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RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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Alaska Wells Group RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling Authority:

D&C Wireline Operations TL


D&C Interventions WSL


ADW Wells: Electric Line

Document Document Control Control Specialist Administrator:

Issue Date:

January 9, 1993

Issuing Dept:

GPB Wells Group

Revision Date:

June 18, 2010

Control Tier:

Tier 4

Next Review Date:

June 18, 2013

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE © 2009 BP America Inc. (for all US copyright notices) All rights reserved. This document contains confidential information, which is the exclusive and proprietary property of BP America Inc. and affiliates. In whole or part, this document or its attachments MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose without the express written permission of BP America Inc. or affiliates.

1.0 Purpose/Scope This Section provides information to the Wells Group PE’s on electric line design, use, and operation.

2.0 Definitions ASH – Alaska Safety Handbook PE – Wells Group Production Engineer GPB –Greater Prudhoe Bay DSO – Drill site operator SSV – Surface Safety Valve WOA – Western Operating Area EOA – Eastern Operating Area

3.0 General Requirements This section provides information on the various types of e-line, operating considerations, and general eline operating practices on the North Slope.

4.0 Key Responsibilities Well Operations Supervisor is:  To designate the person to update manual as necessary to incorporate new policies or procedures. Wells Production Engineers are:  Responsible for identifying and submitting changes to the procedures and methodology based on new technology and new and better ways of performing work.  Update the manual based on changes as a result of Root Cause Investigations.

5.0 Procedure/Process There are multiple electric line sizes in use today. In Alaska, a typical logging truck will contain a split drum of two wire types. The drum will contain a single conductor 0.23” diameter and a 7 conductor 0.39” BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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diameter wire. All conductors are double layered, reverse lay, steel wire strands with internal copper conductors. The smaller 0.23" single conductor line is typically used for production logging, neutron logging, perforating, etc. The 0.23” E-line can operate at 3500 psi whp and higher without problems if the flowtubes have been properly sized and the correct temperature range grease is used. A trailer-mounted high pressure grease pump can be called out on location to assist in the grease seal at higher pressures. The larger 0.39” 7 conductor line is used for USIT logging, running the CNT-G tool, setting whipstocks, patches, straddles and other jobs that require either 7 conductors or higher strength cable. The well pressure should be less than 1500 psi to obtain an effective seal on 0.39” line. At pressures over 1000 psi, line speeds while running in the hole must be slowed and flowtubes kept tight to maintain a seal. Be aware that a third party 60 or 90 ton crane may be required for this size line due to the increased max working tension and the doubling effect of the upper sheave. Most E-line boom trucks are only rated for 9000 - 10,000 lbs. In certain circumstances a shooting bridle can be rigged by attaching a short length of 0.23” line to the end of the 0.39” line. This configuration allows flexibility in setting the proper weak point and making use of the stonger cable. A third cased hole line size option is the 0.32” wire. This intermediate sized, single conductor wire provides an additional 2,000 lbs. of working tension over the 0.23” wire with much better pressure control performance than the 0.39” wire. Depending on the wellbore fluid composition and the flowtube configuration this size wire can be considered for wellhead pressures between 2,000 psi and 2,500 psi. Again, crane limitations should always be considered and addressed when using a larger, heavier, and stronger wire. A new addition to Schlumberger’s suite of tools, the Electronically Controlled Release Device (ECRD), which can electrically disconnect the electric line tools instead of tension disconnected weak point has effectively lengthened the distance the 0.39” line can be run. This allows for deployment of tractor drive units for extended reach. Open hole conductor line is 0.46” diameter, extra strength, and uses 7 electrical conductor wires. This size line is not used for pressure work as it is difficult to maintain a seal using flowtubes, thus it should never be used in cased hole work unless special circumstances exist. 5.1 E-LINE STRENGTH The published breaking strength for each size of the E-lines used is listed below. The maximum operating tension allowed by the E-line company is 50% of the published breaking strength. E-LINE SIZE




0.23" 0.32” 0.39” 0.46" 0.46" extra strength

Cased Hole Cased Hole Cased Hole Open Hole Open Hole

5,800 lbs. 9,990 lbs. 13,500 lbs. 16,700 lbs. 20,000 lbs.

