Elias November 24th, B.

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SPEECH. Continuing again; readdressing to your question as to helpfulness within interaction of other individuals and your concern in the area of their creation of conflict within their situations. Now; in this also, let me express to you that as you hold a knowing and a natural magnating toward pleasure and less thickness within your creations, you identify this in other individuals and you express that you wish to be helpful to another individual. Now; as I have expressed, each of you may be engaging different creations of conflict within different time periods, and as conflict DOES gain your attention in many different areas of your focus and you SHALL be noticing of your conflict, you purposefully engage conflict to be offering yourselves information that you choose to be addressing to. Within physical focus, you are quite fond of methods. You are quite fond of processes. Within concept, you may accept the idea that I may set forth to you, that you may be creating instantaneously and that it is unnecessary for you to be creating a process or a method for your movement, but this is a concept. It is an idea. It is not necessarily within your actual physical reality, for your belief is very influencing, and this influence is also quite instrumental in your creation of your reality. Therefore, as you do believe that you need be creating a method or a process to be moving through certain issues or addressing to certain issues that you hold within your focus, you create conflict many times to be gaining your attention and offering you a method to move through certain issues. If you are holding an issue and it is not creating conflict, you shall not pay attention to the issue and it shall continue. If you hold an issue in the area of personal responsibility, as example, and you are offering expression to other individuals continuously and you are moving in the direction of rescuing and caretaking with them and this offers you no conflict, you shall continue within your expression. If this offers you pleasure, you shall continue in this issue. This is not to say that it is not an issue! It is merely an issue that is offering you no conflict within a particular time framework. Issues do not always offer you conflict. You create conflict within time periods that you choose to be addressing to the issue, but you express to yourselves quite freely that you acknowledge that you hold issues you acknowledge that you hold beliefs but they are working beliefs or working issues. This is the expression that the issue or the belief is offering you no conflict, and therefore you hold no motivation to

address to it. In this, within your reality that you create, many, many times you may view creations of other individuals, that as you are viewing outwardly and concerning your attention with another individual and their creation of reality and their conflict, you are not looking to self. And in this situation, you are drawing yourself to be a participant within another individual's conflict, that you may mirror to yourself similarities in your own beliefs and your own issues. You draw yourself to other individuals' creations, that you may offer yourself imagery and you may offer yourself information to your own creations for you are engaging mirror actions and you move in the direction of wishing to be helpful to the OTHER individual and viewing many times that you may see the conflict and what is being created within another individual more clearly than they view within their conflict. Therefore, you allow yourself permission to move into the direction of being helpful, for this is your camouflage the expression of helpfulness, of concern, of caring, of lovingness. These are all very positive expressions. These are all expressions that you all view as good, and therefore you view yourselves as good, for you are expressing these elements and you are wishing to be helpful to another individual. Underlyingly, what you are also expressing is that you are better, that you hold a greater understanding, that you are more enlightened, that you are clearer ... that you may create another individual's reality FOR them more efficiently than they are creating for themselves! Judgment, judgment, judgment lack of acceptance of another individual within the guise of caring and helpfulness and lovingness. I am not expressing to you that these emotions that you experience are not genuine, and I am also not expressing to you that they are wrong. They merely are. You hold emotional responses to each other, but you are also not allowing yourself to view your own expressions. As you move into a position of choosing to be helpful to another individual for you label your expression as concern and lovingness in the situation of helpfulness to another individual's conflict what you are in actuality expressing [is] that YOU wish this expression for yourself. You express outwardly in what you want within your own expression: your own expectation of other individuals in how they may be interactive with you, and your own want of what you may be expressing to yourself. I express to you all quite seriously that you express to other individuals much

