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Overview of 2007-2009 activities DREAMS, PV resort (ex Camino Real)
















4 november 1963(completed) .... In TJ, 2008. With Hannah, jamileh’s mother. ROFMEX MEETING AT UCLA


Decentralized Glibalization: Free Trade, Foundations, Civic  Society and Civil Government in the Regions of the World 17

ISBN:  970­27­0713­4

La Globalización Se Descentraliza: Libre Mercado, Fundaciones, Sociedad Cívica y Gobierno Civil en las Regiones del Mundo Por Olga Magdalena Lazín


Olga Magdalena Lazin (Guadalajara, February 2008) Acknowledgements Decentralization of globalization has everything to do with the definition of “Civic Attitude”.1 Although a tradition exists, from a Scottish illustration in the seventeenth century, separating the concepts “civic” and “civil”, it is necessary to point out the confusion of using both terms interchangeably, but moreover to refer to “civil society”. An important part of this book is to clarify the mentioned confusion, especially in the preface, and I should mention that the majority of analysts refer to “civil society” when in reality they mean Civic Attitude. For instance, Ernest Gellner (1991), Adam Seligman (1995) y Carlos Monsiváis (2005, cited in Table 1 of the preface), as well as philanthropists like George Soros (Building open societies, Soros Foundation Network 2005 report, 2006), speak of civil societies. In a certain sense, Soros is correct because a large part of his mission is helping construct responsible, efficient and honest civil governments. On the other hand, Soros should gain better understanding that his role is not to represent the civil government, rather, to be an agent of Civic Attitude. [15] In this book, I distinguish between civil society as government and Civil Society, 1

I capitalize the term “Civil Attitude” to differentiate it from the term “civil society”, a criteria which is utilized throughout this work.


which represents the non-governmental sector and the actions governments cannot perform not only due to their lack of imagination, but also due to the bureaucratic disinterest. To differentiate between the civic and civil, I should recognize the thinkers of the Scottish Illustration (that flourished between 1740 and 1800) created and important body of thought that established the idea of a market economy and civil government with moral and civic values to prevent corrupt tyrants, rulers and “public servicemen” from abusing their power. Lindley Murray popularized the idea that individual power can prevail over tyrannical power. Although Murray lived in the United States, he captured the term “civic” from the Scottish Illustration in his book The English Reader (published in 1799), and was the second most popular English speaking author in the world between 1800 and 1849. During that time, 11 million copies of his work were sold in the United States alone, and 3 million were sold in other countries. He focused on highlighting personal integrity and passionately defended the common good.2 Meanwhile, a French tradition, initiated by Montesquieu y De Tocqueville, exposed the idea that Civic Attitude is necessary to help civil government and insisted that it functions for the common good. These thinkers emphasized the civic role of autonomous associations among civil societies, not political ones, with which they started their own actions in favor of the people in general. The travels of Alexis de Tocqueville brought him to the conclusion that the United States, a country that barely started its independent existence [16] was the epitome of Civic Attitude, already moving forward and taking advantage of the English civil legislative tradition, that which contributed to the reading population newspapers to understanding its surroundings. The idea of establishing its own Civic Attitude flourished in England and Germany as well, in the first country to limit the power of the monarchy which was still in power, in the second country to stimulate a new intellectual tradition.3 From the Scottish illustration, it is important to also note that Adam Smith, author of La riqueza de las naciones (1776), which was considered the foundation of the free trade among nations for the benefit of them all, was written before his Teoria de los sentimientos morales (1759). In this theory Smith suggested that “social capital” should be based in the network consisting of school, family, community, religion and volunteer associations; or Civic Attitude, which gives life to people and the market amongst villages, cities, regions and nations. Smith clarified that interests and the market are not self sufficient for creating a society that benefits all, without the necessity of civil culture to form strong relations between these various types of entities. Social capital complements capital economy and viceversa.4 More recently, Civic Attitude has been identified as Civic Culture. 2

Véase Charles Monaghan, “Lindley Murray and the [Scottish] Enlightenment”, http://faculty.ed.uiuc.edu/westbury/paradigm/monoghan2.html, 1996. 3 Véase Fania Oz-Salzberger (1995). 4 Véase Peter J. Dougherty (2002) Who’s afraid of Adam Smith: How the market got its soul!, New York: Wiley, cited by Christopher Farrell en www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/nov2002/nf20021115_2141.htm


My mother Magdalena Iosefciuc, has been the first role model for me regarding the prominence of civic action. I am dedicating this book to her.


In Tijuana, Mx, with our students and colleagues. Judith on my right. Dean of the University in Mexicali, 2008 March


With our experts on lat America at UCLA>, april 2009

My UCLA Grad Placard.


Maya painting from Palenque.


With the Calavera in Morelia, Michoacán. Dia de los Muertos.



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