Dnd 4e - Elemental Classes Preview

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 Role: Leader. Your mastery of the Elemental Chaos allows you to toy with the very nature of matter. You can repair the broken bones of an ally, or incinerate your foes by turning the gentle winds into a raging fire. You lean towards striker as a secondary role. Power Source: Elemental. You channel the entropic and creative forces of the Elemental Chaos directly through your body, surviving only through your masterful control, strong body, and impeccable will. Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution


Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, shortbow, longbow Implements: Brands, rods, wands Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will


Hit Points at 1st Level: 14 + Constitution score Hit Points per Level Gained: 5 Healing Surges per Day: 8 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: Religion. From the class skills list below, choose four more trained skills at 1st level. Class skills: Arcana (Intelligence), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wisdom), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wisdom), History (Intelligence), Insight (Wisdom), Nature (Wisdom), Religion (Intelligence), Streetwise (Charisma)


Class Features: Chaotic Nature, Natural Terrain, Primordial Spirit, Renewing Breath


The Primordials once wrought the very essence of the earth from the chaos of nothingness. Like they once did, you wield the power to directly mold the elements with finesse and explicit intent to create the tools you require to perform your works. All architects use the building blocks of life as their instruments though whether you do so to protect and defend your allies, or to cause excruciating suffering to your enemies is up to you. Many architects grow up in abject loneliness, not knowing from whence their power came, and being misunderstood by those around them. There is a small surviving school of architects that existed before the great purging, perhaps you were found by them early and grow up in their care. Regardless of how you were raised, you were born with an innate connection to the very power that drove the Primordials. Yours is a path to greatness, if you can survive the turmoil that such power brings.




PRIMORDIAL SPIRIT Your inherent connection to the Primordials and the Elemental Chaos manifests itself in how your powers are used. Choose one of the following options. Spirit of Creation: The first time during an encounter that an ally within 20 squares of you becomes bloodied they regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. Spirit of Entropy: Whenever you hit a bloodied creature the next attack made against that creature receives a bonus to the attack and damage roll equal to your Constitution modifier. If the creature is not hit by the end of your next turn, the bonus is lost.

Architects have the following class features.

CHAOTIC NATURE Whenever you finish an extended rest you must roll a d10 to determine a damage type. d10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Damage Type Acid Cold Fire Force Lightning Necrotic Poison Psychic Radiant Thunder

RENEWING BREATH You gain the renewing breath power. By channeling the creative powers of the Primordials, you bestow increased energy and resilience on your allies


Any enemy within 5 squares of you has its resistance lowered and its vulnerability increased (the must already be vulnerable or have a condition that makes them vulnerable) to that damage type by 5 until your next extended rest. This effect can only occur once per round. The effect increases to 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level.

Architects can wield a number of different implements to aid them in their elemental control. They can wield rods, wands and can channel through an elemental brand (page 25), a special kind of implement that is only usable by those who have the ability to channel the Elemental Chaos. When you wield an implement you can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of architect powers and architect paragon path powers that have the implement keyword. Without an implement, you can still use these powers.

N ATURAL T ERRAIN Any difficult terrain that is caused by natural means (i.e. rubble, tall grass, vines, etc.) does not impede your movement. Difficult terrain caused by magical forces or creatures, like a spider's web, still impedes you as normal.


Characteristics: As an elemental leader, you have some similarities with your arcane counterpart, the bard. Both of you are leaders that can do decent mid-ranged damage, but that is where your similarities end. Bards ply their way with song and music, while you directly control the forces of the material world to do your bidding. You heal through directly curing wounds, and can transform your weapons into raw elemental forces to destroy your foe. Religion: Religion is a touchy issue with those who follow the path of the Primordials. While very few who wield Elemental power are devoted to the cause of a particular Primordial, few gods will welcome you. Among those that occasionally do welcome architects are: Ioun, Melora, the Raven Queen and Sheanine. Races: The Sylph are the preeminent architects, their elemental nature naturally leading them down a path of its control as architects of war. Deva, although often associated with the gods of the astral sea, have a natural affinity with the nature of the world itself and occasionally they will take up the mantle of an architect of peace. Dwarves and Qallupilluk also make excellent architects.

TRANSFIGURATION AND TERRAIN Thematically, the architect uses the transfiguration of the world around her to achieve the fantastical feats that she accomplishes. Mechanistically, a number of these powers are associated with the transfiguration (page 25) and terrain (page 25) keywords. Transfigurations require a certain focus in order to work. Many of the architect's powers use arrows as a focus to create elemental bolts of fire or ice. These arrows are transformed completely into the element and cannot be retrieved from a corpse. They can also perform limited terrain alterations. Powers with the terrain keyword function similar to zones, but unlike zones, they are often indiscriminate and do not fade after a time. They are physical alterations to the world itself and remain as such, unless another creature with similar capabilities exercises their own strength to force it back. As such they are often more limited in scope then zones.



Renewing Breath

You can select any assortment of powers for your character, but architects naturally fall into two basic groups: the Architect of Peace and the Architect of War. All architects rely heavily on Intelligence. Architects also benefit from having high Constitution and Wisdom, though which one you rely on more will depend on your choice of class features and powers. 

ARCHITECT OF PEACE You use your mastery of the elemental components of matter to lead you’re allies in battle; physically curing and repairing wounds, and enchanting your allies with the powers of the Elemental Chaos. Make Intelligence your highest score, as it influences a vast majority of your powers. Choose Wisdom as your second highest to increase your ability to heal your allies and grant free healing if you choose Spirit of Creation as your Primordial Spirit, followed by Constitution to allow you to resist your entropic curse. Select powers that heal, aid your allies and allow them to maneuver into more advantageous position. 
 Suggested Class Feature: Spirit of Creation Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Arcana, Endurance, Heal, Insight Suggested At-Will Powers: resilient skin, sand's cunning Suggested Encounter Power: chaotic conduit Suggested Daily Power: chasing the flame 


Architect Attack 1

You let loose an arrow from your bow, and as it flies you transform it into a screaming bolt of heat that explodes on impact. At-Will * Fire, Elemental, Transfiguration, Weapon Standard Action Ranged weapon Requires: an arrow Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + 1d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Level 21: 2[W] + 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.


Resilient Skin

You can transform even the most innocent object into a tool of your opponent's demise. You specialize in turning ordinary arrows into streaking bolts of lightning or a viscous ooze that restricts movement and burns flesh. Make Intelligence you’re highest score so that you can strike precisely and heavily, followed by Constitution as it will allow a number of your attacks to hit harder. You lean towards striker as a secondary role. 
 Suggested Class Feature: Spirit of Entropy Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Endurance, History Suggested At-Will Powers: cinder bolt, stone fist Suggested Encounter Power: heat fever Suggested Daily Power: rain of arrows

Architect Attack 1

A nearby enemy feels their body weaken, as if its' mass was leaking from it. A nearby ally suddenly seems to have a bit more resistance to damage. At-Will * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Close burst 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you or one ally within 5 squares of the target gains temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. Level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.

Stone Fist

Architect Attack 1

Melding your body with the ground around you, you push your mind through the earth and into your foe, manifesting as a stone fist that catapults from the ground into your foe. At-Will * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: Intelligence modifier damage and you push the target one square. If the target leaves a square adjacent to an ally, that ally can make an attack of opportunity against the target. Only one ally can make such an attack per round. Level 21: You push the target 2 squares.


The architect, like other elemental classes, uses her body as a conductor for the entropic forces of the Elemental Chaos. As such, your powers are called conduits.

CLASS FEATURES Each architect has the power renewing breath.


Architect Feature

You blow out a soothing wind, full of the creative powers of the elements and direct it towards a friend, filling their lungs with inspiration and vigour. Encounter (Special) * Elemental, Healing Minor Action Close burst 10 Target: You or one ally in burst Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and an additional 1d6 hit points. You regain 2 hit points when you use this ability. Level 6: 2d6 additional hit points. Level 11: 3d6 additional hit points and 3 hit points. Level 16: 4d6 additional hit points. Level 21: 5d6 additional hit points and 4 hit points. Level 26: 6d6 additional hit points. Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only one per round. At 16th level, you can use this power three times per encounter, but only once per round.

