Edge Newsletter June09

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 630
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June l oy a l t y " WhenPet erdec i dedt ogofis hi ngt hatni ght , hemayhavebeen mak i ngadec i s i ont ogetawayf r om ever y t hi ngandgobac kt o wher ehefir s tmett heL or d. That ' sagoodmove! Wheny ouget di s c our agedy ou' l l ei t hergobac kt ot heOnewhoc ans ave, k eep ands at i s f y , ory ou' l l gobac kt owhat everwasgoi ngoni ny our l i f ebef or ey oumetHi m. That ' snotagoodmove! Pet erfis hedal l t hatni ghtandc aughtnot hi ng. Ther e' sal es s ont her ef ory ou. Gods ai dt ot hec hur c hi nRevel at i on: " Youhaveper s ever ed. . . and havel abour edf orMyname' ss ak eand. . . notbec omewear y . Never t hel es sI havet hi sagai ns ty ou, t haty ouhavel ef ty ourfir s tl ove. Remembert her ef or ef r om wher ey ouhavef al l en; r epentanddo t hefir s twor k s "( Rev2: 35NKJ V) . Hasy ourl ovef orGodgr own c ol d?I fs o, y ouneedt ogobac kt owher ey oufir s tmetHi m, t o s eekHi m agai nl i k ey oudi dbef or ey ou' dhear ds omuc hand s eens omuc h, bef or et hepr es s ur esofl i f ehadwor ny oudown. " ButI ' m bus ydoi ngt hewor koft heL or d, "y ous ay . Bus y nes sand bar r ennes sgohandi nhandt oget her . I t ' spos s i bl et ol ookl i k ea s ai nti nt hec our t sofBaby l on, y etbeabac k s l i deri nt hec our t sof Zi on. Thr eet i mesJ es usas k edPet er , " Doy oul oveMe? "Fi nal l yPet er s ai d, " L or d, Youk now al l t hi ngs ; Youk now [ t heex t entt owhi c h]I l oveYou"( J ohn21: 17NKJ V) . Os wal dChamber ss ai d, " Bewar eof any t hi ngt hatc ompet eswi t hy ourl oy al t yt oJ es usChr i s t . The gr eat es tc ompet i t orofdevot i ont oJ es usi ss er vi c et oHi m. "Thi nk abouti t . "

6t hJ uneFundr ai s i ngBBQ 20t hJ uneBi bl eTr ans l at i ons 27t hJ uneZooOut i ng 4t hJ ul yTr i vi aNi ght 25t hJ ul yEDGEConf er enc e 09

*Thec hur c hbusar r i vi ngs af el y *Thes uc c es soft he womensc onf er enc e

*Al l t hes i c k *Thefloodvi c t i ms *Brmal i k sey es ur ger y *Yout hgr oupPas t or *Al l t hos ewi t h ex ams

TakeNoOffence ' Ihopeyoudi dn' tt akei tper sonal l y,Fat her ,' anembar r assedwoman sai daf t erachur chser vi ce,' whenmyhusbandwal kedoutdur i ng yourser mon. '' Idi dfindi tr at herdi sconcer t i ng, 't hevi carr epl i ed. ' I t ' snotar eflect i ononyou,Fat her 'i nsi st edt hechur chgoer .' Chr i st opherhasbeenwal ki ngi nhi ssl eepeversi ncehewasachi l d. '

" Go dwi l l me n dab r o k e n h e a r t i f y o ug i v eHi ma l l t h e p i e c e s . "

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