Eagles Cry, November 2005

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November 2005

In This Issue Commodore’s Comments……………Page 1 2006 Fleet Parade……Page 2 EYC Regatta…........…Page 2 District Race Synopsis Page 5 Race Results..………...Page 7 Youth Education...…...Page 7 First Mate’s Report.....Page 8 Women’s Regatta……Page 9 Bridge………………...Page 9 Junior Activities…….Page 11 Officers and Directors of the Ephraim Yacht Club 2005-2006 Max Robinette (Commodore) Dave Sauter (Vice Commodore) George Carey (Rear Commodore) Diane Taillon (Secretary) Paul Pillat (Treasurer) Kirk Brown Barbara Hambleton Suzanne Lisle Ryan Malmgren Scott Pearson George Reynolds Brud Sturgis The Eagle’s Cry is published periodically by the Ephraim Yacht Club, P.O. Box 331, Ephraim, WI 54211. For all questions regarding this correspondence, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.eyc.org Copyright 2005 by Ephraim Yacht Club. Photocopying, reproduction or quotation is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the publisher.

From the Commodore Summer 2005 and the 100th Ephraim Regatta are now history. What a wonderful celebration! But hold on, 2006 marks the 100th anniversary of the EYC and a terrific schedule of special events. In addition to the 101st Regatta and all normal Club activities we’re adding a 100th Anniversary Banquet on July 22 and a Boat Parade and Fleet Review on July 29, 2006. So mark your calendars, volunteer to help with these special events, and contact Don Nelson for the Banquet and Weed Vail for the Boat Parade. I’d like to thank George Carey, past commodore, for his tireless leadership and dedication in a very busy year. George was always on the spot with a helping hand. Sailing lessons in 2005 took on a special meaning as over 200 of all ages had a chance to experience the thrill of warm wind, full sails and the beauty of Eagle Harbor. Thanks to Skipper Harsch and his staff for a great year! Hugh Haggerty has been appointed Director for 2006 as Skipper furthers his law career. Major progress has been made on the Dock extension with the final engineering drawings and application to the DNR in process. We are moving forward with a high degree of confidence that this major project is now becoming a reality. Thanks again to George Carey, Bill Hoag and Dave Sauter for their ever patient efforts to keep this project on track. 1

John Peterson will be leaving the Board this year. Thanks for all your fine contributions as Commodore and Board member. We all wish you the best with your new responsibility as 101st Race Committee Chairman. A special thanks to Frank and Sally Heidler for 30 years as Race Committee Chairs. Congratulations and welcome to Kirk Brown, newly elected to the EYC Board. Kirk, Karen, Jason and Julian are well known sailors and we look forward to Kirk’s participation in our meetings. Max Robinette, Commodore

NOW HEAR THIS! TO ALL EYC MEMBERS including sailors, power boaters, land lubbers, staff, families and friends… The date? July 29, 2006! On that date, the EYC will celebrate its 100th birthday by presenting, for the entertainment of all, a special Boat Parade and Fleet Review. Participants will include any and all sailboats and power boats that expect to be in the Ephraim area at that time. The Parade will be similar to other Venetian Nights except…this will occur during the daytime, and will be held off Ephraim’s Anderson Dock. It will feature – in addition to the Parade— a blessing of the fleet, a real (but much shortened) sailboat race, spectator stands for guests, judges and dignitaries, and perhaps a live band and appropriate food and beverage concessions, pending permits. While this Review is a celebration of our 100th Anniversary, the main idea is for everybody to have fun! Each entrant will be expected to dress his or her ship in any way they wish, so long as it is in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Appropriate prizes

will be awarded to the best dressed boats in the sail and power categories. There will be a small ($15.00) entrance fee to help defray expenses, and, of course, any contributions will be helpful. More information will be coming later, but if you have any questions and/or comments, please write: Malcolm Vail, 999 James St., Geneva, IL 60134, or call: 630-232-2734.