2,900 lbs. 4,995 lbs. 6,750 lbs. 8,350 lbs. 10,000 lbs.

5.2 MULTI-LAYER STEEL STRANDED E-LINE Stranded E-line can be viewed as a machine with its moving parts consisting of steel wire strand to wire strand and wire strand to the conductor insulator package. The machine has at its center a bonded copper BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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conductor covered with a bonded composite Teflon insulator, which prevents the passage of well pressure. The following armor numbers may vary or change with new developments in E-lines, but the idea is the same. An inner wrap of 12 strands surrounds the insulator with torque in one direction and an outer wrap of 18 strands surrounds the inner wrap with torque in the other direction. The opposite torque between the outer and inner armor packages maintains balance, keeping the strands tightly packed together, maintaining the round shape of the E-line in addition to holding the insulated conductor package in place. To assist in providing a seal in high pressure gas wells, the voids between the wire strands are packed with a blocking material during manufacture. This construction is known as a high temperature double blocked 18/12 E-line. Other strand combinations are in use. Refer to the latest E-line data sheet, but see picture below for a general illustration of the concept.

5.3 OPERATIONAL DAMAGE Running conductor line in and out of the hole wears the outer armor, primarily at the head end, effectively tapering it, as it travels the greatest distance in the well. This should be considered when estimating breaking strengths on older E-line as well as sizing flowtubes. The line’s diameter is measured and recorded, periodically, using a micrometer caliper, while RIH or POOH. This operation should be exercised on each well that the cable is run in with the measurements being made and recorded on the deepest descent into the well. Listed below are the most common operational reasons for damaging E-line with a brief description of its most common cause. Insulator conductor package damage can occur if more than, 3500 lb., or approximately 60% of the E-line breaking strength is pulled. Wire strand damage will occur, stranding, if more than, 4350 lb., 75% of the breaking strength of the Eline is pulled. E-line crush at the drum flange is common if the RIH weight is less than 25% of the OOH weight while operating around maximum pulls. Bird caging occurs when running into the well with lower tension above the E-line than below it, i.e. the E-line is run into the hole faster than the tool. It can also occur if the pack-off is too tight. Bird caging is also a primary concern in high GOR wells where gas jetting may occur. In such wells, the E-line should not be left stationary where it may be exposed to a gas jet. Stranding, or a broken armor wire, can be initiated by mechanical damage in the well, armor hardening due to well fluids or by a combination of both. BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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Stranding due to corrosive fluids can occur when inappropriate or inadequate amounts of corrosive fluid inhibitors are used to treat the cables that are operating in this environment. To eliminate the effects of these fluids, inhibitors are usually mixed in the grease supply system and when injected through the grease injection system the line will have minimal effects while operating in this environment. Oval E-line occurs when the line is spooled across a sheave that has a groove outside the tolerance for the E-line or the sheave diameter is too small. “Milking” the E-line usually occurs when the line wiper or pack-off assemblies are over pressured when pulling out of hole to a point where the E-line is squeezed, forcing a severe reduction in diameter which loosens the strands. The loose strands will be in the well where they cannot be seen. Flowtubes that fit too tightly can have a similar effect when RIH but the loose strands will be above the pack-off and easily seen. Kinked, or bent E-line, usually occurs when there is no weight on the line, such as RIH too fast or having the tools “blown up hole”, and is one of the most common occurrences. Repairing a loose strand in the cable is an option. Minor kinks can be taken out by running the line on and off the drum under controlled conditions. Broken strands can be shimmed or soldered but the line cannot be used with flowtubes again. Open hole E-line is commonly spliced without problem. 