more freely and shall offer nurturing and acceptance and helpfulness to other individuals more often than you shall extend this to yourselves, but in those actions, you are expressing outwardly the want that you hold inwardly. As you engage another individual that may be experiencing distress, confusion, conflict, elements that you term to be upsets, difficulty in identifying their own issues, difficulty in expression of themselves, difficulties within their own communications, you are also recognizing those qualities, those elements within yourself that you hold. And in this, you express outwardly to another individual in the hope that you may be helpful in influencing their reality and allowing them to view their own creation of their conflict, but in this action, you are also distracting yourself from yourself and not offering the same expression to yourself. Think to yourselves how often you may be offering helpfulness to another individual in any given situation of conflict, and if you are creating a very similar conflict, you may not be as accepting of your own creation as you shall be of another individual's creation. Let us offer a very general expression of example. You may be interactive with another individual that may engage an action of theft. The individual may subsequently be creating a feeling of what you term to be remorse that they have engaged this action of theft. This is a subject or an action within your officially accepted reality that is unacceptable. You each place a judgment upon this action, but if approached by an individual that has engaged this action and is expressing to you sorrow and is expressing to you a tremendous lack of acceptance of self in relation to their behavior, you may quite likely move into the expression of acceptance of this individual and be expressing to them, "Be not so very unaccepting of yourself. You are not a bad individual. You have merely created a behavior which is unacceptable within our beliefs, but you as an individual are not bad." You shall extend this expression to another individual, but if you in turn are creating the same action, you shall not extend this expression to self. You shall be not accepting of self and you shall be placing judgment upon yourself and you shall be also expressing to yourself the same expression of the other individual: "I am bad; I am unworthy; I am unacceptable." You each create these types of expressions, and as you draw yourself to the conflict of another individual, they express very similarly to yourselves. You may choose different types of objective expressions, but underlyingly, you are expressing the same. One individual may choose to

be engaging conflict in raised volume of voice. Another individual may express conflict in physical actions. But underlyingly, the issues of the expressions are the same. Outwardly they may appear differently, but what you are viewing in the expression and the reason of the expression is the same. As you draw yourselves to other individuals that are experiencing conflict, you are doing this very action. You are drawing yourself to participate with that individual within their creation of their conflict, that you may mirror to yourself your own similarities and you may notice and identify your own aspects of belief systems that you participate in also and that are creating conflict within you. Now; in this expression, I may express to you that you may be helpful to yourself in noticing YOUR mirror action and noticing your own issues in similarity to another individual and noticing your differences in expression, and as you allow yourself to be connecting with self and recognizing your own beliefs, your own behaviors, your own creation of conflict and identifying this to yourself and choosing different actions, you may also be helpful to the other individual. Think to yourselves how within your focuses, you engage activity oft in expressing to another individual your opinion and your ideas in the direction of, "What shall be more efficient to be creating within another individual's focus?" Now think to yourselves how oft this is NOT accepted by the other individual, and they shall create what they are choosing to create regardless! But also think to yourselves within your thought processes of the situations in which you are not expressing your advice to another individual, but you are accepting of their expression and you are merely lending supportiveness by merely being you not placing judgment and not expressing a direction for the other individual and in this expression, you may notice more of a responsiveness within your interaction of that other individual. Therefore, in your questioning of how you may be helpful to another individual, I express once again that your most efficient direction is to be noticing self and attending to self, and in this you shall automatically be helpful to another individual, for they also shall turn their attention to self and be addressing to self, and each individual is what shall be creating different choices. (Intently) No individual within your physical focus may choose for any other individual. These are individually your choices. You may not be creating another individual's reality. You may only create your own reality.