Sand's Cunning

Architect Attack 1

You gather all the motes of dust and dirt in the air around you and use them to blindside your foe, allowing an ally to reposition themselves for a greater strike. At-Will * Elemental, Force, Implement Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Effect: One ally within 5 squares of you can shift 1 square. Level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage.


Architect Attack 1

You sense the latent heat in an enemies body and cause it to rise, making them groan in pain. Encounter * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Close burst 5 Target: Up to two creatures in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier damage. Entropy: You can make the attack against an additional target within the burst.

Wooden Subsitute

Architect Attack 1

W ith a sharp twist of your wrist, you cause a root to explode from the ground and strike the target. It then coils around a friend to provide them some limited protection from a retributive blow. Encounter * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Close burst 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and one ally within 5 squares of the target now has a wooden substitute. Once, before the end of the encounter, that ally can teleport 2 squares as an immediate reaction to an attack and only suffers half the damage from that attack. Effect: You or only ally within 5 squares of the enemy gains a +2 bonus to their AC until the end of your next turn.

Frostbite Wound

River's Flow

Architect Attack 1

You momentarily transform the ground at your foes feet into a raging river that drags them away from friend and foe, battering them violently against the banks before depositing them away from the battle. Encounter * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Ranged 8 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you slide the target a number of square equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). Effect: Chose one ally within 5 squares of you. Once, until the end of the encounter, that ally can teleport 2 squares as an immediate interrupt to any melee or ranged attack. The first time the ally becomes bloodied after having used this ability it refreshes.

Poison Breath

Architect Attack 1

Taking a massive inhalation your body almost seems to expand with air, and, with a great gasping sigh, you blow outward; but instead of air, toxic fumes are exhaled. Encounter * Elemental, Implement, Poison Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier poison damage, and the target takes 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends).

Architect Attack 1

As your arrow plunges into the flesh of an enemy the wound itself starts to freeze, slowing the flow of blood, but also causing a potentially painful situation. Encounter * Cold, Elemental, Transfiguration, Weapon Standard Action Ranged weapon Requires: An arrow Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + 1d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and if the target is hit before the end of your next turn it takes an additional 1[W] + 1d8 cold damage.

Architect Attack 1

You create an elemental tie between your body and a foes, letting the unfiltered entropy of the Elemental Chaos flow into their body, providing you a moment's respite. Encounter * Elemental, Implement, Necrotic Standard Action Ranged 8 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. Effect: If you took damage from the entropic curse this round, you regain twice that amount of hit points. Creation: One ally within 3 squares of you regains hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.


Chaotic Conduit

Chasing the Flame

Architect Attack 1

You rip a shard of the fire of life from a foe and bestow it on your friends Encounter * Fire, Elemental, Implement Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Effect: Each ally within 2 squares of the target can regain hit points equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier.


 Rain of Arrows

Architect Attack 1

You launch an arrow high into the air then cause it to explode in a hail of searing light. Encounter * Elemental, Radiant, Transfiguration, Weapon Standard Action Ranged weapon Requires: An arrow Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. AC, make a secondary attack Hit: 1[W] + 1d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). Secondary Target: Each creature adjacent to the primary target Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn.

Desert Coffin

Architect Utility 2

By grafting an extension made of earth onto the end of an ally's arms, you increase the range momentarily. Encounter * Elemental Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: One ally Effect: The target has a reach of two until the end of their next turn.

Soothing Fracture

Architect Utility 2

Architect Utility 2

W ith a barely audible whisper you cause the ground beneath your feat to sigh, creating a thick fog that hides you and your allies. Daily * Elemental, Terrain Minor Action Close burst 1 Effect: You create an area where mist continually rises from the ground. Any creature in this area gains concealment.

Architect Attack 3

The dust and sand around your target's feat begins to coalesce on their body, quickly crushing her under its weight and preventing her from fleeing. Encounter * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is restrained until the end of your next turn.


As you pass your hand of an ally's broken bone, it is suddenly mended. Encounter * Elemental Minor Action Melee touch Target: One ally Effect: The target regains hit points as if she had used a healing surge.

Hidden Mist

Architect Attack 3

After your arrow strikes it dissolves into a mucous goo that roots your target in place and hampers their freedom. Encounter * Elemental, Transfiguration, Weapon Standard Action Ranged weapon Requires: An arrow Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + 1d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends).


Viscous Arrow

Architect Attack 3

W rapping your foe in thin sheath of elemental forces you sap the strength and hamper their movement. W hile this sheath remains a nearby ally receives the benefit of the sapped strength. Encounter * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Close burst 5 Target: One creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Until the target saves against the condition one ally within the original burst gains a +2 power bonus to their AC Creation: The power bonus to AC equals your Wisdom modifier.


Architect Attack 3

The moment your bristling arrow buries itself in your foe, you transform it into a conduit between your bodies, pulling lightning down from the sky and channeling it through your body into your enemy. Encounter * Elemental, Lightning, Transfiguration, Weapon Standard Action Ranged weapon Requires: An arrow Target: Two creatures, make separate attacks Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + 1d4 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Entropy: Add your Constitution modifier necrotic damage to each attack.



 Role: Striker. By using the elements of the earth you target your foes and relentlessly attack them, until they can no longer stand. Your geomancy allows you to hit foes between your normal strikes, leading you to controller as a likely secondary role. Power Source: Elemental. You wield the elemental forces of the Elemental Chaos with an artist's flare. Your ability to channel the powers of the elements through the earth around you is unparalleled. Key Abilities: Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee Implements: Brands Bonus to Defense: +2 Will Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Constitution score Hit Points per Level Gained: 6 Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier Trained Skills: From the class skills list below, choose three trained skills at 1st level. Class skills: Acrobatics (Dexterity), Athletics (Strength), Bluff (Charisma), Dungeoneering (Wisdom), Endurance (Constitution), Intimidate (Charisma), Perception (Wisdom), Stealth (Dexterity), Thievery (Dexterity) Class Features: Channel of Arms, Elemental Brand, Elemental Soul You were born with a special connection to the earth. Not a connection with the spirits, or nature like those of the primal persuasion; the earth itself, the physical rudiments of the world. You have a control over them that borders on muscle reflex. Without thinking, you can raise a tide to wash away your foes; open the earth to swallow them; or command a raging fire to consume them. From whence this connection arises you many not know or understand. You have some bond with primordial forces that shaped the earth, but you are neither a devotee nor servant of the Primordials themselves. Your powers do not come through worship of these pseudo-Gods but through your own connection to the powers they wield. Perhaps, in time, you may come to wield these abilities with such force that the Primordials themselves may tremble at your footsteps.





Geomancers have the following class features.

CHANNEL OF ARMS At the beginning of every encounter you must role a d6. The outcome of your roll determines the damage type of your weapon for that encounter. d10 1 2 3 4 5 6

Damage Type Acid Cold Fire Lightning Thunder Poison

You also gain access to the channel of arms encounter power that allows you to re-roll your power type. Also, once per encounter, as a minor action, you can imbue all adjacent allies with your current damage type. Allies so imbued do that damage type with weapon powers until the end of your next turn.

ELEMENTAL SCAR You have the elemental scar power.


Characteristics: Geomancers are a unique type of elemental striker. You are a short to melee-ranged striker and are quite different from either the warlock or the sorcerer. Your range is more restrictive and you may do less damage outright, but you have many of abilities that allow you to do damage throughout the entire round. Religion: Your powers are more easily disguised and less overtly related to the Elemental Chaos then others; though many geomancers aspire do aspire to be as powerful as the Primordials. Others turn their powers towards the service of the Gods. Common gods that are worship are: Ioun, Melora, Moradin and Sheanine. Races: Consuming geomancers are a natural fit for the Raróg, while Eladrin often make excellent encompassing geomancers. The Sylph are often found as geomancers of either persuasion.

IMPLEMENTS Geomancers have the limited ability to use brands (page 25) as implements for some of their powers. When you wield an implement you can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of geomancer powers and geomancer paragon path powers that have the implement keyword. Without an implement, you can still use these powers.