5.4 OPERATING THE LINE E-line wears more at the head end than in the middle. At the head end, the wire loses torque and the constant work and exposure to well fluids hardens the strands and damages the teflon insulator. Damage is inevitable, but if the correct operational procedures are followed, damage will be minimized and the lifetime extended. New conductor line from the manufacturer will require “seasoning,” which consists of using flow tubes on the high side of the tolerance, running into the well for a 1000 feet at approximately 5000 ft/hr and pulling out at about 2000 ft/hr for 500 feet. This may vary depending on depth deviation and or local procedure. This is repeated every 1000 feet all the way to bottom. After 5 runs to bottom the line is usually seasoned and smaller flowtubes can be used. This is a time consuming procedure but is necessary in order to prolong the life of the conductor line and extend its useful life. During this procedure, torque in the armor wires is balanced and the line diameter reduces as the length increases. Excessive pressure on the line with the pack-off or line wiper should be avoided at all costs as this will deform, or “milk”, the line beyond repair. The armor will seat less on each subsequent run until the length increase is minimal. However, during the first few runs it should be monitored closely for open strands or high wires. Whenever the line is to run deeper than the depth that the line has originally been seasoned for, as described above, it is necessary to season the amount of line that has not been run in the hole. Be sure that the line at the deepest depth reached is measured and recorded for future determination of flow-tube size to use when going this deep again, or deeper. 5.5 POSITIONING THE LOGGER When spotting the logger, attempt to maximize the distance between the lead sheave and the drum. To achieve the optimum spooling performance, the distance from the lead sheave to the drum should be twenty-five times the width of the drum or greater. This will ensure a Fleet Angle of less than 1.25. BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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The Fleet Angle is defined as the angle of a line from the center of the bottom sheave to the center of the drum. Ideally, this angle should be less than 1.25. 5.6 DEPTH SYSTEM There are two independent electronic depth systems on E-line units. They check each other and sound a warning if a preset difference is detected. The electronic depth systems should agree with the data acquisition depth system and should be checked by turning a known number of turns on the measure wheel for the correct value of depth. These wheels should be kept clean and free of ice build-up. These wheels should be kept clean and free of ice build-up. Whenever the system is exposed to the elements, whether in use or not, it is important to be able to utilize a heat source, preferably the drum compartment lights, fixed where the heat generated from the lights warm up the measuring device. 5.7 WEIGHT INDICATOR SYSTEM The weight indicator, or load cell, is shop calibrated monthly to a known standard load cell over the range of weights normally encountered. A curve is plotted and should be posted in plain view at the winch operator’s station. 5.8 INSTALLATION ON THE DRUM Before installing the drum on the winch unit, the line should be visually inspected ensuring that the armor is tightly seated and round with no high strands visible. Hardness test an outer armor strand by gripping it in a vice and repeatedly bending it at 180 until it breaks while counting the number of bends. A rule of thumb is greater than 15 bends is acceptable. Another method is to take a strand and wrap it tightly around another strand seven times. Then unwrap it seven times. It should not break. This should be done on each head rebuild and the strand kept for reference if necessary. Electrically check the E-line for insulation to infinity at 1000 volts and for continuity, end to end, at approximately 7.1  per 1000 feet on 0.23” E-line, and 2.8  per 1000 feet on 0.32” wire. Multi conductor line is 11  per 1000 feet as the conductor diameter is much smaller. Insulation should be checked between each conductor and armor or ground and between each other. 5.9 THE COLLECTOR The collector provides an electrical rotating connection from the E-line drum to the surface electronic equipment. The connection is made inside the collector assembly by connecting the E-line conductor to rings fixed to the drum. These rings are connected to the rotating assembly by brushes which are in turn connected to the surface electronic equipment. 5.10 FLOW TUBES The tubes selected should have a clearance of greater than .002” on the largest line diameter and a clearance of less than .008” on the smallest diameter. If the flow tubes are too tight, the friction may not allow the tool string to run in the well and/or milking may occur. If the flow tubes are too large, a greater volume of grease will have to be pumped in order to maintain a seal and a slower running speed will be required. Small leaks can cause problems such as hydrates and overspray onto location. 5.11 LINE WIPER AND PACK-OFF CHECKS Line wiper and pack-off assemblies operate in similar manners, by compressing a fluted bored rubber between the line and assembly housing. The pack-off assembly seals directly above the flow tubes and is primarily used to seal stationary line in an emergency situation. The line wiper, located above the pack off, forces rubber against the line wiping excess grease into the void between the wiper and the pack off and this excess then drains down the flowhose. If there is friction drag from rubber on the E-line, the tool string may not have sufficient weight to enter the well. As the wiper wears, the pump pressure required to wipe the line will be greater, but should never exceed 500 psi.

