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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Alaska Drilling and Wells RP: Coiled Tubing Operations - Extended Length Perforating Authority:

NSU ADW Well Operations Supervisor


NSU ADW Wells Engineer


Wells: Coiled Tubing

Document Control Administrator:

Document Control Specialist

Issue Date:

January 22, 2002

Issuing Dept:

Alaska Wells Group (WELS)

Revision Date:

February 12, 2008

Control Tier:

Tier 4

Next Review Date:

February 12, 2011

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE © 2009 BP America Inc. (for all US copyright notices) All rights reserved. This document contains confidential information, which is the exclusive and proprietary property of BP America Inc. and affiliates. In whole or part, this document or its attachments MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose without the express written permission of BP America Inc. or affiliates.

1.0 Purpose/Scope This section provides a discussion of techniques used to perforate an interval of a well using multiple perforating guns on coiled tubing. It offers recommendations for planning and supervising these operations by the Wells Production Engineers of the North Slope.

2.0 Definitions CTU – Coiled Tubing Unit PE – Wells Production Engineer

3.0 General Requirements This section provides recommended procedures for planning and conducting extended length perforating operations using coiled tubing on the North Slope.

4.0 Key Responsibilities Well Operations Supervisor is:  To designate the person to update manual as necessary to incorporate new policies or procedures Wells Production Engineers are:  Responsible for identifying and submitting changes to the procedures and methodology based on new technology and new and better ways of performing work  Update the manual based on changes as a result of Root Cause Investigations

5.0 Procedure With the advent of horizontal well bores and long perforated intervals, extended length coiled tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) operations are becoming more common. Extended length refers to TCP gun strings greater than 25 feet (a single gun) and which are deployed open hole (or without a lubricator covering the guns and BHA). Prior to open hole deployment, multiple gun runs were required to complete a perforating operation that covered in excess of 25 ft. Multiple gun runs may be impractical, add cost, and increase risk. Therefore, extended length perforating is preferred under some circumstances.

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Extended length perforating is a safe and efficient operation when compliant policies are followed. These policies include Operational Integrity Assurance Systems (OIAS), coiled tubing service safety standards, and other related procedures. Following these procedures requires coordination by the PE for a successful and safe operation. Coordination of equipment and personnel is the responsibility of the PE assigned to the well. The supervising PE shall have a valid MMS Well Control Certificate (check with Well Operations Supervisor if unsure of training status). 5.1 Preparation 1. Review the well history and current production parameters thoroughly. Be certain that the objectives of the program are clear. Review the program and discuss any potential problems or questions with the Well Operations Supervisor and pad engineer. If the base log for perforation depths is not referenced in the well program, verify with the pad engineer. 2. Determine what method will be used for depth correlation - tubing end locator (TEL) or memory GRCCL. In either case, a separate run will be made for depth correlation prior to picking up the guns. If correlation is to be done with a TEL, make sure there is a jewelry log that is on depth with a GR log over the interval to be shot. Also a copy of the directional survey should be available for reference. If depth tie-in is to be done with memory logs, discuss the job with the appropriate service company. Contact Schlumberger well in advance of the job. Discuss gun size, charges and shots per foot. Find out the overall length and dimensions of the gun assembly and the weight. Check the maximum OD of the perforating guns after firing (swell) to be sure that they will pass the minimum restriction in the wellbore.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

It is also a good idea to discuss the parameters that will determine at what pressure to pin the firing head. Items that will determine this will be the TVD of the firing head, well bore fluids, and the type of fluid in the coil when ball is on seat. Make sure they will furnish the cross-over from their firing head to either a 1-1/2” MT connection or to the coil BHA. Discuss timing with the Schlumberger TCP personnel so that you are aware of any potential scheduling conflicts. A full BOP test is required prior to deploying the guns. Provide 24 hours notice to AOGCC representative (659-3607) at GPB prior to the BOP test. The notice is required by law so that the AOGCC can witness these operations. If the AOGCC waives their option to witness the operation, either verbally or does not appear, fax the BOP test results to the AOGCC representative. If possible, have wireline drift the tubing to as deep as they can get prior to the job. Make sure the coil has been flushed well if it has been used to lay or reverse out Carbolite on the prior job. Consider if the coiled tubing should be pigged prior to beginning the perforating job. Provide Dowell with an electronic copy of the deviation survey (if available) and the anticipated perforation string weight and dimensions so that a Coil Cade simulation can be run to ensure guns can be picked up off bottom. Calculate total lifting load on mast while deploying perforating guns. Determine the BOPE configuration needed and the size of the ram inserts and notify the coiled tubing service company of the requirements in advance. This will allow time for the inspection and testing process needed to be done at the shop before the BOPE is dispatched to location. Determine if the support equipment to be used for the job will be the work platform (Klondike). The work platform is recommended. The work platform setup permits the guns to be run and pulled faster. It also limits the exposure of personnel to the weather when running/pulling guns. Verify that the coiled tubing unit scheduled for the job can be used with the work platform. The CTU must be able to be backed into the platform and it must be possible to fully extend the the outriggers on the CTU for a unit to be used SAFELY. If the platform is to be used, notify Well Support as soon as possible. There is a significant amount of preparation that is required to prepare a location and to rig up the platform. Movement of the platform requires Peak trucks. If there are other rig moves ongoing or planned, the platform has the lowest priority. 48 hours notice is a minimum notice for Well Support.

