Newsletter Sept Oct 09

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Highlights The BI-Monthly Newsletter of the Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Issue No : 40

This is the 13th article in the series „Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas (Who is a Khalsa?)‟, started in Apr 2008.

Lobh (Greed), Moh (Emotional Attachment), and Hankaar (Egoism) Jaswant Singh Lobh – Greed The human being is afflicted with various desires, expectations, and cravings in his mind. Out of these ardent desires is born Lobh (greed). Greed, in psychology, is an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth. Generally, it is considered as an excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of money, wealth or power. The most common explanation is that the greedy person values money or possessions more than anything else.

Sep/Oct 2009 Inside this issue : 2

Mighty Khalsa Sikhi for Toddlers Article from 1st Page


New Sikhi Classes


Parkash Divas of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Bhai Maharaj Singh‟s Relocation Bandhi Chhore Divas Gurgaddi Day Celebra tion


Education Classes Recognising our Graduating Sikhs


Birthday Celebration of Sri Guru Har Krishan Sahib Ji Holiday Camp Highlights Visit By NUS Paintball


Highlights of Bhai Maharaj Singh Ji celebrations


Programmes Book of the Month Movie of the Month New CSGB Members

Describing greed and its effect on human beings, Sri Guru Granth Sahib describes: ‘O greed! Even the great cling to you, and behave abnormally engrossed in the waves of avarice. The people run around wildly, wavering unsteadily. You have no respect even for friends, ideals, relations, or parents. You make them to do what they should not do, to eat what they should not eat, and to perform what they should not perform. 1 Greed makes a man crazy. Exposing the craziness of a greedy person it is described in Gurbani, ‘as a mad dog runs around in all directions, a greedy person doesn’t understand, he consumes everything, edible and non-edible alike. Do not trust a greedy person, if you can avoid doing so. Eventually he will lead you there, where no one will be able to save you.2 ‘The world is burning in the fire of desire. There is greed, arrogance and a lot of ego. 3 ‘ Desire, born out of spiritual ignorance, burns this body. He alone puts this fire out, who lives by the Guru's Word.4 Therefore a Sikh earns well and prospers but he keeps his desires under control. Working hard to meet one’s day-to-day need is not greed. But one should understand the difference. Needs can be fulfilled to an extent but greed can never be. ‘Earning a thousand, one runs after a hundred thousand. Satisfaction is not obtained by chasing after Maya. One may enjoy all sorts of worldly pleasures, but one is still not satisfied, and indulges more and more, and wears himself out.5 This view has been corroborated by studies in the field of happiness economics, which confirm that beyond the provision of a basic level of material comfort, more wealth does not increase happiness. Only contentment satisfies one. ‘Without contentment, no one is satisfied. Like the objects of a dream, one’s efforts to satisfy oneself through worldly comforts, go in vain.’6


Moh – Emotional Attachment Attachment is a predictable emotional connection between individuals. However, extensive affection and connection to worldly possessions and relationships becomes Moh (emotional attachment), a vice. Generally speaking, love and attachment are natural instincts which are essential for living a social life. However, when they exceed moderation, they become a human weakness, which makes one suffer. Describing the impact of Moh (emotional attachment) Sri Guru Granth Sahib explains: ‘O invincible warrior of the battlefield, attachment! You crush and destroy even the most powerful. You entice and fascinate even the so-called heavenly heralds, celestial singers, gods, mortals, beasts and birds.7 Too much emotional involvement in worldly affairs makes one ‘drowned in the ocean of attachment. Few are the Guru-oriented who realize this and swim across.8 ‘ The ignorant people cling blindly to it. But, the Gurmukhs are aware that this world is a play. So, while being involved in worldly dealings, they remain detached, by attuning themselves to God. 9

…..Cont’d on page 2

To promote Sikh Heritage. To meet the needs of the Sikh Community. To organise and promote the learning of Gurbani and Kirtan. To lead the Sangat to become and remain Amrit Dhari Sikhs. To propagate Sikhism by providing quality religious services. To inculcate the practice of the Sikh way of life.