5.12 SAFE WORKING TENSION BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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The safe working tension is defined as the lesser of the following: 1. 50% of the E-line breaking strength as illustrated in the table above. 2. 75% of the weak point strength at depth. It is important to note that the E-line breaking strength is a material property and specification based on line diameter that rarely, if ever, deviates from the values given in the table above and represents the surface tension that cannot be exceeded without prior approval. Conversely, the weak point strength at depth needs to be translated back to surface tension by way of a few simple calculations, illustrated below, that take into consideration wellbore conditions and tool depth for any given instance when the tool may be stuck or sticking. If the tension needs to exceed these values, call the Wireline Operations Team Lead before exceeding them. Example: After shooting a 3-3/8” perforation gun on 0.23” monocable across the interval from 11,378’ MD to 11,403’ MD in a naturally producing well with a high GOR the tool string became stuck in the XN nipple at 10,973’ MD while pulling out of the hole. The wellhead pressures after perforating were unchanged from initial pressures which were 2,600/300/0. The wellbore is basically vertical with minor dog-leg severities.

Information Required: 

  

50% of E-line breaking strength as given by table above. Weak point configuration and breaking strength (SWP) as given by crew. Tool weight (WT) as recorded by crew at surface. Pick-up weight (WPU) closest to stuck point as recorded by crew.

2,900 lbs. 9x3 = 1,990 lbs. 640 lbs. 1,800 lbs.