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Determine the static shut-in pressure or the best guess BHP prior to the job. This information will be used to prepare a kill sheet for the job and to order proper kill weight fluid. Also, based on the OD of the guns, calculate the maximum allowable WHP to keep the guns from blowing out of the hole. Worksheets used for these calculations are on the Wells Group website. 10. Do not start the operation until an adequate supply of kill weight fluid is on location for killing the well and pumping the ball to detonate the guns. 11. Make sure the well flow line is operable and has access to the low pressure system. 12. The assigned PE shall make an appropriate kill sheet and pump schedule for the well and develop a safety checklist to go through during the pre-rig up and pre-job safety meeting. 5.2 Recommended Equipment The following equipment is recommended for an extended length perforating job using coiled tubing. 1. Work platform 2. Double ram BOP (shear/seal and pipe/slip) dressed with rams for the coiled tubing 3. Annular BOP 4. Flow Cross with two lines (from pump and to choke manifold) 5. Flow back tanks with secondary containment 6. Upright or Tanko tank(s) with kill fluid (non-slick) 7. Vac truck with Flo-Pro (volume to cover current perforations plus new perfs) 8. BHA  Connector  Dual Check Valves  Hydraulic Disconnect  Tubing End Locator (if necessary)  Locking swivel 9. Lifting subs for perforating guns (Schlumberger) 10. Safety joints (Schlumberger) 11. Slip bowl and hand slips (Baker Fishing Tools) 12. Appropriate size Dog Collar (Baker Fishing Tools) 13. C-plate (Schlumberger) 14. Elevators for the perforating guns (Schlumberger) 15. X-Over from Firing Head to BHA (Schlumberger) 16. Perforating Guns (Schlumberger) 17. 2-3/8” TIW valve and x-overs (Baker Thru Tubing) Note: there are three 2 1/8” TIW valves on the Work platform with 1 ½” MT connections these can be used if they meet the requirements of the job. 18. Option A  Reverse skid  Filter  Choke manifold  40 bbl gauge tank(s) 19. Option B  Squeeze skid 5.2.1 If the work platform is not being used: 1. Pump in sub with line to the ground 2. Double ram BOP (blind/shear and pipe/slip) dressed with rams for coiled tubing 3. Annular BOP 4. Flow back tanks with secondary containment 5. Upright or Tanko tank(s) with kill fluid (non-slick) 6. Vac truck with Flo-Pro (volume to cover current perforations plus new perfs) 7. BHA  Connector  Dual Check Valves

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


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 Hydraulic Disconnect  Tubing End Locator (if necessary)  Locking swivel Lifting subs for perforating guns (Schlumberger) Safety joints (Schlumberger) Slip bowl and hand slips (Baker Fishing Tools) C-plate (Schlumberger) Appropriate size Dog Collar (Baker Fishing Tools) Elevators for perforating guns (Schlumberger) X-Over from Firing Head to BHA (Schlumberger) Perforating Guns (Schlumberger) 2-3/8” TIW valve and x-overs (Baker Thru Tubing) Note: there are three 2 1/8” TIW valves on the Work platform with 1 ½” MT connections these can be used if they meet the requirements of the job. Crane (45 Ton w/80’ boom meets minimum requirements) “Sevcik Building” Option A  Reverse skid  Filter  Choke manifold  40 bbl gauge tank(s) Option B  Squeeze skid

