English 101 Week 3

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 205
  • Pages: 7
Drafting English 101 Week 3

Focus: Are you a Swooper or a Basher? Audience Purpose Subject Use outlines or writing plans Free writing Use details Natural voice  

Basic Essay Structure:Opening  Engage your reader: the Hook  Mention little known fact about topic  Pose a challenging question  Offer thought-provoking quotation  Anecdote  Introduce your angle  Establish your direction  Identify topic and show problem, need or opportunity  Show the topic’s importance  Acknowledge other perspectives  Get to the point  Narrow your focus to what interests you  Raise a question  State your thesis 

Basic Essay Structure: Middle Advance your thesis  Don’t lose focus  Support your main points  Use details, examples Test your ideas  Raise questions  Consider alternatives  Answer objections Build coherent structure  Paragraph as unit of thought  Clear logical development of idea

Supporting Details Analogy Cause and Effect Chronological Order Classification Compare/contrast Climax Definition Illustration Narration Process

Basic Essay Structure: End Reassert main point  Remind reader  Rephrase thesis Urge the reader  Show implications  Look ahead  List benefits Complete and unify your message  Refocus, unify and reinforce  Logical stopping point

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