100TH EPHRAIM REGATTA Sallie Heidler EYC’s 100th Regatta was quite a delightful experience, especially since the EYC has the longest-running continuous regatta on the entire Great Lakes, and in addition it was the largest Flying Scot regatta in over 30 years. With over 50 boats registered (which included the Mid West District Championships) this was a definite challenge for our expert Race Committee. We were guided by the visiting “PRO” (Principle Race Officer) and numerous Protest Judges who decided that the racers should be divided into 2 groups, Championship and Challenger. We were blessed with good winds and weather all three days. One hiccup occurred when we lost one boat only to find the skipper had changed boat number and division. The matter was resolved, but this brings back memories of a regatta years ago when we started back-toback Saturday morning races with all registered boats starting. As we finished the first race, one boat was missing, which is a Recording Secretary’s nightmare. We began the 2nd race one boat short, but finished with all boats accounted for??? Seems that one boat went to Nicolet for a picnic lunch because the day was so nice!! The efficient and loyal Race Committee together for many years was composed of Frank Heidler—Chairman; Sallie Heidler— Recording Secretary; Max Robinette—Boat 2

Captain; Lindy Robinette—Flags; Mike Lisle—Anchor Man and Fusilier; Suzanne Lisle—Assistant Recording Secretary; Weed Vail—Spar Judge; Mary Johnson—Time; plus John Archibald—PRO. All in all, the 2005 EYC 100th Ephraim Regatta was successful, and enjoyed by both participants and spectators.


& Flying Scot Midwest District Championships Co-chairs: Nancy Claypool, Don Nelson, and Ryan Malmgren The 100th Annual Ephraim Regatta with the Flying Scot Midwest District Championship was one for the record books…literally. We had an all-time District attendance record of fifty-four boats. Fully half of those boats were from out of town. (This may also have been an EYC regatta record for one class of boats.) Bill Ross, president of the Flying Scot Sailing Association, personally congratulated EYC on having successfully hosted fifteen more boats than the 2005 Nationals in Houston. Flying Scot boatbuilder, Harry Carpenter, was so impressed with EYC hospitality and our venue that he and Karen plan to return next summer. (Harry and Karen spoke very kindly of the EYC folks and said they had never been treated so well and “felt like royalty”. At the awards ceremony, he also made special mention of how impressed he

was with the number of juniors who raced in the regatta.) But they weren’t the only ones who were impressed. I’ve spoken to at least three-quarters of the people who traveled to attend our regatta, and every single one of them had good things to say about their experience in Ephraim. Here are just a couple snippets I have received in person or by email: “It was a wonderful regatta. Thank you.” (Walt Barniskis, FSSA Midwest Governor) ‘We felt so welcome. The EYC people were wonderful. Thank you! (Karen Gillen, Madison). ‘Fantastic time. Great job. Can’t wait to come back. (Willi Liddicoat, Madison) ‘ It was great. No, it was REALLY great. In fact… (long pause)… I think it is probably THE best regatta I’ve ever attended.” (Frank Gerry, Lake Delavan -- a prolific, compulsive, national regatta circuit traveler who means what he says). Sometimes it seemed that the folks from out of town were a little bit surprised that we were able to pull it off so well. Even more surprising, some people from within our own club seemed as impressed as the out-oftowners! Here are a few of their comments: “Wow.” (Guy Bush Jr.) “Awesome.” (Andrew Reynolds) “Are we good, or are we good?” (Dave Sauter) "Just great for a little yacht club with only four parking places!" (Susan Reynolds Smith) “This is one of the best things we’ve ever done at EYC…ever!” (Joani Lewis) “No. It IS the best thing. Ever.” (Larry Lewis) It worked for many reasons involving everything from good luck to super preregatta planning and marketing (read: Nancy Claypool), good skill, super weather, super race committee work, super on-the-water 3

