Definition Laser tool that turns one of a kind of energy, usually electrical, optical energy. The light waves in the beam produced by a laser almost parallel (collimated), nearly monochromatic, and coherent manner. The light beam produced atoms and make them exciting to radiation energy on stage. The word laser owner, who supports the .enlargement of Aitwav radiation catalytic radiation Purpose Laser proved to be useful in all medical characteristics to vaporize or clotting fabric. Used to Izra surgeons to perform a controlled vaporization written order to cut the fabric. The laser can be used for surgery on all parts of the body, but used on a very large scale in eye surgery procedures and skin form. One additional laser .sense physiological parameters Description Affect the laser structure of human transfer of radiant energy to the target cells. Radiant energy turns to heat when absorbed by the cells. Kkhalaya target hot, all Brocinhm break and their pressure procedure is rising rapidly. Cells, and then explode, sending smoke vapor semi-feather called a laser. The major impacts are more laser tissue blood clotting protein, and vaporization. Vabourezishn removal of tissue during the conversion from .solid to gas Types of laser Overall, there are two types of medical laser systems, contact and non-contact. Communication systems operate by sending laser light through fiber or header sapphire crystal. Radiant energy absorbed by the head and becomes hot. Direct contact between the tissue and the delivery of the head causes the hot heat energy from the head to the tissue, leading to the vaporization of the target cells. In contrast, systems for non-contact laser does not affect the fabric directly. Instead, it prevents the laser light radiant energy to the tissue. Produce heat when the cell absorbs the radiant energy and particles in the tissue begin to move. In both types of system, the laser light up itself is not hot. Creates heat only after shining the laser energy is tied up, and the head or .fabric Laser Components Each laser, regardless of size, style, or application, has four main components: the active center, a mechanism excitement, a mechanism Comments (high reflectance mirror), and the output coupler (mirror partially transmissive). Active media may be solid, liquid, gas, or mail. Laser is called to the center, which is used to produce light. Use some of the laser medium steel in general medical applications erbium: Agate Aluminum
yttrium (Er: Wi-AG); holium: Agate Aluminum yttrium (is: Wi-AG); neodymium: Agate Aluminum yttrium (end: Wi-AG); and alexandrite, rubies, and potassium titanyl phosphate (for ITP). Carbon dioxide (CO2), argon, copper vapor, and excimer laser with examples of medical laser gas media. Laser dye has a liquid state media and laser diode is an .electronic media devices When the energy provided to the active center of the laser, electrons raised to the level of energy is stable, from which return spontaneously to lower Istaqrarien but relatively long-term (non-chemically stable but is not responsible to the automatic conversion) condition. These electrons will not return to the ground energy level. Is therefore possible to inject large amounts of energy to the active center, with an accuracy that most of atoms in the case of Istaqrarip. Work begins lasing Boketron which dates back to its ground state, the producer photon. If the photon has exactly the right wavelength, it will stimulate the atom Istaqrarip to send the other photon of the same wavelength. This process is called radiation catalyst. If you pass the photons stimulating enough parallel to the long axis of the laser tube, which they will continue to stimulate radiation photons of the same wavelength. Combine these photons in a coherent form until they reach the ends of the tube copied laser. When the light beam strikes the mirror reflex, it reflects and continues to stimulate the most radiation photons. Beam increases in intensity until it reaches the mirror reflective part. Any part of the light issued while the rest reflects back through the middle of the active .continuation of the radiation can stimulate the photon Medical laser has three types of mechanisms excitement. In more poison gas to Izra, high-voltage direct current electricity is used. Some partners, laser pulse power is to send gas. This kind of excitement needed to produce the output ultrapulsed, which deliver very fast, very strong bursts of light. The media are not being electricity, such as the media of solid and liquid, excited by light produced by flashlamps or another laser Specific medical applications Laser Almtokd tends to be a user of the specific procedures for the exploitation of the quality and quantity of light absorption of different types of tissue. Partners with a laser is very versatile, able to perform both cutting and holy vaporization. Is often used to perform gynecological procedures include colposcopy in addition to the ear nose and throat (ie, T) procedures used microlaryngoscopy, such as treatment of snoring. Partners with a laser is also useful for cosmetic skin .due to appear on the surface and in neurosurgery
