Eagles Cry, April 2005

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Ephraim, Wisconsin

April 2005 In This Issue Commodore’s Comments……………Page 1 Lessons……………….Page 2 EYC Centennials.....…Page 4 Junior Activities……..Page 5 First Mates…………...Page 6 Bridge………………...Page 6 Dock Improvements....Page 7 EYC Merchandise….. Page 8 Officers and Directors of the Ephraim Yacht Club George Carey (Commodore) Max Robinnette (Vice Commodore) John Peterson (Rear Commodore) Diane Taillon (Secretary) Paul Pillat (Treasurer) Suzanne Lisle Barbara Hambleton David Sauter Brud Sturgis Ryan Malmgren George Reynolds Scott Pearson The Eagle’s Cry is published periodically by the Ephraim Yacht Club, P.O. Box 331, Ephraim, WI 54211. For all questions regarding this correspondence, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.eyc.org Copyright 2005 by Ephraim Yacht Club. Photocopying, reproduction or quotation is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the publisher.

Commodore’s Comments Ready, get set, GO! The 2005 summer season is just around the corner and what a season it will be. In the following articles you will learn about the 100th Ephraim Regatta and all its historical events. Your centennial staff has been working hard and will need all your help and participation to make this celebration a great success. Mark your calendars early. The summer’s schedule is printed at the back of this letter where you will see slight changes for various activities. Please take note so you won’t miss out on anything. As you know, it’s been a winter to remember. As I write, Ephraim still has two feet of snow on the ground. The winter meeting of the Board of Directors even had to be changed from a Milwaukee location to an electronic meeting by phone. The high tech. equipment that saved our meeting was provided through the courtesies of Mr. Charles Pearson. Thanks, Chuck!

Even though I will be your Commodore throughout the summer, this will be my last chance to address you in this forum. It has been a real pleasure for me to serve you these past two years as Commodore. The Club is in good shape physically and financially, and with all the tremendous efforts of our large group of volunteers, EYC will march into the next 100 years with its head held high and its banner flying proudly. I want to thank the Board of Directors, our summer sailing staff, all the committee chairs, and all of the volunteers for making my term as Commodore such a wonderful experience. Please read on to learn all that’s new for 2005, and have a great summer. George Carey Commodore

2005 Staffing By: George Carey

I would like to begin by thanking all the members of our 2004 teaching staff. With Skipper Harsch as director, a wonderful summer of lessons was conducted for 204 students. It was a pleasure, for me, to work with all of them. This year’s staff will be composed mostly of veterans from last year plus two new people. Returning staff members are Skipper Harsch as director, and as instructors: Hugh Haggerty, JP Pillat, Christian Pillat, Jason Brown, and Allison Chase. Also returning from the 2003 staff is Sarah Lisle. Our new instructor is Robin Reger, and our new Junior Staff member is Matt Zingshiem. I wish you well for this historic year.

Lessons By: David Sauter

We are coming off a terrific year and rolling into 2005 with some great enhancements to what we offer. The Intro to Sailing and Watersports Safety, using our new Optimist Dinghys, was a huge hit last summer, so we are scheduling 2 groups per session, 3 days a week in the afternoons, and lowering the eligibility requirement to those who have completed first grade. If they can sit through class they can certainly get out on the water with us. We will continue our morning lessons as in the past. We are always improving the curriculum and we anticipate great participation again this summer. Eligibility was slightly modified for these classes, to anyone either age 9, or completion of 3rd grade. We are adding an exciting new offering. Advanced Racing Tactics or “ART” will meet in the afternoons on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1:30 to 4:30. We really want to step up the level of race training we provide, and are thrilled to get this program on the water. We encourage any students who feel they are ready, to sign up, or contact me to discuss it. I can be reached at: [email protected] [email protected] or 920-217-5851. We will continue to offer private lessons and encourage our veteran sailors to take new sailors out to race or just cruise on our beautiful harbor. We do have a maximum number of students we can accommodate for each session, so get your enrollments in now, to guarantee a


spot. If you do not have the forms you can get them at our website: www.eyc.org.

