Eagles Cry, October 2003

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Commodore’s Corner


Having the benefit of John Peterson’s excellent layout for the Eagle’s Cry, I will venture into my first issue hoping the result will be equally pleasing and informative. And give John your hearty appreciation for a job well done as Commodore the next time you see him. This fall issue will deal primarily with the events of our ever growing number of young members and their activities for 2003. Making these events a success takes dedication, love of kids, and in many instances, perseverance. It also takes great kids and in this case we have a lot to be grateful for. Those working directly with our youth and contributing to this success were: Sarah Lisle, Larry Lewis, Malcolm “Skipper” Harsch, Travis Lyon, Jason Brown, J.P. Pillat, Christian Pillat, Hugh Haggerty, Debby Heidler, Suzanne Lisle, Rich Hall, Diane Taillon, John & Deanna Peterson, Tricia Tuemminello, Vicki Bowers, Anne Crowe, Karen Brown, David Sauter, and 182 students and their MOMS! Take pleasure in the following articles. One look at the EYC summer calendar tells us of the huge role our First Mates play in the life of our Club. Please thank Deanna Peterson for a great job putting

In This Issue Commodore’s Corner………..……... Page 1 Junior Activities…….. Page 2 Education…………….. Page 2 Staff Directors Report. Page 3 Roving Reporter…… Page 4 98th Ephraim Regatta...Page 6 Bylaw Clarification… Page 9 Clubhouse Notes…….. Page 9 First Mate’s News…….Page 10 Bridge…………………Page 10 Officers and Directors of the Ephraim Yacht Club 2003-2004 George Carey (Commodore) Max Robinette (Vice Commodore) John Peterson (Rear Commodore) Diane Taillon (Secretary) Paul Pillat (Treasurer) Barbara Hambleton Debby Heidler David Sauter Brud Sturgis Suzanne Lisle Ryan Malmgren George Reynolds The Eagle’s Cry is published periodically by the Ephraim Yacht Club, P.O. Box 331, Ephraim, WI 54211. For all questions regarding this correspondence, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.eyc.org Copyright 2003 by Ephraim Yacht Club. Photocopying, reproduction or quotation is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the publisher.


these events together with her wonderful band of volunteers. More on them later.

main meal at Sturgis and THEN, dessert and Dancing at Crowe’s? How does this all happen? Ask Allison Huey! She’s cool. August 6 After all that? Its time to chill out at the clubhouse for a movie and dessert. 25 of our best attended.

Finally, your roving reporter, Larry Lewis, has some “ event news” for you. George V Carey, Commodore

EYC/Jr. Activities By Debby Heidler

Explorers (age 8 and younger)

June 18 Hike to Peninsula State Park with 15 in attendance. Debby Heidler and John Peterson chaired the event. June 25 BYO sack dinner at The Red Putter with 25 in attendance. Red Putter, “Bob” said the EYC kids were the most well behaved group they had all summer! July2 Water Olympics, Greased watermelon, Football and the ever-popular S’mores. 38 kids in attendance. Fun chaired by Debby Heidler. July 9 Beach Picnics at Lakeside Beach in Jacksonport plus sand castle contest. 31 attended. Our thanks to Tricia Tuemminello and Vicki Bowers for chairing this event. July 16 47 attended the always-popular “Scavenger Hunt”, chaired by Anne Crowe. Credit 2 full bags of food from the 1st Baptist Church of Sister Bay. July 24 EYC is not without culture! How about 30 kids attending “ Much Ado About Nothing” at the Door Shakespeare Theater. Thanks, Karen Brown, for chairing this event. July 30 Are you hungry? Join 45 kids for a Progressive Dinner: How about appetizers and games at Heidler’s, the

The Explorers (kids who are too young for the sailing program) finally have some involvement in EYC, now that a program has been devised expressly for them. The co-chairs this summer were Debby Heidler and Deanna Peterson. They met four times, and enjoyed the following outings: 1. Orientation at EYC, to meet the staff and see the facilities 2. A Beach Picnic 3. Hands On Gallery, where they painted ceramics 4. Trip to The Farm All those who participated had great fun, and met many new friends.

