English 101

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 468
  • Pages: 2
ENGLISH 101 Anne Bernadette A. Dagle CA1C Mrs. Maria Eloisa C. Reyes

What is the oldest library in the world? •

the oldest continually running library in the world is at the St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai, Egypt. It was built in the middle of the 6th century and houses the second largest collection of religious material in the world (after the Vatican)ggest library. However it is not accessible to the public, only by monks and invited scholars. The Bibliotheque de Paris (Library of Paris) combined with the National Library of France, is the oldest continually running public library service, dating back to 1368 when it was housed at the Louvre. It has moved several times over the past 700 years, into newer and larger accomodation and new premises again are currently in the design phase. SOURCE: http://ttglibrary.wordpress.com/2009/03/11/ever-wondered-what-the-oldestlibrary-in-the-world-is/

What is the oldest library in the Philippines? •

Started out in the 17th century by UST founders", Fr. Miguel de Benavides and Fr. Diego Soria , who collectively donated their private collections for a future college. Soon other Dominicans friars contributed books that made it the biggest collection of books mostly for priesthood. As new faculties/colleges were opened in the University the collections widened to form a precious collection of rare books unique in the Philippines. This library was located in the old city of Intramuros for three hundred years until it was transferred to its present location now in Espana Ave, Manila. It was on October 29, 1989 when the UST Central Library Building was inaugurated to a new building. SOURCE: http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/e608c/153bfe/4/

What is the biggest library? •

Library of Congress is the research library of the United States Congress and is the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States. Located in three buildings in Washington, D.C., it is the largest library in the world by shelf space and holds the largest number of books. The head of the Library is the Librarian of Congress, currently James H. Billington. The Library of Congress was established by Congress in 1800, and was housed in the United States Capitol for most of the 19th century. After much of the original collection had been destroyed during the War of 1812, Thomas Jefferson sold 6487 books to the library, his entire personal library, in 1815. After a period of decline during the mid-19th century the Library of Congress began to grow rapidly in both size and importance after the American Civil War, culminating in the construction of a separate library building and the transference of all copyright deposit holdings to the Library. During the rapid expansion of the 20th century the Library of Congress assumed a preeminent public role, becoming a "library of last resort" and expanding its mission for the benefit of scholars and the American people. SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Congress

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