You can select any assortment of powers for your character, but geomancers naturally fall into two basic groups: the Consuming Geomancer and the Encompassing Geomancer. All geomancer use their Dexterity to attack, but they may use either Constitution or Intelligence more depending on your choice of class features and powers. 

Geomancy refers to the unique control over the earth that this class has. All of their encounter powers have the geomancy keyword followed by a qualifier GEOMANCY (page 24). Geomancers can use these powers to do additional damage to nearby enemies in between their normal turns, as reactions to actions taken by those enemies.


Your innate connection to the Elemental world emphasizes certain Elemental connections over others. You may be connected with the consuming nature of fire, targeting one enemy and attacking them until they are finished. Or you may feel closer to the all-encompassing air, gathering around the battlefield and targeted multiple foes. Choose one of the following options. Your choice provides bonuses to certain geomancer powers, as detailed in those powers. The Fire that Consumes: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with weapons that you are proficient with, and you deal extra damage with your Elemental brand equal to your Constitution modifier. In addition, you gain the Weapon Proficiency feat as a bonus feat and can choose between the following weapons: battleaxe, handaxe, scimitar, longsword, shortsword. At 11th level you gain the Weapon Proficiency feat again and can choose another weapon from the list above or the katar or bastard sword. At 21st level you gain the Weapon Proficiency feat again and can choose from any of the weapons listed here. The Air that Encompasses: You can hold a onehanded weapon in your off hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. Once per round, when your attack causes a target to be bloodied you can immediately make a melee basic attack as a free action with your off-hand weapon. You do not have to attack the target that you bloodied. If you attack a different target you gain a bonus to your attack roll and damage roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. You also gain access to the geomancer unarmed strike. While you are not holding anything in your hand, you can use this weapon. It counts as a weapon in the unarmed weapon group, has the unarmed property, a reach of 1, a +3 proficiency bonus and does 1d8 damage. It functions exactly as a weapon for all other purposes, including enchanting and disenchanting, except, when disenchanting you do not destroy the weapon and only gain one-tenth its worth in residuum.


Channel of Arms

You have a natural affinity with fire and often use that to decimate your foes. Make Dexterity your highest priority, followed by Constitution to increase the damage of your Elemental Brand if you select the Fire that Consumes. Focus on doing lots of damage to a single enemy and taking them down. Select powers that do a lot of damage outright. 
 Suggested Class Feature: The Fire that Consumes Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Stealth Suggested At-Will Powers: torch punch, petra strike Suggested Encounter Power: flame burst Daily Power: spark paw 


You glide easily around your foes striking multiple enemies from multiple angles. Like a current of air you are difficult to catch. You will want to make Dexterity your highest score, and, if you choose the Air the Encompasses, you will want to make Intelligence your second highest, allowing you to hit multiple foes that much harder. Focus on powers that have more battlefield control and ongoing damage as you lean towards controller as a secondary role. 
 Suggested Class Feature: The Air the Encompasses Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth, Thievery Suggested At-Will Powers: zephyr fist, treacherous eddy Suggested Encounter Power: earthshock Suggested Daily Power: onslaught wave

Petra Strike

Geomancer Attack 1

W ith a coordinated twist of your wrist and foot you cause a jut of earth to rise and knock your foe from the feet. At-Will * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: One creature in burst Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone. Level 21: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage

Torch Punch


The geomancer uses powers called conduits to channel the elemental forces of the Elemental Chaos through her body and through the earth.

CLASS FEATURES Each geomancer has the power channel of arms. Geomancer Attack 1

You burn the Elements into your opponents flesh. At-Will * Elemental, Varies Free Action Trigger: You use an attack power while you have combat advantage against at least one target Target: All targets of the triggering attack Effect: All targets are inflicted with an elemental scar of the damage type you are currently channeling. Once per round, when a target with an active elemental scar takes damage of its the scar's type you can choose to apply an additional 1d6 damage. The elemental scar lasts until you use this power again. Level 21: Increase to twice per round at 11th level and three times per round at 21st level

Geomancer Attack 1

As your weapon connects with your foe, a solid fist of air crashes into them, pushing them back. At-Will * Elemental, Force, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier force damage, and the target is pushed back 1 square. Level 21: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier force damage


Elemental Scar

Geomancer Feature

Your powers die then flare anew. Encounter * Elemental Minor Action Personal Effect: You can re-roll your channel of arms damage type. Special: You can use this ability twice per encounter but only once per round. You can end this effect at any time as a free action. If you are not channeling a damage type you can not apply an elemental brand.

Geomancer Attack 1

Your weapon flares into fire as it connects with your foe, doing additional fire damage on top of your hit. At-Will * Elemental, Fire, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier fire damage. Level 21: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier fire damage.

Treacherous Eddy

Geomancer Attack 1

After your weapon hits, the enemy feels the water in the air around them swirling as if preparing to strike. At-Will * Cold, Elemental, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. Level 21: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. Effect: You can choose to apply Intelligence modifier cold damage on your next geomancy hit.


 Wind Slash


Geomancer Attack 1

In rapid succession you strike two foes near you, then cause the water in the ground to rise around you in the form of the arms of an octopus and strike them with that as well. Encounter * Cold, Elemental, Geomancy(Water), Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One or two creatures, make separate attacks Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage Geomancy: Close burst 2 Geomancy Target: One creature in burst and one creature adjacent to the target Geomancy Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1d8 cold damage



Geomancer Attack 1

W ith great force and presence you send a rising protrusion of earth forward from you, knocking your foes easily aside. Encounter * Elemental, Geomancy(Earth), Implement Standard Action Close line 2 within 1 Target: Each creature in line Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier damage and you slide the target to either side of the line. If the target cannot slide, the line ends. Geomancy: Close burst 2 Geomancy Target: One creature in burst Geomancy Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: Dexterity modifier damage and the target is pushed 1 square

Flame Burst

Onslaught Wave

Geomancy Attack 1

Gathering the forces of water around you, you propel them forward sending crashing waves over your foes. Encounter * Cold, Elemental, Implement Standard Action Close line 4 within 1 Target: Each creature in line Special: You can shift 1 square before this attack. If you had combat advantage in square you were in before this shift you retain combat advantage against that creature. Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + Dexterity modifier cold damage.

Spark Paw

Geomancer Attack 1

Grinning as you strike the foe, you cause the skin to blister with a mere word. Encounter * Elemental, Fire, Geomancy(Heat), Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage Geomancy: Close burst 2 Geomancy Target: One creature in burst Geomancy Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: Dexterity modifier fire damage and ongoing fire damage equal to your Dexterity modifier (save ends). Consumes: You can choose to apply the ongoing damage from the geomancy attack as the damage type you are currently channeling. If you do, and you have already used your elemental brand this round, you can use it again as long as the damage types are the same.


Geomancer Attack 1

Your blade is joined with blades of air, striking nearby enemies while you finish off your foe. Encounter * Elemental, Force, Geomancy(Air), Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage and all adjacent enemies take Intelligence modifier force damage. Geomancy: Close burst 2 Geomancy Target: One creature in burst Geomancy Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1[W] force damage Encompasses: Each adjacent enemy to the geomancy target takes Intelligence modifier force damage.

Geomancy Attack 1

You generate a massive electrical field around your weapon the moment it strikes, causing agonizing pain and blinding them momentarily. Encounter * Elemental, Lightning, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier lightning damage and the target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Dexterity modifier lightning damage and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn.

Poisonous Embrace

Geomancy Attack 1

Channeling a potent toxin through your own body, you crash heavily into your foe, transferring the toxin to them. Encounter * Elemental, Poison, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier poison damage and the target is immobilized (save ends) and takes 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage, no aftereffect and you take 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends). Aftereffect (Ongoing damage): If the target had a poison elemental brand on them when they were hit by this attack they become infected. They suffer 1 poison damage for every square they move until the end of the encounter. If the target is vulnerable to poison they take that damage at the end of a move action.

 Counter Flood


Geomancer Utility 2

W ith a whispered word your throw your hands into the air, changing slightly the world around you. Encounter * Elemental Minor Action Close burst 1 Target: All squares in range Effect: Choose either water, heat, soil or growth. Until the end of the encounter, those squares now have that attribute for the purposes of geomancy powers.

