Emaho! Newsletter 1 - Sept 09

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Emaho! S O U L


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elcome to the first Emaho! Newsletter

The purpose of the free Emaho! newsletter is to provide you with informative and inspiring articles, this includes: - Practical wellbeing tips - Networking opportunities with links to recommended practitioners in the wellbeing industry - Inspirational quotations, stories, and ideas to help you, your family and your business experience happiness and success in all areas of your life. We commit to have a regular Wellbeing, Happiness and Earth column.

I would like to hear your views about the Emaho! newsletter, if you have any suggestions please send them to me. Emaho! endeavours to inspire and motivate our readers. If you have any family, friends and colleagues who you think would enjoy this newsletter please send it on to them. Or they are welcome to subscribe by sending me an email at : [email protected]. All they need to do is write “subscribe” in the subject line.

In this issue: · Welcome · Introducing Emaho! Solutions with Soul

· Wellbeing column:

Tips on how to Live Joyfully

· Happiness column:

Happiness myths and truths

· Earth column:

Planting Season – 22 September 2009

Emaho! Life coaching Spring offer

If you feel that you would like to use some of the contents in this newsletter for any reason, please do credit me as the author [Emaho! Adele Diedericks] and provide a link to the Emaho! website (www.emaho.co.za) which is currently in development. We'll keep you posted on the launch date of our website.

To celebrate the arrival of spring Emaho! is offering 10% reduction on coaching packages taken by 29 October 2009. Spring into step and plan your “inner” spring cleaning now!

If you choose not to receive any further newsletters, please send an email with unsubscribe in the subject line to [email protected].

For more information and to book an initial complimentary telephonic assessment, please contact Adele: [email protected] 082 450 7296.

In gratitude, love and joyful service

Adele Diedericks [email protected]

c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009

Life coaching with Emaho! is not limited to clients staying only in Gauteng. You can be anywhere in the world to receive life coaching through Emaho! via Skype or telephonically.

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Emaho! Introducing Emaho! SOLUTIONS WITH SOUL Whether you need inspiration and encouragement as an individual, a family, a business manager, an aspiring entrepreneur, coach, consultant, change agent or facilitator, Emaho! has a large variety of methods, tools, knowledge and networks of professionals to support and inspire you. The name Emaho! How Wonderful! [Emaho! - Wonder ~ Marvel ~ Amazement ~ Magnificance ~ Joy ~ Realization ~ Yes!] Emaho! is a Tibetan exclamation and also a Sanskrit word pronounced ay-mah-ho - describing joy, wonder and realisation. In Sotho the word Emaho! means “stand there”. Emaho's mission is to help those who are searching to reach the realisation of their unique magnificence. And in that splendour “stand there” and shine in their own wisdom and brilliance. The joy which the word “Emaho!” carries is what we feel when we have reached realization within ourselves allowing our brilliance to shine through with great benefit to ourselves and the world. Emaho! expresses the very essence of empowerment for individuals, families, non-profit and business organisations to stand together and exclaim: “How wonderful! How marvelous! We are on a wonderful journey of positive transformation and discovery. We respect and appreciate each person's unique strengths and because of this we are stronger and achieving greatness”.

The Emaho! logo The Emaho! logo is a mandala or better known as a circle. The Emaho! mandala holds a lotus flower and an African symbol (the ram's horns) representing wisdom through balancing strength and humility. More on the symbolic meaning of Mandalas A mandala is a circular picture that represents every aspect of life. The solar system is a mandala, just as a community made up of circles of friends and family, an organisation made up of a collective of business units and people constitutes as a mandala. Nature reflects many mandalas - flowers, the rings found in tree trunks and the spiraling outward and inward of a snail's shell. (From www.mandalaproject.org) Ultimately a mandala represents wholeness and it reminds us of our place in relation to the infinite or the “bigger picture” showing us where and who we truly are. c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009

More on the symbolic meaning of the lotus flower In the centre of our logo is a beautiful lotus flower. The lotus flower is a water-lily that grows out of muddy water. The flowers' many layers of petals open when exposed to the energy and warmth of the sun. This represents how we can realise our full potential. As we grow out of our challenges, a lotus flower grows out of the mud.The lotus flower symbolically guides us into an unfolding of our many layers of potential. It reminds us that it is always possible to bring our dreams to life and shine in our magnificence. More on the symbolic meaning of the Ram's horns symbol The rams' horns used in the Emaho! logo are a West African symbol known as Dwennimmen. Representations of this symbol is reflected around the main lotus flower in the Emaho! logo. It is the symbol of wisdom which comes from expressing our inner strength balanced with humility. These are key qualities of transformational / service leaders. As the ram has a reputation of fighting fiercely against an adversary, it also s u b m i t s h u m b l y t o s l a u g h t e r. Emphasizing that even the strong need to be humble. (From calltoactionquilt.org) Although the journey to self mastery requires subtle skills of compassion, humility and a gentle love towards ourselves and others, there are times when the brazen courage of the ram is needed.

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Emaho! About the founder and principal of Emaho!

