Three Of A Kind

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 6,297
  • Pages: 23
LOST 6.02- Three of A Kind We open on a calm ocean. We pan around and we see Locke is sitting on the beach looking far out into the ocean. We hear footsteps in the sand behind him, and he slightly turns his head to see Jack walking down the beach. Jack: Hello John. John: *Greeting* Jack Jack sits down next to Locke and looks out into the ocean with him. Jack: I was hoping you and I could have a talk. John: What about? Jack: I wanted to talk to you about your miracle John. John: My miracle? Jack: Yes. John: What makes you think I experienced a miracle? Jack: Well, let’s see. I know, you where paralyzed, before you landed on this island. *pauses* and, I also know you think this place, is responsible for it. John turns towards Jack, intrigued. John: *Amused* and how would you know something like that? Jack: *laughs* You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you. John: *Turns back towards the ocean, obviously annoyed at being disturbed* Maybe the crash hurt you more then you thought Jack, maybe you should lie down. Jack: *shakes his head and laughs* No, I know exactly what I’m talking about. I know exactly, how everything that’s about to happen is going to turn out. And, I can prove it. John: And how exactly would you prove it? Jack: That’s what I came here to ask you. Me and some of the others are going to take a trip into the jungle. I want you to come with us. To prove I’m telling the truth.

John: And…if I don’t? Jack:*pauses* you’re going to end up dead John. John: I’m going to die, and why is that? How do I die? Jack: …They said it was suicide. But I don’t know for sure. I wasn’t there. John: Well Jack, sense you seem to know a lot, maybe you can answer me this one question. If the island went to all this trouble to give me a miracle, why would it let me die? Jack is about to speak but before he can reply, Sawyer and Kate come walking up the beach. Kate is carrying the Halliburton gun case Kate:*to Jack: We got the gun case. Sawyer: *exhausted* I Still don’t see why we couldn’t just open up the hatch and borrow some guns from Desmond Jack: Because, after what we did, the hatch might not be here anymore. Desmond probably isn’t even on the island anymore. If the energy got negated, Desmond wouldn’t need to be brought here. Sawyer: Then how come we still crashed on the damn island? Jack: I don’t know. But I’m hoping we can go find someone who does Sawyer appears to notice Locke for the first time. Sawyer: So what about you Rambo? You coming with us? John: I see no reason not to. Jack:*relieved* good. Kate opens the case. Which contains four guns, some documents, and her toy plane. She hands a gun to Jack, Sawyer and Locke, and keeps one for herself. Jack: I forgot theres only four…we still need one for Sayid. Locke hands his gun back to Jack John: He can take mine. I’m pretty handy with this Locke takes his knife out of his pocket and gives it a quick flip

Sawyer:*laughs* I’m sure your gonna do just fine with that. Good to have you back Tarzan. Locke gets to his feet John: I take it…you and I knew each other, in this other life? Sawyer:*confused* *To Jack*: He doesn’t remember? Jack: nope Sawyer looks to Locke and smiles Sawyer: Well then you and I are just gonna have to get reacquainted. As the four begin walking back down the beach something occurs to Locke. John: So. What exactly are we doing out in the jungle anyway? Jack: We need you to follow some tracks for us. John: whose tracks will I be following? Jack: Ethan’s…. John: doesn’t recognize the name and continues to walk down the beach. We move in on his eyeLOST CUT TO: Alternate Reality 2004-Outisde LAX Locke is being pushed along in his wheelchair by private driver, towards a waiting limo. Ms Hawking is walking beside him. John: I don’t suppose you could tell me where we’re going? Hawking: All in due time John. John: You know, you people never where any good at answering my questions. Hawking: Yes, well that’s all about to change. Because this time, it’s in both our best interests for me to be completely honest with you.

