Assignment Duh

  • June 2020
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qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert yuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa sdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT VISHAL NAWALGARIA ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklz xcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyu iopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklz xcvbnmrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn IST SEMESTER, B.Sc.(Comp. Sci.) J254


1. Conferred

– to bestow or gift as an honor He was conferred this honorary degree for his contribution to science.

2. Benign

– gentle Our principal is a wise and benign teacher.

3. Palatable

– delicious, pleasant The minister’s promises are often palatable but rarely fulfilled.

4. Feasible

– practicable The plan chalked out by Mr. John seemed feasible to everyone.

5. Afflicted

– suffering from illness My grandmother is afflicted with arthritis.

6. Decreeing

– to order, dictate The government resorted to decreeing to keep their word.

7. Ailment

– illness by disease Handicap is sort of a permanent ailment.

8. Impunity

– freedom from punishment These days laws are flouted with impunity.

9. Indisposition

– sickness, unwillingness Indisposition cannot be stated as an excuse.

10. Sundry

– various or diverse India is home to sundry cultures.

11. Precociousness– being intelligent beyond one’s age

Newton had a high level of precociousness even as a child. 12. Myth

– a commonly believed idea which is not true It’s a myth that women are bad drivers.

13. Gusto

– great energy and enthusiasm We used to study with gusto as a child. 2


– strong and healthy Its important to have a balanced diet to remain robust.

15. Regimes

– a regular pattern of occurrence or action Most people follow strict diet regimes to lose weight.

16. Etiquette

– rules governing socially acceptable behavior It is essential to follow etiquettes in society.

17. Perspective

– a person’s view on a subject It is considered wrong to object to one’s perspective.

18. Nibbling

– biting a little at a time Dentists believe nibbling is a healthy habit.

19. Pontificator

– one who gives his opinion about something as if he is the only one who knows it well One must try not to be just a pontificator.

20. Taboo

– something forbidden or not allowed Smoking is taboo in some religions.

21. Totem

an outward symbol that is given undue

respect Some tribes are divided into clans which had totems to identify them. 22. Innate

– existing in one from birth Rehman has innate musical talent.

23. Austere

– severely simple Indian culture is far from austere.

24. Predominant

– being frequent or common Monsoons are no more predominant in India.



– without argument Most countries reached to an amicable settlement after the second world war.

26. Benevolent

– caring Being of benevolent nature is a prerequisite to be happy.

27. Manifestation – An indication of the existence or presence of

something A high fever is an early manifestation of swine flu. 28. Introspection

– looking inward We need to introspect our actions constantly.

29. Anguish

– suffering I was pained by the anguish of people struck by calamity.

30. Conducive

– helpful The government has launched stimulus packages conducive to boost the economy.

31. Deprivation

lack of things considered necessary for a

pleasant life Atleast 10% of the population of India face deprivation. 32. Confrontation – to face or deal with a difficult situation

We have to confront a lot of circumstances as we grow up. 33. Bandit

– a robber, thief Bandits have become more daring over the years.

34. Guffawed

– to laugh loudly Sam guffawed in front of the colonel’s office.

35. Muster

– to assemble or gather The child mustered enough courage to answer back to his father.

36. Congealed –

to make rigid, stagnate, fixed Over time, peoples’ views relating to politics have congealed. 4

ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT 37. Cosmopolitan – common to the whole world

Climate change has become a cosmopolitan phenomenon. 38. Lanky

– a tall and thin person A lanky person isn’t considered handsome by most people.

39. Sarcasm

mocking or ironic language usually to insult

someone The teacher resorted to sarcasm to get his point across to the students. 40. Deference

– polite and respectful behavior Deference is expected as a basic quality of any student.

41. Remorse

– a sense of deep regret or guilt Citizens need to remorse over the state of the country’s infrastructure.

42. Adversity

– a state of misfortune Farmers are struggling with adversity due to failure of monsoons this year.

43. Dogmatism

– a statement of a point of view as if it were an established fact There is no place for dogmatism in a civilized and informed society.

44. Persecution

cruel treatment meted out to someone

on discriminatory basis Persecution existed as a social evil in pre-independent India. 45. Deplore

– disapprove We must deplore any step that deters our growth.

46. Frantic

– distracted or disturbed with fear, pain, joy etc There was a frantic craze for diamonds in Australia.



– unwillingness She showed her reluctance by ignoring her mother’s call.

48. Obliterate

– to destroy every trace of, wipe off completely The atom bombs obliterated Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

49. Desolation

– sadness resulting from being abandoned Orphans often suffer desolation.

50. Ordeal

– a difficult or painful experience Indian students have been facing a terrible ordeal in Australia in recent times.


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