Regardless of your great wish that you lean in the direction of that you WANT to be creating all other individuals' reality, (grinning) for you may be so very much more efficient at this expression, this is not what you have created. This reality is created highly individually, as I have expressed within the onset of this session. Each of you creates your reality individually. This individual action creates mass expressions if you are creating individually similarly to other individuals, but you all are creating within your own individual choices, and you ARE creating in the most beneficial manner that shall offer you the most beneficial information. This also is quite purposeful in my expression to you. I am not expressing that you always create quite efficiently, but you DO create beneficially. You may choose in your widening of your awarenesses to be creating more efficiently, but you are always creating beneficially, for you are always offering yourselves information that you may draw upon to be understanding self more efficiently. I do not discount your emotional expressions in all of these situations, for your emotional expressions are quite within your reality, and you DO express many emotions. I also express to you that your emotions are another experience. They need not necessarily be incorporating action. They are an action within themselves. You, within your beliefs, move in the direction of identifying your emotional expressions and attaching an action to them. You are experiencing an emotion, and you should be accomplishing this. Another individual is experiencing an emotion, and you should be offering this. You should be DOING. I express to you that this is not necessarily the situation. Your emotions are an action within themselves, and they merely are. They are not good; they are not bad. They merely are, and it is quite acceptable to be expressing of them. In this, many times not incorporating another action coupled with your emotion may be more efficient, but merely accepting that element of you that is expressing that emotion and not placing judgment that this is a good or a bad expression. It merely is. It is what you are experiencing within the moment. I shall offer further also: Individuals express that they hold the belief that emotions are cause and effect. I express to you that I have offered many times, in actuality there is no cause and effect. It is merely a belief that you hold. Therefore, you express that you hold an emotion in response or reaction to a cause. I express to you that within your creation and the influence of your beliefs, you do express this many times, but it is not an

absolute. Your emotions need no action to be facilitating them. Each individual within physical focus experiences moments of emotional expression that you express to yourselves "appears from nowhere." It has been created with no cause. You merely are feeling what you are feeling, and you know not why. I express to you that emotion is a base element of your reality in this dimension, and is what you have created in your process of information. This is your method of identifying certain types of information, just as your sight is a method for interpretation of certain types of information. Your outer senses process information, your inner senses process information, and your creation of sexuality and emotion process information and create your reality, for they are your perception and your perception IS your reality. Therefore, I am quite understanding of your expression of emotion in relation to another individual. I am also offering to you that as you hold an emotion in relation to another individual, you may hold the emotion and not necessarily couple the emotion with another action. The emotion in itself is enough of the action, and in that emotion, you are offering a clear and unclouded expression of yourself to another individual. You cloud this by offering in conjunction to your emotion your rationale and your thought process and your logic, but view how much more it is accepted by other individuals that you are merely expressing the emotion. If you are expressing to another individual, "I hold great lovingness for you," you need not offer any other expression or action and it shall be accepted, and it shall be clearly identified in being felt also. If you are expressing sorrow or anger and you are not coupling these with another action, the communication is offered efficiently and clearly, and understood. It is unnecessary to be coupling this with other actions. But you move in the direction of NOT accepting self. Your expression is not enough; it is not good enough. This is the lack of acceptance of self. Therefore, you move in the direction of creating drama and attaching other actions to your expressions of your emotions to emphasize what you are expressing, for your initial expression is not enough ... but it is! Drama creates conflict. It perpetuates conflict and it is unnecessary, but you are very efficient at creating this, for it is very familiar to you. As you move more fully into the expression of this shift in consciousness, and the waves continue and the momentum

increases and you widen your awareness and you expose yourselves to more unfamiliarities, you also retreat into your familiar and your known expressions, and therefore you create in the fashion that you are accustomed to creating within. Look to your mass expressions. You identify these as negative and violent and quite typical of actions throughout your history, and you express to yourselves, "Why shall we be creating of this type of action if we are moving into this shift in consciousness and enlightening ourselves?" And I express to you that you move in this type of direction for it IS familiar, and within your beliefs there is comfort in familiarity, regardless of its expression. Regardless that it may be expressed within conflict, it is familiar, and familiarity offers you safety, security, and comfort. These are all aspects of your beliefs, for there is no necessity for safety or security, for what shall you be unsafe or insecure within? You have created a safe and secure universe, and it is not hurtful to you. YOU are hurtful to you. THOUGHT AND EMOTION FOCUSED INDIVIDUALS. ELIAS: Individuals that incorporate an emotional focus may generate much attention to thought. This is not the expression of the identification of thought focus or emotional focus. You all incorporate emotion and you all incorporate thought. Individuals that express an emotional focus, in a manner of speaking, trust and process initially information through feeling. Individuals that express thought focus initially process information and move their trust of attention to thought. Now; this also translates in intuition or intellect. Individuals that are thought focused move their attention initially to intellect and initially process information, in a manner of speaking, through intellect. This is the expression that is familiar and is trusted. Individuals that incorporate emotional focus initially move their attention to the intuition and incorporate a trust of its accuracy, so to speak. This is not to say that thoughtfocused individuals do not incorporate emotion and express emotion, or that individuals that are emotionally focused do not move their attention quite frequently to thought or that they do not incorporate similar actions of analyzation through thought. In actuality, many times individuals that are emotionally focused generate more thought analyzation than do thoughtfocused individuals. DEFINITION OF COMPASSION IS UNDERSTAND. INTRODUCTION TO THE SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS.