Ephraim Sesquicentennial By George Carey

EYC was privileged to participate in this wonderful celebration of Ephraim’s 150th birthday. Through the efforts of many EYC members, the Club sponsored a traditional “Venetian Night” parade of exquisitely decorated boats, in an early evening parade around Ephraim Harbor. Despite an early evening storm, complete with rain, thunder and lighting, to each boat’s credit, they hung in there and put on a good show! The Club produced eight boats for the parade. Later I learned that this was the most boats of several parades held in the area. Our hats are off to those brave skippers, 2

which include; John and Deanna Peterson, Max Robinette, Chris Bungner, Mike and Suzanne Lisle, John Cox and the Ephraim fireboat with George Carey and Scott Weborg as crew, Weed and Betty Vail, Charley Green and Charley Schult.

recall, Mrs. Reynolds (Jean) served in this capacity several years ago. It’s great to have a family member on board again. Returning to the board are Diane Taillon, Barbara Hambleton, and Suzanne Lisle. We also want to thank our outgoing member, Bill Calkins, for his faithful service to EYC.



By David Sauter, Chair

2003 was a summer of high enthusiasm, with great improvements made to the fleets and the clubhouse, high lesson enrollment and super participation in the yacht club’s many events.

Wow! What a year for EYC and of course it all happens with some terrific people on our staff and all the participants. Thank you Larry Lewis, for nurturing our adult sailing program to new levels. Also, Larry, thanks for helping integrate the new Optimist beginning boat into our lesson program. Hats off to Jack McCoy for steering the club in this direction. The Opti is the International standard now for beginners. More will be done this winter to further our knowledge in the use of these boats. We are all pleased with the growing number of students from the surrounding Ephraim area and their parents’ involvement as well. Our newly renovated club facilities have certainly added to the success of our programs, so thanks again to all who worked so hard on this project. Going forward, we have some challenges to address. We have a growing program and limited space. Some creative ideas are being discussed. Some increase in water levels will help. So all of you with water level expertise please get busy!

EYC really had a great staff this year. Larry Lewis, Jason Brown and JP Pillat returned this year plus we were fortunate to have new members; Skip Harsch, Travis Lyon, Christian Pillat and Hugh Haggery. I also want to thank the exceptional group of volunteers. Without you the staff would not be able to perform its job. Another record in enrollment numbers greeted 2003. Session A: 31 students, Session B: 50 students, Session C: 56 students, Session D: 45 students, totaling 182! For the year 2002: 143 students. For 2001: 128 students. Our lesson programs are a terrific way to get kids involved with the club, building sailing skills and interacting through teamwork with their fellow students. This gives EYC an excellent opportunity to foster and further develop interest for the future. We were able to replace two old and unsafe Scots this year with newer ones, plus the addition of 3 new Optimist trainers gave us a well-rounded fleet. The Opti’s filled a need by helping our younger beginning sailors gain

New Board Member Elected By: George Carey

Please welcome George Reynolds as your new board member. As you may 3

confidence and experience on the water. The Sunfish and JYs were used for intermediate students to work on boat handling skills, and for the advanced students to work on their racing skills. While four fleets of boats may seem like a lot, I feel that each fleet serves a different purpose and should be maintained. By having a greater variety of boats, as well as reliable motorboats, the instructors were able to meet the needs of our students. On a final note, I want to thank everyone for making this an incredible season for the club. I hope the growth and enthusiasm continues. I have greatly enjoyed my six years working at the yacht club and would like to thank all of the EYC members personally for making it such a special experience for me. Please enjoy the following race results. All our kids were special this year.

