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e (49) W X Randc X X Power: x

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Slide 1 X O (7)Yov X + — I X E— — C cT_) File D * b HJSTORIC4 i.. fhe word potash comes From t he Fact t hat extraction nf ashes with water


produces a kUIf—K2C03 solution, Plants sLIeeti’ t’h rvmoe ¡)OtaS’ii1I1) I rout soil. actLn as potash conL. ‘ntraLors and denuding the soil ot potassium. hich must be replaced if the e etation is nt r allowed to decay in the e1d and thus return potassium to the soil. Earls users confused so ‘turn and potasciuni hydroxides and earhnn.ttec. y tiling them all h e The Germait Stassfurt dc.1 ‘osits supplied the United States and most of t he world u ith potassium salts from 1869 until ‘. odd War I When German supplies were cut 0Æ. the price of crude potassILLrn salts rose t S.5.5() per metric ton of •) miiriat t KCI t S produc-tivii ruse írrii liJ(.J) t measured . K2O of potash in 1915 Lu 41,300 t m 191v \Vhen the end of the war came. imports were resumed and production fell Since that time, the discovery of vast new deposits has caused all increase in the amount and qualit) of potash salts produced The American deposits are mined mechanically and brought to surface refineries Solution mining of under ground salines promises a lower cost procedure. la Table 2 .1 shous statistics concerning potas slum salt pri *Juction In 1941 and 1942 the United States produced its cittire requirement of potash for tiir firct time, and the domestic industry has continued to gro. In 1962. the Inter national Iinerals and Chemical Corp. struck rich deposits of potash in Saskatchewan, Can ada.2 Other companies also developed Canadian deposits into major sources of potash Cana

dian production is over 3 times U.S. production with the U.S.S.R. producing roughly the same amount as Canada Canadian production is almost exclusively KCI; U.S production includes much K2S04 s a consequence, although the U.S. has imported over half its requirements since 1971 ( percent in 1980). there is a brisk U.S. export business in potassium salts. Potassium ‘alts are preferred over sodium salts for laboratory and pyrotechnic work because the .tTe less hvgroscopic. form fewer and simpler hydrates. and the hydrates formed are more stalile to heat For industrial purposes, these values rarel offset the substantial addi tional cost. - Leši Randolph Noms s....pd kuliah 2.pptx kuliah I - Copy(4).ppx ,.. kuliah - Copy.pptx ,.. LJ kuliah V PERTMN.ppx .— t’i —‘ .. ,— I Z2LJ 1829 ,\

(E) ) 31/03/2019

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Power X

Metallic pota%siurn was first prepared by H. Davy in 1807 by electrolysis of fused KOH. It is simiar to so(.hum h;it more reactive. It is not widely used Commercially it is not prepared ‘t = 1000 kg. lapiombìnc. Chern. t’eek 93(11,73(1963); Potash Minerals, Chern. Eng. Prog. 60(10)19 (1964). 2c;anadiaii irjtash Heads frr Market. Chen Week 902.5) :31 ç 1962:: Potash: a Little Tight Now, Ample L 1983, Cher». Week 127 (26) 28 (1980). inerats ‘arbocik, vol. 1, US. Bureau of Mines, 1980. 23 Table 2.1 Statistics on Potassium Salts tin thousands of doflars United States Production nf IC salts 1(20 ecuivaIent Sales of K salts by producers KO equivalent 1970 1976 kuliah 2.pptx kuliah I - Copy(4).pptx ,.. kuliah - Copy.pptx “S kuliah V PERTHN.pptx Show all X :: -°

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E:1 thousands of metric tons and 1978 1979 4.412 2,481 1980 ,- Lei Randolph Noms s....pd 4.016 2,177 1981 4,326 2,253 4,855 2,426 Value at plant. $ Average value, 4,271 2,225 92,373 4,184 2,268 210,800 4.315 2.239 4.358 2,307 226,500

4. 1S3 2.159 4,549 2,388 4,265 2.217 279,200 I 07 .3,670 1.908 353,900 328.900 R’? QR e (49) W X Randc x t Course X J Power X : X Power: x

Dasar X

Pemb. X

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Slide 1 X O (7)Yov X + — I X — - C Ø File D:/sem ester%204%2obiologi/mi kologi/Randolph%2ONorris%2Oshreve_%2OGeorge%20T%2OAusti n%20-%205h reve’s%2OChemical%2Oprocess%20i ndustries%20(1 984,%20... * b •Excludes potassium chemicals and mixed fertilizers SOURCE Minerals Year&ok 1981. Dept. of the Interior. by electrolysis of fused KCI becaust K attacks the electrodes and tends to remain dispersed in thé fused salt. Instead it is prepared from KC1 by double decomposition with sodium:4 Na+KC1K+NaCl It is used in the high-temperature heat transfer alloy “NaK” and for the manufacture of KO2, the dioxide used in life-support systems. It must be stored under an unreactive gas such as nitrogen. RAW MATERIALS. The largest domestic production of potassium salts has come from deep Permian sedimentary deposits of sylvinite [a natural mixture of sylvite (KC1) and halite

(NaC1)] and Iangbeinite (K2S04 2MgSO4) near Carlsbad, N.Mex. The sylvimte is mined and treated to yield high-grade potassium chloride, and langbeinite is processed to make potas sium sulfate. Another domestic source of potassium salts is Searles Lake at Trona, Calif. which is a deposit oF solid sodium salts permeated by a saturated complex bnrie. This brine is processed to separate high-grade potassium chloride and borax, together with numerous other saline products (Figs. 2 .1 to 2.4). Deposits of KCI at Moab, Utah, are being solution 4Jackson and Werner, U.S. Patent 2,480,655 (1949). kuliah 2.pptx kuliah I - Copy(4).ppx kuliah - Copy.pptx kuliah V PERTHN.pptx Show all X .— t__-1 ‘—‘s .. ,— I Z2LJ 1833 ð\

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Kunci :

s ; ! ‘ — In this country about 90 percent of the potassium chloride is produced as fertilizer grade of hniit .—

niiriv In Lìç. Çprhti.,r i..,h. .i. ._...J _ _-.,--_.._ -r •


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(E) )) 31/03/2019

E:1 - - C (j) File D:/semester%204%2obiologi/mikologi/Randolph%2ONorris%2OSh ee_2OGeorge%2OT%2OAusti n%2O%2OShreves%2OChemicaI%2Oprocess:c2Oindustries%2O(1 984,%20... * b w J 1 . . 0 - a e z major producers are (parentheses show milions of metric tons of K20 produced): U.S.S.R. (7.6), Canada (7.3), East Germany (3.2), West Germany (2.3), United States (2.2), France 1,8), and others (1.7). Israel and Jordan are building plants on the Dead Sea which are expected to have large capacities. Brazil and China also are producers of increasing quan tities. Since sodium and potassium are of about equal abundance in the earth’s crust, the distribution of potassium sait deposits is wide. It is strange that the seas contain so little potas

sium; this is accounted for by the great affinity of both soil and plants for pota.s.siurn compounds, Ranaolph Noms S....pdf ð’. POT4SSIUM CHLORIDE kuliah zpptx kuliah I - Copy(4).pptx kuliah - Copy.pptx kuliah V PERTBHN.pptx

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