If cold weather  Methanol tanker  Triplex pump  Neat methanol trailer  Heaters Support personnel – minimum of two personnel familiar with equipment being used (three recommended) 5.3 Execution – Using Work Platform 5.3.1 Pre-Rig Up Safety Meeting Arrange for a pre-rig up safety meeting with all the involved contractors and personnel at least a day prior to the job. Schedule a conference room to handle all the people and facilitate discussion. This meeting will be in addition to the normal pre-job safety meeting and the safety meetings before each major operation after rig up. In addition to the normal items covered in a pre-job safety meeting, specifically cover the following items:  Ensure that all PPE requirements are being satisfied, including fall protection.  Set primary and secondary safe areas, and thoroughly discuss potential hazards and worst case situations.  Discuss control of BOP’s and who may operate the controls  Discuss the danger of closing blind/shear rams on perforating guns. Make sure lockout/tagout of blind/shear rams procedure is in place when deploying or retrieving the perforating guns.  Discuss escape route of personnel working on the work platform floor.  Discuss the physical location and duties of each crew member while picking up the guns.  Review “Roles and Responsibilities” given in Appendix 1 of this section. Assign job roles and responsibilities of personnel on location in case of an unexpected flow from well.  Note the H2S content of well.  Make sure one person is constantly in contact with the crane operator. Only one person is to give instructions to the operator. This team member should be in visual contact with the crane operator. Visual communication signs will be used as a backup for the crane operator.

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Ensure that there will be at least six radios with backup batteries on the job.

5.3.2 Work Platform Rig Up Well Support will move and rig up the work platform. Discuss the rig up with with Well Support so that the following is included in their rig up:  Rig up a flow cross in the BOP stack as detailed in the Global Drilling and Well Operations policy.  Rig up a choke line from one side of the flow cross to the choke manifold and the flowback tanks. Have a valve on the ground so that the line from the flow cross can be isolated if the choke manifold has to be changed out. Rig up a kill line from the reverse skid (or squeeze skid) to the other side of the flow cross.  Verify that the BOP’s have the proper size pipe/slip rams for the coiled tubing being used on the job.  Install a riser/spool (if necessary) to have the connection to the CTU lubricator about 18” above the work platform floor.  Be sure that there is spill containment below the racking board for the perforating guns. 5.3.3 Coiled Tubing Rig Up 1. Back the CTU into the work platform. Rig up lines to CTU pump and complete all operational checks per normal rig up procedure.  Rig up BOP hydraulic control lines to BOP’s so that the BOP’s can be controlled from the CTU operator’s console and the work platform floor or have the electronic control box for the work platform BOP’s run to coiled tubing operations cab.  Cycle BOPs to verify correct hose hookup. Check controls at both the CTU operator’s console and the BOP panel on the work platform floor. If using the hydraulic The controls in the CTU operations cab, for the top blind/shear rams at the CTU operator’s console will be used to operate the annular BOP.  The operational blind/shear rams shall be locked out and tagged out (at both BOP control stations) whenever there are live guns across the BOPs  Measure and record the distance: - From the top of the annular preventor to the pipe rams - From the top of the annular preventor to the master valve - From the top of the riser at the work floor to the top of the annular preventor - From the coil zero point to the top of the annular preventor  Bleed IA pressure to low pressure system pressure and double block the flow line 2. Complete a full BOP/annular BOP test. This includes a pressure test of all components as well as a function test. Fax a copy of the BOP test to the AOGCC representative at GPB if AOGCC does not witness the test. 3. RIH for depth tie-in run and flag coil (see Memory Logging section of manual for details on logging). Circulate well until dead with the proper weight kill fluid or if well has existing perforations, kill well by pumping kill weight fluid down the coiled tubing by tubing annulus. Spot Flo-Pro in casing/liner and kill weight fluid above the Flo-Pro while POOH. Have a 5-10 bbl spacer of 2% KCl (or seawater) between the Flo-Pro and any methanol. Freeze protect the coil as weather conditions dictate. However, do not contaminate the Flo-Pro with MeOH. A methanol plus Flo-Pro mixture results in a non-pumpable viscous plug. 4. Ensure all fluids required for the job are in place prior to commencing perforating operations. 5.3.4 Perforating Gun Deployment 1. Upon arrival on location, the TCP supervisor shall verify TCP configuration agrees with the requirements from the perforating procedure with the PE. 2. The TCP supervisor shall conduct a safety meeting with all personnel - identifying proper handling procedures and other pertinent safety considerations prior to lifting the guns. 3. The TCP supervisor will verify blind/shear ram control is locked out at both the CTU operator’s console and on the work platform floor. TCP supervisor will place his tag on the control, only to be removed with his authority.

