What is the different of tactless and tactful communication? Do you think there is careful consideration of the feelings and values of another in a tactful communication? C. Modeling for students. Teacher will act the tactful communication situation between a Principal and an employee or a leader of the group and a member of the class. The leader of your group asks you to take on another help for your project and you just don't have any more time on your hands, you can say something like: "Thank you so much for thinking of me for this opportunity. Unfortunately, I'm still wrapping up those two other projects you asked me about and I won't be able to take on the extra work. But I would love to help out on something similar in the future."

D. Guided Practice: Let the learners read and act the situation written in the chart/PowerPoint Refer to LM Try and Learn Your friend asks you to take on some of her assignment, so that she can leave early. However, your schedule is full and you're not sure you'll get everything done on time.

A tactful response might be, "Thank you for trusting me with some of your responsibilities. I'm sorry that I can't help you this time because of my workload. Is there anything I could help you with next week, when I have more time?"

E. Independent Practice:Think carefully before you speak.

What will you say in the following situation? Use tactful and careful words for consideration of the feelings and values of others. - Brainstorming/Role Playing Group I and 2-One of your team members is regularly late for sport dance practice for school intramurals competitions, and it affects her performance. After another missed deadline, you're tempted to call her out at the team meeting. Although this might make you feel better in the short term, it's insensitive – a more tactful approach would be to speak with her privately about her tardiness. Group 3 and 4It's your birthday. You're allergic to wool; one of your friends gives you a hideous sweater made of woolin front of many people. The sweater is personally knitted for you. How will you handle the situation? F. Closure Assessment: How tactful are you? Refer to LM , Talk about it/ Remember Indicate how frequently you engage in the following behaviors when communicating with another person or persons. Use this scale to describe your tactfulness. 5 – I always do this. 4 – I often do this. 3 – I sometimes do this. 2 – I seldom do this. 1 – I never do this ------a.Irecognize that how I say something is just as important as what I say. ____b.I analyze my communication style to determine what nonverbal messages I send and .how well they conform to the meaning I desire to get across ____c.I carefully consider whether my message would be best understood by my receiver in a face-to-facegathering, mobile texting, or in writing ____d.I form opinions about what others say to me based on what I hear them saying rather .than what I think of them as a person ____e .I make a genuine effort to listen to ideas with which I don't agree. ____f .I look for ways to improve my listening skills.

Remember: Tact is the ability to deliver a difficult message in a way that considers other people's feelings and preserves relationships. It encompasses many things, such as emotional intelligence, discretion, compassion, honesty, and courtesy. To develop tact, think carefully before you speak. Always consider how someone else might interpret your words. Use active listening skills, pay attention to your body language, and never react emotionally. However, make sure that you still get your message across, and that you ' continue to be appropriately assertive.


Evaluation:Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. You're at your company Christmas gift exchange, and someone just re-gifted the same gift you gave them last year. What do you do? A. B. C. D.

Nothing! It really doesn't matter, no need to cause a scene. Say nothing at the moment, but talk badly behind their back the next day. Corner them later and tell them off. Accuse them right then and there, in front of everyone.

2. You borrowed 100 pesos from your friend last week, and you keep forgetting to pay them back. What do you say? A. I apologize and set a reminder on my phone. B. Ask them to call me and remind me before I see them tomorrow. C. Don't say anything--they might have forgotten too. D. It's fine. We're friends, right? I'll remember eventually. 3. You're in the middle of a long conversation with a friend, and suddenly you notice that she's not really paying attention to what you're saying. What do you do? A. B. C. D.

Change the subject. Maybe I've bored her. Keep talking, but keep it shorter and more to the point. Ask her if something is wrong. Tell her to snap out of it, and continue talking.

4. You're just about to sit down at your favorite spot in the cafeteria, when someone comes along and beats you to the chair first. What do you do? A. Ask them to move. You always sit there. B. Glare at them and sit somewhere else. C. Sit somewhere else. It's not a big deal. D. None of the above

5. Your friend, a musician, just asked you to listen to her latest song. You don't like it at all. What do you say? A. B. C. D.

I don't like it.' 'It's not really my style, sorry.' 'It's alright. I think you can do better, though.' 'I'm not really the person to ask.'!'

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