Geomancy Adept

Geomancer Utility 2

Though young in your ways, your difficult training has led down a path of increased power. Encounter * Elemental Immediate Reaction Trigger: You use a geomancy attack. Effect: You can use the geomancy attack versus an additional target in range. You gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Constitution modifier.

Earth's Response

Leaf Swirl

Geomancer Utility 2

The strength of the earth bolster's you for a short time. Daily * Elemental, Healing Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier. When you have no temporary hit points left, you can choose to spend a healing surge.


Geomancer Attack 3

Calling on the primordial waters your violently counter any foolhardy foe that dares affront you. Encounter * Elemental, Geomancy(Soil), Implement Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. Geomancy: Until this geomancy ends, when you are the target of an attack within 2 squares you can make a geomancy attack as an immediate reaction. Geomancy Target: Triggering creature Geomancy Attack: Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier cold damage. Encompasses: You can use your geomancy attack against an attack within 5 squares of you. If you attack a square farther than 2 squares away your attack goes against Reflex instead of AC. Geomancer Attack 3

By causing the growth around you to crowd your foe, you conceal your movements, allowing you strike more precisely and preventing your foe from striking back. Encounter * Elemental, Geomancy(Growth), Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity +2 vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. Geomancy: Close burst 2 Geomancy Target: One creature Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty on its next attack.

Geomancer Attack 3

You cause the ground at an enemy's feet to explode and prevent them from maneuvering away. Encounter * Elemental, Fire, Geomancy(Heat), Implement Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d12 + Dexterity modifier fire damage Geomancy: Close burst 2 Geomancy Target: One creature in burst Geomancy Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier fire damage. Consumes: You can use this attack as an immediate interrupt when a target takes a move action.

Land Slide

Geomancer Attack 3

The earth itself heeds your call and contorts itself to combat your foes. Encounter * Elemental, Geomancy(Soil), Implement Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 + Dexterity modifier damage and you slide the target 1 square Geomancy: Close burst 2 Geomancy Target: One creature in burst Geomancy Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 + Dexterity modifier damage.



 Role: Controller. You have the unique ability to summon minions and control the very nature of the earth around you. Depending on your choice of abilities, you may lean more toward striker or leader as a secondary role. Power Source: Elemental. Your body serve as a living conduit for the Elemental forces that cascade heedlessly through the Elemental Chaos, and by harnessing them you can call forth minions crafted from elemental forces or change the terrain of the earth. Key Abilities: Intelligence, Charisma, Constitution Armor Proficiencies: Cloth Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, flail Implements: Staffs, brands Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will Hit Points at 1st Level: 14 + Constitution score Hit Points per Level Gained: 5 Healing Surges per Day: 7 + Constitution modifier Trained Skills: Arcana. From the class skills list below, choose three more trained skills at 1st level. Class skills: Arcana (Intelligence), Diplomacy (Charisma), Endurance (Constitution), History (Intelligence), Insight (Wisdom), Perception (Wisdom), Religion (Intelligence) Class Features: Diviner's Eyes, Primordial Binding, Ritual Casting, Shikigami Conjuration The elements flow through your veins and are welcome companions on your journey. You are an oracle of fate, but unlike those who seek guidance from the divine, you read fate by following the ribbons left from the design of the Primordials. Although many of the creatures that now inhabit the world are creations of the Astral Gods you can still see their place in the tapestry of the Primordials. Your control of the chaos is such to make others envious. You can summon willful minions crafted from components of the Elemental Chaos. These minions follow your commands explicitly, but are also able to act on their own will. The terrain of the world around you is also a force you can use to confound and harry your foes; transforming the very world itself into your expression of power. These transformations are not fickle powers that dissipate over time; they remain as your mark upon the world. Using your minions and your terrain altering powers you have a vast ability to control the battlefield, forcing simple pawns into vice gripped traps, and causing dazzling displays of rampant energy. There are few who excel more than you at wide burst of damage.




Onmyouji have the following class features.

Onmyouji can use either staffs or brands (page 25) as implements as a way of focusing their ability to channel the Elemental Chaos. When you wield an implement you can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of onmyouji powers and onmyouji paragon path powers that have the implement keyword. Without an implement, you can still use these powers.

DIVINER'S EYES You gain the diviner's eyes power.

N ATURE OF ENTROPY Your tie to the Elemental Chaos ebbs and flows through you body causing the expression of your powers to shift over time. At the beginning of each round, roll a d6 to determine a damage type. d10 1 2 3 4 5 6


You can select any assortment of powers for your character, but onmyouji naturally fall into two basic groups: the Chaotic Onmyouji and the Summoning Onmyouji. All onmyouji use their Intelligence to attack, but they may use either Charisma or Constitution more depending on your choice or powers.

Damage Type Acid Cold Fire Lightning Thunder Poison

The outcome of this roll effects your summons and changes the effect of some powers.



Characteristics: Onmyouji are unique in that the summon minions to do much of they're fighting and can actually alter the terrain that you fight on. With your variety of class features you can be restricted to shortand medium- ranged attacks, or have one of the longest overall ranges of any character. Religion: With their overt connection to the Elemental Chaos it is extremely rare for an onmyouji to worship a god of the Astral Sea. If you so happen to be one of those few, it likely that you worship Avandra, Ioun or Sehanine. Races: With their own connection the Elemental Chaos, sylph make excellent chaotic onmyouji. Given the natural charisma of the tiefling and the gnome, they are often found as summoning onmyouji. Half-Elves are also common of either persuasion.

PRIMORDIAL BINDING Your soul is tied to the ancient Primordials in a way that you do not fully comprehend. Choose one of the following options.

CHAOTIC T IES You are tied to the natural entropic forces of the Elemental Chaos Projected Presence: You increase the range of all ranged # and area spells by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier (do not add 1/2 your level). Strategic Spirits: Before any area or close spell in which your shikigami is in the area of the spell one ally adjacent to each shikigami can shift 2 squares as a free action.

ELEMENTAL T IES You are innately connected to the elemental forces of the world and the Elemental Chaos Geomantic Ruin: Once per round, you and any minions you have in play gain a bonus to damage rolls against bloodied enemies equal to your Charisma modifier. Destructive Spirits: When you end your turn, one ally adjacent to each shikigami receives a +1 bonus to their next attack. This bonus is cumulative and is lost at the end of the ally's next turn if it is not used.

A unique feature of the onmyouji is their ability to summon minions (page 25) and the alter the terrain around them (page 25). These two abilities combined give them unprecedented control of the battle field. Minions are created through the transfiguration of your shikigami, a disembodied spirit that is fused into a slip of paper to do your bidding.

CHAOTIC O NMYOUJI The immutable nature of chaos flows through you and allows you to twist the land around you into new and more terrifying forms. Make Intelligence your primary attribute, followed by Constitution, which will allow you to do more direct damage and have more effects with terrain powers and the current damage type you are channeling. You may want to make Charisma a third priority to aid in minion summoning. If you select the Chaotic Ties class feature, your range with most of your powers will increase as you increase in levels, allowing you to engage in long-ranged combat.

RITUAL CASTING You gain the Ritual Casting feat as a bonus feat, allowing you to use magical rituals. You own a ritual book, and it contains two rituals of your choice that you have mastered: Thread's in a Tapestry and one 1st-level ritual.

SHIKIGAMI CONJURATION You gain the shikigami conjuration power.



Shikigami Conjuration

Suggested Class Feature: Chaotic Ties Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Endurance, History,

Religion Suggested At-Will Powers: earth cannon, tundra chaos Suggested Encounter Power: foreboding bog Daily Power: heat wave 

S UMMONING O NMYOUJI By wrenching Elemental souls out from the Elemental Chaos you infuse them into your shikigami as willing minions; allowing you to expertly control the field or quickly decimate a foe. You will want to make Intelligence your highest score, and make Charisma your next priority, aiding you in summoning your minions and, if you choose Elemental Ties, increasing your damage against wounded creatures. Make Constitution your next highest to increase the hit points of your minions. Your lack of range forces you into short- and mid-ranged combat 
 Suggested Class Feature: Elemental Ties Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, Endurance Suggested At-Will Powers: tiny minion, ember dart Suggested Encounter Power: ooze minion Suggested Daily Power: flesh to stone


The onmyouji channels the Elemental Chaos, using her body as a conduit.