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing



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Verify seat size in disconnect to ensure the ball required for firing head will pass through it. Caliper the firing ball and the disconnect ball. Physically pass the firing ball through the connector, checks and disconnect. Perform the same verification with the disconnect ball. Make up coiled tubing connector, dual flapper check valves and hydraulic disconnect. Pull test connector and pressure test BHA to 3500 psi. One person, called the Pit Watch, shall be assigned to monitor the well for flow. During the times that the well is open his duties shall be limited to monitoring well for flow. The Pit Watch will be manned continuously during the deployment and retrieval of the perforating guns. Open well to a gauge tank (40 bbl open top gauge tank) and check for flow.

Note: Well must be completely dead before deployment of perforating guns can begin. If indications of flow exist, the well will be killed prior to picking up guns. If necessary to kill the well, the well will be observed for flow after killing the well for 30 minutes prior to PU the guns. 6. Use the crane on the work platform to position the guns on the racking board. The safety joint will be positioned so that it is accessible and not behind perforating guns. 7. Set the slip bowl on top of the annular preventor or riser. 8. Make up the lifting sub to the safety joint. Note: The safety joint is to be approximately 20 ft long (must be long enough to be deployed across the annular preventor and double rams) and have the same OD as the coiled tubing. The safety joint should have a minimum ID of ¾”. The safety joint should be set up for the guns on one end and the TIW crossover or lifting sub on the other end. There will be a dummy firing head with circulating ports on the bottom of the safety joint. A TIW valve and lifting sub (with a hole in the lifting sub) will be on the top of the safety joint. TIW valve to be open and the closing wrench readily accessible on the platform floor. 9. Using the crane and the safety joint, pick up and lower the first gun into the wellbore. Attach dog collar to the perforating gun and allow the gun to rest on C-plate. 10. PU and MU the second gun section to the first section and lower into the well bore. Install dog collar and C-plate. Set slips and set C-plate on top of slips. Returns will be seen at the gauge tank as the guns are lowered in the hole due to displacement of guns. Check for flow after each gun has been lowered into well. Note: The PE shall calculate the gun assembly displacement volume and monitor the return volume to verify it is gun displacement volume and not the well flowing during deployment of tools. If flow is encountered, secure well and employ the appropriate kill technique prior to continuation of deployment of perforating guns using the following steps:  Once flow is observed immediately close the annular BOP.  Close the choke on the return line holding only that pressure that will not allow guns to be blown out of hole (pressure to be provided by PE)  Verify TIW valve is open. Make up safety joint to the top gun connection.  Remove dog collar on gun in the slips. Pick up and remove slips. Lower safety joint - stripping through annular BOP until safety joint is across the blind/shear and pipe/slip rams. Set pipe rams.  Close TIW valve. Back lifting sub out of top of safety joint. Make up swivel on top of safety joint.  Pick up injector head. Make up coil BHA to the safety joint. Open the TIW valve. Lower the lubricator onto annular BOP.  Pressure test annular BOP/lubricator connection.  Equalize pressure across pipe rams and open pipe rams  Proceed to kill well by pumping through kill line or flow cross  If there is uncertainty about well control, the blind/shears can now be closed without guns across them; thereby, dropping the guns downhole.

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 until desired length of guns have been deployed. 12. Make up firing head to top of perforating string. TCP supervisor shall supervise this operation and ensure that everyone adheres to the safety procedures. 13. Make up coil crossover to firing head. 14. Using T-bar, raise the injector head and attached perforating string high enough to facilitate removal of the slip bowl. Watch T-bar weight indicator to insure there is no over-pull on mast. 15. Lower injector and make up lubricator connection. Care should be taken to prevent damage to O-ring on bottom of lubricator. RIH to 200 ft. Pressure test the lubricator connection by closing the pipe rams and pressure testing the lubricator via the kill line to 2000 psi. 16. After the pressure test and after the guns are at least 200 feet below the surface, TCP supervisor will remove his tag from blind/shear ram control. 5.3.5 Run In Hole and Locate 1. RIH monitoring returns. If the coil is full of methanol, slowly displace the methanol from the coil. Time the rate and volume so Flo-Pro in liner does not become contaminated with MeOH. Circulating pressure not to exceed 1500 psi. 2. Make weight checks at the usual depths. As the hole angle builds, consideration should be given for more frequent checks. At every weight check, monitor 5 minutes for flow. 3. Continue to RIH to the flag depth. Correct electronic depth counter at flag on coiled tubing to the calculated depth of top shot. The PE in charge, TCP reprehensive and the coil supervisor should all agree to the corrected depth at flag before proceeding to perforating depth. Record correction in well report. 4. Continue in-hole to perforating depth plus 15 feet (if possible). Pull up hole to perforating depth. 5. Using calipers, again verify the diameter of the ball to be injected to activate firing head. Isolate ball launcher tee by closing inner reel valve and bleeding off pressure through needle valve. Ensure pipe movement has stopped and that the injector and reel brakes are set prior to entering the reel house to drop ball. Insert ball into coiled tubing through ball launcher tee. Pressure up against inside reel valve to 500 psi. Open inside reel valve and begin circulation at 1.5 bpm. Do not exceed the pressure setting of the firing head during circulation until ball is on seat. Personnel inserting the ball shall verify that ball is moving through reel before leaving the reel house. 6.

