E-services Within Estonia. Wilfried Grommen, Rto Microsoft Cee

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E-services within Estonia Need for an interoperable framework

Tallinn, June 2 , 2009 Wilfried Grommen RTO Microsoft CEE

How do we live?

The Connected Era Demands Interoperability Social Technology Heterogeneous environments, web services, SOA


Marketplace Distributed workforce, open innovation, valuedriven purchasing

Mobility, social networking, media, always on/connected

Regulatory & policy Vendor competition Solutions, business models, innovation

Government regulations & legal requirements

Economic, Social, & Technical Needs in Common Freedom of choice based on functionality and business need Data portability & easy flow of information Improved efficiency & agility Reducing single vendor lock--in lock Strong ecosystem of innovation Access to latest technology Interoperability results in more choice, competition, & innovation



Government IT/CIO

Customers Want Choice Business Models Interoperability

Proprietary & Open Source Standards


Policies That Enable Choice


Technical Interop

One of many ICT features (important)

Data Applications Infrastructure

Law and Policy

Customers control their data Vendors build bridges between systems


The ability of information technology systems, components and services to exchange data and information— information—“to talk and be understood” Connecting people, data and diverse systems



Recent Microsoft Examples for Choice: Microsoft Interoperability Principles Open Connections to Microsoft Products

Data Portability

Support for Standards

Open Engagement

• Open Access • RAND Patents • Open Source Enablement

• Open Formats • Open Import/Export of User Data • Flexibility in Document Format Defaults

• • • •

Document Defaults Support forFormat Key Standards Industry Collaboration Open Documentation on Extensions Open Access

• Open Source Interoperability Initiative • Interoperability Forum • Document Interoperability Initiative

New opportunities for software developers

Greater interoperability in the marketplace

Open Standards Open Standards

Open Source

What’s in a Name ? GSC definition the standard is subject to RAND/FRAND Intellectual Property Right (IPR) policies

Why standards ? To support interoperability and steer innovation Balanced approach around proprietary technologies

MS Interop Principle: we will offer enhanced standards support OOXML(ISO29500), ODF, PDF, IE 8, Windows AZURE, SAML, Open ID

Bridging the world with OSS Open, free and proprietary software NO single approach for all customers ALL are viable and have their respective strengths

The software industry, and customer environments, are mixed For example, OSS on Windows, proprietary on Linux, Windows and Linux in same environment

Customers require industry cooperation, interoperability AND competition Co-opetition Coe.g. Novell, Sun

Results • 18,000,000 Visits to Port 25; 75% Firefox 20% Linux/Unix

• 4,500,000 Channel9 Visitors • 4,500 Microsoft Bloggers • 40,000 Codeplex Users

• SpikeIgnited on Windows • Hypervisor Collaboration • PHP Optimization • MySQLConnector to Visual Studio • SugarCRM • Linux / Windows Interoperability

• 5000 CodePlex Projects • 77,000+ Sourceforge Projects • 1 Million LoC on MSDN and TechNet • Microsoft Research • 588 Shared Source License Projects

Microsoft’s Commitment To Interoperability SugarCRM Fuji-Xerox Collaboration Yahoo/MSN Instant Messenger 44,000 Pages of Protocol Docs

Interop Executive Customer Council

SharePoint Learning Kit

Novell Quest


Sender ID OSP

Project Higgins Document Interop Initiative

PHP on Windows Interop Vendor Alliance


Open Specification Promise

Open XML Translator


OpenPegasus Open APIs Open Source Software Lab

EMC Enterprise Content Management

Interop driven scenario’s Application scenario’s and role of platform E-government Connected government framework

Open document interchange Enabling technologies: E-identity - digSig E-tax,E tax,E--procurement, E E--invoicing E-health

Azure cloud services Learnings from ee-government

Application Journey Wiki, blogs, RSS digital lifestyle

Purpose driven – home pages, instant messaging (IM)

Browsing, HTTP-based

Research/ university applications

SOA, connected systems

E-business push: focused on Integration

GUI-based applications

Mainframe systems

The future - “Dynamic Applications”

Web services 1 Web services 4



Web services 2 D2


Web services 3 D2


Connecting systems through SOA Optimizing business processes Centralized data that’s always on

Reducing development complexity Gaining business intelligence (BI) at all levels Creating consistent, useruser-focused user experience (UX)


Existing Systems




User Interaction


User Directed


BizTalk Server

WCF and BizTalk Server

SQL Server

WCF Windows BizTalk Server

Workflow Foundation, SharePoint Server, CAB

Live Communications Server, SharePoint Server

SharePoint Server, .NET Compact Framework, Silverlight,Office System, ASP.NET, Windows Client

Application Platform For SOA Visual Studio, Patterns and Practices, MSF System Center, Partners, MOF Active Directory

Microsoft Platform

Interop Scenarios and Solutions Documents Interoperability (MS Office) Support for ISO file format standards - OpenXML and ODF Binary translators, ODF <<-> OpenXML OpenXML,, OpenXML <-> UOF translators available as open source projects Document Interoperability Initiative (DII)

Portals and Content Management (Office SharePoint Servers) Claims-based Authentication and Remote Blob Storage ClaimsContent Management Interoperability Services CMIS spec jointly submitted to OASIS

Resources for interoperability with SharePoint

Systems Management SCVMM 2008 adds support to manage HyperHyper-V and VMware VI3 Cross platform management – connectors for leading products, standards based

Identity Management OpenSource projects to support InfoCard selection profile in Ruby, PHP, and Java Participation in industry/community projects – Higgins, Bandit, Stork

BPM and SOA Stock Trader crosscross-platform application shows plug and play interoperability based on Web Service industry standards http://msdn.microsoft.com/stocktrader http://wso2.org/interop/stocktrader

