Drug Study

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 10
LOSARTAN Angiocard, Bepsar, Cozaar, Lifezar, Losargad Dosage: 50 mg tab/ OD Adverse Reaction Dizziness and dose related orthostati c hypotensi on, Impaired renal function and rarely, rash, angioede ma, and raised alanine aminotra nsferase, hyperkale mia and myalgia, facial edema, fever, angina pectoris, second degree AV block, arrhythmi as, diarrhea, dry mouth, anemia, gout, muscle

Side Effects

Nursing Consideration Assessment:


Treatment of hypertension ◦Assess ; in heart patient’s blood failure and pressure before myocardial starting therapy infarction, it and regularly may be used and pulse rate. alone or in ◦Obtain combination baseline liver with other and renal antihyperten function before sive agents. therapy and Renal regularly assess protection in kidney function type 2 BUN and diabetic creatinine. patients with ◦Monitor for proteinuria. possible Reduction in adverse drug the risk of reaction cardiovascul ◦Assess for ar morbidity hydration and status: mucous mortality in membranes hypertensive and skin turgor patients with ◦Assess left ventricle patient‘s hypertrophy. family’s knowledge of Drug therapy. Nursing Diagnoses: ◦Risk injury related to hypertension.

Contraindication Pregnancy (category D) breastfeeding, renal artery stenosis, hyperkalemia, hypersensitivity, anuria, patients who are hypersensitive to other sulfonamide-derived drugs

cramps, arthritis, anxiety disorder. Rarely, raised liver enzymes values. taste disturban ces progressi ng to complete Taste loss. Severe migraine

◦Disturbed sleeping pattern related to drug induced insomnia. ◦Knowledgedeficit related to drug therapy Planning: ◦Administer without regard to meal. Implementation : Advise patient to comply with dosage schedule, even if feeling better. Tell patient to avoid sodium substitutes because it may contain potassium which can cause hyperkalemia in patients taking drug. Teach patient to avoid sunlight or wear sunscreen because photosensitivity may occur. Inform patient that drug can cause dizziness,

fainting or lightheadedness. Instruct patient to report drug induced adverse effects. Evaluation: Positive therapeutic outcome Patient’s blood pressure is normal. Patient does not experience drug induced adverse reactions. Patient and family state understanding of drug therapy.

HYDROCORTISONE Cortisan, Drugmaker’s Biotech Hydrocortisone, Efficort, Hydrotopic Dosage: 100 mg/ q 6˚ Adverse Reaction Depression, flushing, sweating, headache, circulatory collapse, mood changes, hypertension, thrombophlebi tis, embolism, tachycardia, edema, fungal infections, increased intraocular pressure, blurred vision, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal distention, hemorrhage, increased appetite, pancreatitis, thrombocytope nia, acne, poor wound healing, ecchymosis, petechiae, fractures, osteoporosis, weakness

Side Effec ts

Nursing Consideration Assessment:

Indicatio n

Treatment of primary Assess patient or condition before secondary starting therapy adrenal and reassess cortex regularly. insufficien Monitor cy, patient’s weight, rheumatic blood pressure, disorder, glucose and respirator electrolyte. y disease, Monitor for drug hematolog induced adverse ic reaction. disorders, Monitor inputcollagen output ratio, disease, urine output and allergic increasing states, edema. dermatolo Assess for gic systemic disease, absorption and allergic irritation. and Assess carefully inflammat for signs of ory infection ophthalmi especially fever c and WBC count processes, because the neoplastic drug masks disease infection edematou symptoms. s states, multiple Nursing sclerosis, Diagnoses: tuberculou s

Contraindicati on Systemic fungal infections: IM use in idiopathic thrombocytope nic purpura, Nonasthmatic bronchial disease, amebiasis. Acute glomeruloneph ritis, psychosis.

Ineffective health maintenance related to underlying condition. Risk for infection related to immunosuppres sion. Deficient knowledge related to drug therapy. Planning: P/O route Give with food or milk to decrease GI symptoms. Implementation : Patient /family education Teach patient all aspects drug usage, the danger of stopping abruptly after long term therapy and signs of early adrenal insufficiency. Instruct patient to notify physician of decreased

meningitis , trichinosis with neurologic or myocardia l involment

therapeutics response for proper dose adjustment. Instruct patient to monitor and report signs of infection because longterm therapy may be needed to resolve infection. Evaluation: Positive therapeutic outcome Patient’s condition improves. Serious drug induced complications does not develop. Patient does not develop serious infection. Patient and family state understanding of drug therapy.

CAPTOPRIL Capoten, Captace, Captril, Hartylox, Primace, Tensoril, Septuagen, Vasostad Dose: 25 mg tab/ PRN Adverse Reaction Fever, chills, hypotension, postural hypotension, tachycardia, angina, loss of taste, liver function tests, impotence, dysuria, nocturia, proteinuria, nephritic syndrome, acute reversible renal failure, polyuria, oliguria, frequency, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, thrombocytope nia, anemia, rash, angioedema, hyperkalemia, bronchospasm, dyspnea, cough.

Side Nursing Effect Considerati s on Assessment:


Contraindicati on

Hypertensio n, congestive heart failure (CHF), Left ventricular dysfunction (LVD) after myorcardial infarction (MI), diabetic nephropath y.

Pregnancy (category D: second-third trimester; C first trimester). Hypersensitivity , lactation, heart block, children, potassiumsparing diuretics, bilateral renal artery stenosis.

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