Edge Newsletter Septembre 2009

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Newsl etter September Pr obl ems " Oneoft hegr eat es tpr omi s esi nt heBi bl ei s ," Youwi l lkeephi mi nper fect peace,whos emi ndi ss t ayedonYou,becaus ehet r us t si nYou. " Whoar eyout r us t i ngt os ol v et hepr obl em,Godoryour s el f?Youneedt ol i v e byt hepr i nci pl e' Doyourbes t ,t henl etGoddot her es t . 'Toomanyofus hav et hei deat hati t ' swr ongt oenj oyour s el v eswhi l ewehav epr obl ems .We gr owupbel i ev i ngt hati fwecan' tdoanyt hi ngel s e,t hel eas twecandoi s wor r y,acts t r es s edoutandbemi s er abl e.TheBi bl eaddr es s est hi s :" Donot [ foramoment ]befr i ght ened. . . fors uch[ cons t ancyandfear l es s nes s ]wi l lbe acl ears i gn. . . fr om God"( Phi l i p1 : 28AMP) .Thi sScr i pt ur et eachesust hat whenadv er s i t ycomes( andi twi l l )wemus ts t ayi npeace.Sat andoes n' tknow whatt odowi t huswhenhecan' tgetusups et ;we' v et akenapower ful weaponoutofhi shands ." Fors uch[ cons t ancyandfear l es s nes s ]wi l lbe a. . . s i gn. . . fr om God. "Keepi ngyourpeacedoes n' texemptyoufr om l i fe' sdi ffi cul t i es ,i tj us tal l owsGodt ohav et hel as twor d.Byt r us t i ngHi m compl et el y youar enol ongeratt hemer cyofci r cums t ances ,ot herpeopl e,oryourown emot i onsandl i mi t at i ons . Somebodyqui pped," Int i mesl i ket hes ei t ' shel pfult or emembert hatt her e hav eal waysbeent i mesl i ket hes e. "Theques t i oni snotwi l lt r oubl ecome,but howwi l lyouhandl ei t ?Thewr i t ert ot heHebr ewss ays ," . . . Wewhi chhav e bel i ev eddoent eri nt or es t . . . "( Heb4: 3) .Whent hi ngsgowr ongdowhatGod l eadsyout odo,t henr es ti nHi m andwat chHi m wor konyourbehal f! "

Cal ander *Wor s hi p meet i ng *EdgeYout h camp


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Bi r t hdays *Mer v at Ir azabal25t h *Mar t en At aal l a 23r d

Pet e

*t i mot hy( nader ) 3r d

Jes usAl laboutl i f e

Ififor gotyou, emai lmepl eas e.

*‘ Jes us .Al laboutl i fe‛ i sapr i met i memedi acampai gn t hatpr es ent st hewor dsofJes ust ot hecommuni t y.Itwi l l r unfr om Sept ember1 5t hfors i xweeksacr os sNSW & WA. *Ov er90per centoft hepopul at i onwi l ls eeorheara ‘ Jes us .Al laboutl i fe‛ commer ci alorbi l l boar datl eas t1 0 t i mesdur i ngt hes i xweeks . *Ev er yl ocalchur chhast heoppor t uni t yt obet hepl ace wher epeopl ewhos eet headscanfi ndoutmor eabout Jes usandmeetpeopl ewhoknowhi m per s onal l y. Mor eInfoat :www. j es us al l about l i fe. com. au

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