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Juarez-Lincoln High School
Demographics Ethnicity Total students
High school in La Joya ISD Mission, TX 9th grade - 12th grade
African American
American Indian
0 (0 %)
1(0 %)
La Joya ISD: 0% Statewide: 12.6%
La Joya ISD: 0% Statewide: 0.4%
Total students
Students per teacher
0 (0 %)
2,597 (99.7%)
La Joya ISD: 14.8 Statewide: 15.1
La Joya ISD: 0% Statewide: 4.2%
La Joya ISD: 99.7% Statewide: 52.4%
Pacific Islander
Four-year graduation rate
0 (0 %)
6 (0.2%)
8.8 years
83.3 %
La Joya ISD: 0% Statewide: 0.1%
La Joya ISD: 0.2% Statewide: 28.1%
La Joya ISD: 11.1 years Statewide: 10.9 years
La Joya ISD: 86.1% Statewide: 89.1%
Two or more races
Avg. teacher experience
1(0 %)
Juarez-Lincoln High School is a high school in Mission, TX, in the La Joya ISD school
ht t ps://sc hools.t exast ist ric t s/la- joya- isd /juarez- linc oln- high- sc hool/
district. As of the 2016-2017 school year, it had 2,605 students. The school received an accountability rating of “ met standard.” 82.4% of students were considered at risk of dropping out of school. 37% of students were enrolled in bilingual and English language
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La Joya ISD: 51.5% Statewide: 18.8%
La Joya ISD: 26.4% Statewide: 25%
Gifted and Talented
Special Education
8.8 %
7.6 %
La Joya ISD: 9.2% Statewide: 7.8%
La Joya ISD: 7.2% Statewide: 8.8%
Career and technical
Gifted and talented
Special education
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2. Classroom factors. The classroom is a basic rehearsal room, chairs, stands, podium, instruments, racks, boards. The technology they had available was I believe a projector, and computer. This is not a regular classroom where regular classes happen, this is a rehearsal space where we would not see most of the resources one could find in a regular classroom. The sitting patterns will depend on the kind of ensemble that is rehearsing, it could be jazz band, wind ensemble, drum line, a quartet, it will depend on the ensemble. 3. Student characteristics. Students were pretty much the same age, our mentor told us that the top band is mainly formed of upper-class students and a few lower, and the JV band is mostly lower-class students. Most of the band members are males, more or less 60% males versus 40% females, data from the teacher. There was only one student with special needs in the ensemble and some of the accommodations he needs include a change of the color of the sheet music because he cannot read it in white. The predominant race would be Hispanic/Latino with a 98% of the entire class. Language its mostly Spanish and even if students struggle the official language of the school is English and teacher should use that. Students usually come with previous knowledge form middle-school. That is where they usually start in the band and by the time they get to high school they already know how everything works. If someone decides to join in high school they to work extra and attend afterschool rehearsals for lessons and to catch up with everyone else.