7. 8.


Note: All fluids should be filtered and the rock catcher placed on the suction manifold of the pump. Maintain pump rate and monitor tubing displacement. Seven barrels (7 bbl) prior to coiled tubing displacement, pump rate should be reduced to 1 bpm until ball goes on seat. Difficulty can arise in getting balls through check valves, especially in inverted horizontals. If ball does not seat, try surging the pumps. Once ball is on seat, record the WHP, CTP and IA. Increase the pressure to activate firing head. When the firing head is activated, there will be a sudden drop in the coiled tubing pressure. Record the WHP, CTP and IA after the guns have fired. Once the gun has fired, pump a few barrels of fluid through the circulation ports to help prevent perforating debris from plugging the ports. Perforating debris and formation fines could cause the gun string to stick if it is allowed to remain on bottom too long. Stop pumping before moving pipe. Do not pump methanol and contaminate the Flo-Pro in the casing during this step. Pull 200 feet above perfs and monitor well. If well is drinking it may be necessary to pump Flo-Pro to re-establish stability across perfs.

5.3.6 Pull Out of Hole and Lay Down Tools:

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Monitor well head pressure and check for flow. If well head pressure rises or flow is noted, kill well prior to pulling out of hole. Recalculate BHP and make new kill sheet. 2. POOH pumping across the top of the well at nominal rate through the pump-in sub and taking returns from the pump-in sub return line to keep hole full. Make periodic stops and monitor to determine if well is drinking. During winter operations it will be necessary to pump MeOH to freeze protect the coil, kill and return lines. 3. At 200 feet from surface, shut down pumping and monitor well for 20 minutes before pulling guns to surface. Hold a safety meeting and discuss appropriate handling procedures for removal of guns from the well. Review well control procedures. Proceed as if live guns are in the hole. 4. At 200 feet, after it has been determined that the well is not flowing, the TCP supervisor will verify blind/shear ram control is locked out. The TCP supervisor will place his tag on both controls, only to be removed with his authority. 5. Pull guns to surface. Break lubricator connection at BOP and raise injector head and attached bottom hole assembly. Install slip bowl on top of annular preventor/riser. 6. Monitor well for flow. Again this is the sole job of the Pit Watch. 7. The TCP supervisor shall verify the firing head status, and then supervise laying down TCP guns. If guns did not fire, a safety meeting shall be held and appropriate handling procedures reviewed prior to removal from well bore. Do not assume all guns have fired. Proceed as if live guns are in the hole. 8. Install TIW valve on top of safety joint - between safety joint and the lifting sub. TIW to be open. TCP supervisor will verify valve is open and will have the Allen wrench for the TIW valve. 9. Install C-plate and attach dog collar to top perforating gun. Set slips. Break connection below swivel. Move injector back and out of the way. 10. Break out firing head and crossover and lay down. 11. Attach safety joint and lifting sub to perforating guns. Pull the top gun section out of well bore. Install C-plate and dog collar below connection to second gun section. Set slips. Break out first gun section. 12. Stand first gun section back on the racking board. Monitor well for flow. Keep well full of kill weight fluid by circulating through kill line and across the top of the well. Allow the guns to drain into the spill dike. If flow is encountered, secure well and employ the appropriate kill technique prior to continuation of retrieval of perforating guns using the following steps:  Once flow is observed immediately close the annular BOP. If spent guns are across the BOP’s, deploy safety joint and then close the annular bag.  Close the choke on the return line holding only that pressure that will not allow guns to be blown out of hole (pressure to be provided by PE)  Make up safety joint with TIW valve to top of gun string.  Remove dog collar on gun in the slips. Pick up and remove slips. Lower safety joint - stripping through annular BOP until safety joint is across the blind/shear and pipe/slip rams. Set pipe rams.  Close the TIW valve. Back lifting sub out of top of safety joint.  Pick up injector head. Make up coil BHA to the safety joint. Open the TIW valve. Lower the lubricator and make up to the riser.  Pressure test annular BOP/lubricator connection.  Equalize pressure across pipe rams and open pipe rams  Proceed to kill well  If there is uncertainty about well control, the blind/shears can now be closed without guns across them; thereby, dropping the guns downhole. 13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 until all perforating guns are removed. 14. Secure the well. 15. PU the guns from the racking board on the work platform and lay down on the gun trailer.

