24th October (b) 2009

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NEWSLETTER FOR SUNDAY 25 OCTOBER 2009 th 30 Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) Newsletter and Parish information on line at www.rcdow.org.uk/borehamwood PARISH TEAM Parish Priest: Father Michael Daley – St Teresa’s Presbytery, 291 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Herts., WD6 1TG Tel: 0208 953 1294. E-mail: [email protected] Catechetical Coordinator: Sister Margaret Jones RSM – 28 Rossington Avenue, Borehamwood, Herts. WD6 4LA. Tel: 0208 953 0715 Pastoral Coordinator: Sister Mary Meaney RSM – 28 Rossington Avenue, Borehamwood, Herts. WD6 4LA Tel: 0208 953 0715 Joint Parishes Secretary: Mrs Sue Partington – available 10am - 2pm Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri at the Parish Office based at St Teresa’s Presbytery, 291 Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Herts. WD6 1TG. Tel: 0208 953 1294. E-mail: [email protected] WEEKLY LITURGY SCHEDULE ST TERESA OF THE CHILD JESUS, SHENLEY ROAD Sunday Mass: Saturday (Vigil Mass) 6pm; Sunday 10am, (Tea and coffee in St Teresa’s Parish Centre after this Mass – all are welcome) Weekday Mass: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri - Mass at 9.15am. (There is no Mass on a Wednesday or Saturday morning, st except 1 Saturday of each month at SS John Fisher and Thomas More Church – see below – Please note that Weekday Mass times are subject to change) Services of Word and Holy Communion: When Fr Michael or a supply priest is unavailable to celebrate Mass, Sr Margaret or Sr Mary will conduct a Service of Word and Holy Communion. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 11am to 11.30am & 5pm to 5.40pm or by appointment st Private Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament: On Saturday between11am & 11.30am. (Except 1 Saturday of each month when this will take place as SS John Fisher & Thomas More Church between 10 am and 11 am) Rosary Group: Normally every Friday 7.15 pm St Teresa’s Church, Shenley Road. SAINTS JOHN FISHER & THOMAS MORE, ROSSINGTON AVENUE Sunday Mass: 8.30am & 12 Noon First Saturday of every month: Mass at 9.30am followed by private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament till 11am. Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place between 10 & 10.30am th


WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS from Saturday 24 October to Saturday 31 October 2009 Sat 24th Oct th Sun 25

Mon 26th Tues 27th Weds 28th Thurs 29th th Fri 30 Sat 31st

(St T, Vigil for Sunday) – Members of the Conroy family (SS JFTM, Rossington Ave) – Tom Carr RIP (St T) – Danny Dowling RIP (SS JFTM, Rossington Ave) – Marie Knox RIP Saints Chad & Cedd – Mr Scully (sick) Feria – Joyce Gilliland (sick)

6 pm: 8.30 am: 10 am 12 noon 9.15 am 9.15 am No Mass 9.15 am 9.15 am 6pm

Blessed Martyrs of Douai College– Frank Horgan (sick) Feria – Batty and Peter Lynch RIP (St Teresa’s, Vigil for Sunday) – Holy Souls FINANCES – WEEKLY COLLECTIONS th

St Teresa (18 October) - Planned Giving - £917.90; Loose £417.60 - Total £1,337.50 th SS J Fisher & T More (18 October) – Planned Giving – £140.00; Loose £248.40 - Total £388.40 If you wish to make a donation, or contribute to the upkeep of our parishes weekly or monthly by direct debit or standing order through internet banking, the account details are below. Many thanks. ST TERESA’S – SORT CODE 40-05-20 – BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 91095714 SS JOHN FISHER AND THOMAS MORE – SORT CODE 40-05-20 – BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 81095633

