Eagles Cry, November 2004

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November 2004 In This Issue Commodore’s Comments……………Page 1 EYC Centennials…….Page 2 News Flash...……….. Page 2 First Mates….. . ……..Page 5 Lessons…..…………...Page 6 Boats & Motors……...Page 7 Pier Improvements…..Page 7 Scholarship Fund……Page 8 Officers and Directors of the Ephraim Yacht Club 2003-2004 George Carey (Commodore) Max Robinnette (Vice Commodore) John Peterson (Rear Commodore) Diane Taillon (Secretary) Paul Pillat (Treasurer) Suzanne Lisle Barbara Hambleton David Sauter Brud Sturgis Ryan Malmgren George Reynolds Scott Pearson The Eagle’s Cry is published periodically by the Ephraim Yacht Club, P.O. Box 331, Ephraim, WI 54211. For all questions regarding this correspondence, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.eyc.org Copyright 2004 by Ephraim Yacht Club. Photocopying, reproduction or quotation is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the publisher.

Ephraim, WI Commodore’s Comments It’s hard to believe another season at EYC has gone into the history books. Speaking of history, how about 100 seasons going into the history books! Preparations for next years 100th Regatta are well under way. And, don’t forget the celebration of our Clubs 100th Anniversary in 2006. Since the year 1906 saw the first Regatta, the 100th Regatta actually occurs a year before the Club’s anniversary. The activities for 2005 are highlighted in this issue. Our co-chair persons, Nancy Claypool and Don Nelson, are working hard to get everything ready for your enjoyment. YOU can participate by contacting them and ask to help out. In conjunction with the 100th activities we are also hosting the Midwest District Flying Scot Championship to be held the same weekend as the 100th Ephraim Regatta. Ryan Malmgren is chairing this event and will also need your help. This of course adds double duty for Frank and Sallie Heidler as they prepare for these big events. They have been our Race Committee Chairs for 28 or so years. That’s commitment!! The rumor is they will retire after next year and many memories

of past glories on the race course will become part of the true or not so true scuttlebutt around EYC. Other happenings are in the wind, so read on and discover, “what’s up”. Sadly, we report the premature deaths of Donald Klein and William Weborg. Both loved boating, and played together at the Ephraim beach when they were young boys. Our loving thoughts and sympathy are with these families. If you are aware of other EYC members who have passed away, please contact me for inclusion in future issues.

NEWS FLASH Just this minute I heard from our treasurer, Paul Pillat. We have, at long last, received 501c3 status from the IRS! This will allow tax deductible contributions to the club. If you have questions regarding gifts for this calendar year, please contact Paul to discuss tax issues. Thank you for all your hard work, Paul. George V. Carey Commodore

EYC Centennials…they are coming!! By: Nancy Claypool

You've been hearing about it and now the time has come. Next summer will be the Ephraim Yacht Club's 100th Regatta! As an added bonus, the club will also be hosting the Flying Scot Midwest District Championship in conjunction with our regatta. Ryan Malmgren has volunteered to be the

committee liaison for the Flying Scot Midwest District portion of our regatta. Not only do we want to have a great event for our club members, but a great event for visiting sailors and guests. Plan on having FUN and clear your calendars now for the weekend of August 5-7, 2005. As you've also read, in addition to sailing, we're planning on resurrecting some other activities that were held during the Ephraim Regatta which do not involve sailboats. These include the baby beauty contest, a kayak race, and other water activities. There will be something for everyone -- whether you're a participant or a spectator. Besides all the usual club responsibilities for the annual regatta, we will need additional volunteers for this event. There will be a special mailing that will go out detailing the activities that are shaping up and the various jobs for which you can sign up. Please note: you and your friends are welcome to sign up for more than one! Volunteering is a great way to get to know other club members as well as get to know our visiting sailors. Let's really show off the Ephraim Yacht Club and it's hospitality to the village of Ephraim, Door County, and our visiting sailors and dignitaries. Be on the look out for the mailing in early 2005. Volunteers can be sailors, non-sailors, adults and children. We are also looking for vintage EYC Regatta memorabilia -- programs, posters, photos, T-shirts, and the like. If you have anything you might be willing to lend to put on display or to allow us to