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Recommended Practice: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Risk Analysis The following tables list the risks that would be typically encountered on an Extended Length Perforating job using coiled tubing. The hazards shown in the following tables are in addition to those shown in the tables in Chapter 20 which address the hazards common to all GPB coiled tubing jobs. The risk analysis should be reviewed prior to starting a Extended Length Perforating job. Because of different well configurations, there may be additional risks for a specific job. Any additional risks should be identified, the impact should be assessed and remedies/mitigating measures should be discussed and documented. Each hazard identifies the potential impact to personnel, the environment and economics. The probability of an incident happening and the frequency of an incident happening is rated as very low, low, medium, high or very high. For example, for the hazard of exposure to cold, the potential for personnel contracting frostbite is low and the impact to an individual if they were frostbitten is low.

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Extended Length Perforating using Coiled Tubing Risk Assessment Table Description of Risk / Hazard Exposure to cold – additional exposure to personnel if using 40 bbl gauge tank

Potential for Injury / Environmental Harm / Economic Loss Personnel Injury – hypothermia; frostbite

Probability of Risk Occurring / Impact of Hazard (Very Low to Very High) Low Occurrence – Low impact

Remedy / Mitigation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Loss of well control – increased potential for loss of control during open hole deployment and retrieval of perforating guns

Personnel – injury, potentially fatal

Very Low Occurrence – High impact


Environmental – major spill; release of toxic gas; contamination of land and water

Very Low Occurrence – High impact

2. 3.

Very Low Occurrence – High impact

4. 5.

Economic – loss of production; loss of a well; damage to facilities

6. 7. 8.

Discuss at safety meeting Minimize number of personnel involved in operation. Minimize time of exposure between breaks Utilize proper PPE Have heater on 40 bbl gauge tank Use buddy system Notify Well Support that at least 2 additional personnel will be required to gauge 40 bbl tank Discuss roles and responsibility in safety meeting Use proper BOP Run a full BOP test before starting job. Test all lines and BOP before starting job per BP standards. Kill well before operation Monitor well for flow before beginning to deploy or retrieve perforating guns Monitor well for flow while running and pulling guns Spot Flo-Pro across perforated interval before perforating Prepared Kill sheet and maximum wellhead pressure

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

Description of Risk / Hazard

Potential for Injury / Environmental Harm / Economic Loss

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Probability of Risk Occurring / Impact of Hazard (Very Low to Very High)

Remedy / Mitigation 9.

Premature detonation of perforating guns or detonation at incorrect depth

Personnel – injury, potentially fatal Environmental – major spill; release of toxic gas; contamination of land and water if at surface and loss of well control Environmental – contamination of fresh water if fresh water interval perforated in error Economic – additional workover cost; loss of production; loss of a well; damage to facilities

Hazardous materials on location – explosives

Personnel – injury; exposure; possible fatality Environmental – spill

Wind speeds > 20 mph – stop operation if using Sevcik Building or work platform crane

Economic - loss of production; loss of a well; damage to facilities Personnel – injury

Very low occurrence – high impact Very low occurrence – medium impact

Very low occurrence – medium impact

Very low occurrence – medium impact Very low occurrence – high impact Very low occurrence – low impact Very low occurrence – medium impact Very Low Occurrence – Medium impact

Current Emergency Response Plan 10. BOP drills 11. In the pre-job safety meeting – discuss the limited options that are available to control the well. 1. If using CTE, use SAFE system to minimize potential of unplanned detonation 2. Use filtered fluids 3. Rock catcher installed in pump lines 4. Pig coiled tubing if potential for debris in coiled tubing 5. Minimize number of personnel near wellhead when deploying/retrieving guns 6. Handling of firing head limited to TCP supervisor and assistant 7. Flag depth check by PE and TCP supervisor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2.