Page 2

Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Highlights

Mighty Khalsa

SIKHI FOR TODDLERS Age Group: 2 to 3 years (Parent-accompanying) Timing: 10am to 11am Venue: Sikh Centre, 2nd Floor

Mighty Khalsa is a fortnightly Sunday programme where children between the ages of 4 to 12 yrs are imbibed Sikhi values.


Sep - 13 & 27 Oct - 4 & 18 Nov - 1

Time : 10.00am to 12.00 noon Venue: Mini Darbar 2nd Floor Sikh Centre (Gurdwara Sahib Silat Road)

Guru Ji's sakhian Simran, Art and craft and more Ardas Hukumnama Games Sing a long session Kirtan

Learn Sikhi through fun and creative way using variety of active experience to help children learn best using songs, art and craft, storytelling, etc. Date Sep - 5 & 19 Oct - 3, 17 & 31 Nov - 7

Satu rd


….From Page 1

Hankaar – Pride (Ego) Hankaar (Pride, Ego), the fifth vice, is considered the original and most serious of all vices, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, or excessive love of oneself. In Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Hankaar (Pride, Ego) is described as, ‘the corrupter of the soul and the root cause of suffering. It spreads out such illusions that people forsake friends, and befriend enemies. 10 All vices are actually mental disorders and harmful for the man. But, „egotism is the worst disease in this world’. 11

The one who is afflicted with this terrible ailment suffers throughout life. Therefore, ‘he is brave and a true warrior, who subdues his vicious ego from within. 12 ‘He is pure, who conquers his egotism and removes his vices. Such a person liberates himself, and all his generations as well. 13 Gifts for Seniors

Finally, we arrive at the conclusion that „the vices, cruelty, attachment, greed and anger are like rivers of fire. Those who fall into them burn themselves and suffer; one is only saved by holding tight to good deeds. In the coming article, we will discuss „How to control these vices‟? References: 1. hy loBw lµpt sMg isrmorh Aink lhrI klolqy ] DwvMq jIAw bhu pRkwrM Aink BWiq bhu folqy ] nc imqRM nc iestM nc bwDv nc mwq ipqw qv ljXw ] AkrxM kroiq AKwid´ Kwd´M Aswj´M swij smjXw ] (1358) 2. ijau kUkru hrkwieAw DwvY dh ids jwie ] loBI jMqu n jwxeI BKu ABKu sB Kwie ] (50) loBI kw vyswhu n kIjY jy kw pwir vswie ] AMiq kwil iqQY DuhY ijQY hQu n pwie ] (1417) 3. iqsnw Agin jlY sMswrw ] loBu AiBmwnu bhuqu AhMkwrw ] (120) 4. AigAwnu iqRsnw iesu qnih jlwey ] iqs dI bUJY ij gur sbdu kmwey ] (1067) 5. shs Kty lK kau auiT DwvY ] iqRpiq n AwvY mwieAw pwCY pwvY ] Aink Bog ibiKAw ky krY ] nh iqRpqwvY Kip Kip mrY ] (278) 6. ibnw sMqoK nhI koaU rwjY ] supn mnorQ ibRQy sB kwjY ] (279) 7. hy Aijq sUr sMgRwmM Aiq blnw bhu mrdnh ] gx gMDrb dyv mwnuKM psu pMKI ibmohnh ] (165) 8. eyqu moih fUbw sMswru ] gurmuiK koeI auqrY pwir ]3] (356) 9. mwieAw moih nit bwjI pweI ] mnmuK AMD rhy lptweI ] gurmuiK Ailpq rhy ilv lweI ]5] (230) 10. hy jnm mrx mUlµ AhMkwrM pwpwqmw ] imqRM qjMiq sqRM idRVMiq Aink mwXw ibsqIrnh ] (1358) 11. haumY rogu vfw sMswir ] (1278) 12. nwnk so sUrw vrIAwmu ijin ivchu dustu AhMkrxu mwirAw ] (86) 13 so jnu swcw ij haumY mwrY ] gur kY sbid pMc sMGwrY ] Awip qrY sgly kul qwrY ]4] (230) 14. hMsu hyqu loBu kopu cwry ndIAw Aig ] pvih dJih nwnkw qrIAY krmI lig ]2] (147)


Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Highlights

Page 3

New Sikhi Classes at Sikh Centr Sukhmani Sahib Classes — It’ Over The Sukhmani Sahib classes were conducted every Saturday from 10.30am to 11.30am, over a period of 8 months and ended on 22 Aug 09. They provided and excellent learning and sharing experience and 82 students benefitted from them. Some feedbacks on the course from the students :“It was an enriching experience to get an insight into Guru Arjan Dev Ji's Bani which we so frequently rattle away, without batting an eyelid to understand the underlying sweetness and depth of the verses” ……… Harjit Kaur “I feel like my whole existence absorbing the divine message of "Sukhmani Sahib " when Prof. Jaswant brings out the real meaning of "Sukhmani Sahib”………...Vijay Singh “I now understand more of what I am reading and it is helping me lead a more meaningful life….It has provided me knowledge to guide my kids….It has also brought me closer to my own parents as we discuss the Bani whenever we can”…….SK

“Now What‟s Next”

Barah Maha In English mwh idvs mUrq Bly ijs kau ndir kry ]

Upon whom Waheguru showers His grace, all his months, days and moments become good! A short course to comprehend the spiritual significance of Barah Maha, the compositions of First and Fifth Guru, normally read every month on Sangraand

On Saturdays from 19 Sep 09 onwards 10:30am to 11:30am @ Sikh Centre, Level – 4

On Sundays from 20 Sep 09 onwards 10am to 11am @ Central Sikh Temple, Level - 3

Come and understand the Meaning and Message for your everyday life, and Attain Divine Blessings

Basic Paath Course Join our Paath Course & Learn the basics of reading the path correctly & fluently

Starting on 19 Sep 09 Learn Jap Ji, Sodar & Sohil (1-13 pages of Sri Guru Granth Sahib) Every Saturday, 3pm to 4pm Level 4, 8 Sessions, Free Course

LEARN GURMUKHI Learn to Read & Write Punjabi In only 8 weeks Every Friday, 7pm to 8pm STARTING ON 18 SEP 09

Level 6, Sikh Centre Commitment Fee: $10

Notice of 9th Biennial General Meeting on Sunday 13 September 2009 at 1:30pm @ Central Sikh Temple 1. Notice of meeting was posted to all members of Central Sikh Gurdwara Board on 27 Aug 09. 2. Any memeber , who has yet to receive it can collect a copy of the Notice from Sikh Centre, 9 Jalan Bukit Merah Singapore 169543. Management Central Sikh Gurdwara Board

Page 4

Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Highlights

Parkash Divas of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s On Tuesday 1st Sep 09 @ Central Sikh Temple Guru Arjan Sahib, the fifth Guru, compiled the sacred Scripture of the Sikhs in 1604. After its completion, the Pothi Sahib (Sacred Book) was installed in Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple) Amritsar, on 1 Sep 1604. Baba Buddha Ji, a devoted Sikh, opened it and read the first Hukam (the hymn after the opening). This day is celebrated as the First Parkash Divas of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib is celebrated every year on 1 sept. 30 Aug 09 30 Aug 09 1 Sep 09

- Sunday from 8.30am - Sunday from 9.30am - Tuesday from 8.30am - Tuesday from 8.30am - Tuesday from 9.30am to 12.30pm

- Arambh Sri Akhand Path Sahib - Nishan Sahib Salaami - Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib - Kirtan by Bhai Sarabjit Singh Ji - Kirtan by Various Jathas

Bhai Maharaj Singh Relocation (From Singapore General Hospital to Silat Road Sikh Temple)

at Silat Road Sikh Temple 9 Oct 09 11 Oct 09

- Friday from 8am - Sunday from 8am

- Arambh Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji - Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji

Bandhi Chhore Divas at Silat Road Sikh Temple siqgur bMdICoVu hY jIvx mukiq krY EfIxw] The Satguru is the Liberator; He liberates his Sikh during his lifetime! Bandhi Chhore Divas marks the day of release of the 6 th Guru, Guru Hargobind Sahib. On this day the Guru Ji was released from Gwalior fort. Along with Him 52 other Hindu kings were freed from the captivity on Guru Ji‟s advice. To celebrate the day, Sikhs lit up lamps and welcomed the Guru Ji. Come and join the Sangat to mark the festival of Bandi Chhorh!