boat support, and the “supers” go on and on.... The 100th Regatta added special events and included a revival of regatta activities from yesteryear. It was non-stop. Regatta Friday started out bright and early with lots of activity around the Registration Tent where sailors picked up their registration packets. These included specially commissioned regatta mementos such as the 100th EYC regatta mugs. At 10:00 a.m., Harry Carpenter gave a "standing room only" Flying Scot boat rigging seminar at the Municipal Launching Ramp. Even experienced sailors picked up new tips. Meanwhile, back at the club, the apparel tent and the regatta raffle desk opened. Business was brisk. So brisk that the specially designed 100th apparel sold out before the end of the weekend. By noon, with tents, banners and flags flying, people converged on the club in ever increasing numbers with excitement starting to build. Friday afternoon, sailors had to make choices-- race in the practice race, race in the single handed race or attend a seminar on the racing rules of sailing given by Mike Posey, US Sailing Senior Judge. Decisions, decisions. No sooner than this was finished, sailors, members and regatta volunteers met at the club at 4:30 p.m. for the Welcome Reception. The highlight was the arrival of Janet Baxter, President of US Sailing, who cleared her busy schedule to make a special trip to Ephraim on the occasion of its 100th regatta. After giving an interview to the Door County Advocate and being welcomed by regatta co-chairs and Commodore George Carey, she congratulated EYC on its historic event. There was no shortage of members and juniors who gathered around to meet her. The Welcome Reception would have gone on for hours except for the fact that it was time to move on to the 7:30 p.m. seating of the fish boil at the Old Post Office. One hundred people attended the fish boil -- a first for many of our visitors.

Saturday morning, after volunteers assisted with launching and towing racers to the race area, the Registration Tent again became a hotbed of activity. The junior set started registering for the Baby Beauty Contest, Swimming Races and other activities that were revived from yesteryear. (The Ephraim Regatta historically offered activities for those who were not on the water that could be viewed from the shore.) There were lots of prizes for the participants and winners.

Racers ate their fabulous EYC box lunches on the water while spectators gathered around Eagle Harbor. Some people climbed the tower to get a better view; some went out on the water to spectate; while others held impromptu regatta watching parties from homes along the northern shore and bluffs of Ephraim. In the late afternoon after a full day of racing, sailors headed in to get ready for the 30th Bratfest. The Bratfest crew had prepared for a record number of attendees. They were not disappointed. Over 500 people attended! There was ample parking, additional seating under a large white tent, plus the best ever brats, corn and beer. Guests were spotted who had not been to the Ephraim Regatta in over 25 years. As the evening wore on, racers and non-racers alike mingled, watching the slide show of regatta photos on the big screen. 4

Sunday, the races concluded. A parade of raffle prizes were awarded, followed by an extended awards ceremony that not only awarded trophies to the sailors but offered prizes in special 100th regatta categories. But what really made this all so special and what really made it all work comes down to one word: VOLUNTEERS. When boats started rolling in -- as early as the Wednesday before the regatta -- EYC volunteers (and some out-of-town volunteers too) started coming out of the woodwork, stepping forward to help and assist in ways large and small. And it continued all weekend long. So many (at last count there were 155), that a list would be impossible because there would inevitably be terrible omissions. So let me put it this way: THANK YOU EYC REGATTA VOLUNTEERS. YOU MADE IT POSSIBLE AND YOU MADE IT HAPPEN!! IT WAS AN EVENT TO REMEMBER!

2005: 100th Regatta/Midwest District Race Synopsis Ryan Malmgren Saturday, August 6th What a sight it was to see: 54 boats either sailing out from the EYC or being towed out and dropped in deep water from the Ephraim city ramp (25 boats stayed at the fire-house parking area) at 9 a.m. It all started with a very faint, teasing northeasterly wind which died by 9:15. At 9:30 wind began to trickle in from the west and eventually grew to 5-8 knots by 10:00. The 54 boats were split into two fleets: a “Championship” fleet of 30 of the top sailors and a “Challenger” fleet of the next tier of 24 boats. (The Championship fleet always started 5 minutes before the Challengers, and participants only compete

