Dm B2 Cia 1 Of 3 Fdr- Email From Levin Re Citations To Cia Materials 213

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  • Words: 386
  • Pages: 1
Dan Marcus From:

[email protected]


Friday, June 25, 2004 12:36 PM

To: Cc:

Stephanie Kaplan; Steve Dunne; Chris Kojm; Dan Marcus; Philip Zelikow [email protected]



I'll forward you guys a formal proposal from CIA but I wanted to pass along some of their concerns in an informal manner so you could start thinking about them some. I think these are all things we can resolve pretty easily (I've added some brackets with some of my comments)

Do you think the Commission would be open to substituing generic entries for instance--"Interview with Intelligence Official", "Intelligence Report" or Finished Intelligence Report, Disseminated Intelligence Report, Cable (without reference to the agency, to avoid the issues regarding custody) that kind of thing [[My impression is that we should be able to work out some agreed language for most of this and I think Dan had previously expressed willingness on interveiws of lower level CIA and FBI people to just refer generically to FBI or CIA official without using their name; I understand that for high level officials you will want to identify that something was from say the DCI's interview as opposed to just interview of an official]] A few of the problems with these endnotes are: * names of covert employees [[I think you've already agreed to first names and initials]] * cases in which real first- namp and injHal give away the person b/c of the unusal first name—example| 9/11 closed by statute I [assume we can work something out here]] * raises issues regarding custody b/c of numbers of reports & dates [[believe this is an issue for the TDs - I don't know if a generic reference to intelligence reports would suffice]] * operational cable numbers [[I hope you can live without the actual cable numbers of operational traffic in the public report]] * classification markings [[I've told them you did not intend to include these in the final report and that this was just to assist our review]] * true names & CIA e-mail pseudonyms in the same entry [[not sure where but I assume we can work this out]]

Thanks - as I said we'll forward a concrete proposal once I get it but wanted to pass these along. Please give me a call if you'd like to discuss.

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