14 Oct 09 16 Oct 09 17 Oct 09 18 Oct 09

- Wednesday from 7pm - Friday from 7pm - Saturday from 8.30am - Sunday from 4pm to 6pm

- Armabh Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji - Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji - Nishan Sahib Salami - Children Party

Gurgaddi Day Celebration at Silat Road Sikh Temple bwxI gurU guru hy bwxI ivic bwxI AMimRqu swry ] Bani is Guru, and Guru is the Bani. Within Bani contains the Ambrosial Nectar: 14 Oct 09 - Wednesday from 7pm - Armabh Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji 16 Oct 09 - Friday from 7pm - Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji

Kirtan By Bhai Amandeep Singh Ji (Mata Kaulan wale) From 16 Oct to 21 Oct 09 18 Oct 09 - Sunday from 4pm to 6pm - Children Party Come and Join the congregation on this Historical Day and receive Guru’s blessings!

Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Highlights

Page 5

New Education Classes at Sikh Centre Tuition - “O” Level Inviting all “O” Level Students Starting Soon

English “O” Level Don’t delay, register now

On Going

Subject: Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Every Sunday from 2pm to 4pm commitment Fee - $10, Level 4

Every Saturday from 2pm to 4pm Commitment Fee - $ 10 Level 6

Creative Writing

Phonics 4 Kids

Starting on 13 Sep 09

Starting on 16 Aug 09

Unlock Your Child’s Potential

It's Time for Learning and Fun!

P2 - Every Sunday from 12pm to 1:30pm K2 - Every Sunday from 1:30pm to 2:30pm

P1 - Every Sunday from 12pm to 1:30pm P2 - Every Sunday from 1:30pm to 3pm

Fee $ 50 - 8 Sessions, Level 6

6 Level, Fee $ 50 - 8 Sessions, Level 6

Basic Conversation Mandarin Class Starting Soon

Tae Kwon Do Club

Join now to learn the language for daily usage Every Wednesday from 7:45pm to 8:45pm 8 Sessions, Fee $ 70, Level 6

Mr. Virender Singh holds a 5th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do from Korea

On Going

Every Saturday from 2pm to 3:30pm Fee : $30 for 3 months plus $5 registration, Level 5

Ladies Bhangra By Shere Punjab Bhangra Channel your energy right into the heart of Punjabi heritage & culture, in a fun & energetic setting Tuesday @ 11 am, starting 29 Sep


Thursday @ 7.30 pm, starting 1st October

Venue: Sikh Centre, Level 5 Multi Purpose Hall, Fee: $ 40 Per Month

(UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC) Guest-of –Honour Ms Grace Fu Senior Minister of State Ministry of Education and Ministry of National Development Date: Saturday, 19 Sep 09 Time : 3pm to 4.30pm Venue: The Pod, 16th Floor National Library, 100 Victoria Street, Singapore 188064

Calling All Graduating Sikhs…Join Us For A Networking Tea Reception

This event is organised to congratulate the youths who have graduated on their achievements and provide them with an opportunity to network amongst themselves as well as with For enquiries & Reg, Contact Mr Prabhjit Singh, Tel: 91471925, other Sikh professionE-mail: [email protected] or Ms Sanjeet Kaur, als. Tel: 6327 2004, Email: [email protected] We invite recent Sikh graduates from local and overseas universities or polytechnics to join this Networking Session and the Tea Reception.

Organised By: YSA (Young Sikh Association) & Sikh Centre Supported By: TIE (The Indus Entrepreneurs)

Page 6

Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Highlights Birthday Celebration of Sri Guru Har Krishan Sahib Ji 26 July @ Central Sikh Temple Organized by Children for the Children

On the evening of 25 July 09, at 5.30pm Central Sikh Temple was an interesting sight. Children dressed in smart “Banas” turned up in groups to celebrate Sri Guru Har Krishan Ji‟s birthday. The congregation at the Darbar Sahib witnessed a wonderful array of white, safBest Bana Winners fron and blue. The children did a 45 minute kirtan session that „Naam Simran‟ . They then went down to the Langgar Hall reciting “Sri Har Krishan Dhiyaeeya Jis Dith Sab Dukh Jaye” A huge beautiful decorated cake that awaited them was then cut and distributed to everyone. This was followed by the prize giving ceremony for the Best Banas. Thanks to the continuous support of the parents and inspiration from the success of our last year‟s celebration the “Little Khalsa” went home enriched and inspired by the life of Guru Har Krishan ji. Children @ Sikhi Lesson

HOLIDAY CAMP 2009 A BIG HOORAH ! On 17, 18 & 19 June 2009, 48 enthusiastic children aged between 6 – 11 years came together at SSC for the holiday camp. It was a fun-filled journey all the way from the beginning right to the end.