How the Claim of “100 Continuous Regatta’s” Almost Didn’t Happen By: Virginia Claypool

In the 1950s we were looking for a family sport. One Sunday at a cocktail party, a couple walked in wearing white shorts and gym shoes. Through the picture window we could see a sailboat behind their car. The next thing I knew, we were driving to Philadelphia to purchase a Penguin (11ft. 6in.). My husband had sailed with his uncle when growing up, but sailing was new to me. We joined the Leatherlips Yacht Club in Columbus, Ohio. In 1958, we moved to Milwaukee. The friend who had introduced us to sailing sent literature about the Flying Scot. On Labor Day weekend of 1959, Sandy Douglass, the designer, delivered Flying Scot #105 to us at the Milwaukee Yacht Club. It was the first fiberglass boat in the yard. We campaigned the boat and built up a growing fleet of enthusiastic Scot sailors. In 1962, the fleet decided to participate in the Ephraim Regatta. Sandy Douglass brought two new boats -- #363 and #364 –and, with his wife, Mary, as crew, raced one of them in the regatta. My husband, Bill, was at Camp McCoy for his annual two weeks of Army Reserve training. David Rodenkirk (an experienced “big boat” racer from MYC but who was boatless at the moment) came up to skipper #105 while I crewed

until Bill could arrive for the rest of the weekend. On Saturday while we were racing, there were many activities for the children. My daughters, Nancy and Sandra, entered their three-year old brother in the Baby Beauty Contest, and he won! His prize was a green tractor. At the end of the regatta, Sandy Douglass sold #363 to David Rodenkirk and #364 to Bill Wilson. We had had such a delightful time in Door County that Gabrielle and Merritt Hayes (#207) decided to return with us for the regatta in 1963. When we arrived, Bill Wilson, the Commodore, told us they hadn’t planned to have a regatta that year. However, because we had come so far, they hastily arranged one. There were four boats: Wilson’s, Hanselmann’s, Hayes, and Claypool’s. After the regatta, the Wilson’s, at their beach home on Little Sister Bay, provided hospitality for the out-of-town participants. We sat in hanging basket chairs over a floor of smooth Door County stones. The Claypool’s have been coming to Door County ever since. The Ephraim Regatta is hailed as the oldest continuous regatta in the United States. This fond memory became special when I realized that, without our 1963 trip to EYC, there would not be a 100th consecutive regatta to be celebrated.


EYC Centennials, 100th Regatta By: Nancy Claypool

Regatta plans are under way. The regatta will be held the weekend of August 5-7, 2005. Based on past participation and early indications from Flying Scot sailors in the Midwest District, we are expecting at least 30 boats. Harry Carpenter, the current builder of Flying Scots, will also be racing in the regatta. He will be driving to Ephraim directly after the Flying Scot North American Championships in Houston, Texas at the end of July. Excitement is building. Over the winter, our very own Deep Float has been moving around the Door Peninsula keeping tabs on Flying Scot activity. Deep Float advises that one new Flying Scot has been added to the fleet. At least two members have purchased previously owned Flying Scots and some members are purchasing new sails. Activity is heating up in anticipation of the 100th regatta. There is still time to get your boat in shape so it can be on the starting line for the regatta. By the way, if any boat owners need Flying Scot parts and can wait until the regatta, put your order in with Flying Scot, Inc. and Harry can deliver the merchandise when he arrives in Ephraim. We are looking forward to a great regatta. Those of you who are in contact with former EYC members who may not be active or live out-of-state, please invite them and encourage them to sail in the regatta.

