Emotional Intelligence And Communication

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 378
  • Pages: 15

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Emotion refers to a feeling state that conveys information about relationships-typically, which one would like to join with others. Intelligence refers to the capacity to reason validly about information (Mayer et al, 2000). Emotional intelligence represents an ability to validly reason something with emotions in order to enhance thoughts (Mayer et al, 1999).







According to Daniel Goleman-

 The

four-branch model of emotional intelligence describes four areas of capacities or skills that collectively describe many areas of emotional intelligence. This fourbranch model represents what today has become called the ability model of emotional intelligence (Mayer et al, 1997).

 Emotional

Intelligence has been linked to better management performance in retail managers (Slaski et al, 2002) and reduced staff turnover and improved scales (Watkin, 2000).  Wagner et al. (2002) have reported that higher patient satisfaction is associated with the physicians’ EQ in medical education.  There has not been any known published research in NYC about the role of emotional intelligence on both the teenagers’ academic and the adults’ professional success.

Standard EQ Score (based on comparison to general population norms/ 100 = average) Age group:

16 to 20 to 30 to 40 to 50+

19 29 39 49

Average EQ:

095.3 096.8 101.8 102.7 101.5

Emotional Intelligence and Age

 Emotional

Intelligence is the ability to recognize, regulate and effectively communicate our own emotions of the other people. It is the ability, capacity or skill to perceive, assess and manage the emotions of one’s self and of others

 Self

Awareness  Self- Regulation / Management  Social Skills ( Social Competence)  Relationship Management

 Emotional

Self awareness, reading and recognizing one’s emotions; gut sense  Accurate self assessment, knowing one’s strengths and limitations  Self confidence; sense of self worth

 Keeping

disruptive emotions under control  Displaying transparency as much as possible  Flexibility in adapting changing situations  Readiness to act and seize opportunities  Seeing the upside in events (optimism)

 Empathizing

with others  Organizational awareness  Recognizing and meeting client or customer needs  Maintaining healthy social relationships

 Inspirational

leadership  Influencing people  Developing others  Change catalyst  Conflict management  Building bonds  Teamwork and collaboration

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