Onmyouji Attack 1

By pushing your powers through the earth you cause it to launch a massive boulder at a foe. At-Will * Elemental, Implement, Thunder Standard Action Ranged 3 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. Thunder: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Level 21: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage.

Each onmyouji has the power diviner's eyes and shikigami conjuration.

Diviner's Eyes

Onmyouji Feature

Tearing a slip of paper out of a book or scroll you animate it into a paper spirit that innate does your bidding. At-Will * Conjuration, Elemental, Transfiguration Minor Action Close burst 5 Requires: Paper Effect: You animate of slip of paper to do your bidding in an unoccupied square in the burst. You must have a blank a sheet of paper to animate. This power does not expend the paper. The shikigami lasts until you fall unconscious or until the end of the encounter. You can only have one shikigami conjured at a time. The shikigami has no senses and can only be controlled if you have line of sight with it. It has 1 HP and never takes damage on a miss or from one of your own area or close powers. When you take a move action, you can also move the shikigami a number of squares equal to your speed. The shikigami counts as a tiny creature for the purpose of movement, thus, it can stop in an already occupied square. If the shikigami is in an already occupied square at the end of your turn, it can only apply its bonus, based on your choice of class features, to the creature in the square. In order to transfigure it into a minion your shikigami must be in an unoccupied square. Minions transfigured from your shikigami count towards your overall total of shikigami, and they still grant the bonuses detailed by your class feature. At 11th level you can summon two shikigami at a time, and at 21st level you can summon three shikigami at a time.

Onmyouji Feature

Your eyes glaze over and the question on mind suddenly gains some clarity. Encounter * Elemental Minor Action Personal Effect: You can add your Intelligence modifier to your next Insight check

Tundra Chaos

Onmyouji Attack 1

By opening a small portal to the Elemental Chaos you let a wave of Otherworldly chill wash over your foes, soaking them in Primordial waters and sapping them of their strength. At-Will * Cold, Elemental, Implement Standard Action Area burst 1 within 5 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage. Level 21: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. Effect: If the target is hit by an attack with the lightning keyword before the end of your next turn, the target takes extra lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier.


 Tiny Minion

Onmyouji Attack 1

Naiad Minion

Onmyouji Attack 1

You pull a fragment of your current conduit out of the Elemental Chaos and imbue it into your shikigami, turning it into a floating, barely animate mote of chaos. At-Will * Elemental, Implement, Minion, Transfiguration, Varies Standard Action Close burst 5 Requires: A shikigami in range Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: You summon a minion of your current damage type. The minion has your defenses with a -5 penalty, hit points equal to one-half your healing surge value and has a +3 to hit versus AC. On a hit it does 1d6 + Charisma modifier damage of its type. It counts as an ally for all applicable effects. You can only have one minion from this power in play at any time. Level 21: 2d6 + Charisma modifier damage of its type.

Your shikigami suddenly starts to droop as it becomes drenched in water. The paper dissolves as the water takes form, looking much like a small humanoid female. Encounter * Cold, Elemental, Implement, Minion, Transfiguration Standard Action Close burst 5 Requires: A shikigami in range Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: You summon an Elemental minion composed of water. The minion has your defenses with a -5 penalty, hit points equal to one-half your healing surge value. The minion can either make an attack, with a +3 to hit versus AC and doing 1d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage; or it can allow one adjacent character to use a healing surge and regain hit points equal to your Charisma modifier instead of the healing surge value.

Ember Dart

Foreboding Bog

Onmyouji Attack 1

Agitating the molecules of air in front of you produces a small, brightly glowing flame that you cast at a foe, searing their flesh and causing pain if they move. At-Will * Elemental, Fire, Implement Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One or two creatures Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Level 21: 4d4 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Fire: The target takes Intelligence modifier fire damage if it moves during its next turn.

Soluble Ground

Onmyouji Attack 1

You dissolve the ground around your foe and make it hard for them to maintain their footing At-Will * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Area burst 1 within 3 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage. Level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the area becomes unstable ground.

Charged Atmosphere


Onmyouji Attack 1

Twisting the fabric of reality around your shikigami you pull a mote of Elemental acid into it, causing it to bubble and burst as it transforms into an oozing, burning lump of acid. Encounter * Acid, Elemental, Implement, Minion, Transfiguration Standard Action Close burst 5 Requires: A shikigami in range Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: You summon an acidic ooze minion. The minion has your defenses with a -4 penalty, hit points equal to one-half your healing surge value, and has +4 to hit versus AC. On a hit it does 1d6 + Charisma modifier acid damage and 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends).

Onmyouji Attack 1

By letting influence from the Elemental Chaos seep through the ground, for a short time you turn it into a poisonous bog. Encounter * Elemental, Implement, Poison, Zone Standard Action Area burst 1 within 4 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier poison damage, and ongoing poison damage equal to your Constitution modifier. Poison: You summon a poisonous bog in the area of effect. This zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that starts its turn or enters into the zone becomes infected. They take 1 point of poison damage for every square the move (save ends). If the target is vulnerable to poison they take that damage at the end of a move action. Onmyouji Attack 1

Charging the air around a foe with electrical forces, you turn their body into a conduit for energy. Encounter * Elemental, Implement, Lightning Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Lightning: If the target is wearing any heavy armor, they take additional lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier.


 Numbing Veins


Onmyouji Attack 1

You rip the soul from a minor demon and encase it in the flesh of your shikigami, forcing it to bow to you for a short time. Daily * Elemental, Implement, Minion, Necrotic, Transfiguration Standard Action Close burst 5 Requires: A shikigami in range Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: You summon an inferior demon from the far edges of the Abyss. The minion has your defenses with a -3 penalty, hit points equal to your healing surge value. The minion can either make an attack, with a +4 to hit versus AC and doing 1d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, or it can mark one adjacent creature. When the minion is destroyed, the creature that destroyed it takes 1d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. Special: As a part of this action you can expend another power with the Minion keyword as a free action so long as you already have another shikigami in play and in range.

Heat Wave


Onmyouji Attack 1

You heat the air around your foes by agitating the molecules of the atmosphere around them. In a fervor you can burn the flesh off of them. Daily * Elemental, Fire, Implement Standard Action Area burst 2 within 4 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Fire: The target is burned. It takes 5 ongoing fire damage, and an additional 2 fire damage if it takes a move action (save ends). Miss: Half damage and no ongoing damage.

Flesh to Stone

Onmyouji Utility 2

As your foot falls it rings in an icy tone, the ground beneath having frozen solid Daily * Cold, Elemental, Terrain Minor Action Personal Effect: For the next two minutes the ground in your square become frozen solid. When walking over water or other liquid surfaces it freezes 5 feet deep. The ground remains frozen for one hour, unless otherwise interrupted.

Geomantic Ruin

Onmyouji Utility 2

As you unleash your spell on your foes the earth beneath their feat splinter and crumbles, causing it to be difficult to traverse and slowing their forward march. Encounter * Elemental, Terrain Immediate Reaction Trigger: You cast an area or close spell Effect: The area of effect for the triggering spell is considered difficult terrain (by natural causes).

Minion's Master Onmyouji Attack 1

You grasp the Elemental foundation of your foes skin and twist it slowly into stone. Daily * Elemental, Implement Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1d12 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is inflicted with stoneskin – the target is slowed and takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Each Additional Failed Saving Throw: The target takes 10 damage.


Onmyouji Attack 1

W ith a devilish look in your eyes, you lock your mind onto the water in the blood of your foes. With a little more than a though you begin freeze it, causing untold pain. Daily * Cold, Elemental, Implement Standard Action Area burst 1 within 6 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 cold damage. Cold: You do half damage on a miss and the target takes ongoing 10 cold damage.

Onmyouji Utility 2

You have a limited ability to control multiple shikigami. Encounter * Elemental Minor Action Close burst 5 Effect: You summon a shikigami that does not count towards your overall number in play.


