Edge November Newsletter

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 515
  • Pages: 1
November Newsletter


OurCal l i ng " Anyt i meyouas k,' Whatonear t ham Iher efor ?'t heBi bl eans wer s' t o dogoodwor ks ,whi chGodpr epar edi nadv anceforust odo. 'Godcr eat ed youforapr ear r angedmi s s i on.You' r eacons cr i pt ,notav ol unt eer .You don' tgett odeci deyourcal l i ng.Andi t ' sami s t aket ot r yanddupl i cat e s omebodyel s e' scal l i ng.RememberMos es ?Godcal l shi mt odel i v erIs r ael fr om Egyptbuthet r i esdoi ngi thi sownway.Ki l l i nganenemyt os av ean al l y' sl i fe,hewi ndsupafor t yyearfugi t i v e.Aft erl i v i ngi nt hewi l der nes s andl ear ni nghi sl es s onher et ur nst odoGod' swi l l-God' sway.Al lofus , notj us tor dai nedmi ni s t er s ,ar ecal l edt odoGod' swor kGod' sway.' But howdoIknowwhatmycal l i ngi s ?'youas k. 1 )Wor kwi t hyours pi r i t ualgi ft s .Weal lr ecei v egi ft sfr om God,who' gi v es t hem t oeachone,j us tashedet er mi nes '( 1Cor i nt hi ans1 2: 1 1NIV) .LetGod s howyout hr oughyourdeepes tdes i r esandcor ecompet enci eswher e you' r ebes ts ui t edt os er v e.2)Submi tt oGodl yl eader s hi p.Yourpas t orcan hel pequi pandgui deyou.God' gav e. . . pas t or s . . . t opr epar eGod' speopl efor wor ksofs er v i ce'( Ephes i ans4: 1 1 1 2NIV) .Weal lneedhel p;wecan' tget t her ebyour s el v es .3)Commi tyourabi l i t i esandr es our cest obui l di ngup yourl ocalchur ch.Goddes i gnedourgi ft sandcal l i ngs' s ot hatt hebodyof Chr i s tmaybebui l tup'( Ephes i ans4: 1 2NIV) .4)Dev el opas er v ants pi r i t . ' Eachones houl dus ewhat ev ergi fthehasr ecei v edt os er v eot her s '( 1 Pet er4: 1 0NIV) .Don' tknowyourgi ft s ?St ar ts er v i ng,andGodwi l lr ev eal t hem t oyou. " Pet e


Hans i e,t heMov i e,fr ee s howi ng,Wi t hfr eePopcor n, hot dogs&dr i nks! !


Sat ur dayNov1 47PM SHARP


Campbel l t ownChr i s t i an Communi t yChur chCnr Al der neySt&Towns on Av e,Mi nt o.

HOW MUCH? 1 00% fr ee! !

*1 4thHansi e Movi e *21 thOuti ngat Katoomba

Prai s e & prayer poi nts *ThankGodfora succseful lGi rl sNi ght In *Prayforthe Expecti ng Mothers *Prayforthe upcomi ngShowi ngof Hansi e

Quoteofthe Month

" Ch r i s ti sn o t v al u e datal l u n l e s sHei s v al u e dab o v eal l . "

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