Discuss in safety meeting Limit personnel that are exposed to perforating guns Utilize safe handling practices Do not pump while moving guns Park trailer with guns in area away from facilities and personnel– if possible Discuss at safety meeting DO NOT rig up or rig down in

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

Description of Risk / Hazard

Potential for Injury / Environmental Harm / Economic Loss Environment – spills

Lose fish in well – biggest potential would be in a well control situation and cut safety joint; other possibility would be if guns are stuck

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Probability of Risk Occurring / Impact of Hazard (Very Low to Very High) Very Low Occurrence – low impact

Remedy / Mitigation


Economic – equipment damage

Very Low Occurrence – Low impact

Personnel – injury

Low Occurrence – Low Impact

5. 1.

Low Occurrence – Low Impact


Environmental – spill Economic – loss of well; lost production; additional workover cost


Low Occurrence – Medium Impact 3. 4. 5.

unsafe conditions. Wind speed > 20 mph Variance required for VMS crane operations Personnel exposed to wind chill when on well house Use work platform if possible Monitor flow to prevent well control incident Pump several barrels of fluid after shooting guns to flush debris Do not stay on bottom after shooting guns Do not contaminate Flo-Pro with methanol Use proper size perforating guns. Consider maximum gun swell and wellbore restrictions

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Appendix 1: Additional Information: Roles and Responsibilities 1. Assigned PE  Responsible for overall job execution and safety.  Full compliance with all BP’s environmental and OIAS policies.  Assuring the well is safely killed and that it remains safe to run guns.  Responsible for making contingency decisions.  Communicate to all personnel when there is a well control problem.  Assign all personnel planned positions for execution of well control. 2. Coil Tubing Supervisor  Insure safe operation of coil equipment and coil crew.  Responsible for first response in event well conditions change.  Communicate to all personnel when there is a well control problem.  Undertake planned position for execution of well control.  In the event of an emergency assist the PE as directed. 3. TCP Supervisor  Responsible for the perforating safety of the operations.  In charge of proper handling and make up of the guns.  Undertake planned position for execution of well control.  In the event of an emergency assist the PE as directed. 4. Well Support Pit Watch  Monitor the flowback tank and determine if well is drinking or flowing.  Undertake planned position for execution of well control.  In the event of an emergency assist the PE as directed. 5. Well Support – Choke Operator  Assist Pit Watcher  Responsible for choke operations during any circulation operations.  Ensuring surface lines do not freeze during winter operations.  Responsible for hourly location inspection of surface equipment.  Undertake pre-planned position for execution of well control.  In the event of an emergency assist the PE as directed.

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Appendix 2 – Work Platform Rig up and Operation Description of the Work Platform The work platform is a portable structure used with coil tubing service units to perform work on wells that is beyond the normal safe operational techniques used for standard well work. This typically involves deploying guns, cutting windows, or running liner on wells with long BHA's, and usually with an open hole wellbore for deployment. This unit is essentially a substructure for a coiled tubing unit with support equipment. It contains a large heated rig floor with a crane. There is an onboard generator, and a hydraulic accumulator to run a BOP stack. The platform also has an air compressor which has not been hooked up and tested at this time. Well Preparation 1. Pull the wellhouse 2. Level the location (as necessary). Spread location with sand or nutplug to prevent slipping and trips 3. Set a back pressure valve (BPV) and nipple down the tree to the master valve 4. Move the Work Platform over the well. RU platform ~6” to left of the center of the tree. This allows the injector to be shifted over and guns deployed without having to set the injector on the back deck of the CTU. This is a time saver plus could make a big difference in a well control situation. 5. Remove the back pressure valve. 6. Rig up the flow cross and BOP stack. 7. Rig up heater and start warming the tree and work platform base 8. Rig up surface lines and support equipment Support Equipment On the Rig Lubricator plate. Sits on top of the lubricator to support the bowl and slips. TIW valve with 1 1/2" MT connections, used for on top of the safety joint when deploying guns. Other equipment that is not required for extended length perforating but is supposed to be on the work platform: 2 3/8" FL4S pups in 10', 5', 4' lengths. These are used to make up the rig safety joint. X-Over 2 3/8" box by 6 pitch pin. This crosses over to the SWS firing head. X-Over 2 3/8" pin by 1 1/2" MT. This crosses over to the TIW valve 2 3/8" FL4S lifting nubbins. For running 2 3/8" liner. 3 1/2" FL4S lifting nubbins. For running 3 1/2" liner. From Baker Fishing Bowl, hand slips, slip inserts. Needed for whatever size your guns or liner is. Dog Collar. Needed for both the guns/liner and for the 2 3/8" deployment joint. 2” slip inserts Elevators. Used if SWS does not have them. From Baker Thru Tubing (from BP stock maintained at Baker Thru Tubing) 2-3/8” TIW valve with 1” MT connections 2-7/8” TIW valve with 1-1/2” MT connections X-Over from 1” MT to 1-1/2” MT X-Over from 1-1/2” MT to DS thread From Schlumberger Guns, as per the procedure. C-plate

