Drug Generic Name: Adenosine
Brand Name: Adenocard
Pharmacologi c Class: Nucleoside
Indications •
To convert paroxys mal suprave nticular tachycar dia (PSVT) to sinus rhythm
Adverse Reaction
Action •
A natur ally occur ing nucle oside that acts on the AV node to slow cond uctio n and inhibi t reent ry path ways. Also usefu l in treati ng
CNS: dizzine ss, ligh8theaded ness, numbn ess, tingling in arms, headac he. CV: facial flushin g. GI: nausea . Respira tory: dyspne a, shortne ss of breath, chest pressur
Cautions & Nursing Contraindications Consideration •
Contraindica ted in patients hypersensitiv ity to drugs. Contraindica ted in those with second or thirddegree heart block or sinus node disease (such as sick sinus syndrome and symptomatic bradycardia), except those with a peacemaker. Use cautiously in patients with asthma, emphysema, or bronchitis because
ALERT: by decreas ing conduct ion through the AV node, drug may produce first-, second, or thirddegree heart block. Patients who develop highlevel heart block after a single dose
Patient’s Teaching •
Instruc t the patient to report advers e reactio ns prompt ly. Tell patient to report discom fort to the IV site. Inform the patient that he may experi ence flushin g or chest
PSVTs , inclu ding those with acess ory bypa ss tracts (Wolff Parki nsonWhite syndr ome)
bronchocons triction may occur.
shoulgn ’t receive addition al doses. ALERT: new arrhytm ias, includin g heart block and transien t asystole , may develop ; monitor cardiac rhythm and treat as indicate d. If solution is cold, crystals
pain lasting 1 to 2 minute s.
may form; gently warm solution to room temper ature. Don’t use solution s that aren’t clear. Drug lacks preserv atives. Discard unused portion.
Advrse Reactions
Cautions & Contraindication
Nursing Consideratio ns
Patient’s Teaching
Generic Name: aminophylline ampule
Brand Name:
• • •
Phylloco ntin Truphylli ne Minomal R 175mg tab Minomal R 350mg tab Minomal SR 600mg tab
Pharmacologi c Class: Bronchodilator
Intrave nous theoph ylline is indicat ed as an adjunc t to inhaled beta-2 selecti ve agonist s and system ically admini stered cortico steroid s for the treatm ent of acute exacer bations
Nause a, vomiti ng, stoma ch pain, abdom inal cramp s and loss of appeti te are comm only seen. Take the medic ation with or immed iately after meals or with an antaci d or a full glass
Before taking aminoph ylline, tell your doctor what prescript ion and nonpresc ription drugs you are taking especiall y allopurin ol, cimetidin e, erythrom ycin, lithium, proprano lol. Taking over-thecounter
Take the exact amoun t of the drug as how the doctor has prescri bed. It can be harmfu l if you take more of it or take it more often than as directe d. Your doctor will want to evalua te your
of the sympt oms and reversi ble airflow obstru ction associ ated with asthm a and other chronic lung diseas es, e.g., emphy sema and chronic bronch itis.
of liquid. If these proble ms persist , contac t your doctor. •
Heada che, irritabi lity, restles sness, nervou sness, dizzine ss, freque nt urinati on, twitchi ng fingers and hands are seen
theophyll ine with prescript ion aminoph ylline can cause nervousn ess, insomnia , nausea and vomiting . To avoid taking these drugs together without realizing it, carefully check the labels of nonpresc ription
respon se to amino phyllin e, especi ally during the first few weeks . If your conditi on does not improv e or if it worsen s, contac t your doctor. Drinkin g coffee, tea,col as and
rarely. If these effects are severe or persist , contac t your doctor. •
Palpita tions, fast heartb eat, fast breath ing, insom nia are infreq uent.
The overdo se side effects are palpita tions, irregul
medicati ons you are taking to be sure that they do not contain theophyll ine. Do not take nonpresc ription cold, allergy or asthma medicati ons containin g ephedrin e, epinephr ine, phenylep hrine, phenylpr
smokin g cigaret tes can affect the action of amino phyllin e. Take the missed dose as soon as you remem ber it and take any remain ing doses for that day at evenly spaced interva
ar heartb eat, slight fever, fast breath ing, sweati ng, extre me thirst, ringin g ears, muscl e twitchi ng, freque nt vomiti ng and seizur es. Contac t your doctor immed iately.
opanola mine or pseudoe phedrine without consultin g your doctor; these drugs can increase the side effects of aminoph ylline. Before you take aminoph ylline, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you
ls. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.
have glaucom a, ulcers, an overativ e thyroid gland, diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney, liver, heart disease. Do not allow anyone else to take this medicati on