1. Hugh Haggerty 22.5 pts 2. Tom Sublewski 71 pts 3. Jason Brown 78.5 pts Tuesday/ Friday Sunfish Series B 1. Woody Heidler .75 pts 2. Libby Hambleton 2 pts 3. Alec Thomas 4 pts Saturday Flying Scot 1. Larry Lewis 48.75 pts 2. Mike Faugust 72 pts 3. Jason Brown 111 pts Sunday Sunfish 1. Walker Fults 7.5 pts 2. Elliott Crowe 8.75 pts 3. Carter Crowe 8.75 pts Congratulations to our new junior skippers: Junior Skippers: 1. Jillian Brown 2. Carter Crowe 3. Elliott Crowe 4. Woody Heidler

Ephraim Yacht Club Series Race Results 2003 Monday/ Thursday JY 15 Series A 1. Hugh Haggerty 5.5 pts 2. Woody Heidler 7 pts 3. Stafford Taillon 8 pts

All of the events are staffed and planned by volunteers and we are very thankful for the people who donated their time this year.

Monday/ Thursday Flying Scot Series A 1. Hugh Haggerty 12.25 pts 2. Christian Pillat 40.5 pts 3. Jason Brown 51 pts

Roving Reporter By Larry Lewis

EPHRAIM YACHT CLUB LADIES REGATTA: Or affectionately called NEWFOR by myself. The afternoon of August 6 started slowly, very slowly in fact. Threatening clouds to the North and winds that might almost have been considered drifting, greeted the seven Flying Scots and their crews. The Claypool girls had it to themselves in the first race, starting and staying first, as was their wont in the inaugural of this

Tuesday/ Friday Sunfish Series A 1. Matt Smith 2.75 pts 2. Walker Fults 2.75 pts 3. Ali Scattergood 7 pts Monday/ Thursday JY 15 Series A NO RACES Monday/Thursday Flying Scot Series B


event in 2002. But off to the West black clouds began to appear, and with them came some black water! All of a sudden the competition became fierce. The last race finished with boats planing under Spinnaker. Four boats were overlapped and planing at the finish just behind the Claypool kids.

August 10 saw the “Home Team” (Stafford Taillon & Matt Christofferson) come through with the gold, but the “New Trier Team” (The Browns) was breathing down their throats at the end. The Peachtree Boys (The Pillats) decided that school back in Atlanta took priority.

In the end the results were the same, three bullets for Nancy and Carol. Susan Smith, and Joani Lewis, in their boat, actually led at the first mark, showing the Claypools a boat’s stern for the first time in two years! The Smith/ Lewis boat had finish numbers of 2-2-3 to take a second place. They very narrowly squeaked ahead of EYC Director, Sarah Lisle, Debby Heidler and Liz Soblewski. Their finishes were 4-3-2.

Stafford and Matt of Ephraim sailed a very consistent 1-2-2 to edge Jillian and Jason Brown, who went the wrong way in race one but then found their speed and won the last two races finishing second overall. Christian Pillat and brother J.P., last year’s top two finishers, were enjoying 100-degree weather in Atlanta, considered to be a desirable atmosphere for study. Winds were light from the north and the planned 5 races were shortened to 3. For a while it looked as though it was going to be a real dogfight between Stafford and Carter Crowe with crew, Justin Puicis, having numbers of 2-3-4 to take third place. Woody Heidler with Isak Peterson and Lindsey Steele took a 3-4-3, but with good starts in the last two races, the Browns were back in the hunt.

Former Director, Sarah Lott, showed the spirit of this Regatta, taking a crew of five to the starting line including her young cousins. Christine Bridenhagen made it a family affair, sailing with Deanna Peterson, and her daughter Heidi. Heidi, heretofore a non-sailor, vowed to come back after a nice experience. Nan Zimdars Hoesly with Carol Meiners Bolinger & Gail Sleeting, & Leslie Vail Harsch with Peggy Sturgis Lott and Prilla Larsen Beadell, skippered boats with skill and the wisdom of experience, but could not beat the whippersnappers. They all vow to be in the money next year. The women say they are sailing for fun, and indeed they seemed to have been having a great time, but at home some husbands have reported hearing mutterings, such as “We are going to beat those Claypool’s next year”. THE RICHIE REGATTA


Richie Hall was on hand to help run the Regatta and of course present the Richie Hall Trophy to the winner. Matt Smith, Walker Fults and Justin Puicis won a new award, sponsored by Bob Davis, for Seamanship. The prize is given to the crew that best exemplifies the proper care and respect for our boats and equipment. More about this in the spring letter.