Greetings to all our young Sumafis

present! This evening I shall present myself in introduction to you all, and I shall introduce yourselves to you also. I am Elias. I am an energy personality essence. I occupy an area of consciousness which shall be known to you henceforth as Regional Area 4. In this realm, I occupy a position of teaching. I am in conjunction with many other essences which are also in the capacity of teaching. I speak to you in response to you all in your questioning of this shift in consciousness, which is occurring upon your planet within this time framework in this present now, in which you are all involved. I shall offer to you also that I am belonging to the family of consciousness known as the Sumafi, to which all of you present within this forum within this present now also are belonging to. Within physical focus, you also align with another family of consciousness. There are nine families of consciousness which are connected with this particular physical dimension, which in conjunction with yourselves are creating of this particular reality and orchestrate the manifestation of this particular dimension. These families of consciousness are relative to this dimension. They are not orchestrating of other physical dimensions and are not particularly relative to all of consciousness, although they are participants in all of consciousness, as consciousness may not be separated in any manner. (Pause, smiling at the group) You hold wonderings. You look to your present now and you hold questionings of validity of purpose, of missions, (grinning) of action. Within this present now, you are experiencing what I have termed to be a shift in consciousness. You are moving out of your religious era and moving into a new reality which you are creating. There are many aspects of this shift in consciousness and many actions which are associated with this shift. One of the basic elements of this shift in consciousness is to be accepting of your belief systems and rendering them neutralized NOT eliminating these belief systems but rendering them neutralized which shall enable you to expand within your objective awareness, and this shall expand your abilities in creativity futurely. The action of this shift holds many dynamics that you are already beginning to experience within your objective awareness. I shall clarify. Your objective awareness is that which occupies your attention within your waking state. Your subjective awareness is that awareness which is a part of you, which moves in harmony to your objective awareness and includes your dream state and all other states of consciousness associated with this

reality; not your waking state. These two states of consciousness I shall refer to many times. They also, as I have stated, are elements of you. They are inseparable. They are also not at odds with each other. You are not manipulated by some element which you term to be "unconscious." There is no unconscious. This suggests nonconscious, and there is no nonconscious. There is merely the area of your individual oubliettes, your places of forgetting, which is your objective awareness. Your subjective awareness is that which holds the remembrance, which you are moving into the position of merging into your objective awareness. This also is an element of this shift in consciousness. Aspects of this shift in consciousness in overview: This shift in consciousness is now, but in objective terminology shall be completed or entirely accomplished within the third quarter of your coming century. You have already moved beyond your midpoint within the action of this shift in consciousness, which was initiated in your physical time framework at the beginning of this particular century. Nearing the midpoint of your coming century, many elements shall be occurring that shall be definitive in turning your reality into an entirely new type of reality. That which you view as reality presently shall no longer exist. As to your physical forms, they shall continue as they are. As to your belief systems, you shall continue to hold belief systems, for these are a part of the design of this reality. As to the affectingness of these belief systems, they shall be rendered neutral. As to your physical societies, they shall be different. They shall be altered. Your approach to reality within this shift shall be altered dramatically, for your awareness shall be increased to the point of the inclusion of the remembrance of essence, which shall allow you greater freedom and mobility within this physical dimension. This shift in consciousness is limited to this particular dimension. It is not a shift in consciousness which encompasses other dimensions or other physical dimensions, but you shall hold the ability, as you hold presently if you are choosing to be engaging of this ability, to access other realities at will. Their awareness of your interaction shall not be objective to them, but you shall hold an objective awareness of your interaction. Example: You wish to engage another physical reality; extraterrestrials. You wish to view another physical reality which is manifest. You may, by merely stepping sideways, engage this action. It shall be as effortless as moving from one room to another. You wish to engage an individual that