Hands-on lesson for all

Overall it provided tremendous fun, and the organisers felt that the children had a good the opportunity to have a good time and yet still learn about religion, team spirit, cooperation, interaction and gain confidence at the same time.

Visit by NUS Foreign Exchange Student On 2 Jul 09, 40 NUS Foreign Exchange Students from USA, England, & Australia visited Sikh Centre and Gurdwara Silat Road to “Came with Scarfs” gain deep insights into Sikhism. A short presentation was done and followed by a lively Question and Answer session. The discussion ended with 3 of them donning turbans.

Where’s the lunch ! Were hungry

Paintball Sunday 20 Sep, From 1pm to 5pm

Biggest & newest paintball arena Max : 40 youths Join us for a whole new outdoor challenge in Note :- Bring long team work, confidence building, decision sleeves shirat, long making plus lots of fun. pants and covered

Max : 40 Persons (Age 14 to 16) Fee : $ 5 For Registration : @ Sikh Centre - 63272004/63272005 “Left with turbans” @ Central Sikh Temple - 62993855

shoes. Bring a change of clothes. No lockers will be provided.

Page 7

Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Highlights

Highlights of Bhai Maharaj Singh Ji’s Celebrations @ Silat Road Sikh Temple

Bhai Maharaj Singh Ji was a Saint Soldier, who was born in 1770 and died in 1856. He fought the British in India. After his capture by the British, he was considered an important political prisoner and deported to Singapore by the British in 1850. He died in the prison in Singapore. Gurdwara, Silat Road commemorated his 153th death Anniversary with a series of activities.

Kirtan by Bahi Narajan Singh Ji 28 June to 5 July

Visit to Mei Ling Street Home

The Home has 80 senior citizens and is managed by the Lion Befrienders. Gurdwara Silat Road and Sikh Centre jointly organised the visit on 12 July from 10 am to 1 pm to promote bonding of our younger generations, parents with the seniors. Various activities which involved the seniors were organized. They danced to the Bhangra music and had a good time.

Blood Donation A blood donation drive was done in SRST temple car park in support of the National Blood Programme. Members of the congregation at the temple donated blood. The Donor Manager, Edward Lin, of the Red Cross was most happy with the donation drive and indicated his willingness to assist in the publicity and promotion strategies which will help to heighten awareness of our blood drive. Gurdwara, Silat Road donors thanks all for their commitment and support. Children enjoying themselves

Children’s Party

After Kirtan & Paath in the Darbar Sahib, children went to the Auditorium for Bhai Maharaj Singh Ji‟s Children Party. They played games and it was really fun to watch them. After the games they had a “treasure hunt” and the party ended with a Simran Session and sumptuous dinner.

BHAI MAHARAJ SINGH INTER-GURDWARA GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP 2009 Singapore Khalsa Association and Central Sikh Gurdwara Board jointly organised the Bhai Maharaj Singh Inter-Gurdwara Golf Championship 2009 on 24th July 2009 at the Sembawang Country Club. The Guest of Honour was Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports. The joint organisation of the event for the 9 th consecutive time augurs well for the Sikh community as its reflect close coordination between a religious and a sporting body.

Gifts & Goodies to Senior Citizen by Kids

This year the element of “Care & Share” was added to the event and it helped to raise $5,000 for the beneficiaries of the Sikh Welfare Council Ration Programme.