Lori Pothast and Kelly Mazeski stepped off their Scot, with fists raised in


triumph: “Mom Power”, they cried, after braving a 20-25 knot Nor’easter, screaming back and forth across Eagle Harbor in only their 2nd lesson!! Joani Balistreri called her son in Alaska after ghosting in from a sunset/moonlight cruise to Fred and Fuzzy’s. “This was one of the best experiences of my life,” she told Michael. Abagail Harlan waited for three hours for the lessons in front of her to conclude so she could sail across the harbor in a lot more wind than she had ever seen before. She wants to cancel camp plans next year and sail in Eagle Harbor. Allie Dearborn went home and told her grandparents she wants to teach at EYC when she is old enough.

Hogwarts Express, the current Flying Scot Midwest District champion prevailed over a fleet of 19 boats in five races. The 98th annual regatta, hailed as the oldest continuous annual regatta in the United States, was sailed over Saturday and Sunday, August 2-3, 2003. The Malmgrens, of Madison/Sister Bay, took the Vail Cup as winner of the first race and the Wisconsin Cup, for being in first place after the first three races. They also were awarded the Hanselman trophy as the winner of the last race and the Peder Knudson trophy for the highest placing husband and wife team. Jay Lott, of Saukville, with his brother, Ted, of Ephraim, took second place overall and were also awarded the Charlie Sauter trophy as the winners of the first race on Sunday. The husband and wife team of Mike and Jennifer Faugust of Green Bay took third. Fourth place went to Hugh Haggerty of Dallas, Texas/Fish Creek, a sophomore at Texas A&M University, Galveston, racing with crew, Woody Heidler, Hinsdale, Illinois/Sister Bay, age 11, and Matt Smith of Kansas City, Missouri / Ephraim, age 12. Fifth place was taken by the former sailing instructor team of Jon Beadell, skipper, and Mike Koenig, crew, who joined forces to compete. Jon is currently working at the Smithsonian Lab in Washington, D.C. while pursuing his doctorate in biology; Mike is entering his third year of law school at Duke University.

A feature of the program was the late afternoon lesson outings conducted by myself (Larry), Rich Hall, Donna Scattergood, Sarah Lisle and Travis Lyon. Trips to Fred and Fuzzy are frequently ended with a tow back, but with gorgeous weather with deep pink sunsets and full, rising moons. A trip to Chambers Island is being planned with the participants being “ on call” when the Chambers Island Day gets the green light from a nice steady southerly. Lessons are available every day at the club with a sign up sheet posted every two weeks. Come enjoy with us!

The Sturgis trophy, for the highest ranking junior sailor, age 18 and under, went, for the second year in a row, to Jason Brown, age 17, of Wilmette, Illinois/Sister Bay. Jason’s crew was Lindsay Scattergood, age 15, of Green Bay/Sister Bay, and his father, Kirk Brown.

98th Ephraim Regatta Results By Nancy Claypool

It was a “three-peat” for Ryan Malmgren and his wife and crew, Kimber, winning the Ephraim Regatta for the third year in a row. Sailing Flying Scot 2922,


The regatta started off Saturday, August 2nd with lifting fog and no wind. By the time of the skipper’s meeting, there was a slight breeze. With the light wind, racers were anxious to get into starting positions with undisturbed air. Because a significant number of aggressive racers were over the starting line at the start of races two and three, the Race Committee declared a general recall for both starts and restarted the races. Racers, who always have an explanation as to why they didn’t place as well as they would have liked, could be heard up and down the dock at the end of the day talking about what great starts they had before being called back for a general recall.

should be doing differently. Peterson has skippered in numerous past regattas with his wife, Deanna, as crew. She enjoyed hearing how he, for a change, had to jump through hoops to do all the crew work she usually performs, and was still told by Isak that he’d forgotten to raise the centerboard on the downwind leg of the course. The Malmgrens took a second, first and second on Saturday. The Lotts took a first, third, and fourth. The Faugusts took a fourth, second and first. With the Malmgrens in first place through the first three races, Lott said that he was in possible contention for first place after Saturday and was hoping for windier conditions on Sunday. To do so, he needed to win the last two races and have one boat between him and the Malmgrens.

