Effective Listening

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  • Words: 543
  • Pages: 15

What is Listening? Listening is the ability to understand and respond effectively to oral communication. “If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two mouths and one ear.“ ___ Mark Twain

MYTHS OF LISTENING • Listening is the same as hearing. • Listening is the same as breathing . What is so special about listening? • All listeners receive the same message.

TYPES OF LISTENING • ACTIVE LISTENING -- means listening to understand, not listening to reply or to evaluate. This happens when the receiver listens to not only what has been communicated but also how it has been communicated. • PASSIVE LISTENING -- is listening in polite silence but with a lot of distractions, day dreaming, inattention & rehearsing one’s own speech. The listener only listens to half the message & ignores the subtexts, thus getting incomplete communication.

BARRIERS TO LISTENING • PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS  Prejudice against speaker & judging negatively.  Rehearsing.  Identifying.  Advising.  Sparring & Being Right.  Daydreaming.  Derailing  Placating

BARRIERS TO LISTENING • ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIERS  Physicals distractions  Visual distractions • SEMANTIC BARRIERS  Speaker’s style of speaking & mannerisms.  Use of difficult words, jargon & repetition.

BARRIERS (continued) • PERSONAL BARRIERS  Fear, Anger & Anxiety.  Beliefs & Attitudes.  Hunger ,Tiredness & Pain. • SOCIO – CULTURAL BARRIERS  Different cultural backgrounds – personal space, sense of time, etc.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS • Accept that listening is hard work.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS • Accept that listening is hard work. • Prepare to listen & have a positive attitude.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS • Accept that listening is hard work. • Prepare to listen & have a positive attitude. • Keep an open mind & resist distractions.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS • Accept that listening is hard work. • Prepare to listen & have a positive attitude. • Keep an open mind & resist distractions. • Understand & concentrate on the text.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS • Accept that listening is hard work. • Prepare to listen & have a positive attitude. • Keep an open mind & resist distractions. • Understand & concentrate on the text. • Listen not only with your ears but also with your eyes.

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS • Accept that listening is hard work. • Prepare to listen & have a positive attitude. • Keep an open mind & resist distractions. • Understand & concentrate on the text. • Listen not only with your ears but also with your eyes. • Hold your tongue & delay judgement.

HOW TO INCREASE LISTENING EFFICIENCY • C --- Concentrate on what the speaker is saying. • A --- Acknowledge with correct body language. • R --- Research to understand what the speaker is saying. • E --- Exercise control. • S --- Sense the non- verbal message. • S --- Structure – put the message in order.

“It is the recipient who communicates. The so called communicator, the person who emits the communication does not communicate; he utters. Unless there is someone who listens there is no communication. There is only noise.” ----

Peter Drucker

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