Our services and products

Adéle Diedericks is an entrepreneur, teacher, facilitator, life and business coach and healer. She has vast experience and skills in supporting people as individuals, families and as businesses – big and small - to recognize their full potential and bring their dreams and visions to life. Adele has a great ability to motivate and inspire people to expand their creative mindsets, transform talents into powerful strengths, explore new possibilities / solutions and grow potential, towards greatness. She uses various tools, methods and techniques to guide her clients to become all they are born to be. Her style is supportive, creative, inspirational, intuitive and challenging when needed. Adéle's highest value is healing - through unveiling full potential and living inspired purposeful life, joyful wellbeing grows within creating healing and happiness – for ourselves and everybody we're connected to.

Available services and products for individuals: ? Coaching and mentoring ? Life vision, strategy and goals setting ? Business building mentoring and tools ? Individual profiling for Purpose, Strengths,

Values and Archetypal patterns ? “Know your Purpose Live your Dreams” talk

and programme ? Wellbeing, healthy living and joyful balance

mentoring ? Valuable network of Wellbeing practitioners

and Business building service providers ? Creative play-shops ? Facilitated dolphin encounters ? Inspirational talks

Available services and products for business: ? Business

Our Associates Emaho! maintains an established and valuable network of associates, professionals and practitioners within the fields of wellbeing and health, coaching and mentoring, purpose – strengths –values archetypal work and profiling, change and transformational leadership consulting. As an accredited Change Designs gold affiliate, Emaho! has a wealth of change management, facilitation, strategy design, holistic project planning and innovation, as well as inspirational tools, knowledge, models and training interventions.

transformation through holistic change interventions, design, toolkits and training ? Customised design of Building Strengths based organisations / Wellbeing / Innovation programmes ? Customised design of creating a mentoring and coaching culture ? Customised design of self mastery and inner leadership development programmes ? Training and toolkits for change leaders, managers, change agents, coaches, consultants and facilitators ? Coaching and mentoring ? Inspirational talks ? Business vision, strategy and goals setting ? Business building mentoring and tools ? Individual profiling for Strengths, Values and Archetypal patterns ? Valuable network of professionals and practitioners ? Creative play-shops and team development ? Facilitated dolphin encounters

More details on our services and products in future newsletters – Our next newsletter will feature an article on Life Coaching: What it is and how it's of great benefit to excel all areas of your life and your business so that you can Shine in your Magnificence!

I hope that you will feel inspired and supported by what Emaho! has to offer. c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009

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Everything I share with you in this column is what I have personally tested in my life. On a daily basis these things greatly enhance my overall wellbeing. And bring more joy, balance and harmony into my life. I hope that some of these practical tips will be useful to you, and bring more happiness and wellbeing into your life and your family. A lot of these tips do not take much time in your day – all it needs is strong intention for you to improve your wellbeing and some focused attention – leading to a great increase in your capacity, energy and overall success in your life. Don't feel overwhelmed. Pick two or three points from the 7 tips that you resonate most with and choose to bring this into your life. Gradually you can add more of these ideas. It took me around six months to have most of the above aspects in my daily routine. Notice the resistance and do it anyway! If you feel stuck, please phone us for support and guidance. Discover the gift of life coaching! Let us know which of these points you would like us to expand on in future newsletters. We are also available for talks on any of these topics.

W E L L B E I N G ~ T I P S O N H O W T O L I V E J OY F U L LY 7 Tips to bring the Spring into your step and into your life ? It's Spring time – get up 30 minutes earlier – at least by sunrise ? Find joy in the little things each day offers - Listen to the birds singing to celebrate

the start of a brand new day ? Here's a few ancient Ayurved tips to boost your health. (More on Ayurveda in

future articles) I have found that these little additions to my daily routine, led to a great improvement in my and my family's health, as well as those I mentor. I have also lost many centimeters in the last few months since implemented these simple but great tips – a great boost for my confidence. I feel light, alive and more flexible too! All of this has got strong scientific proof of the many health benefits. - Start your day with a cup of warm water. It must be boiled and let to cool – don't mix cold water with boiled water. - Before breakfast, do some exercise like brisk walking combined with deep breathing. - Only eat when you're hungry – then the digestive juices are at it's best - and not when you are very upset or distressed. - When eating a meal, sip on hot liquids, like water or herbal teas – fresh ginger tea is great for the digestion. Cold drinks cool down your digestive fire and creates digestive disorders. - Only eat enough until you are satisfied – try not to overeat. Mindful awareness during eating helps greatly to become more conscious of your eating habits. Don't eat in front of the TV or when you are reading, feeling rushed or having an argument. By my being aware of how I feel mentally, emotionally and physically when eating I was able to eat slower, feel full quicker and loose many centimeters. ? Start your day with something that inspires you – this helps me greatly to lift my energy and help me feel more positive. You only need a few minutes for this. I do stuff like: reading a positive article or inspirational quote, pondering and reading about one of my inspirational figures / role models, speak to somebody that inspires me, listen to a song and move with the music, read my life vision, write down ideas and things that inspire me using bright colourful pens or writing in my journal. ? Take short breaks during the day and just breathe deeply, putting all your focus on your breathe. (more on this in future articles) ? Again – find joy in the little things in your day! Laugh fully at least once a day. ? Go to bed with positive intentions of bringing more wellbeing into your life. You can say things to yourself like: “I am going to get up (earlier) at xxx time and feel inspired to start a new day. I value and love myself - therefore I want to do ... walking .... inspirational and joyful activities... deep breathing...” whatever you have decided to include in your daily routine.