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Elevators. They have a small set that works great for guns, rated to 10,000#. Lifting Nubbins. They have them for the guns, as well as the one for the 1 1/2" MT safety joint. 1-3/4” safety joints Operational Procedures When deploying with open hole, establish that the well is dead and, not taking any fluid. The best way to do this is to open to the well, and check for zero WHP. If the well exhibits zero pressure, open to a tiger tank, and check for flow at atmospheric pressure. If no flow, pump into the well through the kill line across the top taking returns from the choke line until flow is observed at the open top tank. Use a low flow rate to do this as high flow rates may move fluid to the tanks without the well being full. After the well is fluid packed, shut in the choke and observe WHP for 20 –30 minutes. At the end of the waiting period, again check for flow. If no flow, pump across the well again with the kill line taking returns with the choke. Record how many barrels it takes to fill the well. This is an indication if the well is taking fluid. If Flo-Pro is properly spotted across any open perforations, this volume should be very low. If the well is dead, proceed to deployment/retrieval of the guns. Before deploying, ensure that the safety joint is prepared and stood in the stabbing rack. It should be easily available, and should not be buried behind a rack of liner or guns. It will be necessary if the well kicks, so it should have the necessary crossover on it to be installed on the guns or liner being deployed. The TIW valve should be installed with a lifting nubbin with a hole in it, and the TIW valve should be stored in the open position. The TIW valve should be pressure tested during the PT of the MHA. It has a connection that is typically used by Baker MHA's, and can be easily attached to the MHA for the test. See below for the safety joint tool string diagram:

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Safety Joint Lifting Nubbin TIW Valve Crossover

2 3/8” FL4S Pups


1 1/2" MT x GS fishing neck lifting nubbin TIW valve with 1 1/2" MT connections Xover 1 1/2" MT box by 2 3/8 FL4S pin 2 3/8" FL4S pups Xover 2 3/8" FL4S box by 6 pitch pin SWS firing head, or xover to liner or BHA

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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Memory Logging BHA Coil connector Checks

Disconnect Ported crossover

Memory Logging Tool

CTC CHKS DISC Xover to 3/4" sucker rod, ported to allow circulation SWS or PDS memory logging tool

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

Page 18 of 19

Perforating BHA Coil connector Checks

Disconnect Swivel

Crossover to FL4S

2 3/8” FL4S Deployment sub

Crossover to 6 pitch Firing head


CTC CHKS DISC SWIVEL Xover 1 1/2" MT box by 2 3/8 FL4S pin 2 3/8" FL4S pups Xover 2 3/8" FL4S box by 6 pitch pin SWS firing head, or xover to liner or BHA GUNS

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Standard Operating Procedure: Extended Length Perforating with Coiled Tubing

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6.0 Key Documents/Tools/References BP Alaska PE Manual ARCO Alaska Wells Group Policies, Guidelines and Resources Manual Arco Alaska Well Support General Guidelines Manual

Revision Log Revision Date

Approving Authority Steve Rossberg

January 22, 2002 December 30, 2004

Doug Cismoski

March 8, 2006

Jerry L. Bixby

February 12, 2008

Doug Cismoski

August 3, 2010

Andy Kirk

October 15, 2010

Dan Kara

Custodian/ Author Andrew Pfaff

Revision Details

Judy Golding Wells Operation Supervisor Kevin Yeager/Jerry Murphy

Updated document to reflect current practices and policy Revised Approving Authority and Custodian. Revised next review date. Reviewed document for technical accuracy: add step 7 to pg 2, step 12, 17 to pg 3, and step 12 to pg 4. Mod step 16 pg 4, sec 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.5 and Append. 2 Operational Procedures. Add BP Confidentiality Statement Document reviewed during "SOP in conformance with ADWOP project Oct 2010". Change document classification to RP from SOP due to content.

Chris Tzvetcoff Aras Worthington

Original Issue

(or, see attached e-mail Approving Authority signature

) Date

BP Confidential and © 2009 BP America Inc. Control Tier: 4 - ADW Revision Date: 2/12/2008 Document Number: UPS-US-AK-ADW-WLS-ADW-DOC-00059-4 Print Date: 3/24/2019 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE CONTROLLED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT http://eportal.bpweb.bp.com/hse

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