Racers who had a light-weight crew were at a distinct advantage Saturday. Skippers must declare their crew members with the Race Committee before the start of the first race and may not change crew during a regatta. Based on the constantly changing wind conditions in Eagle Harbor, it can be a toss-up as to whether to race with light, medium or heavy crew. Once you decide, there are no substitutions. Larry Lewis, sailing with his wife Joani as crew, outperformed many on Saturday with his new racing sails in the light air. As Larry said, “They were great in getting you out of tight places.”

However, not to be totally consumed with racing, Jay picked up his girlfriend, Heather Cardwell, of Watertown, on Saturday after racing, to take her to the traditional bratfest and corn roast hosted for the sailors by Bill and Rosie Klein of Fish Creek. On the way, Jay told her that he wanted to climb the tower in Peninsula State Park. She wasn’t particularly interested, but using the ruse that he wanted to go to the top to get some pictures of them, he persisted and she relented. Armed with a backpack containing what she thought was just a camera, they made the climb. When they got to the top observation deck, he asked one of the bystanders to take their picture. Then, moving over to a corner of the deck, he asked her to marry him. When she said, “yes”, he presented her with a diamond ring and pulled out a bottle of champagne. Lott popped the cork and served everyone on the deck. After toasting, they again posed for the

Isak Peterson, age 11, of Sister Bay, was the youngest skipper. He told his father, Commodore John Peterson, the week before the regatta that he’d like to race. Having just sold their 1960’s Flying Scot number 888, with the idea of looking for a newer one, the Commodore worked quickly to rustle up a boat from his sister, Christine Bridenhagen. Isak did a commendable job skippering. With his father as crew, this light-weight twosome easily passed other boats who looked over and wondered what they 7

“after” pictures to the delight of the onlookers. Back to the racing.

he wanted to turn the basement into a sail loft which needs a parquet floor on which to spread out, cut and sew sails!

On Sunday, the Race Committee postponed the races for about an hour because of no wind. At the first sight of breeze, the boats were directed to get out on the water. By the time the racers got out to the course, the wind had steadily picked up and was close to 15 miles an hour. This made a number of racers very happy. Lott won the first race Sunday and could have conceivably gotten a first overall as planned, but in the second race, the last race of the series, he fouled a boat in a port/starboard right-of-way situation. He was on port tack and was required to keep clear of a starboard tack boat. He steered to duck below it, but didn’t clear it and touched boat 2611. To exonerate himself, he was required to do a 720 (two 360 degree turns as a penalty). He had now fallen back to sixth place because of his “bad duck”, but worked to finish in third place. The Malmgrens who again placed second and first on Sunday were able to clinch first place in the regatta.

Hugh Haggerty who placed fourth in his first Ephraim Regatta said that he concentrated on sailing his own race. He came up with his plan before or during each starting sequence and tried to determine where the wind was coming from. He started on the favored end of the starting line and knew where he wanted to go after the start. He said that he monitored his plan and stuck with it. Missing on the water this year were the legendary Sauter brothers, Steve and Dave, heavy wind specialists, who took a pass on racing when they assessed that the wind might not get over 8 miles an hour on Saturday. Also missing was Paul Newton, of Green Bay, a past winner. He was in New York and was unable to come at the last minute. He asked the Faugusts to sail his boat, Vatican Smoke, and called to find out that they finished in a very respectable third place. The regatta had something for everyone including plenty of “woulda, coulda, shouldas”. There’s always next year. Everyone has a year to practice and tune up for the 99th regatta that will be held on the first weekend in August in 2004.