with one another within their respective fleets.) Race 1 (Sat. -- 10:30am): The race committee set an “A” course – which entailed crossing a start line near the northeastern corner of Eagle Harbor heading upwind to a buoy just west of Horseshoe Island and then back downwind (with colorful spinnakers flying) to the original start area buoy and then back up to finish off of Horseshoe (three race “legs” in all). Ryan and Kimber Malmgren held off Madison’s Tim Devries and Eric Riley in a fierce tacking duel at the finish to win the first race of the Championship Division. Meanwhile, Jonathan Thomas and Joani Lewis finished first with JP Pillat and Jillian Brown close on their heels in the Challenger Division. Race 2 (Sat. -- 12:30pm): By now the winds had grown a bit to 8-12 knots; because of this, the race committee smartly decided to set a larger “C” course -- which involved an additional trip up to the Horseshoe buoy and back downwind (five “legs” in all). The winds were a bit shiftier in this race – varying as much as 15 degrees out of the west. Ryan and Kimber again found themselves in a tough tacking duel on the last leg -- this time trading tacks with EYC’s Jason and Kirk Brown. It was a close finish, with the Malmgrens just nipping the Browns at the line. Jay and Ted Lott followed in 3rd. This time it was Mary Sullivan’s turn to pull off a victory on her boat “Stormalong” in the Challenger group - with her brother Joe and sister Maggie crewing. JP and Jillian showed consistency with another second place finish. Race 3 (Sat. -- 2:30pm): The winds remained out of the west on average for this race, but had become a bit flukier – with shifts back and fourth that didn’t ever seem to last for more than a couple minutes in any one direction. The wind speed had also dropped back to a somewhat light 5-8 knots. There were plenty of areas where the wind 5

was particularly light – especially on the “right” – or northerly – side of the course as the boats headed toward the buoy near Horseshoe. Among the boats in the Championship fleet that skillfully “played the shifts” on the favored left side of the course was Maryland’s Harry Carpenter and his wife Karen. (Harry is the sole builder of the Flying Scot and a former FSSA National champion). He pulled out the win by a comfortable margin over the ever-tenacious Jason and Kirk Brown. The Challenger Division’s Mike Sullivan and Pat Swan sailed their boat “Sweetie Pie” to victory over the consistently fast Mary Sullivan and company (no relation to Mike) in this race. The 54 boats sailed back to their respective mooring areas following race 3 around 4 p.m. All were in good spirits following a beautiful day of sailing in Eagle Harbor. Race 4 (Sun. -- 10am): The winds started stronger and came out of the Southwest on Sunday – averaging 8-12 knots for race one. This time the race committee set the course starting line near the northeastern corner of Eagle Harbor. The upwind buoy was set under the shadows of Peninsula State Park bluff. Folks on the tower were really treated to a spectacle as all 54 boats charged upwind. Championship sailor Harry Carpenter again showed his consistent sailing skills as he worked up the left side of the three-legged “A” course. He led from wire to wire, followed by EYC instructor Hugh Haggerty. Crewing for Hugh was the young, eager, and very able duo of Matt Smith and Isak Peterson. Meanwhile in the Challenger Division, it was JP and Jillian’s turn to lead the parade of Challenger boats around the course as they sailed “T-Bone” to victory. EYC sailing instructor Sarah Lisle followed close behind in 2nd with her brother Mike and Nicole Reisdorf crewing aboard “White Whale”. Race 5 (Sun – 11:45): By now the winds had increased to a healthy 15-20 knots (still out of the Southwest). Spray and slight

streaks of foam were beginning to appear. Given the stronger winds, the race committee set a longer five-legged “C” course. Behind Harry Carpenter in the overall standings by several points, the Malmgrens started this race aggressively by jumping off the left side of the starting line in a somewhat risky “pin-end” start. The strategy seemed to be paying off as they led for 3 of the 5 legs. However, as the wind continued to increase, the heavier boats began to shine. Eventually, Minnesota’s Larry Klick took the lead, followed by a determined Jay and Ted Lott (Jay and Ted were very consistent all through the regatta - never finishing lower than 6th). The three boats finished in that order. Meanwhile, Mary Sullivan worked her way to 1st and held on in the blustery conditions over the ever-present Pillat and Brown. (JP and Jillian were extremely consistent -- never finishing lower than 3rd; see scores). Overall, Harry Carpenter managed to pull off the win in the very tight Championship standings (amazingly, only 2 points separated Carpenter, Lott, Malmgren, and DeVries for overall line honors -- see final results). JP Pillat and Jillian Brown took the win in the Challenger Division (10 points) -with Mary Sullivan finishing second overall with 16 points (see results).