photograph for promotional materials, let us know. For those of you who are in contact with former EYC members who may not be active or live out-of-state, please let them know about our 100th so that they can save the date. We'd love to have a reunion of some of our regatta participants and champions from yesteryear. All suggestions, comments, and volunteers are welcome. Get in touch with either or both of our 100th cochairmen -- Nancy Claypool and Don Nelson. Nancy Claypool Home: (504) 899-0935 Home E-mail: [email protected] Work: (504) 593-0875 Work E-mail: [email protected] Don Nelson Home Until January 5th: (517) 2635192 Florida Until April 15th: (321) 4311577 Home Until June 15th: (517) 263-5192 Door County After June 15th: (920) 854-7248 E-mail: [email protected] 100th Anniversary of EYC The regatta next year will kick off the start of our 100th year which will be celebrated with the 100th anniversary of our club in the summer of 2006. We are planning a number of activities that have been detailed in previous Eagle's Cry

articles. We are pleased to announce that Sue Volkmann has agreed to chair our 100th banquet and Suzanne Lisle has agreed to chair our silent auction, both of which will be held the same evening at Maxwelton Braes. Weed Vail has already agreed to chair our boat parade with costumes from yesteryear! People are excited. So, there's more that will be happening with our 100th anniversary. Again, please contact Don or Nancy with suggestions or to volunteer. Thanks! Regatta Special From Flying Scot, Inc. Harry Carpenter, the builder of Flying Scots, has committed to come to our 100th regatta next year. As most of you know, the Flying Scot is one of the most versatile day sailor/racing boats on the market and is a Sailing Hall of Fame design. In conjunction with our 100th regatta, Harry has offered free delivery for any new Flying Scot for our regatta. The standard delivery charge to the Door Peninsula would be $650. If you are interested in ordering a new boat, he advises that it would be best to order the boat this fall and take advantage of the 2004 price. The increase for 2005 is likely to be around 5%. Flying Scot, Inc. is also offering $500 in free accessories this fall. Ryan Malmgren has just ordered a new Flying Scot and we look forward to the addition of new boats to our fleet. There's lots of information on the Flying Scot, Inc. website about the boat, a new boat order form and boat checklist. For further information, contact Harry Carpenter


and ask him about the Ephraim Regatta Special.

another report from Deep Float in time for our winter issue.

Harry Carpenter Flying Scot, Inc. 157 Cemetery Street Deer Park, MD 21550 1-800-864-7208 www.flyingscot.com

Midwest Districts

Attention All Past and Present Scot Owners: If you, a family member or friend are a Flying Scot owner, we would like that boat to participate in our 100th regatta. Our very own EYC Deep Throat (also known as Deep Float) has reported that some of our fleet members have boats that are flying below the radar somewhere in Door County -- stored in barns, garages, or back yards. Our EYC 100th regatta is a great reason to get these boats out of mothballs and back into commission! Oh -- so you won't be racing? Well, how about considering loaning your boat to a qualified club member to race in the regatta? What about returning alumni who would welcome the opportunity to get back out in a Scot for old time's sake? Get the idea? Let's break the record for the number of boats on the starting line on Saturday, August 6, 2005. There are qualified boat yards in Door County and elsewhere, including Flying Scot, Inc, the builder, which can assist you in fixing up any Flying Scot over the winter. Stay in touch with our EYC 100th chairs, Nancy Claypool and Don Nelson, if you have any sightings, learn of or need any information. We will get