Onmyouji Attack 1

Your shikigami explodes into a blazing flame that moves with ill intent towards your foes. Encounter * Elemental, Fire, Implement, Minion, Transfiguration Standard Action Close burst 5 Requires: A shikigami in range Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: You summon a small animate flame from the Elemental Chaos. The minion has your defenses with a -4 penalty, hit points equal to one-half your healing surge value, and has +4 to hit versus AC. On a hit it does 1d8 + Charisma modifier fire damage. Fire: If this minion is summoned while channeling the fire you can choose to explode it as a free action if it is in the blast area of any power with the fire keyword. If you explode it, it does 1d8 + Charisma modifier fire damage against all creatures in close burst 1.

Forking Strike

Onmyouji Attack 3

You strike with utmost certainty, sending screeching bolts of lightning at your opponents. Encounter * Elemental, Implement, Lightning Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One or two adjacent creatures Attack: Intelligence vs. AC, one attack per target Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Lightning: You can attack an additional adjacent creature.

Resounding Crash

Onmyouji Attack 3

The great heartbeat of the earth drums momentarily in time with your own and as a single beat thrums you call upon your connection with the Elements of the earth to increase the sound one-hundred fold. Encounter * Elemental, Implement, Thunder Standard Action Area burst 1 within 3 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d12 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

Acerbic Sting

Onmyouji Attack 3

You grasp the winds around your foe and infuse them with chaotic forces, transforming them into tiny blades of acid and driving them into their flesh. Encounter * Acid, Elemental, Implement Standard Action Area burst 2 within 5 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage. Acid: The target suffers a -1 penalty to their attack rolls (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target suffers an additional -1 penalty to their attack rolls (save ends).



 Role: Defender. Your body is inexorably bound to the chaotic forces of the Elemental chaos. You can wield fantastical weapons or bind your soul with the elements. Depending on your choice of powers and aspects, you lean towards either leader or striker as a secondary role. Power Source: Elemental. The entropic cascade of the Elemental Chaos inherently flows through your veins. Its unending nature of entropy and recreation causes you to emulate the chimeric character of chaos. Key Abilities: Strength, Constitution, Charisma Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale, plate; light shield Weapon Proficiencies: None Implements: Brands Bonus to Defense: Varies Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + Constitution score Hit Points per Level Gained: 6 Healing Surges per Day: 7 + Constitution modifier Trained Skills: Endurance. From the class skills list below, choose three more trained skills at 1st level. Class skills: Acrobatics (Dexterity), Athletics (Strength), Bluff (Charisma), Diplomacy (Charisma), Endurance (Constitution), Intimidate (Charisma), Perception (Wisdom), Streetwise (Charisma) Class Features: Chaotic Bloodline, Elemental Scion, Impassable Guard Stalwart guardian's of ancient fortresses, secret conclaves, and Elemental domains, the sentinel's were the original guardian's of other Elemental classes. They often were paired with an onmyouji or an architect as their front guard. Sentinel's embody more than anyone the chaotic nature of the power they channel. They are born with a chaotic flow seeping through every pore that constantly changes the way that they interact with the world. You can summon weapons to wield from the Chaos or even bind yourself with Elemental creatures. From the very beginning of their existence, they have been beset with a mutable and untamed nature. Over time, they learned to control it, to adapt to, and so they codified it. Taking after the chimera, they termed each aspect after a part of the monster: the lion, the serpent, the dragon and the ram. Now, sentinels are a rare and disappearing breed. You may be the only sentinel you know, cast out of your town, your home, because of your nature. Or you may be a part of one of the last vestiges of a society of sentinels.




Somewhere in your past, the elemental creatures called archons were introduced into your lineage. This event, however it happened, has established a great power that can be wielded to the demise of your opponents. Archonic Proficiency: Whenever you hold a twohanded weapon you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Entropic Strikes: Once per round, when you score a critical hit on an enemy you also cause ongoing damage equal to your charisma modifier. If the attack already does ongoing damage increase that amount equal to your charisma modifier. Increase to 2 + your charisma modifier ongoing damage at 11th level and 4 + your charisma modifier ongoing damage at 21st level.

Sentinel have the following class features.

CHAOTIC BLOODLINE The chaotic nature of your blood manifests itself by changing the way you interact with the world and the way your body acts. At the beginning of each turn, roll a d4. The outcome determines your aspect until you roll again. Your aspect influences what effect your mark has, your bonuses to defense and the effect of certain powers. You also gain the chaotic armament power. d10 1 2 3 4

Aspect Ram Dragon Serpent Lion

Defense Bonus +2 Fortitude +2 Will +2 Reflex +1 AC

IMPASSABLE G UARD Once per round, you can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Your reaction to a marked target's action depends on the aspect you are channeling. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn. You gain the guardian's favor power.

ELEMENTAL SCION The blood of the elements runs through your veins. The source of this ancestry influences your abilities. Choose one of the options shown below. The choice you make gives you the benefit described below and also provides bonuses to certain sentinel powers, as detailed in those powers.

IMPLEMENTS Sentinel do not generally use implements, however, for powers with the armament keyword, brands can have an effect on the power. See the armament keyword for more information (page 24).

T ITANIC SOUL Your legacy comes from the massive creatures known as titans. Created by the Primordials in order to help shape the very foundation of the earth, they are imbued with great strength and resilience, traits which have been passed on to you. Titanic Grip: You can hold two-handed weapons in one-hand, but suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls. If you are wielding a two-handed blade, heavy armor and a heavy shield, you suffer a -2 penalty to your reflex. Shaper's Strength: Any time you are healed you gain extra hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.



Characteristics: Sentinels wield the Elemental Chaos by changing the way their powers function and wielding Elemental weapons. They are stoic and strong defenders that engage enemies quickly and violently. class features you can be restricted to short- and mediumranged attacks, or have one of the longest overall ranges of any character. Religion: Even though their powers come from the Elemental Chaos, they are not necessarily an advocate of the tenets of the Primordials or those of the Elemental Chaos. Sentinels that follow the astral gods often worship Moradin, Kord or Bahamut for their dedication to battle. Races: With their great strength and firm body Goliaths and Grigori make excellent Stoic Sentinels, while the great force of presence makes Dragonborn great Vengeful Sentinels. Half-Elves also make good sentinels

You can select any collection of powers for your character, but many sentinels follow one of two distinct paths: the Stoic Sentinel or the Vengeful Sentinel. Sentinels are primarily a physical class, using the overwhelming strength to conquer their foes. Every Sentinel is awash with the forces of the Elemental Chaos, and you must decide if your background is from the Titans or the Archons. 


Sentinels have the ability to pull weapons out of the chaos. They do not naturally have any proficiency with any mundane weapons, since they almost never use them. They do have proficiencies with their armament weapons. 


 Guardian's Favor

S TOIC SENTINEL Like a great immovable stone statue, you cannot be pushed aside, nor dissuaded from you intended course. You defend your allies and open the defenses of your foes so that they might strike your foes harder. Make Strength your greatest priority, followed by Constitution to bolster your yourself. Choose powers that grant bonuses and benefits to you and your allies and hamper your foes. You lean towards leader as a secondary role. 
 Suggested Class Feature: Titanic Soul Favored Aspects: Serpent, Lion Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Perception Suggested At-Will Powers: crushing impact, entropic boon Suggested Encounter Power: vice crush Daily Power: stonework guardian 

VENGEFUL S ENTINEL Your charge is less to protect your allies by defending them, instead you seek to take out your foes as quickly as possible, thereby eliminating the need to defend them. You will want to make Strength your highest score, and Charisma your second highest to intimidate your foes and channel the Chaos for even greater hits. Select powers that do great damage to your foes. You lean towards striker as a secondary role. 
 Suggested Class Feature: Archonic Soul Favored Aspects: Ram, Dragon Suggested Feat: Suggested Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Intimidate Suggested At-Will Powers: crushing impact, enemy's strength Suggested Encounter Power: pandemonium strike Suggested Daily Power: entropic zweihander

Chaotic Armament

Sentinel Feature

You raise your hand to make an attack, and as your arm descends Elemental forces swirl around your hand and coalesce into a weapon that crashes into your foe. At-Will * Armament, Elemental, Implement, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage Level 21: Increase to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Ram: You summon a Maul fashioned out of Elemental Ice. It has +2 to attack, does 2d6 damage and has the keywords Hammer and Ice. Dragon: You summon a Greatsword forged from Elemental Fire. It has +3 to attack, does 1d10 damage and has the keywords heavy blade and fire. Serpent: You summon a Longspear formed from Elemental Winds. It has a +2 to attack, does 1d10 damage and has the keywords polearm, spear, reach and force Lion: You summon a Greataxe composed of Elemental Earth. It has a +2 to attack, does 1d12 damage and has the keywords axe, high crit and thunder.