We will be sending out a special mailing detailing the 100th activities with signup sheets. It will cover items for this year's 100th regatta as well as next year's 100th anniversary year events. Get in touch with Nancy Claypool, Don Nelson or Ryan Malmgren at any time to offer your help or suggestions. Nancy Claypool Home: (504) 899-0935 Home E-mail: [email protected] Work: (504) 593-0875 Work E-mail: [email protected] Don Nelson Home Until June 15th: (517) 263-5192 Door County After June 15th: (920) 854-7248 E-mail: [email protected] Ryan Malmgren Home: (608) 255-0236\ E-mail: [email protected]

A Gentle Reminder: Please submit your dues payments early to make sure that you are included in the directory and that your changes, if any, may be made in time. Your prompt response helps to curb mailing and copying costs as we do send out second requests for members who have not responded. Thank you. Barb Hambleton 877 Hill Road Winnetka, IL 60093 (847) 501-3965



We all look forward to a new season of EYC JUNIOR events! The gatherings are for EYC youth, ages 9 and up, and are always enthusiastically attended. The activities are successful as a result of the many volunteers who contribute their time and talent to the events! YOU can be a part of Junior Activities! Your support of the program is needed on several levels: event coordinator, driver, meal/drink provider, etc. Please check your calendar—let me know when you’re available and which event you’d like to help with, and how (maybe you have a suggestion for a new activity)— YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Please call, or email me, at your very earliest convenience…it makes planning these events so much easier.  Following is a tentative schedule. Activities are planned on most Wednesdays throughout the summer. Times vary. Look for details for each event to be posted at the club prior to all activities. June 22 Dinner at EYC, Red Putter Coordinator: Debby Heidler NEEDED: drivers, meal/drink providers June 29 To be announced July 6 To be announced July 13 Sailing Picnic (weather permitting) NEEDED: Coordinator, game

planner, snack/drink providers, additional BOAT(s) – sail and power July 19 American Folklore Theater (Tentative…AFT schedule not yet determined at this printing date.) NEEDED: Coordinator, dessert/drink providers, drivers July 27 Progressive Dinner Coordinator: Debby Heidler NEEDED: Homes, drivers, meal/drink providers August 3 To be announced (630) 655-2548 [prior to June 16] (920) 854-7427… in Sister Bay Email: [email protected]

The EYC Explorer’s By: Debby Heidler

EYC EXPLORERS NEEDS YOU!! This group must have a coordinator in order to continue. The summer of 2005 could be the 5th season of activities for the EYC EXPLORERS, but only if a coordinator steps forward. The EXPLORERS was created to provide group activities for kids who are not yet old enough to take sailing lessons, but want to join in the EYC fun. Parents, or grandparents, must accompany their child/children during the scheduled activities. Questions? Please call Debby Heidler at (630) 655-2548 before June 16, and at (920) 854-7427 for the remainder of the summer.


First Mates By: Linda Carey

Soon the annual trek will begin, bringing EYC members back to Door County, where we will all converge and happily greet one another. I hope that all of you First Mates (that’s ALL of the EYC ladies) are looking forward to the coming summer with special anticipation, as we will be enjoying the 100th consecutive running of the Ephraim Regatta. Even though the Regatta is more important this year than usual, we will still be enjoying all the other events to which we look forward. The help provided at each of our events is much appreciated, and those who do the work probably have more fun than anyone, because of the camaraderie they enjoy. I hope you will want to be one of these special ladies. The first date to remember is our first coffee, on June 12th. The first party is always the Champagne Opening Social, held this year on June 25th. To continue, we will consume calories at the Ice Cream Social, the Founders Day Cookout, and at the First Mate’s Potluck Dinner. An extra opportunity to help will occur when the 100th Regatta Committee will present the “fun and games of yesteryear”. We’ll cheer for the women who sail in the Ladies Regatta, help prepare for the Bratfest, sell lunches at the Annual Regatta, and finish the season with the Commodores’ Cocktail Party on August 13th.. I invite and urge ALL THE LADIES of EYC to join us at both of the FIRST MATE’S COFFEES, where we make the plans that carry our events to fruition. We always have a good time, seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Please mark your

calendars now, and be at the Club House at 9:30 a.m. on June 13th and July 11th. See you there!