By: Ryan Malmgren

You heard right: we will be hosting the Midwestern Districts in conjunction with the 100th Regatta! Although there is a lot to be done in preparation for this event – we anticipate an outstanding regatta. The additional boats coming from out of town (drawn by the combination of events) will only enhance our 100th regatta celebration. However, given the size and scope of this undertaking there will be an increased need for volunteers on all levels. We will need power boats on the water for safety and Scot towing – as well as people on the dock to assist with the details that are so important to hosting an event like this. If you will be able to give time as a volunteer at the 100th regatta, please let me or Nancy Claypool know (email is best) – so we can put you on our volunteer list. Ryan Malmgren Email: [email protected] Phone: 608/255-4287 Nancy Claypool Email: [email protected] Phone: 504/251-3926 100th Regatta Commemorative Sails By: Ryan Malmgren

My Mad Sails have been getting a lot of attention lately. I’ve received a bunch of sail orders, and have gone into production on a modest scale. I’ll be offering a special 100th commemorative edition of my sails (to EYC members only) which will have a special EYC 100th logo (still in the design phase).


Also, I will donate 10% of the cost of any EYC sail orders back to the club to help support our racing program. If you are interested in some new Scot sails for the 100th, please contact me at [email protected] or [email protected] -- and I will send you pricing information and try to answer any questions you may have. (note: my new website is currently under construction and should be up and running soon: www.madsails.com).

First Mates By: Linda Carey

The women of the Ephraim Yacht Club have again enjoyed a wonderful summer, full of camaraderie and beautifully accomplished events. Boating is only one of the nice things that go on at the club…relishing our friendships throughout the summer gets a very big rating as well. Of course, we began the season at the end of June with our Champagne Opening Social. It was wonderfully organized by Prilla Beadell, who managed to have everything in place even though she herself was out of town! Thank you Prilla, and we thank all the members who helped with greeting, nametags, and “pouring”, and all who brought wonderful Hors d’ouevres to enjoy. Thanks also to Di Taillon, who saw that the finish of the evening went perfectly, as well. July Fourth was an ice cream day…in temperature, as well as in the food we enjoyed. Our Ice Cream Social proved to be a fun event, thanks to being chaired

by Deanna and John Peterson, in spite of the VERY chilly weather. Many members came to partake of a few calories, prior to going off to watch fireworks…most of us wearing heavy clothing. Thanks to all who brought toppings for Sundaes, and special thanks to Steve Sauter, for donating the ice cream! July 15 saw our celebration of Founders Day. Joani Lewis ordered the cake, and everyone who attended brought their own meat to cook on the grill, and delicious food to share. This little party has become a nice tradition, and we have it whether there are races held on that evening or not. The First Mates’ Potluck Dinner on July 21st was again chaired by Susan Reynolds-Smith, Ann Crowe, and Gayle Crummer. We thank them heartily for another memorable evening. They had a great rapport with the weatherman, who sent a sunny afternoon and clear evening, with terrific Ephraim temperatures (not too hot…not too cold…just right!) Besides enjoying delicious food, and great conversation, we played a hilarious game and I think the laughter may have been heard all the way to Wilson’s! The Regatta Lunch was chaired by Nancy Pillat this year, and she reinstituted the sale of sandwiches on Sunday, as well as Saturday. We heard quite a few comments that this was appreciated. She had lots of ladies to help her with the sales and handing out of food, for both lunches and the continental breakfasts. Thank you Nancy, and all volunteers.


Following the annual regatta, we now have the EYC Ladies Regatta. This was the third year for this event, chaired by Donna Scattergood. Thank you Donna, for all your care in seeing that this race would go smoothly. A postponement was necessary, because the wind speed on the designated day was about 25 knots! Although there is no formal organization for the refreshments afterwards, all are invited to bring a nibble and some wine to share. It is loads of fun to watch the joy that the lady sailors derive from this event, and I recommend that you all consider spending some time on the bleachers next summer. The final party was the Commodore’s Cocktail Party, chaired by Susan Reynolds-Smith. It was again held at Bay Ridge Golf Course, and the Trenchards took care of many details, for which we are grateful. Thank you Susan, for a great job of organization, and thank you to the volunteer wine pourers, entry greeters / cashiers, and all members who provided a delectable array of appetizers. We all hate to say good bye to one another, and to summer, but the schedule for 2005 is already being considered, so we will look forward to another delightful season.