The sentinel allows the Elemental Chaos, to flow freely through his body. Your powers are called conduits.

CLASS FEATURES Each sentinel has the power chaotic armament and guardian's favor.


Sentinel Feature

As your foe turns its attention away from you, the chaos in your blood boils and causes them to regret their action. At-Will * Elemental Effect: The effect of this power depends on your current aspect. Ram: As an immediate reaction you can make a charge attack against a creature marked by you that attacks an ally within 6 squares of you. You get a bonus to your defenses for any opportunity attacks as a result of this power equal to your Charisma modifier. Dragon: Once per round, as an immediate reaction, when a creature marked by you attacks an ally within 5, it and one enemy adjacent to it take damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Increase to 2 + Charisma modifier damage at 11th level and 4 + Charisma modifier damage at 21st level. Serpent: As an immediate interrupt, and instead of making an opportunity attack, you can make a basic melee attack against any marked creature that moves or shifts away from you. If you hit, it does no damage but interrupts their movement. Lion: As an immediate interrupt, when a creature that you have marked attacks an ally adjacent to you or the creature, the target receives a power bonus to one defense equal to your Constitution modifier. If the attack still hits, the ally retains the bonus until the end of its next turn.



Charging recklessly at your foe you barrel them over backwards, then strike them firmly with your blade. At-Will * Elemental, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone. Level 21: Increase to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.

Destructive Impact

Sentinel Attack 1

You put the full force of your body and your soul in your strike, damaging your opponent regardless of their armor, as your weapon explodes in a powerful blast. At-Will * Elemental, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier + Charisma modifier damage of your weapon type. Level 21: Increase to 2[W] + Strength modifier + Charisma modifier damage of your weapon type. Special: Your summoned weapon is destroyed. If you are not using a weapon created by a power with the armament keyword, you do not apply your Charisma modifier to the damage.

Entropic Boon

Vice Crush

Pandemonium Strike

Sentinel Attack 1

Sentinel Attack 1

The crush of foes around you only lends ever greater strength to your strikes. At-Will * Elemental, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. Effect: If you marked the target, you gain a +1 power bonus to your damage roll for each other enemy adjacent to you. Level 21: Increase to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and +2 for each adjacent enemy.

Sentinel Attack 1

You swing your blade into your foe and as it connects your current aspect explodes. Encounter * Elemental, Force, Weapon Standard Action Close blast 1 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier force damage and the target is pushed one square and knocked prone. Ram: If you are in the Ram aspect, each target is pushed a distance equal to your Charisma modifier Dragon: If you are in the Dragon aspect, each target also takes damage equal to our Charisma modifier. Sentinel Attack 1

As your massive blade swings downward onto an enemy a jutting pillar of earth rises to meet it, crushing your foes in the vice-like grip of earth and steel. Encounter * Elemental, Thunder, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier and the target is immobilized (save ends). Special: The target must be in contact with the ground or the attack fails. Titanic Soul: The target also takes thunder damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

As your weapon connects with your foe its Elemental nature leaches energy from them and grants you increased resilience. At-Will * Elemental, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage of your weapon type, and you gain temporary it points equal to your Constitution modifier. Level 21: Increase to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage of your weapon type.

Enemy's Strength

Forceful Swing

Sentinel Attack 1

You swing you blade with wild abandon and it disappears into chaotic wave of terror, striking any who come close. Encounter * Elemental, Necrotic, Weapon Standard Action Close blast 1 Target: Up to three creatures in burst Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. Special: Roll 3d8, where each number corresponds to a square around the PC. 1 is the square that the character is facing and the rest are laid out clockwise from the characters perspective. You make a separate attack against each creature that corresponds to a die outcome. If multiple die have the same value, you make multiple attacks against that target. Archonic Soul: You can roll 4d8 and choose between three of the four dice.


 Savanna's Pride

Sentinel Attack 1

Your current aspect causes your attack to seep the strength out of your enemies. Encounter * Elemental, Poison, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage. Serpent: If you are in the serpent aspect, the target takes ongoing poison damage equal to your Constitution modifier (save ends). Lion: If you are in the lion aspect, the next attack against the target gains a power bonus to its attack rolls and damage rolls equal to your Constitution modifier.

LEVEL 1 DAILY CONDUITS Stonework Guardian

Sentinel Attack 1

As your weapon comes down onto your foe it hardens into granite. Your whole body stiffens and turns ashen. Attacks seem to glance off of your hardened skin. Daily * Elemental, Polymorph Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength +2 vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier + Constitution modifier damage. Special: You gain a +1 power bonus to your AC, a +2 power bonus to your Fortitude and a +1 to any damage rolls; but you suffer a -1 penalty to your Reflex, Will and Speed. At the beginning of every round you make two saving throws against this condition, using either of the two outcomes. Each time you fail a saving throw the petrification hardens and you gain an additional round of bonuses and penalties. Each time you succeed a saving throw your skin softens and you lose a round of bonuses and penalties. When you suffer your fourth failed saving throw you become petrified until the end of the round. If you save against all the bonuses this effect ends.

Entropic Zweihander

Sentinel Attack 1

Your hand disappears into a small portal of crackling purple lightning, and when it emerges you are wielding a massive serrated blade rippled with deep lines full of purple sparks. Daily * Armament, Elemental, Implement, Necrotic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier necrotic damage, and 5 ongoing necrotic damage (save ends). Effect: You summon an Entropic Zweihander from out of the Elemental Chaos. The Zweihander is a two-handed military weapon, has a +4 to attack, does 1d10 damage and has the keywords heavy blade and necrotic. In addition, any time you score a critical hit with this blade, the target takes 5 ongoing necrotic damage (save ends).


Elemental Binding

Sentinel Attack 1

You bind the spirit of a lesser elemental into your being and take on aspects of the soul you share. Daily * Elemental, Polymorph, Weapon, Varies Minor Action Personal Effect: Your soul and body are bound with the spirit of a minor elemental until the end of the encounter. Your aspect defines what type of Elemental you are bound with. Until this effect ends you aspect does not change. You can end this effect as a minor action. Once during this encounter, you can make the associated attack while you are in this form. Ram: Ice Elemental, your attacks have the cold keyword and you gain resist 5 cold. Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each enemy in blast Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d12 + Strength modifier cold damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Dragon: Fire Elemental, your attacks have the fire keyword and you gain resist 5 fire. Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier fire damage and the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Serpent: Air Elemental, your attacks have the force keyword, and you gain resist 5 force. Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. Reflex Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier force damage. Effect: Any enemies adjacent to the target are pushed 2 squares away from the target. Lion: Earth Elemental, your attacks have the thunder keyword and you gain resist 5 thunder. Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier thunder damage and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage.

Titanic Stomp

Sentinel Attack 1

You life one foot high into the air and bring it crashing down with the full force of your Titanic heritage, sending shockwaves out from under foot. Daily * Elemental, Thunder, Weapon Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude Hit: 2[W] + Constitution modifier thunder damage. Effect: Each target is knocked prone


Sentinel Utility 2

The blazing fire behind your eyes forces even the stalwart enemy to cower in front of you. Encounter * Elemental Minor Personal Effect: You make an Intimidate check with a +5 power bonus.

 Granite Barricade

Sentinel Utility 2

You rip stone from the ground and use it to deflect an oncoming attack. Daily * Elemental Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are hit by an attack Effect: The attack must do at least 15 damage to break the wall. If it breaks the wall you still take the remaining damage.