has disengaged physical focus. You shall hold the ability to be in active communication and interaction with another focus .. in nonphysical communication. Your abilities for mobility through consciousness shall exceed any known element that you hold presently. And how shall you accomplish this action of this shift? It has already begun. You are already participants. I have greeted you in expressing welcome to the young Sumafis, and I have expressed to you that in addition to introduction of myself, I shall introduce you to yourselves. You presently are embarking upon a new quest within consciousness. You stand now upon the eve before the dawn of the realization of your creativity. Let me offer to you that within your mythology, you express the story of Saint George slaying the dragon to create safe passage and ease for the masses, eliminating the threat of harmfulness. Within imagery, this is the symbol that you may present to yourselves in your action in compliance with this shift in consciousness. You are those which embark upon this quest to be ushering in this shift with the least amount of trauma. Much energy has been lent throughout your millennium to the prophecies and the predictions of trauma and of destruction, which you approach now your time framework marker, the dawn of these predictions. They are probabilities, but they are not actualized within this particular reality yet. Therefore, you hold the ability to actualize different probabilities. The awareness within your planet is growing. You stand upon the threshold of the dawn which shall insert different probabilities into your officially accepted reality, not those probabilities which have been prophesied. These probabilities are the remnants of the religious era, which has been in acting capacity for much of your time framework; a millennium. You have come to the point that this particular creation in consciousness in this reality no longer serves you. Therefore, it is also confining of your creativity, and you have chosen to be eliminating of this and moving into a new action of creativity. In this movement, you hold a recognition of the unnecessaryness (grinning) of trauma and destruction within the creation of a new era. You have already felt your birth pains within this century. It is unnecessary to be creating of negativity, in your terms. In this, I offer information of belief systems that shall allow you the awareness to recognize the hold of these belief systems and the effects that they are influencing upon you all. In the recognition of these belief systems, you may also attend to these belief systems. Within physical focus, your attention is directed very precisely. You are a lens.

Visualize a camera with hundreds of lenses. This camera shall be essence. You are a lens of this camera. All of these lenses are occurring simultaneously, and are also all influencing and lending energy to you within the action of the accomplishment of this shift presently. You are also influencing of all of these other lenses, or focuses. I define what you term to be a lifetime as a focus, for lifetime is encompassing. In this, your lifetime is the sum of all of your focuses within this particular physical dimension. Each segment is a focus. They do not occur linearly. You do not move into birth, move through a focus, die, and remanifest into another focus. This is your perception of your linear time framework, but it is relative only to physical focus. It is how you have designed this particular reality. It is not reality in other areas of consciousness or other physical dimensions beyond this particular dimension. It is a perception, although the element of time holds its own integrity. Therefore, I shall not express to you that time itself is not an entity, for it is in a manner of speaking, but it does not appear in the same manner that you view it within this particular dimension. Therefore, when you view other focuses of yourself, they are occurring presently. They are not past; they are not future. We may be referring to other focuses for your understanding as future or past, merely for the reason that this is how your thought processes operate within physical focus, but be remembering that all of your focuses are simultaneous. You may access ANY of these focuses at will. You hold the ability. This also is an element of the action of this shift. More easily and more effortlessly presently may individuals access ANY of their focuses, merely through the desire and concentration upon another focus. You may access this through meditation. You may access this through what you term to be altered states of consciousness. You may engage your action of hypnosis and this shall allow you to facilitate the action. These are all merely different actions that allow you a relaxing of your attention, which is extremely focused in this particular physical focus. This is not a negative! Although you hold the desire to be accessing many different experiences, you have purposefully created this reality that each developmental focus, which is in your terms a lifetime, focuses its attention so singularly that it affords you the purity of experience. The reason you are manifest within this dimension your purpose, your mission, your reason is to experience. You are NOT manifest within this dimension in a school. You are NOT manifest in this dimension

