Emas 4e Dnd Cleric Power Sheet

  • December 2019
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Cleric Powers

Attack: ______/______/______

Utility: ______

At-Will Prayers POWER NAME





· (Melee ________________________________________ Basic Attack) Weapon ___________________________________ ______ Melee Std ____________________ weapon _____________________ 1 creat. ___________________ Str vs. AC _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1[W]+Str mod. dmg. Increase to 2[W]+Str dmg at lev 21. Unarmed attacks can be used as melee basic attacks PHB.287

· (Ranged ________________________________________ Basic Attack) Weapon ___________________________________ ______ Ranged Std ____________________ weapon _____________________ 1 creat. ___________________ Dex vs. AC _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1[W]+Dex mod. dmg. Increase to 2[W]+Dex mod. at lev 21. Heavy thrown weap. use Str mod. instead of Dex for attack and dmg PHB.287

· Lance ________________________________________ of Faith [Att.1] Divine, Implement, Radiant ___________________________________ ______ Ranged Std ____________________ 5 _____________________ 1 creat. ___________________ Wis vs. Ref _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1d8+Wis mod. radiant dmg, an ally gains +2 to his next attack vs. the target. Dmg 2d8+Wis mod. at lev 21 PHB.63

· Priest´s ________________________________________ Shield [Att.1] Divine, Weapon ___________________________________ ______ Melee Std ____________________ weapon _____________________ 1 creat. ___________________ Str vs. AC _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1[W]+Str mod. dmg, you and 1 adj. ally gain +1 to AC until the end of your next turn. Dmg 2[W]+Str mod. at lev 21 PHB.63

· Righteous ________________________________________ Brand [Att.1] Divine, Weapon ___________________________________ ______ Melee Std ____________________ weapon _____________________ 1 creat. ___________________ Str vs. AC _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1[W]+Str mod. dmg, 1 ally within 5 sq gains your Str mod. bonus to melee att. until end of next turn. Dmg is 2[W]+Str mod. at lev 21 PHB.63

· Sacred ________________________________________ Flame [Att.1] Divine, Implement, Radiant ___________________________________ ______ Ranged Std ____________________ 5 _____________________ 1 creat. ___________________ Wis vs. Ref _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1d6+Wis mod. radiant dmg, 1 ally either gains Cha mod. + ½ your lev temp. hp or makes a ST. Dmg is 2d6+Wis mod. at lev 21 PHB.63

Encounter Prayers U POWER NAME

________________________________________ Fear [Att.1] ❏ Cause



___________________________________ Divine, Fear, Implement ______ Std



____________________ Ranged 10 _____________________ 1 creat.

___________________ Wis vs. Will _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: Target moves its speed + your Cha mod. away FROM you, provoking opp. att. PHB.63 ________________________________________ Divinity: Divine Fortune [Feature] ❏ Channel

___________________________________ Free Divine ______

____________________ _____________________ Personal

___________________ Effect: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ +1 to your next attack or ST before the end of your next turn PHB.62 ________________________________________ Divinity: Turn Undead [Feature] ❏ Channel

___________________________________ Divine, Implement, Radiant ______ Std

____________________ Close burst 2/5/8 _____________________ Undead in burst

___________________ Wis vs. Will _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1d10+Wis mod. (+) radiant dmg, push back 3+Cha mod. sq, target immobilized until the end of your next turn. Miss: ½ dmg PHB.62 ________________________________________ Glow [Att.1] ❏ Divine

___________________________________ Divine, Implement, Radiant ______ Std

____________________ Close blast 3 _____________________ Enemies in blast

___________________ Wis vs. Ref _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1d8+Wis mod. radiant dmg. Effect: Allies in blast gain +2 to attack until the end of your next turn PHB.63 ________________________________________ Strike [Att.1] ❏ Healing

___________________________________ Divine, Healing, Radiant, Weapon ______ Std

____________________ Melee weapon _____________________ 1 creat.

___________________ Str vs. AC _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 2[W]+Str mod. radiant dmg, target marked until the end of your next turn, you or 1 ally within 5 sq can spend a healing surge PHB.63 ________________________________________ Word [Feature] ❏ Healing

___________________________________ Divine, Healing ______ Min

____________________ Close burst 5/10/15 _____________________ You or 1 ally

___________________ Effect: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Target can spend a healing surge and regain 1d6 (+) hp. Usable 2/enc, 1/round PHB.62 ________________________________________ Thunder [Att.1] ❏ Wrathful

___________________________________ Divine, Thunder, Weapon ______ Std

____________________ Melee weapon _____________________ 1 creat.

___________________ Str vs. AC _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 1[W]+Str mod. thunder dmg, target dazed until the end of your next turn PHB.63

Daily Prayers U POWER NAME

________________________________________ Flame [Att.1] ❏ Avenging



___________________________________ Divine, Fire, Weapon ______ Std



____________________ Melee weapon _____________________ 1 creat.

___________________ Str vs. AC _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 2[W]+Str mod. dmg, ongoing 5 fire dmg (save ends). Miss: ½ dmg, no fire. Special: If target attacks, it cannot attempt a ST PHB.64 ________________________________________ of Hope [Att.1] ❏ Beacon

___________________________________ Divine, Healing, Implement ______ Std

____________________ Close burst 3 _____________________ Enemies in burst

___________________ Wis vs. Will _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: target weakened until the end of its next turn. Effect: you and allies in burst regain 5 hp, restore +5 hp until the end of the enc. PHB.64 ________________________________________ of Light [Att.1] ❏ Cascade

___________________________________ Divine, Implement, Radiant ______ Std

____________________ Ranged 10 _____________________ 1 creat.

___________________ Wis vs. Will _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hit: 3d8+Wis mod. radiant dmg, target gains vulnerability 5 to your attacks (save ends). Miss: ½ dmg PHB.64 ________________________________________ of Faith [Att.1] ❏ Guardian

___________________________________ Divine, Conjuration, Implement, Radiant ______ Std

____________________ Ranged 5 _____________________

___________________ Effect: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You conjure a guardian you can move 3 sq/r. It has a Wis vs. Fort attack which deals 1d8+Wis mod. radiant dmg on a hit PHB.64

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