EYC History By: George & Linda Carey

LAST and final CALL Time is running out for our research on the EYC History book. Your chance to participate will conclude by June 1st. Please send any stories, old photos or other memorabilia ASAP. The book will be ready for purchase at the Commodore’s Anniversary Reunion Banquet, August 2006. The Banquet will be combined with the Commodore’s Cocktail Party, probably at an earlier date. Keep tuned for details. And speaking of history, remember those great boat parades? Well, 2006 will see a tremendous oldfashioned boat parade being chaired by Malcolm “Weed” Vail. If you have anything that floats, contact Weed. BRIDGE By: Suzanne Lisle

Bridge will have a busy schedule again this summer for EYC members. Open play and lessons are planned, per the information mailed with the dues and membership packet in February. Remember, no signup is necessary for the open play sessions on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings, beginning the 6th and 7th of June.


Boats and Motors By: George Reynolds/George Carey/Scott Pearson

Our fleet will be on hand and ready for the summer. Over the winter, some of our equipment has been repaired or replaced as needed. As you know, this can be expensive. It has been the policy over the years, for qualified members of EYC to use some of the boats at no charge. This policy will continue, however, the rules for use of club boats will be stricter. There has been an increase of abuse and damage to the boats, so brush up on, and be ready to demonstrate, your seamanship. Attention Power Boaters! Your club would like very much to provide boating activities for you in the way of social cruises or other events that would be fun for our non sailors. All we need are some volunteers to get the ball rolling. Please contact George Reynolds if interested.

Dock Improvements By: George Carey

The quest for an extension to our dock creating a beneficial breakwater for our harbor continues to be a top priority. Several meetings were conducted over the winter with representatives of the EYH, the Village of Ephraim and EYC. All of the pieces for a joint agreement are in place to move forward. Once the various agreements have been formalized and signed, an application to DNR can be made. I want to thank everyone who has responded to our fundraising program, headed up by Bill Hoag. We have had to

put this on hold until we get the agreements signed. Once this happens, the program can resume full speed. CLUBHOUSE By: Suzanne Lisle

Late in the summer, the last table in the blue wicker furniture group was delivered. It completes the “living room” and will be a welcome addition. Special thanks for the extra donations that helped with the furnishings. The oldest card tables and chairs were replaced during the season, so for the first time in a long while the porch room will be color coordinated with comfortable chairs and matching tables. We appreciate the extra donation from a member that enabled us to add the last two of six new sets. The upgrading of our building has also continued, with extra attention given to the bathrooms after the close of the season. We hope you’ll enjoy our new spruced up look! ANNIVERSARY AUCTION By: Suzanne Lisle

As you undoubtedly are aware, the celebration of the founding of EYC will be marked by numerous special events in both 2005 and 2006. While 2006 sounds like a long time in the future, many things are in active planning stages. One of the evening events will include a silent auction fundraiser, and we are asking your help to begin thinking of items, services, and activity opportunities that could be donated or


procured. The items don’t need to be collected yet, but we are already accepting offers from members. Please let Suzanne Lisle know of any items or ideas you may have for this segment of our celebration.