to be accomplishing of great deeds, although you may be choosing to be experiencing this. You ARE manifest within this dimension, and ANY physical dimension, merely to experience the purity and qualities of physical action. Within this particular dimension, you have created this reality based upon the exploration of two basic elements of physical focus; sexuality and emotion. You experience both of these elements intensely. All of your creations within this particular dimension reflect these basic elements. You may even look to a rock, and this stone shall invoke within you a feeling of male or female and an emotion if you are so tuning into it, for ALL of your reality reflects these elements in this particular dimension. In this also, I shall offer to you a comment which shall not be entirely wellreceived by some individuals, but it is your creation of your reality. Therefore, it is reality in this particular dimension. You manifest with the agreement of manifestation at the very least three times, three focuses within this particular dimension. This is the agreement that you adhere to in choosing to manifest within this particular experience. You manifest once female, once male, once in what I express to be "other," which shall be interpreted as what you view to be homosexual. All three of these experiences are the agreement that you engage in engaging this reality, for the experience of the sexual aspect of this particular dimension. This is not to say that you must be creating of a focus which holds an extended time framework. You may be experiencing female for one year [or] five minutes and you may disengage, or you may be experiencing male for one hundred of your years. You may be experiencing homosexual five hundred focuses, male one, female three. Any combination is acceptable. The only stipulation within this dimension is that you experience three different orientations, for this is the design of this particular physical focus. They are different. Male is not female; female is not male; homosexual is completely a different orientation. Physically you may appear the same or similar, but the orientation within consciousness is completely different, just as the male orientation is one and the female orientation is another and they are not the same. Although within your present era you view yourselves to be closer and you wish yourselves to be the same and you attempt to place yourselves in the same roles, you are intrinsically different. If this were not so, you would not be creating of differences in sexuality. You would be creating no sex. There are physical dimensions in existence presently which hold no sexual orientation. Yours is not one. In this, I express to

you to be exploring the fullness of your orientation and of your creation, the wonderment of what you have chosen to manifest within, as opposed to the denial of the orientation that you choose and the movement into false mergence of the other orientation. Do not confuse yourselves in expressing that you are all the same. You are NOT all the same. Within consciousness, the elements of consciousness are the same, but they are not; for each element of consciousness holds its own uniqueness. Even within essence you hold your own tone, which is unique to you and not the same as other essences. The qualities may be the same, but the tone is different. You each hold your own individual tone in essence, which is the whole of you, the sum of all of your focuses, not merely within this particular physical dimension but all other dimensions and all areas of consciousness. As to your action within this shift in consciousness, you draw yourselves to this forum to acquire information. In this I shall be offering of information as we continue, and I shall be allowing of your questioning. Your intent within this focus includes an aspect of lending energy to the action of this shift and the accomplishment of the insertion of probabilities into this particular reality outside of the probabilities of trauma. Therefore, your lending action is to be offering energy to be lessening the trauma in the action of this shift. Many individuals shall be experiencing trauma in relation to this shift in consciousness. They shall experience much less trauma as they are holding information to be explaining to them what they are experiencing. There be your mission ... although you hold no mission! (Smiling) If so choosing, upon return from our break I shall offer essence names to you each if you are desiring, and then you may be asking your questions. We shall break. VERBALIZING. Yes. Now; within certain thought processes of choices that follow your desire, you do in actuality create these probabilities in alternate realities or probable realities. Therefore, they are expressed and they are manifest. This is not to say that you may not be also creating of this same physical element within your own physical reality, for you may be creating of different aspects of the same thought process within several different alternate or parallel realities. In this, I am expressing to you that as you may be creating of some element physically within another dimension or an alternate reality, this is not to say that this shall be the only area within consciousness that it may be