End: Laser Wi-AG laser communication. It is used in abdominal, gynecological, or urological surgery led through binoculars abdominal, Mjuaga, or hysteroscopes. Er: Laser Wi-AG is used for cutting bone, hard tissue in the drilling of Dentistry, and skin due to appear on the surface. Is: Laser Wi-AG is useful for orthopedic procedures such as joint arthroscopies, as well as for .urologic lithotripsy and procedures of ophthalmologic Laser hair removal of a very popular form, which can lead by the diode, alexandrite, and ruby lasers. Of the ruby laser can be used to remove Tattoos. Argon and excimer laser is used primarily to reshape the cornea in the laser eye surgery, despite the fact that cardiac surgeons using the excimer laser also to perform angioplasties. Copper vapor laser or a dye are used to address the tattoo wine port. Tanabl dye laser and argon laser in most cases, are used to repair these problems, such as .vascular formal Kdoualp or spider veins Pulmonary and esophageal tumors treated by a technique for laser treatment called photodynamic (PDF T). This technology has potential applications to address many other types of tumors. In my DDT, photoreactive drug called dihematoporphyrin systemically orbit. Combines the drug in the tumor cells in a concentration far higher than the normal cells. Laser light from a laser dye Red then presented to the location of the tumor. Drug absorbed light preferentially, causing the tumor cells in .order to evaporate and leave normal cells intact Process When the laser used in surgery, there are three central control parameterspower in milliwatt (set by the laser nurse); exposure time (dependent on speed of the beam or the head); and spot size (increase or decrease in the region contacted by the laser light, under the control of the surgeon in field). In general, cut smallest possible working slick;, the beam remains in focus narrow. Any change in the level to change the speed of the electric part. If the surgeon vaporizes or tissue debulking, the main consideration intensity of electricity. Thus, the spot size can be increased, but the force increasing proportionally. Instead of continuing to use a lower level of force that could cause thermal damage to surrounding tissue, the surgeon may use a higher level of force on the place of spring. Subirbolcinj ultrapulsing .and two levels of pulse are available Tests place Places the laser can be tested on wet tongue depressor blade before they are used to vaporize the tissue. Ideally, test shot 0.1 seconds left in the form of depression shovel in the wood shaped like a golf ball cut in half, without a point. Any point indicates that the
power density is very high. Instead of steaming towards a clean tissue, the laser will cut off the edges and cracks in the fabric which may cause bleeding. If depression is very shallow, the laser will be very long in use in .carbonizing reason Qualitative spatial laser beam can also be tested on a .piece of thermal paper Security issue and warns Raise the use of laser safety issues are important. Classified as Class IV Office tools radiological health (NPR HP), all systems of medical laser line of fire. Chemical hazards are also due to compressed gases required for employment and fumes produced from the center of the active lasing. In addition, the laser dye or solvents may be toxic. Laser can result in skin or controlled burns, and could cause retinal damage from direct or reflected rays. Finally, the danger of a laser; lasing of the active center may cause parts of the aircraft that can injure staff nearby. And accordingly, a significant number of security measures recommended. American National Standard Institute (ie, ISI) standard Z 136.3, which address the safe use of lasers in health care settings and an excellent source of safety concerns laser. Establish direct American National Standard Institute, both engineering and administrative / .procedural control for the four categories of the laser The following are among the preventive measures :recommended by Warning signals sent out of the entrances to the" procedure room All the windows protected from sending laser light (not" required for partners to laser it does not send through (the glass eyewear and protective as the length of the wave to use" for all staff within the danger zone, Face (which may be (a room full procedure Protection of the patient's eyes" Running the laser only by those who received formal" training in the theory of laser techniques, control, and the process The presence of a laser trained nurse or operator safety" during the laser procedure Proper use of laser smoke evacuator, equipped with 0.3" micron filter if viral contamination concerns Judicious use dulled (Maxdp) surgical instruments to" reduce the reflection of the beam Linking warned of tissue that surrounds the beam to" avoid accidental exposure Availability of water within the procedure room and a" nearby fire extinguisher Despite the many safety concerns associated with laser,
but preventive measures such as those used with X-rays .are not necessary