Be well! Be happy! Adele

c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009

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It is true that most of us just

Some Happiness myths:

want to be happy. But what does

? We should be happy all the time. ? We should always be happy within ourselves, within our relationships and our

it take to be happy? It may be good to start by knowing that no one can make you happy and if they do this happiness is impermanent.

Neither do

external things, like possessions, power, career growth, parties bring lasting happiness. True happiness comes from within you and it is cultivated by knowing the truth. Looking at some happiness myths and truths may help encourage you to create your own happiness and those around you.

Mindful awareness is a key and first step to bring more lasting happiness

families. ? Families should be happy all the time. ? Everyone is happy, except me. ? If I am not happy all the time, there is something wrong with me. ? I must get rid of negative feelings (i.e. anxiety, anger, sadness), then I'll have a better life. ? I should be able to control everything I think and feel.

All the above thoughts lead to more unhappiness and suffering. Mindful awareness is a key and first step to bring more lasting happiness into our lives. Through becoming aware of how many of these things above I believed in, I have realised how much unhappiness I was creating in my own life and in my relationships. Action step: Observe your thoughts – How many of the above limiting / incorrect beliefs do you have and how often? Shift these thoughts with an attitude of “joyous effort” with Happiness Truths.

Some Happiness truths: ? “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. The main

cause of a happy life is within.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama ? It is impossible to create a better life, without some discomfort. ? Remedy technique: To reduce the energic hold negative thoughts have, add to it “I

notice I am having a thought that I am...” So next time you think “I am not good enough / I cannot do this ...” add to this thought “I notice I am having a thought that I am not good enough / I cannot do this ...” This way you are not trying to get rid of the negative thought and feeling. Rather you are giving it space without suppressing it. It often then shifts automatically. Try it – it works! ? Everything – our circumstances, our thoughts and feelings – are impermanent. Knowing this, apply the following thinking: “Your mental state should always remain calm. Even if some anxiety occurs, as it is bound to in life, you should always be calm. Like a wave which rises from the water and dissolves back into the water, these disturbances are very short, so they should not affect your basic mental attitude. Though you cannot eliminate all negative emotions, if your basic mental attitude is healthy and calm, it will not be much affected” (From “The art of living” by His Holiness the Dalai Lama) .... also a very important factor for good health and happy relationships.

More on how to develop mindful awareness and more Happiness truths in future newsletters.

into our lives. c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009

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I have a challenge for you. Join me and 20,000 other South Africans + 400 companies on 22 September to plant one or more organic vegetable. Let me know how many vegetables you have planted – the person that planted the most vegetables will receive a surprise gift from Emaho! I am planning an initiative at my daughter's nursery school on 22 September – 65 kids will plant a vegetable to take home with them. This information is from Jason's g a r d e n ,



Planting Season is a collective campaign by Majestic Interactive and JasonsGarden.com with a shared mission: to facilitate a collective reconnection between people and the earth by getting 1,000,000 people to start growing their own food. 22ndSeptember 2009 has been named the first Planting Day and thousands of people all over South Africa will join remotely to all plant on this day. This is the "Earth Hour" of South African sustainability and we are encouraging people all over SA to grow an organic vegetable.What does this mean to you? It's really quite simple, and yet it has the potential to bring massive benefits to all in our country! Here's what it means to me... ? If we can get one million people to grow at least one vegetable, our

country will almost immediately have more food, and there are people and animals to whom this would make a massive difference. More plants also means more uptake of carbon dioxide.

and the Planting Season SA n e w s l e t t e r s www.plantingseason.co.za.

? Growing your own food is an act that brings us closer to the simplicity of

Some have called it the launch of the "best initiative in South Africa in a long time", and judging by the responses we are getting, we reckon this is going to be a BIG ONE!

nature, and this is something we could all do with in the world we live in today. ? Don't for one second think that planting a vegetable is complicated - it's

not, we can ALL do it, and make a difference. Sign up for Planting Season http://www.plantingseason.co.za and receive the ABC of organic gardening. ? I believe that growing your own food is one of the best places to start the

next peaceful revolution. It's our way of showing our leaders that we are serious about moving rapidly along the road towards a healthier, greener South Africa - one that we're proud, not embarrassed, to leave behind for our children. And children today are aware of the situation.

“Live life to the fullest without regrets.” Adele Diedericks

Let's come together, make small changes, grow a plant, share the Love. So, if you haven't already signed up for Planting Season, get there and get GROWING!

c Emaho! Adele Diedericks 2009

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