expressed and created. You may be creating of a very similar reality within this particular dimension. But as to your inquiry of the actualization of this physical form within another reality, yes, you have created a projection through your thought processes of the actual materialization of this creation already, and you may be moving into the direction of creating this also within this physical dimension. As I have expressed previously, as you express these thought processes verbally, you also lend energy to their physical creation within this dimension. This is not to say that you may not be creating of any element physically within this dimension without verbalizing your intention and desire in this area, but you acquire much more energy as you do verbalize these thought processes, for you begin the probabilities into an actual physical manifestation, for the very language that you express within creates a physical response, and physical elements are being created.

-ATTENTION ON SELF AND NOT OVERLY CONCERNED WITH ACTIONS OF OTHER INDIVIDUALS. Very well. Let me express to you that I have offered the identification of your particular choice of orientation, and have expressed that you hold the orientation of intermediate. Now; in this particular choice of orientation, your view and approach, in a manner of speaking, to your reality is quite different from other individual's expressions. I am aware that within your particular focus and with other individuals of this orientation, within this time framework and your societies, you may be confused at times in your individual feelings within you, that you seem not to hold the ability to be fitting entirely, although there are outward expressions that seem to be moving efficiently and beneficially. Let me express to you that with individuals holding this particular orientation, more of your conflicts or challenges shall be inward than those expressed outwardly. I express to you that within the orientation of intermediate, you hold the ability to be interactive with other individuals and situations within groups, individual expressions, [and] societal expressions, which may be creating some elements of frustration for you, but you are not preoccupied, in a manner of speaking, with these outward expressions. You may engage in them with other individuals in relation to your employment and in relation to relationships with other individuals, but

this is not quite as affecting of you in intensity as the expressions that you create within you. Your inward expressions and yourself create much more conflict than outward expressions. I have expressed that individuals holding the orientation of intermediate are creating inwardly much more than those individuals of soft and common. What is meant by this explanation is that you view your world and all of your reality through yourself first. Your processing of information and your creation of your perception moves through your identification and your perception of self first. In this, you lean in the direction of comparisons many times in the interaction with other individuals that you are creating in a certain manner and therefore there is also an expectation that other individuals shall be creating in like manner and there is confusion as you view other individuals creating differently. But in these differences, you also lean in the direction of personalizing those differences and assuming responsibility or turning your attention inwardly to self and assuming the actions in conjunction with other individuals that you may be intimately or directly related or causing other individuals to be responding in the manner that they are. At times you may divorce yourself from this type of thought process, but in those time periods, you turn your attention once again inwardly, and you create judgments upon yourself in accepting other individual's expressions and questioning your own questioning the correctness of your own expressions and the direction of your own expressions. In this, you may view that all of your expressions, all of your thought processes, all of your emotions are filtered through your initial perception of self, and how all of your reality is affecting of you and your individual involvement with it. In this, it is quite accurate to be expressing that this particular orientation moves in the direction of directly personalizing individually all of your reality. This also may be many times with yourself and with other individuals of this orientation creating of a sense of discontent or restlessness. In this, the reason that you are experiencing this restlessness in which you interpret there is a need for movement is that you ARE occupying your attention intensely with self. And therefore, as self may be addressing to certain movements, you may not necessarily allow yourself continuously an objective awareness of your subjective movement. Unlike individuals holding the orientation of common or soft, you do not create