It was an exhilarating end to a weekend of some of the finest sailing conditions to be found anywhere. But good sailing conditions don’t mean much without good race committee work. And the race committee work for this entire regatta was absolutely outstanding. It is an extraordinarily difficult thing to manage this 6

many boats in a venue like this -- but this group made it seem almost effortless. Many thanks to Frank and Sallie Heidler and their loyal crew for the excellent job they did managing this enormous fleet. What a way to celebrate their 30th regatta race committee swan song! And thanks also to Lal Burridge and John Peterson for fine mark setting work, and to the judges and crew under the leadership of John Archibald, our guest US Sailing Principal Race Officer.

EYC 2005 RACE RESULTS: Flying Scot Series, 17 boats, 21 races:

1 Dan Engelke 2 Hugh Haggerty 3 Jonathan Thomas

3 Woody Heidler JY Series B, 2 boats, 6 races:

1 Andy Hambleton 2 Kirsten Aarsvold Sunfish Regatta, 7 boats, 5 races:

1 Allison Chase 2 Skip Heidler 3 Woody Heidler Division Championship, 30 boats, 5 races:

1 Harry Carpenter 2. John Lott 3. Ryan Malmgren Division Challenger, 24 boats, 5 races:

1 JP Pillat 2 Mary Sullivan 3 Jonathon Thomas

Flying Scot Series A, 12 boats, 12 races:

1 Hugh Haggerty 2 Dan Engelke 3 Jonathan Thomas Flying Scot Series B, 16 boats, 21 races:

1 Hugh Haggerty 2 Jonathan Thomas 3 Jason Brown Richie Hall Junior Regatta, 5 boats, 3 races:

1 Matt Smith 2 Isak Peterson 3 Murphy Zingsheim Optimist Regatta, 12 boats, 4 races:

1 Stephan Peterson 2 Isak Peterson 3 Phil Morley Optimist Series A, 18 boats, 11 races:

1 Woody Heidler 2 Isak Peterson 3 Stephan Peterson Optimist Series B, 8 boats, 16 races:

1 Isak Peterson 2 Stephan Peterson 3 Woody Heidler Optimist Sunday Series, 4 boats, 7 races:

1 Stephan Peterson 2 Isak Peterson

SUMMER 2005 EDUCATION PROGRAMS David Sauter Our youth lesson program had another very successful year. We taught over 330 student sessions this summer. This is a tremendous increase from days gone by. The fact that we can manage this many kids and provide such a high level of instruction balanced with fun is a testament to our stellar instructors. The afternoon Opti intro program continued successfully this summer. What a great thing to be able to bring the kids in as such a young age. We also added a new program, ART or Advanced Racing Tactics. We had limited but spirited participation. It is a geared towards students who desire to take their racing skills to the next level. We encourage parents and students who have completed or are completing the Advanced training to strongly consider ART for 2006. Our adult and private lessons also experienced growth and some fun trips to Fred & Fuzzys. No member of any age should feel that they do not have a way to 7

learn the fine sport of sailing. Thanx to Sarah Lisle for heading up this effort. We continue to experience success and make changes to meet the desires of members, watch the spring Eagles Cry for what is in store for 2006.

FIRST MATES REPORT Linda Carey In this memorable year of the 100th Regatta, the First Mates were even busier than usual. As always, we began with a First Mate’s Coffee, where we renewed friendships, and cemented our plans for all the exciting events that were upcoming. The first all-club event is always our annual Champagne Opening Social. Thank you to Prilla Beadell, who was again the chairperson for this much-anticipated party. We gathered to drink a toast to another wonderful summer at EYC. Everyone had a delightful time, and the weatherman cooperated by producing a lovely sunset. Unlike last year’s terribly cold evening, we had a splendid night this summer for our Ice Cream Social on the Fourth of July weekend. Our chairmen Deanna and John Peterson gave us a calorie-filled good time…in large part due to the generosity of Steve Sauter, who donated the ice cream! We thank you all.

During the two days of our 100th Annual Regatta, the breakfast and lunch was handled with aplomb by Nancy Pillat. The orange juice, donuts, muffins, watermelon segments, and coffee were complimentary to sailors each morning. Because of the huge number of boats (over 50) in the regatta fleet, a different arrangement was required for lunch this year. No lunch break was planned for sailors between the races. Therefore, many women helped to prepare and bag 135 lunches for the sailors and race committee before 8:15 a.m. each day, a real feat! Other lunches were sold at noon. The sailors gave a hearty “thumbs-up” to the lunches themselves, as well as to the ease of having them ready so early in the morning. Many thanks to Nancy, and to all her volunteers. About a dozen people arrived at Rosie and Bill Klein’s home on the Friday before regatta, to assist in the Brat Fest preparations for this great party. The staff also helped, by coming over one afternoon to get out all the tables and chairs and other paraphernalia needed. Thanks to you all.