Lessons & Racing By: David Sauter

The 2004 season was a challenge for our club and staff as well. The adoption of the Optimist Sailing Dinghy as our club trainer and youth racer has been a great success. The ‘funny looking little boat” has caught on and the kids are loving it. EYC sponsored the first Opti Regatta,

with sailors from Sturgeon Bay, with terrific results. More is planned for next year. Our regular lesson program provided instruction to 204 kids. This included another first time offering, that being the introduction of the Learn to Sail program for first timers. The class took place three afternoons per week. The kids enjoyed it and so did the instructors. The staff responded well to these many challenges throughout the summer. They will all be veterans for sure next year. A major part of our program, of course, is the many racing opportunities offered to the kids as well as the adults. Following are lists of the various events and the sailors who participated, as provided by George Carey, Skipper Harsch, Matt Smith, & Woody Heidler. Saturday Flying Scot Series 1. Pillat’s T-Bone 2. The Brown Family 3. The Lewis’s and Abigail Harlan Flying Scot “A” Series 1. Hugh Haggerty 2. Lewis & Harlan 3. The Browns Flying Scot “B” Series 1. Christian Pillat 2. Hugh Haggerty 3. The Browns Optimist Series 1. Alden Crowe 2. Stephan Peterson 3. Isak Peterson


JY-15’s 1. Carter Crowe 2. Matt Smith 3. Alden Crowe Richie Hall Junior Regatta 1. Jillian & Jason Brown 2. Woody Heidler, Amanda Steele, Forest Gmitro 3. Stafford Taillon & Matt Christofferson Optimist Regatta 1. Matt Smith 2. Opti Sailor (Milwaukee) 3. Isak Peterson Sunfish Regatta 1. Allison Chase 2. Skip Heidler 3. Woody Heidler

Pier Improvements By: George Carey

Your Board has been very busy this last year working towards the realization of extending our dock to create a safer boating opportunity for our students and members. You have already received a packet asking for your help in supporting this endeavor. If you have not done so already, please return your pledge card and be part of our exciting addition. There will be a beautiful plaque created to honor all our contributors! At this writing the approvals needed from the three co-applicants, The Village of Ephraim, The Ephraim Yacht Club and the Ephraim Yacht Harbor, have been circulated for attachment to the DNR permit request. Once this approval is received, construction can start. It is the desire of all parties, however, not to

have construction during our regular boating season. I want to thank two members in particular, outside the Board, who have contributed their time and talent to this project and other matters as they have evolved throughout the year. These two men are, Collin Dahl and Bill Hoag. I also want to thank Chuck Pearson, Lou Kahn, Mike Lisle, Eric Johnson & Dick Christenson for their contributions in keeping this Commodore going. In addition, I want to add my thanks to the owners of the Ephraim Yacht Harbor for their good spirits in getting this project moving.

Boats and Motors By: George Reynolds

All of our equipment made it through the season with flying colors, some more colorful than others, however. The two newest outboards are doing great. The older one has more usefulness in its future, but we need to plan ahead here. And speaking of planning ahead, the Scot fleet will need some plasma pretty soon. Part of the fund raising program will go towards speeding up our boat rotations and possibly replacing the JY 15 fleet with the favorite collegiate boat, the 420. This would give us three great classes of boats for student and member usage: the Scot, the 420 and the Optimist. It has been the practice for many years that EYC members, who are qualified, may have free use of club boats. We have found that, on several occasions, there has been damage done to our boats, without the club being compensated for


the cost of repairs. This problem will receive attention at next year’s Board meeting and any changes in the usage of these boats will be announced in the spring Eagle’s Cry.

Scholarship Fund Announced By Diane Taillon

EYC is in the process of formalizing a sailing scholarship to be given from time to time to deserving, up and coming, young sailors. We wish to thank Bill Hoag for getting this project off the ground with a wonderful donation in memory of his father, Mr. William E. “Red” Hoag. The fund will be called the “Red Fund”. Other donations were received from Katherine Sturgis, and Anne West to help spearhead the project. Our thanks to these far-seeing members. If you would like to donate to this fund, please contact me and we can discuss the ways to do this. At this writing, the Club has just learned that the IRS has granted us 501c3 status which allows you to give tax deductible gifts to the club. The fund will identify deserving youths.