Calculations: To determine the maximum safe working surface tension, as defined above, the values for #1 and #2 have to be evaluated and compared to determine which one is the least amount of tension. #1 is simply given as a line/material specification from the table and is equal to 2,900 lbs. #2, or 75% of SWP at depth has to be calculated using the process that follows: SWP x 0.75 = 1,990 x 0.75 = 1,492.5 = 1,492 lbs. It must be noted and understood that this value of 1,492 lbs. is the maximum allowed tension at the weak point, not the maximum allowed surface tension. To get 1,492 lbs. of tension to the weak point down-hole, more tension at surface will need to be applied to overcome the line weight and the friction between the line and the wellbore. Tool weight is not a consideration when stuck as the weak point is not supporting any of the tool weight given that it is being held up by the restriction, or the XN nipple in this example. To determine the line weight (WL) and the wellbore friction (f) the following equation is used: WPU = WT + WL + f (WL + f) = WPU - WT = 1,800 – 640 = 1,160 lbs. This indicates that 1,160 lbs. of surface tension is required to support the weight of the line in the hole and overcome the friction associated with the pressure control equipment, as well as, the down-hole friction due to wellbore geometry. In the case of a stuck tool-string, as in this example, any amount of tension above 1,160 lbs. will be applied to the weak point. Consequently our maximum allowed surface tension due to the weak point limitation can be calculated by simply adding the weight of the line and friction to the maximum allowed tension on the weak point. (WL + f) + (SWP x 0.75) = 1,160 + 1,492 = 2,652 lbs. Now that the values for both #1 and #2 are known for the given situation it is evident that 2,652 lbs. is less than 2,900 lbs. and is therefore, our maximum safe working tension. BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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Assuming that the crew was unsuccessful in freeing the stuck tool-string while staying under the maximum safe working tension of 2,652 lbs, the Wireline Operations Team Lead would need to be notified, apprised of the situation, and would have to give permission to pull surface tension over 2,652 lbs. Prior to calling for permission to pull tension over the safe working value, it is a good idea to determine what surface tension would be necessary to break the weak point in this particular situation as the Wireline Operations Team Lead will likely want to know and it will help to facilitate a plan forward with appropriate contingencies. Using basically the same thinking and calculations from above, the surface tension required to break, or pull out of, the weak point can be calculated as follows: (WL + f) + SWP = 1,160 + 1,990 = 3,150 lbs. After discussing the situation and developing a plan with the Team Lead, attempt to free the tool-string as planned. If unable to do so, confirm with the Team Lead that permission is given to pull out of the weak point at tension in excess of 2,900 lbs or activate the Electronic Release Sub (ERS)/ECRD, if available, to leave the tool-string down-hole. Pulling out of the weak point or electronically releasing it should always be a deliberate act, of which the Team Lead is aware. And in preparation to leave a tool-string down-hole, always prepare a dimensioned tool sketch for fishing purposes before doing so. Pull of greater than 3500 lb. on the E-line should never occur given that this is the yield strength of the conductor line, but if it is necessary due to operational problems, all supervisors should be made aware. In addition, a 3,500 lb tension on the wire represents a 7,000 lb hook load on the crane which is at or near the maximum load allowed on most standard cranes in a common boom configuration when rigged up over a well. Always be sure to verify maximum hook load for the crane as configured over the well and determine the appropriate maximum surface tension to ensure that the crane is not over-loaded. 5.13 WEAK POINT STRENGTH AND BUILDING E-LINE HEAD On E-line operations the outer and inner armor is used to join the E-line to the rope socket assembly and set a pullout tension. This pullout tension is generated by multiplying an evenly distributed number of armor wires, locked into the rope socket assembly, by the breaking strength of the outer armor. When using E-line package with inner and outer armor of the same diameter, use of inner armor in the rehead assembly may contribute to the pullout weight. In this case its contribution should be included in the calculation. 5.14 CALCULATING A WEAK POINT FOR 0.23” E-LINE The following example has been chosen to provide a case where the supervisor must make a decision to step outside the manufacturer’s specification which is not uncommon in deep well operations. When working this close to the conductor/insulation yield, drag and the pull out variance should be carefully considered.    

For the calculation New Line values are used and therefore, as the outer armor wears, the quantity of strands calculated may require increasing. From empirical testing it is known that on a properly constructed weak point with even distribution of the selected armor on new cable, there is a breaking strength variance of up to  12%. Well bore temperature decreases armor wire strength by 2% at 100, 8% at 200, 10% at 250 and 12% at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Weak point selection should be calculated so that the weight of the E-line plus drag plus pull out should be less than 3500 lb., which is the insulator conductor package yield strength. Anything higher than this will likely damage the conductor.

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RP: Electric Line Specification and Handling

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Given a 15,000 feet deep well, 30 degrees deviation, gas filled casing, 4000 psi surface pressure with a tool weight of 150 lbs we can calculate the required string weight and E-line head weak point strength.


The E-line weight in air is 95 lbs. per 1000 feet. Buoyancy is normally ignored. Maximum E-line weight = 15 x 95 = 1425 lbs.


Drag on the tool string is a constant which is usually ignored however, drag on the E-line should always be considered since it increases with depth, deviation and well direction.

4.) 5.)

Drag best guess estimate = 150 lbs. The required tool string weight for 4000 psi. WHP is calculated using a factor of 0.038 pounds sinker bar weight per wellhead psi. plus ~50 pounds to overcome grease injector friction.


Minimum tool string weight = (4000 x 0.038) + 50 = 202 lbs.


The rule of thumb is to choose a weak point that will allow the maximum pull on the cable to be within the manufacturers working specification which, for this E-line is 2,900 lbs.