The Founders Day Cookout is always fun-Thanks to Joani Lewis for getting it together and ordering the wonderful birthday cake. Deanna Peterson chaired the Ladies Potluck Dinner in July, along with Allison Huey and other helpers. We had a terrific turnout of about 55 women, all of whom brought delicious food to share, and all of whom had a grand time. We enjoyed a quiz on EYC history, and yachting terms. The winners took home a centerpiece, anchored by a 100th Ephraim Regatta mug. Many thanks for a wonderful evening.

Two extra events were brought back this year, especially for the 100th regatta. They were the Baby Beauty Contest, with Mary Rotheray as chairman, and the Swimming Races & other Water Events, chaired by Gretchen Meilinger. Both women and their helpers made these events go off like clockwork. Thank you so much for all your 8

work and enthusiasm. The many adorable little children paraded around while we all watched with happy smiles, and the delighted laughter and cheering of the older children during their races was a joy to hear.

too, to Joanie Lewis for securing trophies, race committee for running the races, EYC staff for making racing clinics available, Linda Carey for sign up, and to both George and Linda Carey for their support!

Many thanks to Donna Scattergood, who served as chairman for the fourth annual Ladies Regatta. This event grows each year, and more women and girls seem eager to participate. Donna loves the camaraderie of this race, and you will see her report elsewhere in this issue.

We hope to increase our "flock of gulls" (fleet participation) for our 5th annual regatta! Come out and sail! There are many opportunities to learn and or refine your skills via private or group lessons, racing clinics and social sails to Fred and Fuzzy's. Create your own memorable salty tales in 2006!

The Commodore’s Cocktail Party at Bay Ridge Golf Course was very successful, thanks to Anne and Dick Van de Ven, who chaired the event. We also thank Diane and Peter Trenchard for taking care of all the “production details”. Everyone brought delicious Hors d’ouevres to share, and good conversations were enjoyed by all. There is often a bittersweet feeling on this evening, because it signals the end of summer. It’s not too early to begin thinking of the good times we will all have together next summer, as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Ephraim Yacht Club. I look forward to seeing all of you at all the events!

EYC WOMEN’S REGATTA Donna Scattergood Ahoy! An intrepid fleet of women sailors persevered through two postponements to participate in the fourth annual women's regatta at EYC. The seven Scots were rewarded for their tenacity with a challenging and fun 3 race series replete with spotty winds but gale force enthusiasm. Regatta results were as follows: FIRST: Carol Claypool (#3994) with crew Nancy Claypool; SECOND: Donna Scattergood (#4150) with crew Ali Scattergood and Gail Sleeting; THIRD: Kelsey Mazeski (#769) with crew Joanie Lewis and Kelly Mazeski. Hats off to the on-shore supporting crew who cheered on the sailors and met them afterwards with "rations and rum!" Thanks,

Stay tuned for specifics from next year's committee. And please....let me know ASAP if you'd like to join the women's regatta committee, or simply want to contribute a few suggestions! Until then, wishing you smooth sailing!

BRIDGE The summer bridge groups at the Yacht Club this year again included both lessons and open play. Instruction was provided by Norma Hammerberg on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with full enrollment of 40 people between the two days. Lessons are open to men and women. The Monday group met for lunch followed by play at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday open play was held in the morning. Both groups wish to remind everyone that no advance signup is required for these times.

Couple’s Bridge, Anyone? This year, if there is enough interest, a couple’s bridge group is being considered. They will meet on Tuesday evening from 47 with the opportunity to go out for dinner after bridge. We would like to formulate a list of couples, any two people who might be interested in playing; therefore, if you think you would like to participate please e-mail Donna Nelson at [email protected] 9

ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Plans are well under way for the 100th Anniversary Gala to be held on July 22, 2006. The evening event will be held at Maxwelton Braes and include cocktails, a buffet dinner and fundraising auction. Separate mailings will announce details, but be sure to plan on being in Door County for the special event. The 100th anniversary is a rare chance to celebrate our past and look to our future. Save the date and plan on being present.

