Engineering In Excel

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,349
  • Pages: 8

Central Philippine University School of Graduate Studies Iloilo City, Philippines

PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED Respondent Number ______________

SME in Construction Industry: The Need for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Skills INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR SME in Construction and Managers, Owners, and/or Entrepreneurs

PART A: PERSONAL DETAILS OF INTERVIEWEE Age (years) Below 25 25 – 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Above 64 Experience (years) Below 5 5–9 10 – 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 Above 24 Affiliation Professional Political Business Religious Others None

8 5 1 14

3 7 2 1 1

9 1 2 1

Engineering Educational Background Engineering (civil, electrical,,,,), Architecture Business (commerce, entrepreneurship…), comp. Business and Engineering Others (non-engineering, non-business) None Gender Male Female



12 2

PART B: COMPANY INFORMATION Ownership Single proprietorship Corporation Partnership Cooperative

3 8 1 ??? 1 ???

Number of Employees 1–9 10 – 99 100 – 199

2 7 4

Type General Specialty

6 6

Size of Capitalization(PhP) Up to 3,000,000 3,001,000-15,000,000 15,000,001-100,000,000

3 3 6

Engineering Number of years in Construction Business Below 5 5–9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 Above 24 Affiliated to (check if applicable) Local Company National Company International Company

4 2 5 1

5 6

LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE ON: Engineering Construction Technology The following sets of questions ( statements, phrases and/or passages) are intended to gather information pertaining to your personal knowledge and opinion on certain management areas. Please check the appropriate column that best describe your answer ( or answer briefly as needed ). TO BE ANSWERED BY ENGINEER

1 - Good Knowledge 2 - Some Knowledge 3 - No Idea Level of Knowledge on Engineering Construction Technology 1 line of discipline that you can handle in construction works a) architectural b) civil & structural engineering c) electrical engineering e) mechanical engineering f) sanitary engineering c) Others (specialty works, pls specify) Interior design, acoustic & landscape, land dev materials engg 2 line of discipline that you can handle in design works a) architectural b) civil & structural engineering c) electrical engineering e) mechanical engineering f) sanitary engineering c) Others (specialty works, pls specify) Interior design, acoustic & landscape _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 3 line of discipline that you can handle in project management works a) architectural b) civil & structural engineering c) electrical engineering e) mechanical engineering f) sanitary engineering c) Others (specialty works, pls specify) Interior design, acoustic & landscape _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 4 Philippine Contractor Accreditation Board (PCAB) certifications a) architectural b) civil & structural engineering c) electrical engineering e) mechanical engineering




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f) sanitary engineering c) Others (specialty works, pls specify) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 5 as an SME in construction, for small and medium sized projects, drawings and plans that you can handle a) architectural b) civil & structural engineering c) electrical engineering e) mechanical engineering f) sanitary engineering 6 permit management and approval of drawings with local authorities a) This includes excavations on site permit, usually in cities where facilities could pass through the site.

b) Drawings approval from the local or city engineer ( National Building Code from DPWH). o Architectural o Civil and structural o Electrical o Mechanical o Sanitary c) Demolition permit for projects requiring removal of existing installations and facilities. d) Permit (if needed) of temporary facilities especially that of Electrical from power company. 7 arrange the necessary mobilization

a) Mobilization of personnel o staying on site o rented house near the site b) Mobilization of equipment c) Construction of temporary facilities (storage, and living quarter as required)



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6 7 5

5 4 3

3 3

d) Other temporary works (Pls. Specify) _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 8 For Engineering performance measurement method (project monitoring, follow-up, budgeting, …..) a) S –curve b) Bar chart c) PERT – CPM


d) Others (Pls specify) program of works, time managememt _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 9 preservation of the health and safety of a) staff and employee b) sub-contractor c) trade contractor staff and employees d) the general public e) written policy statement 10 consider the protection of the environment to be of supreme significance

6 4 3 5 4

3 4 4 3 4

1 1 1




LEVEL OF ACCESS TO Engineering Construction Technology Facilities.

The following sets of questions ( statements, phrases and/or passages) are intended to gather information pertaining to your personal knowledge and opinion on certain management areas. Please check the appropriate column that best describe your answer ( or answer briefly as needed ). TO BE ANSWERED BY ENGINEER 1 - Good Access to Facilities

2 - Some Access to Facilities

Level of Access to Engineering Construction Technology Facilities 1 a) attendance to seminar(s) of professional organizations Pls. name these organizations: PSME, Phil. Shell Petroleum Corp UAP, PICE, IIEE __________________________________________________ b) attendance to meetings/functions conducted by government regulatory and helping agencies (for engineering) Pls. name these agencies: SEAFDEC, DOTC, GPRA-IRR, ERC __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ c) facility in communication ( phone, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cell phones, web,.. ) d) facility in transportation e) tools and equipment when needed f) facility to move (personnel and equipment) if awarded a project far from your office 2 Have you been involved in: a) Facilitation of technology exchange, activities and contracts among large companies and SMEs in construction. b) on-line access to information on the latest construction techniques. c) On-line consultation with business counselors for examining and counselors for examining and promoting technologies that would benefit SMEs and promote the use of quality standards. 3. For projects participated, describe facilities for project: a) The approval process for project design is adequate b) The approval process for project design is effective c) Project testing and acceptance are consistent d) Project testing and acceptance are adequate e) Project events and history are consistently documented f) Project accounting information is consistent with project budgets g) Project accounting information is accurate h) Project accounting information is current i) Project warranty issues are adequately coordinated

3 - None










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j) Safety , environmental and customers' concern properly taken 4 the best ways for company to gain needed information Telephone Visit source of information Email Web page Fax Memo Other (pls specify) cell phones __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 5 Describe the project construction performance of your company. a) The company was aware of the status of project funds throughout the construction process b) The company prepared a reconciliation of all project funds upon . completion of the project c) The company reviewed and made aware client of all changes made on the project. d) The final product (building structure, etc.) was what you expected. e) The final cost of the project was within expectations. f) The project was completed in a timely manner. g) The total overall experience of serving a client was positive. h) The overall construction process was effective. 6 What element of the construction service provided by the company was most critical to meeting/exceeding your expectations? please answer here: communication, transportation, safety engineeing benefits, salary Suggested Improvements: provide adequate communication, transportation; safety warning device __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

5 9 9 10 9 4 4

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