99th Ephraim Regatta By Nancy Claypool

Defending champions Ryan Malmgren and his wife and crew, Kimber, took home top honors at the 99th annual Ephraim Regatta. The Malmgrens, of Sister Bay and Madison, WI, won all four races in the competitive Flying Scot fleet. (Ordinarily there are five races in the regatta, but wind conditions, or the lack thereof, called for one race to be cancelled.) Tim DeVries and Mark Van Egeren, the regatta’s second and third

place finishers, also hailed from Madison. Christian Pillat, 15, of Egg Harbor and Roswell, GA, finished fourth, and Jason Brown, 18, of Little Sister Bay and Wilmette, IL, was fifth. Race conditions could best be described as challenging. The wind was either pushing the Flying Scots to their limits, or abandoning them entirely. The wind was blowing 20 to 25 knots out of the north on Saturday morning. Most sailors were focusing on how not to break equipment or capsize. In fact, one of the first boats out to the start of the first race returned to the dock after breaking a boom! In keeping with its fickle nature, the wind that kept sailors on their toes for two morning races evaporated by lunchtime. Some racers had to be towed to the starting area after lunch, and they were nearly 20 minutes into the race before a few boats drifted across the starting line. With no one even near the first mark after an hour, the EYC race committee abandoned racing for the day. The winds picked up again Sunday morning, out of the southeast. Between the upwind race tactics coming into play and the myriad of spinnakers ballooning across Eagle Harbor on the downwind legs, the Ephraim Regatta’s final race day was an exciting one. In an interesting footnote, DeVries learned prior to the first race that a husband-and-wife team had withdrawn from competition due to the rough conditions. Rather than leave anyone on the dock who wanted to race, DeVries asked the husband to come aboard his boat as crew—an action that might have contributed to his secondplace finish, yet one that also exemplified the spirit of fellowship for


which the Ephraim Regatta has always been known. At the awards ceremony, DeVries acknowledged that this year’s regatta was an opportunity for sailors to test their skills, their boats, and their gear in heavy air. If taking on extra crew had affected his boat’s performance, he didn’t seem to mind. “This has been awesome,” he said. “We had a great time. This regatta always feels like coming home.” BRAT FEST By Linda Carey

What would regatta weekend be without the Klein’s wonderful Bratfest! They have hosted it for so many years, that it has become a treasured tradition. Racers who come from out-of-town have been heard to inquire as to whether there will be the annual brat party, so we members aren’t the only ones who love this event. This year had another large attendance, with very little food leftover. The Kleins very kindly donate the proceeds to the club at the annual meeting, and we thank them very much…not just for the contribution to the treasury, but mostly for giving us an evening of such great camaraderie!

2004 Junior Activities By Debby Heidler

Yet again, the EYC Junior Activities were great fun this past summer. Average attendance was around 40 at all events! Activities, for youth age 9 and up, were held every Wednesday and included the following: dinner at the club and miniature golf at the Red Putter, concert in the park in Sister Bay, dinner and a movie at the EYC, American Folklore Theatre, the Scavenger Hunt and the Progressive Dinner. Weather hampered some of our plans, but we made the best of it. Sincere thanks go out to Skip Harsch and the EYC Staff, and the many parent volunteers, all who made the events possible, and my job very easy! This spring, we’ll be looking for input, from both youth and parents, regarding activities for the 2005 season. Plans are currently being made to schedule an event at the Peninsula Art School! Contact me by phone, 630-655-2548, or email [email protected]. I would greatly appreciate any and all ideas for next summer!

NEW BOARD MEMBER ELECTED Please welcome Scott Pearson as your new Board member. Scott has a super wife, Duska, and three future sailors, Annika, Gretchen & Ingrid. Scott will be a great addition.


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