Soothing Spring

Sentinel Utility 2

As you get help from an ally you pull soothing waves of Elemental Water out of the atmosphere to augment their action. Daily * Elemental, Healing Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You are healed by any power with the healing keyword or you take a second wind. Effect: You can spend an additional healing surge and regain extra hit points equal to 1d6.

Sentinel Attack 1

The strength behind your swing forces you foe to give ground. Encounter * Elemental, Fire, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage and the target is pushed 2 squares. Ram: If you are in the Ram aspect, the target is slowed on a hit (save ends). Dragon: If you are in the Dragon aspect, the target takes ongoing fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier on a hit (save ends).

Flaring Blade

Sentinel Attack 3

After landing a solid blow on a foe, you sending them reeling across the battle field and chase them down. Encounter * Elemental, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage and you shift the target a distance equal to one-half Constitution modifier, and you must shift into the closest adjacent square after the shift. Serpent: If the enemy leaves a square adjacent to an ally you can let one ally make an opportunity attack against the target. Lion: The target falls prone after it has shifted.

Stunning Blow


Sweeping Ruin

Sentinel Attack 3

Your hit cause your foe to be disoriented for a short time. Encounter * Elemental, Thunder, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier and the target is knocked prone. Titanic Soul: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Sentinel Attack 3

As your attack lands on a foe the Elemental nature of your weapon flares briefly and strikes nearby enemies Encounter * Elemental, Weapon, Varies Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage of your weapon type and each adjacent creature takes Charisma modifier damage of your weapons damage type. Archonic Soul: Only adjacent enemies suffer the damage.



A number of new keywords are introduced here, many of them having entirely new rules. Effect Types Armament Line Geomancy Minion Terrain Transfiguration Unstable


ARMAMENT Powers that have the armament keyword summon weapons that can be used in battle. ARMAMENT 
 An armament power creates a weapon that follows these rules. unless a power description says otherwise. ◆ Lasts Until: The weapon created by this power lasts until the end of the encounter or for one-half hour, which every is sooner; unless it is destroyed or another power with the armament keyword is used. ◆ Proficiency: Proficiencies from racial traits or feats add an additional +1 to the attack rolls of the associated weapon. ◆ Implements: Implements used when summoning these weapon add their bonus to all attack rolls and damage rolls with the weapon. ◆ Unconsciousness Ends: If you are knocked unconscious or you die, the weapon is destroyed.

GEOMANCY Geomancy powers use the world around you to attack your foes.


Powers with the geomancy keyword function as described below, unless the power indicates otherwise. ◆ Stance: Any time you use a power with the geomancy keyword, you enter the stance of that power. For example, when you use the octopus armada power you enter the octopus armada stance. The effect of the stance is detailed under the heading geomancy in the power description. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until you make another action with the geomancy keyword. ◆ Triggered Action: Once per round, while you are in the stance, you can make the associated action as an immediate reaction to any enemies action that is in range. ◆ Using the Terrain: All geomancy keywords carry a modifier after the keyword in parentheses. If a significant source of that type of terrain is in the range of our geomancy attack, you gain a +1 power bonus to your attack rolls for the attack. Increase to +2 bonus to your attack roll at 11th level and +3 bonus to your attack roll at 21st level.

AREAS OF EFFECT A new type of area of effect is introduced here: a line. AREAS OF EFFECT 
 ◆ Line: A line moves forward, away from you starting from is origin square and moving the number of squares indicated in the power. For example, the geomancer power earthshock is a Close line 2 within 1. The origin of the line must be within a close burst 1 and effects 2 squares, the origin square and the next square away from you.




By controlling lesser creatures through your force of will, you no longer need to directly control their movements, they follow your will alone.

Transfiguration powers take mundane objects and transform them into expressions of your power. TRANSFIGURATION 
 Powers that have the transfiguration keyword function as described below, unless the power indicates otherwise.

 MINION A minion uses these rules, unless a power says otherwise. ◆ Allied Creature: A minion counts as an ally to you and your allies for any applicable effects. The power determines where the minion appears. ◆ Your Defenses: The minion has defenses equal to yours, disregarding any temporary bonuses or penalties; often with a penalty as defined by the power. ◆ Hit Points: Minions have 1 hit point and never take damage on a miss. ◆ No Healing Surges: The minion does not have any healing surges, and cannot be the target of any power that allows any ally to spend a healing sure. If a power grants an ally hit points without having to use a healing surge, the minion can be a target of that power. ◆ Speed: The minion has your speed, unless otherwise indicated. ◆ Summoning a Minion: When you use a power to summon a minion you have to make an attack roll against one of its defenses as defined by the power. If you succeed the minion is summoned; if you fail then you do not summon a minion. ◆ Commanding a Minion: When you summon a minion, you make an initiative roll for the minion and add your initiative to the roll. You control the minion, but the minion acts on its own initiative. Minions only have two actions, a move action and a standard action.

◆ Requirement: Every transfiguration power requires some focus in order to work. The focus is transfigured into the form as described in the power. ◆ Permanent Transformation: The focus is permanently transformed into the form described in the power.

UNSTABLE Unstable describes a condition or an area that does not allow a creature to stand firmly. UNSTABLE 
 The unstable condition works as described below, unless the power indicates otherwise. ◆ Condition: A creature that inflicted with the unstable condition suffers a -1 penalty to all defenses for all attacks and a -2 penalty to attack rolls. ◆ Area of Instability: If an unstable condition is due to an area of effect, that area also counts as difficult terrain ◆ Standing Firm: If the unstable condition is due to an area of effect or a condition that can be saved against, you can spend you move action to stabilize yourself for the round.



The only new implement introduced here is the brand, an elemental pattern burned into the flesh of a character that can be used to channel Elemental power.

The ability to permanently modify the terrain functions similarly to Zones, but with some important differences.



Terrain powers us these rules, unless the power indicates otherwise.

Brand are complicated patterns of magical energies that are burned directly into the body. By channeling your powers through a brand you can increase their accuracy and damage. Any magical item can have it's magic siphoned off and applied as a brand by using the Disenchant Magic Item ritual. All of the same rules apply as described in the ritual, but instead of receiving a quantity of residuum you can immediately apply the same attack and damage roll bonus as the disenchanted item. Brands cannot be disenchanted, but they can be overwritten with another brand. Specific brands can be applied to a character in the same way as enchanting a item, by using the Enchant Magic Item ritual. Unless otherwise specified, a character can only have one brand at any time. Details about specific brands will come later.

◆ Fills an Area of Effect: When you use a power with the terrain keyword, the terrain effect fills the entire area of effect. ◆ Physical Nature of Terrain: Terrain powers actively distort the physical world, new terrains cannot be attacked or have their effects mitigated except by other terrain powers. ◆ Immovable Ground: You cannot move the terrain effect after applying it. ◆ Overlapping Zones: Applying the effect of a terrain power in an area that is already effect by a terrain, cause the second power to overwrite the effect of the previous terrain. ◆ Permanence: Changing the terrain is a permanent effect. The shape of the terrain remains, but bonuses and penalties associated with the terrain expire at the end of the encounter.



At the moment the only ritual that applies here is the Thread's in a Tapestry ritual of the onmyouji.

T HREAD'S IN A T APESTRY By following the thread of a person's life you can find out information about them that you wouldn't otherwise know. Level: 5 Category Divination Time: 30 minutes Duration: 10 minutes

Component Cost: 50 gp Market Price: 250 gp Key Skill: Arcana

When you use this ritual, you indicate a person or creature as the focus of the ritual. The result of your Arcana check determines how much information about the subject you gain. Regardless of how many components you own, you can only use this ritual once a day. Arcana Check Result 19 or lower 20 – 29

30 – 39

40 – 49


Effect You have a vague feeling about the cardinal direction or general motives of your subject You gain a general understanding about your subjects motives or a specific cardinal or intermediate direction You know the general location of your target and gain a specific understand of its motive or intention You can see an ethereal thread that directly connects you and your object or a detailed, almost verbal, understanding of motives or intentions.

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