in a manner of outward expression, but your societies and your officially accepted realities do. Therefore, there is created this agitation and this restlessness and frustration at many time periods for the reason that it may be seeming to you that regardless of how you may be moving in objective terms or within outward expressions and what you may be creating outwardly, it is not quite satisfying of you, and you continue to hold this frustration and this restlessness, for this is not the manner that you naturally create. You are attempting to be creating your reality within the guidelines of the officially accepted reality. Let me express to you, each expression of these three orientations move in a direction with regard to your officially accepted reality and express different types of frustrations as you bump against the officially accepted reality, for within the officially accepted reality, you have collectively created a very narrow margin for expressions, which leans more in the direction of accommodation to those individuals holding the orientation of common. But even these individuals at times rail against the officially accepted reality, for they may experience certain elements of uncomfortableness and assuming personal responsibility and guilt in being the more acceptable expression ... which I am understanding may appear surfacely to be contradictory or confusing. But look to your individual thought processes and experiences within your everyday reality. Individuals that are viewed as privileged within your reality also many times experience uncomfortableness in that privilege, and are also quite opposed by the other individuals that do not view themselves as being privileged also. Therefore, I express to you that each of the orientations holds its individual challenges. In the orientation of intermediate, you hold as I have stated quite different types of challenges, for in similar manner to the orientation of soft, your challenges lie in the area of attempting to fit your reality into expressions in which they do not fit. Once again, it is the situation of attempting to place the peg into the hole in which it does not fit the shape. Therefore, as you widen your awareness and offer yourself more information as to who and what you are and what you have chosen within this focus as your manifestation you shall also begin to be offering yourself more of an understanding of how you are creating your reality, and in this understanding, you shall offer yourself permission to be moving naturally into your individual expressions without the comparison of all that is created outside of you, for this is quite influencing of your own duplicity and your own

judgments upon self. You may look to your focus and you may be realizing and noticing the many, many times within your individual focus that you have encountered these types of expressions. Outwardly, you may move with an element of ease through certain challenges that are created within situations that you do not view as personal. You may be engaged in different expressions of employment or different relationships, and you may find that many times you hold an ease in engaging these situations and expressing to yourself and to other individuals "it matters not," and you may move through the challenges that are outwardly presented to you. But you also simultaneously hold great confusion and fears and judgments inwardly, for you are continuously creating comparisons of yourself in relation to what you view outside as your world, and this creates not merely confusion but frustration and conflict and restlessness, for you view within yourself and you feel within yourself that you hold no outlet for your expressions, and you continue to be moving physically in different types of expressions. You continue to be creating a quest to find your happiness, so to speak, or your effortlessness, and you continue looking outside to be fulfilling of these elements, for this is the manner that is engaged within your officially accepted reality. This is the expression of your societies, and you are participating within your societies. You may view many different expressions which are occurring within your world and not necessarily feel a personal affectingness of these situations, and within you, it does not concern you and it matters not. This you may move into without much conflict. But as you turn your attention to self and attempt to be expressing of your reality within the confines of your officially accepted reality, you create much conflict, for you express to yourself: "I should be creating this. I should not be creating that. I must be creating in this manner. I must not be creating in that manner. And I am feeling this tugging continuously, which creates confusion within myself, for I am not understanding what I am lacking. What am I seeking? It is so very elusive that it evades me continuously." What you are seeking is yourself, and the freedom to be offering yourself permission to be expressing in the manner that is natural to you. In this, I have expressed to you at the onset of this session that you are creating much more efficiently presently than you have allowed yourself previously. The reason I offer this acknowledgment to you is that you are beginning to be turning your attention to self, and recognizing that this type of

creating moves much more efficiently within your individual reality than movement within concern to all that is outside of you ... but this is viewed as selfish and selfabsorbed, so to speak. You are, in what you term to be recent time framework, allowing yourself more of your own inward expression, and you are also allowing yourself more of an expression to not concern yourself with the opinion and reaction or responsiveness of other individuals, allowing yourself partially to begin movement into that expression which you view so negatively as "selfishness" and turning your view of this word into more of a reality, not necessarily as a negative judgment upon self. Now; I express to you that I hold an awareness that you continue in many of the familiar expressions that you have created previously, and I am acknowledging of this also. Therefore, I am not expressing to you that you do not continue within your frustration and restlessness and confusion, for you do. I AM acknowledging that you are beginning to allow yourself permission to be creating and experiencing within your individual, natural flow in conjunction with your orientation more so than you have previously. Are you understanding? CHILDREN OF ROSE. MARY'S GRAND DAUGHTER. ONE OF THE NINE.

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