Runner Up

Inter-Gurdwara Championship

Gurdwara Sahib Silat Road

Central Sikh Temple

Best Gross “A” Div

Dhanvinder Singh

Parmjit Singh

Best Gross “B” Div

Amarjit Singh Saini

Amarjeet Singh Chail

Best Gross “Ladies” Div

Karnal Kaur

Kathleen Rappa

GOH giving prizes to one of the Winners Jasmindar Singh

The organisers congratulate all the winners and thank all the participants, sponsors and helpers who contributed to the success of this event.

Page 8

Central Sikh Gurdwara Board Highlights

Sikh Centre

Wadda Gurdwara

Silat Road Gurdwara

On Going Courses



Barah Maha In English

Friday 4th Sep , 6.45pm to 8.15pm

Every Saturday, 10.30am to 11.30am @ Sikh Centre Every Sunday, 10am to 11am @ Central Sikh Temple

Sangrand ( Assu )

Friday 4th Sep 4.30pm – 9.00pm

Learn Gurmukhi for Adults Paath Class for Kids Every Saturday, to 2.45pm

Learn to Read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Phonics for Kids Every Sunday, 11am to 12pm, Fee: $ 35, 8 Sessions

P1, P2 & P3 English / Math

Every Thu, 6:00 am to 7:30 am & 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Central Sikh Gurdwara Board welcomes the following new members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Amreet Kaur Rajpreet Kaur Dilpreet Kaur Suresh Pal Sandhu Avneesh Kaur

6. Vimaljit Kaur 7. Pritam Singh Khaira 8. Prem Singh 9. Harjeet Singh 10. Raspal Kaur Dhillon

THE SIKHS IN HISTORY It is an outstanding piece of research work on Sikhi History burning the 20th century and has been conferred with Akali Phula Singh Award. In the words of Prof. Noel Q. King this work takes its place with the greatest of the works which have followed from the days of Cunningham and Macauliffe.

Movie of the Month

P 6 Math Class

O Level English Every Saturday, 2pm to 4pm Fee $ 10, 8 Sessions

Punjabi Tuition K1 & K2 Every Sunday, to 5pm, Fee $30, 8 Sessions

IT Class Every Sunday, 3.30pm to 4.30pm, Fee $10, 8 Sessions

11. Dalveer Kaur 12. Harjas Singh Sahdhu 13. Nimaldeep Kaur

Book of the Month

Every Sunday, 1.30pm to 3pm, Fee $50, 8 Sessions

Every Saturday, 2pm to 4pm, Fee $10, 8 Sessions

Raag Darbar (Performance by Gurmat Sangeet Students) 30 Sep & 28 Oct 09, Wed 7pm to 8pm

New Members

Every Saturday, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Every Sunday, 12pm to 1.30pm Fee: $ 50, 8 Session

Simran Sadhana

Very first Sunday of the month 6.15 am onwards

Raag Darbar

Tae-Kwon-Do (On Going)

Creative Writing

Full Asa Di Vaar Kirtan

(Performance by Gurmat Sangeet Students) 30 Sep & 28 Oct 09, Wed, 7pm to 8pm

Tuesday - Sunday

12 & 26 Sept, 10 & 24 Oct, 7 Nov Saturday, 10am to 11am

Tuesday 15th Sep 6.00am – 8.00am

Every Sunday, 10am to 11am

Gurmat Sangeet Classes

Sikhi for Toddlers

Weekly Simran Diwan

Sukhmani Sahib

Every Saturday, 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Mighty Khalsa

Sangrand ( Assu )

Every Sat, 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Every Friday, 7pm to 8pm

12 & 26 Sep, 10 & 24 Oct Sunday, 10:30am to 12:00pm

Tuesday 15th Sep , 7.00am to 9.00am

Yaariyan Sunday, 6 Sep 09 Level 7, Sikh Centre, 2pm to 4pm Every human being in order to fulfill his dream travel on the wings of desires to meet his destiny. We have over the years, left a mark on almost every aspect of life, may it be UK, Canada, US, Africa, Fiji, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, and so on. Every day thousand from India land in these countries with dreams in their eyes. Almost all of them have success story to tell. They all know how to be successful, and are fully aware of what they are supposed to do, but are happy in not acknowledging it. There is no short cut to success. In order to fulfill your dreams and desires, there is no alternate other than honesty and hard work to reach your destiny. This is what Yaariyan is all about.

Designed and Printed By Sikh Centre

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