ANNIVERSARY AUCTION Suzanne Lisle Remember--the celebration of the founding of EYC will be marked by more special events in our anniversary year of 2006. The evening events will include a silent auction fundraiser; if you have not already done so, please consider items, services, and activity opportunities that could be donated or procured. We are in the process of accepting offers from members. Please let Suzanne Lisle know of any items or ideas you may have for this segment of our celebration.

EYC HISTORY George Carey Linda and I have been busy getting your Clubs centenary book together. We want to thank all of you who have sent us your contributions. Our goal is to have the book available for you by mid July, in time for the 100th Anniversary dinner, which you will learn all about in the spring letter. The price of the book will be discounted to members and their families. The plan now is to have the purchase information included in the late winter dues and sign up packet. Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the EYC will be a lot of fun. Summer 2006 will be one to remember.

PIER IMPROVEMENT George Carey At this writing your dock committee has been busy, and we are pleased to report some progress. As you know, our plan is to have a 100 X 20 ft. extension to the existing dock. This extension would angle off to the southwest of the current dock and provide us with much needed protection from west and northwest winds. The extension would further provide temporary dockage on the north side in a south wind. To date we have received permission to go forward from our Yacht Harbor neighbors and have now received the approval of the Village of Ephraim Coastal Management Committee. On October 10th, the plans were approved by the Village Board. After this process is completed the plans will go before the Wisconsin DNR for their approval. In the mean time we have made some wave studies and preliminary engineering studies to go with the plans to DNR. This has all taken some time to prepare, so when you see your committee members, Max Robinette, Dave Sauter and Bill Hoag; give them a good pat on the back. If successful, we hope to resume our fund raising campaign in the near future.

BOATS AND MOTORS George Carey The 2005 summer was another good year relative to the club-owned equipment. The three outboards performed without fail. There are times during the summer when our staff is called upon to rescue non EYC boats in trouble and it’s nice to know our motors are ready when needed. Your club made good use of the six Scot’s, six JY-15’s, and six Optimists. The Opti fleet will be expanded to eight boats next year with a replacement program going forward for the JY fleet. The Board’s 10

decision is to replace the JY with the 420. This beautiful little boat is the collegiate boat of choice in the country now. Below, two of our staff members, J.P. Pillat and Jason Brown, take it for a spin.

EYC 30th Annual Bratfest Bratfest 2005 was held in conjunction with the 100th EYC Regatta. A record turnout of 512 people ate 796 brats, 70 dozen ears of corn, 96 gallons of Michelob and 600 cans of soda. Wow! We’d like to thank Rosie, Bill and the Klein family for hosting another outstanding event. Thanks to all the volunteers for the hard work and dedication to make this such a huge success.

EYC JUNIOR ACTIVITIES Debby Heidler First and foremost, none of the events would have been successful had it not been for the support of the EYC staff and numerous parent volunteers—thank you! New to us all was our first event held at North Haven in Fish Creek on June 22nd. The 40+ in attendance enjoyed a good dinner and had fun playing tennis, volleyball, basketball and swimming in both the indoor and outdoor pools. There was something for everyone! Thank you to Nancy and Mike Konecny for organizing and hosting the successful event. We’ve already reserved the facility for the same day next year! Also, the Progressive Dinner was changed to the Kids’ Pot Luck this year. Due to the large number of kids who attend the events, it was difficult to find homes to host the different courses. It is my opinion that it is a lot to ask anyone to host 50 or more kids for anything! The Pot Luck worked well however, and the kids had fun. Events included the following: June 29—Bring your own dinner & mini golf at the Red Putter July 6 – AFT (Thank you Ruth Sauter!) July 13 – Scavenger Hunt & Ice Cream (Thank you Tricia Tuminello!) July 19 – Fun at White Fish Dunes State Park & bring your own dinner July 27 – Kids Pot Luck (included swimming off the dock, Bingo and painting old Scot sails) No event was held the last week of Session D due to the 100th Regatta


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