Edge Newsletter May

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 557
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May Whatwi l lyourl egacybe?? " J os i ah' sgr andf at her , Manas s eh, wasavi ol entk i ngwhofil l ed" J er us al em f r om oneendt ot heot herwi t h[ t hepeopl e' s ]bl ood"( 2Ki 21: 16NL T) . Hi sf at her , Ki ngAmon, di edatt hehandsofhi sownoffic er s . " Hedi dwhatGods ai dwaswr ong, "r eadshi sepi t aph. J os i ah wasonl yei ghtwhenheas c endedt het hr one. I mmedi at el yhec hos e r i ght eous nes s , anddi dn' ts t opdoi ngwhatwasr i ghtal l hi sl i f e( See2 Ki 22: 2) . What ' st hepoi nt ?Wec an' tpi c kourpar ent s , butwec anpi c k ourr ol emodel s . WhenJ os i ahwasr ebui l di ngt het empl ehedi s c over edas c r ol l c ont ai ni ngGod' sl aw. Asher eadi thewept , r eal i s i nghi speopl ehad dr i f t edf arf r om God. Sohes entwor dt oapr ophet es sandas k ed, " Whatwi l l bec omeofourpeopl e? "Shet ol dJ os i aht hats i nc ehehad r epent edwhenhehear dGod' sWor d, hi snat i onwoul dbes par ed ( See2Chr on34: 1427) . Wow! Anent i r egener at i onr ec ei vedgr ac e bec aus eoft hei nt egr i t yofoneman. So, y ouc anr i s eabovey ourpas tandmak eadi ffer enc e. Yourpar ent s mayhavegi veny ouy ourDNA, butGodc angi vey ouanew bi r t hand anew begi nni ng. " Bei mi t at or sofGod, t her ef or e, asdear l yl ovedc hi l dr en"( Eph5: 1NI V) . J us tl i k eJ os i ah, y ouc annotc ont r ol t hewayy our f or ef at her sr es pondedt oGod, buty ouc anc ont r ol t hewayy our es pondt oHi m. Yourpas tdoesnothavet obey ourpr i s on; y ouhavea s ayi ny ourl i f e, y ouhaveavoi c ei ny ourdes t i ny , y ouhaveac hoi c ei n t hepat hy out ak e. Choos ewel l ands omeday-gener at i onsf r om now -ot her swi l l t hankGodf ort hel egac yy oul ef t . "

Photosfrom campEndeavour

*2ndYout hmeet i ng *13t hGr owt hgr oups *17t hYout hmeet i ng *27t hGr owt hgr oups *New c hur c hbus *Thes af er et ur nof t hedenger s * Abl es s edEas t er *Thes af ear i val of br ot herYahi af r om Egy pt .

*Al l t hos el ook i ng f orwor k *Theupc omi ng c hur c hc amp *Al l t hos es i c k *Swi neflu * Sundaymeet i ng,

" Wemus tmeett he unc er t ai nt i esoft hi s wor l d wi t ht hec er t ai nt y oft hewor l dt oc ome. "

HappyBi r t hdayt o:Dal i aont he6t h,Vi vi aneon t he22ndandMar kMi khai lal s oont he22nd

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