Malmgren said that there was a great field of competitors. His strategy was to start well and play the wind shifts. He also attributed his success to “awesome” crew work. Kimber made no mistakes. Malmgren also raced with brand new sails he designed and made. After working in a sail loft in Seattle a number of years ago, Malmgren decided that he wanted to make sails to his own specifications. They were recently measured in at the Midwest district championship and met all the class requirements. Kimber said that, when they were fixing up the basement in their house in Madison, she thought it was just wonderful that he wanted a nice parquet floor. Little did she know that

MAKING IT ALL HAPPEN Coming through, as the Champs that they are, are Frank and Sallie Heidler and their wonderful race committee. This years group included veterans Weed Vail, Mary Johnson, Mike and Suzanne Lisle, Lindy and Max Robinette on the new committee boat owned by Allen Meilinger. Lal Burridge and Guy Bush set the marks again. Arv Munson served as safety officer with Bob Davis 8

and Don Polzin heading up the protest committee. All have agreed to return in 2004, according to Sallie.

Honorary: May be elected by the Board of Directors for one year. They pay no dues or fees and have no vote. It should be noted that junior members can upgrade to become Family members when they become 25 and not pay the initiation fee, if they do so at the time of their 25th birthday. (Parents – what a great gift to pay the first year’s dues for your child so their access to full use of the club can continue). If there is a gap between the junior member’s 25th birthday (which terminates their junior membership) and their becoming a family member, the waiver of the initiation fee no longer applies.

THE BRAT FEST By: George Carey, Commodore

Hands down, the Brat Fest is the club’s most popular event, attracting over 350 members and guests every year: twentyeight to be exact! The Klein family has certainly earned our most heartfelt thanks for all they do for EYC. EYC BYLAW CLARIFICATION By: Suzanne Lisle


On occasion, there is some confusion as to membership categories at the club, so the following is offered for clarification.

By: Suzanne Lisle

The new trophy case and storage cabinetry were admired by all from whom we heard comments this summer. It was a pleasure to see our trophies well displayed along with the narratives that George Carey created, providing the background of some things we had seen for years but whose history we had not realized. If you didn’t visit the upstairs of the clubhouse this summer, be sure to do so next summer. The new furnishings were similarly well received and enjoyed by all that used them. We are particularly grateful for the challenge grant provided by an anonymous donor, and extend thanks to all who contributed in response to the challenge. The navy, white and red nautical appearance nicely complements the work done by the restoration committee. A second anonymous donor came forth with new banquet tables this summer to replace the old and unwieldy wooden ones. There wasn’t an event chairman (or staff member) who was not grateful

Family membership: ($100.00) is offered to an individual and his/her spouse. It includes a voting membership, full use of boats and full participation in all the social events of the club. Junior membership: This includes those under the age of 25, unmarried, who are children of Family, Life, or Honorary members. Junior members pay no dues or fees and have no vote. Life membership: Same as Family except for life. (Note: not currently offered, but was offered in the 1980’s, and those members pay only the house and dock assessment, not dues). Student membership ($35.00) is offered for those children wishing to take lessons but whose parents are not club members. They have no vote.


to have the new and more manageable tables on hand for all of the summer activities. Our next task for the clubhouse will be to cull some of the tired card tables and chairs and look for a better means to store chairs when not in use. (If you have seen small racks to contain or hold 12 chairs, please share the information).

The Ladies of EYC had another busy and event-filled year. Thanks to having Deanna Peterson at the helm, and to the willingness of everyone to help, all went smoothly. We were all happy to see so many familiar faces, and equally happy to greet many new ones. We are anxious for all new members to know that they are most welcome to join us.


Each year we know that we will be organizing six events: the Champagne Opening Social, the Ice Cream Social, the Founder’s Day Potluck, the First Mate’s Potluck Dinner, the Regatta Lunch, and the Commodore’s Cocktail Party. Following is a quick summary of each.