Developer Tools and Runtime XAML vocabulary and grammar released under OSP license Partner solutions from TeamPrise and Collabnet on tools interop

Connected government framework


Improved Outcomes for Constituents of Government Government

Citizen Service

Governance &

Global Cross




Border Services

Collaboration & Decision Support

Customer Call Centre (CCF)

Election Management


Grants Mgt

Customer Kiosk

Land Registry

Customs & Trade

Contract Mgt

Realtime Constituency Interaction

MV / Driver’s License

Patents & TM Systems

National Statistic Systems

Immigration Systems

Accountability in Budgeting & Reporting



CRM Document Management

Case Mgt Records Management & Archiving Forms Mgt eID

Build Connections

Connected Government Framework Solution Platform Æ SOA, Development

Blueprint Roadmap Reusable IP References

Organizational Productivity Æ Comm & Collab, ECM, BI Core Infrastructure Æ Scalable, reliable, secure, manageable


Serve Citizens Seamlessly







Drive Performance

Key enablers for ee-government Structured document formats E-invoicing, E E--tax, E E--procurement

Webservices – SOA - message routing Identity management – Federated identity management – Infocard (Cardspace) De facto needed for cross department services Transactional services – legislative framework Digital signature(Digsig) – Time stamping(Xades) Best practice: Estonia, Austria, Portugal Stork project - MS participation

Semantic web – government ontology Uk govtalk – eGMS - government category list Other best practices: Austria (Ediakt), Estonia, Norway (AltInn), Finland (stateIT), Denmark (OIO kataloger) Greece(eGif registry?)

EU – IDABC: EIF V.2 Underlying Principles: OK


Accessibility, multilingualism, security, privacy, subsidiarity, open standards, multilateral solutions Need for a Practical, Flexible, Adaptable approach Need for Collaboration among stakeholders, including industry

Levels op Interoperability: OK but..... Emphasize to be put on higher levels Different life cycle for different levels

Definition of Open Standards: NOK Stick to GSC definition, no new definition needed Balance with “proprietary” technologies

Open Source methodology: NOK No obvious linkage with interoperability

Governance challenges Top down versus bottom up Who’s in charge? Goverment priority?

The UN EE-Government Survey 2008 “What is important is to think about connected governance with a view towards the reengineering of technology, processes, skills and mindsets of public officials in the government within a holistic framework”

Australia Sir Gershon’s report (Dec 2008) – Central government role accepted in… ICT policies, guidelines, best practices Coordinate and monitor whole whole--govt ICT strategy and investments Project mgmt of large ICT investments Review structures, mechanisms and incentives for cross--agency collaboration cross

Best practices Austria, Estonia, Finland(StateIT), Portugal(AMA)

Document Interoperability OOXML has achieved status of IS0 29500 ODF – OOXML translator within MS Office Translator on sourceforge.com Flexibility in Document Format Default in Office 2007 Document Interoperability Initiative Some concerns: Maintenance standards ISO 26300 Security – Eric Fillol

E-services: Key enabling technologies Identity management Meta layer identity system Cardspace – Infocard model Cross domain: WS* EU project - STORK

Digital signature XML Digsig support XADES implementations

“Identity Metasystem Metasystem”” Identity Providers Issue identities

Relying Parties Require identities

Subjects Individuals and other entities about whom claims are made

InfoCard - multiple implementations

Protocol Drill Down 8VHU 7










E- procurement Framework

Peppol framework

• A lot of applications – need for focus • Microsoft key focus on “enablers” • Partners key focus on “applications” • Platform (out of the box) approach • Standards: WS* - XMLdigsig – Xades – ebXML(schemas)

Denmark: ee-invoicing Law As of 1 February 2005 all publicpublic-sector institutions in Denmark may only accept invoices in electronic format. This affects any company that does business with public public--sector customers

e-invoice, format OIOUBL, is created: Directly through the vendor's accounting system. On the Internet via an invoicing portal. By a Read Read--In service center

MS solutions: Navision gateway (accounting system) Office plug in towards Nemhandel application

Microsoft Confidential - LCA Department Use Only

Smart documents

Microsoft Confidential - LCA Department Use Only

Spain:e--invoicing Spain:e Law by 2009 Factura Electrónica :Facturae :Facturae MS solution XML based format Digital Signature :digsig Office 2007 plug in Office ribbon application

Microsoft Confidential - LCA Department Use Only

Austria: ee-invoicing Eb--interface Eb Legal framework for ee-invoicing, e e--billing MS solution Plug in to Office 2007 SME - Webservice to reclaim tax

Ediakt G2G solution Custom XML schemes Plug in to Office 2007 (Fabasoft)

Bürgerkarte – e-id Plug in to Office 2007

Best practice: http://reference.e--government.gv.at/Home.594.0.html http://reference.e

Microsoft Confidential - LCA Department Use Only

Austria – ebeb-interface

Microsoft Confidential - LCA Department Use Only

E-health and Interoperability Key Requirements Information integration within institutions Information integration within the health ecoecosystem (patient, doctor, lab, hospital, insurance, government)

Common Issues Patient record storage and archiving – legal, architecture (centralized versus decentralized) Data and messaging formats (HL7, CDA,other) “Business” or Health Intelligence (BI) Security and Privacy Contextual User Interface

HealthVault The Patient As The Hub Of Communication

Cloud services Interoperability $]XUH 6HUYLFHV3ODWIRUP 

Conclusions Take a “pragmatic” approach – step by step Focus on governance MS offers standards based software stack Microsoft offers “interoperability” = part of architecture (by design) Key technologies as enablers Identity management – Infocard concept Digital Signature Document formats: ISO29500 (Office 2007) Webservices Azure cloud services


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