PARISH INFORMATION PLANNED GIVING CAMPAIGN – Thank You to all those who have continued to complete pledge cards, and made individual donations as a result of the fundraising appeal. For those who have requested a direct debit mandate and gift aid forms, these have now been sent out. Details of the account numbers of both parishes are available opposite for those who wish to use internet banking for making a donation or arranging a direct debit mandate. Envelopes for those who have requested them are also available at the back of both Churches. Please collect your box as you leave Mass this weekend, and use the envelopes provided each week. If you were not in Church during the course of the campaign, then a newsletter and pledge cards are still available at the back of both Churches. Please complete the pledge card and place it in the basket provided. Thank you for your continued support. Fr Michael, Sr Mary, Sr Margaret and the members of the Joint Parishes Fundraising Committee ST TERESA’S PARISH CENTRE – Based at St Teresa’s, Shenley Road, is available for hire. If you wish to make use of this facility, enquire about rates or have any other enquiries, please contact Mrs Sue Partington, Joint Parishes Secretary on 0208 953 1294 between 10 am - 2 pm (not Wednesday) OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – SHOEBOX APPEAL - Every year over a million shoe boxes of gifts are sent to some of the neediest children worldwide. 14,000 were processed and sent from the Elstree and Borehamwood schools, Churches and businesses last year. A million boxes sounds a lot but there are still many children who will receive nothing this year. The boxes make a life changing difference as they improve health, education and well being of the children some of whom live in sewers and on rubbish tips or in orphanages or who are in areas devastated by war or natural disasters. For a couple of pounds you can change a life and even a few pence can buy a filler item. You can give an hour of your time too to help process the boxes - All day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays (including the evening) and Saturday mornings from Nov 16th to early December at Elstree Business Centre. It is great fun and like Santa's grotto! Of course your prayer is also vital. At the end of the Masses this weekend, Kristan Payne from Samaritan's Purse will briefly be telling us more about how we can make a difference. CARIBBEAN EVENING – took place last Saturday evening with all 90 tickets sold and raised £1100 towards parish funds. Many thanks to Anne Mitchell and her family; Florence Ayankoya, Doreen Hore and Marian Gonsalves (the excellent chef) who all put in a lot of hard work and effort into making this event such a success. SICK AND RETIRED PRIESTS FUND – There are nearly 100 retired priests in the diocese and half the priests currently working are due to retire in the next twenty years. These priests have given their lives to the Church, and it is important that we pray for them as they grow older. But it is also important that we ensure that they receive the care and support that they need. There will be a special collection for the sick and retired priests fund next weekend. Please take a donation envelope home with you and give as much as you can afford. PARISH INFORMATION - on how to get your child baptised, how to get married, what to do when going into hospital and how to arrange for a Mass to be offered for a particular intention can be found on the notice boards at the back of both Churches. WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH – please turn up in good time before Mass starts; turn OFF your mobile phone and please do not bring hard or noisy toys for children to play with. Please do not chew gum or bring food or drink to Church. Remember that our Churches are sacred places, where we gather to worship, give thanks and pray together. It is important that we give God and each other respect and reverence. NOVEMBER PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED – Envelopes and remembrance prayer sheets are now available at the back of both Churches for the November List of the dead. Please write out a list of those deceased family, relatives and friends you wish to be prayed for and return to Fr Michael or Sr Margaret or Sr Mary. Alternatively, drop them into St Teresa’s Presbytery or the Parish House at SS John Fisher and Thomas More, Rossington Avenue. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY th

MASS OF REMEMBRANCE – 15 November 2009 – 3 pm – A special Mass for those who have died over the past year and th have had their funerals conducted from both our Churches will be celebrated at 3 pm on Sunday 15 November at St Teresa’s Church. Family, relatives and friends are encouraged to come together in this act of remembrance. This will be followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre. All other parishioners are also welcome to this Mass to pray for those who have died. CHRISTMAS CRIB HAND CASTING WORKSHOPS – This year make your very own hand-casted Christmas crib. You and a family member/friend work in pairs to learn hand casting and then sculpting with special clay, to make your own unique crib. Either gift it or then display it on your mantle piece year after year each Christmas as a memory you created. Only 4 pairs for each session with professional but personal attention to all the techniques and design details, yet giving you room to express your individual touch. No prior experience is required just your enthusiasm. th th Workshop 1: (Part A) 29 Nov & (Part B) 6 Dec 2-5.30pm th th Workshop 2: (Part A) 5 Dec & (Part B) 12 Dec 10am-1.30pm Cost is £66 per person for Part A & Part B. All materials will be provided and refreshments to accompany. To book a place, call 0792 1060 738 / 07952 418 212 or [email protected] for a booking form. CATECHETICS FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME PARENTS – Please note change of date for meeting with Bishop John Arnold, this th th will now be Monday 9 November 7pm at St Teresa’s Parish Centre. Next session for children is Thursday 5 November 6.15pm at St Teresa’s School CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME – Meeting for Parents and Candidates - Monday 3rd November 7.30pm in St. Teresa's Parish Centre. We look forward to welcoming all who have registered, at this meeting. First Session for Candidates who have registered Tuesday 10th November - 6.30pm - St. Teresa's Parish Centre.

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