By Suzanne Lisle

The two periods of open play on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings were well attended this year. The Monday group continued to have lunch at the club before playing. The Tuesday group began with coffee followed by playing. Both groups want to encourage members to participate in either of those times again next year. Pre-registration is not necessary and all are welcome. The attractive furnishings and beautiful new storage for supplies were well received and appreciated by the members. Bridge lessons again proved to be a very popular offering. Our instructor, Norma Hammerberg, returned this season to lead both levels of instruction. An advanced beginner class continued from the previous summer with an enrollment of 16 and the intermediate class was full with 24 students. Due to the high interest in these classes, we want to remind you to watch for the mailing in February for next year’s enrollment forms and return them promptly if you wish to participate in classes. The students continued to meet after the six weeks of scheduled instruction for further practice hands based on the text lessons.

The Champagne Opening Social was held on Saturday, June 28th, on a gloomy, rainy, chilly evening. None of those three adjectives had anything to do with the event itself, as it was well attended, everyone was eager to greet old friends again, delicious appetizers were produced, and a good time was had by all. Our thanks to Prilla Beadell and Di Taillon for arranging a great party, and thanks to the helpful men who took over the job of pouring. Sunshine and pleasant temperatures greeted all who came to the Ice Cream Social on the Fourth of July. We are grateful to Barbara Kahn and Gail and Nick Anderson for taking care of this event. No extra calories were consumed by the addition of thick toppings on the dishes of ice cream, even when seconds were served! This year there was some ice cream left over, and the kids certainly enjoyed polishing it off after sailing lessons.

First Mate’s News Submitted by Linda Carey


July 17th was another beautiful day, a perfect time to gather to celebrate Founder’s Day. A terrific potluck supper and cookout was held during and after the Thursday evening races, and a large number of folks participated. Thank you, Joani Lewis, for organizing the party. The evening was well concluded with the big anniversary cake and a gorgeous sunset.

Reynolds Smith and Joani Lewis. They had lots of help, from the ladies who manned the “ticket tables” to the men who poured the wine, to all of the members who provided such delectable appetizers. An absolutely glorious day didn’t hurt either! T-Shirts haven’t always been a part of the First Mate’s responsibility, but this year was an exception. Because of her knowledge and expertise in the garment area, Susan Reynolds Smith offered to order and sell the Regatta T-Shirts, and………….to design and order numerous other types of EYC T-shirts, caps, totes bags, and fleece vests and jackets. Susan sold these throughout the summer, usually from the back of her car! This became a major fund-raiser for EYC. The entire club has benefited from this venture, as Susan turned over profits of about $4000.00 to the treasurer! Hurrah for new ideas and for energetic people to carry them through. Thank you Susan!

A really large number of women turned out for the annual First Mate’s Potluck Dinner on Tuesday, July 22nd. The evening was beautifully arranged by Susan Reynolds Smith, Anne Crowe, and Gayle Crummer. As usual, the food was outstanding. The appetizers were served downstairs, and we all went upstairs for the dinner. During the meal, delightful musical selections were provided by junior members, Matt Smith and Carter Crowe. We all enjoyed their presentation, and appreciate their willingness to perform for us. August 2nd brought the start of the 98th Annual Regatta, and it was also the day to provide the Regatta Lunch. We extend thanks to Megan Thomas and her committee for taking care of obtaining all the food, and for staffing the tables to sell it to the hot and tired sailors, plus others who were around to enjoy the day.

Congratulations EYC Members. You’re the greatest! And have been for 97 consecutive years. Keep up the good work. More in the spring issue.

The Commodore’s Cocktail Party is a delightful event, both happy and sad. It is happy because it concludes a great week of fun on the water, and sad because it seems to signal the end of summer. We again held the party at the Bay Ridge Golf Course, and we thank the Trenchards for providing such a wonderful setting. The evening was under the able direction of Susan


George V Carey, Commodore

P O Box 438 Ephraim, WI 54211


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