To calculate the maximum available breaking strength of the weak point we subtract the sum of the drag plus the E-line weight from the working specification.


Maximum available breaking strength within working spec. = 2900 - (1425 + 150) = 1325 lbs.

10.) Each armor strand has a breaking strength of 212 lbs. so we can calculate the number of strands to be used by dividing the required weight by 212 and rounding to the nearest whole strand. When this is completed the pull out plus E-line weight plus drag should be summed and checked to ensure that it is less than the conductor/insulation yield by an acceptable factor. 11.) Number of armor strands = 1325 / 212 = 6.25 (6 strands). 12.) Pull to conductor/insulator yield = 3500 – {(6 x 212) + 1425 + 150} = 653 lbs. 13.) Given that the 12% variance on this weak point breaking strength = 0.12 x (6x12) = 153 lbs, this 653 lbs available extra tension is more than adequate to ensure conductor/insulator yield is not reached. 5.15 WEAK POINT ASSEMBLY Regardless of the Service Company or equipment, weak points on 0.23” E-line are constructed by trapping outer and inner armor wires. To ensure that the weak point will part at the sum of the breaking strength of these wires, the construction must be such that the same load is distributed on all wires and no wires are crossed over. This is achieved by careful manufacture, ensuring that the wires are of similar tightness and evenly distributed around the circumference of the outer armor. All surplus outer armor should be cut back to the rope socket. All surplus inner armor should be bent back into a neat radius, cut and left with no edges that could damage the conductor insulation. Weak points for multi-conductor color coded E-line are pre-made to a tension range. Conductors are solid machined rods and are threaded on both ends for easy make-up. The number of conductor wires are not involved with the strength. 5.16 E-LINE HEAD ASSEMBLY The rope socket is located in the fishing neck, the conductor/insulator is fed through the head body and the body of the fishing neck assembly made up. The electrical connection and pressure tight bulkhead assembly is Service Company specific, but normally consists of fitting a booted connector assembly to the conductor/insulator and plugging it onto the pressure tight bulkhead. The bulkhead is fitted to the body and a displacement medium, normally silicon, is pumped into the void of the body. BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

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5.17 E-LINE HEAD ELECTRICAL CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE The E-line must be disconnected from the surface equipment in the unit and the safety switch must be ON before starting electrical checks for insulation and continuity. On successive runs the head must be pumped, the o-ring changed and insulation and continuity checked. 5.18 ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS Problems with insulation and continuity are usually found in two places. The E-line to head connection is the most likely place. The collector is the second location. It is particularly problematic in the spring and fall as temperature swings cause condensation inside the collector housing. The E-line itself is extremely durable and problem free.

6.0 Key Documents/Tools/References BP Getting HSE Right BP’s Golden Rules of Safety BP Drilling and Well Operations Policy Alaska Safety Handbook North Slope Environmental Field Handbook Wells Group Rigless Operations Manual BP Alaska PE Manual

Revision Log Revision Date 1/09/1993 2/26/2005 May 21, 2010

Approving Authority J. Rathert Doug Cismoski Jerry Bixby

Custodian/ Author

Revision Details

June 18, 2010

Jerry Bixby

S. Adcock Jim Moore Scott Bundy / Ron Doshier Jason Dahlem

Original Issue No revisions necessary Doc reviewed for technical accuracy: Mod sec 5.2, 5.3. Doc reviewed for tech acc. Add sect 5 para 5, add corrosive fluids pg 3, mod safe working tension pg 5, add example pg 6. Add BP Confidentiality Statement Document reviewed during "SOP in conformance with ADWOP project Oct 2010". Change document classification to RP from SOP due to content. << Brief Description of Revision >>

August 3, 2010

Andy Kirk

Chris Tzvetcoff

October 15, 2010

Dan Kara

Aras Worthington

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BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 – ADW Revision Date: 6/18/2010 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00074-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

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