EYC Merchandise for 2005 By: Susan Reynolds-Smith

The samples are in and they look terrific! New for this year are short sleeve ringer tees in great colors with a brand new design. Back by popular demand are “Hoodies” in two new colors and a new design. We will again offer pigment-dyed youth tees, pigment-dyed long sleeve adult tees, men’s and ladies polos, Optimist Sailing Dinghy tees, hats, mugs and totes. Your registration packet that you received contains the pre-season order forms. Be sure not to miss this years commemorative 100th Regatta shirts available in August. This is a great fundraiser with all the proceeds going to the Club. It’s so much fun to see EYC logos moving about the county. If you have any questions, please call me at (816) 350-2653 or e-mail me at [email protected]

Wants & Needs By: George Carey

Your Club has now received the IRS tax status of 501 c 3 which allows for members to make tax deductible donations to the EYC. Here are some hints. A: We could use a working lap top computer for the office and race scoring. B: Extra life jackets ( PDF’s…sailing type) C: Sailing books or videos. D: Last year, through the generosity of two members, we received two Optimist class boats as gifts. By donating, you get to name the boat too. We need two more for this summer. If interested, please contact George Carey. For any and all gift tax issues, please contact Paul Pillat.

Who’s going to win the Baby Beauty Contest This Year?

Sadly, we report the death of Peter Foote. Peter was a long time member of the EYC and past President of the Ephraim Historical Foundation. Our loving thoughts and sympathy are with his family.

Can you identify these children?



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4 6 7 13

Sat 9:00 AM Mon 12:00 PM Tues 9:00 AM Mon 9:00 AM Mon 9:30 AM Mon 1:30 PM Mon 1:30 PM Mon 5:30 PM Tues 1:30 PM Tues 1:00 PM Thurs 1:00 PM Sat 9:30 AM Sun 12:30 PM Wed TBD Sat 6:00 PM Mon 9:00 AM Mon 1:30 PM Mon 1:30 PM

Club opens! Start Monday Ladies Bridge Start Tuesday Ladies Bridge Start Group Lessons: (Session A) First Mates Coffee #1 Session A: Youth Introduction to Sailing begins, M/W/Th Session A: Advanced Racing Tactics begins, M/W/Th Skippers Meeting: Mon/Thurs Flying Scot Series A Skippers Meeting: Tues/Fri Opti Racing Series A Begin Intermediate Bridge Lessons Begin Intermediate/Advanced Bridge Lessons Skippers Meeting: Flying Scot Sat Series & Fyr Bal Regatta Skippers Meeting: Start Sunday JY Racing Series Start of Junior Activities (Check schedule at club) Opening Social Fundraiser (Bring Hors d’ouevres) Start of Group Lessons (Session B) Session B: Introduction to Sailing, M/W/Th Session B: Advanced Racing Tactics, M/W/Th

Sun Sun Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Tues Thurs Wed Mon Mon Mon Sun

Ice Cream Social (Bring a topping) Skippers Meeting: Annual Optimist/Sunfish Regatta** Start of Group Lessons (Session C) First Mates Coffee #2 Session C: Introduction to Sailing, M/W/Th Session C: Advanced Racing Tactics M/W/Th Skippers Meeting: Mon/Thurs Flying Scot Series B Skippers Meeting: Tues/Fri Opti Boat Series B EYC Founders Day Cookout 1st Mates Potluck Dinner Start Group Lessons (Session D) Session D: Introduction to Sailing, M/W/Th Session D: Advanced Racing Tactics M/W/Th Richie Hall Junior Regatta

14 14 16 18 19 22 25 27


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9:00 AM 12:00 PM

7:00 PM 9:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 5:30 PM 1:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 8:45 AM

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Wed Sat Sat Sun Sat Sat Sat Sat

1:00 PM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM

19/20 2

Mon/Tues Sun 6:00 PM

EYC Spring Clean-up Spring Board Meeting

EYC Ladies Regatta 100th Ephraim Regatta / Midwest Districts Brat Fest 100th Ephraim Regatta / Midwest Districts EYC Sailing Awards / Junior Awards Ceremony Annual Membership Meeting EYC Board of Directors Meeting Commodores Cocktail Party Ladies Bridge Concludes All dock facilities close for the season

** EYC staff will provide race committee personnel for the following classes of three or more entered boats: Optimist and/or Sunfish Notice: Adult sailing lessons by appointment, Contact Staff Director at 854-7107 9

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