Voice: John! John and Hawking turn around, and see Rose coming down the steps and running towards them. John notes the difference in her clothing. Rose: John, do you remember me? John: Of course I do Rose. You and I both had something in common. Rose: I wanted to talk to you before you go. Please…don’t be mad at Jack. He changed things to save everyone. He, he didn’t know about your miracle John…..He’s sorry. He told me on the plane. John: *Confused* Jack doesn’t remember anything Rose, I yelled his name as he was leaving the plane, he didn’t even recognize me. Rose: I..I know. He DID remember John. That’s why I came out here to talk to you. Then he started acting strangely, and said he saw a bright light. Then…its like he was the old Jack again. The one from the first time. He even had the memory of the OLD conversations we had, up to that point anyway. …I had no idea what happened, so I just went back to talking to him the way we did the first time. John looks toward Ms Hawking, who has a knowing smile on her face. John: Do you know anything about this? Hawking: I know a lot about this. And I can take you to someone who knows even more. John: Can, she join us? Hawking: Not right now I’m afraid, it’s very important we make you understand what you need to do John. *To Rose* I promise you, we will make a trip to out to see you. For now, I think its best you go back to your husband and try to act as normal as possible. Rose: Nodding…okay. But you better come and visit me john. John: I will Rose: *Satisfied* alright then. *To Hawking* You take good care of him. Don’t go letting him die again. Hawking: Of course not. Rose nods again, and then goes back inside the airport to find Bernard. The driver meanwhile gets Locke loaded into the limo. We hear the whoosh as we

CUT TO: 2007-The foot of the statue Things are exactly where we left them. Richard, Frank, Sun, Ilana, and her people on one side, with FakeLocke, Ben, and the others now on another Everyone has been frozen by the long roar of the monster. Suddenly it stops. FakeLocke: So Richard? Do you see now? The island itself asked for Jacob’s death. It asked for ME to be put in charge. Richard: I don’t care what lies you make up. The island would never side with you, never. Richard grabs a handgun from one of Ilana’s group and fires it directly at FakeLocke. However, all we hear is a click. As it failed to fire. Fake Locke’s smile goes wider. FakeLocke: I’m giving you one last chance Richard. Join me. Don’t make the same mistake again. I always said you had promise. You still do. But don’t go on serving the ideas of a dead fool. Richard: Id never side with you. FakeLocke: So be it. FakeLocke turns his back on Richard’s group and addresses his people. FakeLocke: The rest of you, we’re moving out. Let us leave these misguided people with their fallen prophet. As FakeLockes group begins to move out, Richard make interrupts Richard: I hope your proud of yourself Benjamin. Ben: *startled* Excuse me? Richard: I wasn’t lying when I said Jacob would have come to you. He wanted to. But he knew you still had to be tested. He was sure you would pass. He had more faith in you then I did. But you failed that test. I just wanted you to know. I also want you to know, that I regret the day I brought you into our camp Ben. Ben seems deeply hurt by this. FakeLocke motions for Ben to keep moving, and he does. Soon Richard’s group is alone on the beach.

Frank: So that’s it? Your just gonna let them leave Ilana: You saw the gun, theres nothing else he can do. Sun: What now? What about my husband? Richard: I don’t know Sun. Let me think for a moment. Frank: Sun, maybe we better go back to the barracks. Maybe we’ll be safe there. Richard: I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Frank: And why not? Richard: Because that’s the first place he’d look for us. Sun: Look for us? I thought he was going to leave us alone? Richard: No. He’s lying. For the benefit of my people. But trust me. He’s going to come for us. That’s how he works. Sun: You mean youv met him before? Richard: Yes, a long time ago. Frank: Well who the hell is he? Richard: I don’t have time to explain right now. Wev got to get moving. Ilana: Where do you suggest we go Richard? Richard: The Temple. We have to get there before he does, and tries to corrupt the rest of our people. Frank: So what are we waiting for? Let’s get moving Richard: First things first, I have to get something from the statue. Richard starts walking toward the statue, and Ilana decides to follow. Frank*To Bram*: So who is she anyway? Bram: She’s the one who’s hopefully gonna save our ass. She knows things about this island. Important things.

Frank: And how exactly did she learn these things? Bram: Your gonna have to ask her that Frank: Terrific. They watch Richard and Ilana enter the foot of the statue as we CUT TO: Alternate timeline-The limo-2004 John and Ms Hawking are sitting in the back of the limo. Ms Hawking folds her hands and smiles at John. Ms Hawking: So, I assume you have a lot of questions….what is it you want to know? John: Well, for starters, where are we going? Ms Hawking: We’re going to meet my son. He’s a physicist. He can help explain to you what’s going on. John: Okay. Then, who are you? Just another member the others? Eloise: My name is Eloise Hawking. I assure you I’m more then just an ex-member, I lead our people for quiet some time. In 1977, I was forced to leave the island. John: Forced by who? Eloise: By Jacob. John: Oh right. Your leader. Who only talks to you, no one else. Ms Hawking: That’s right. Only the chosen leader can request an audience with Jacob. John: and why is that? Ms Hawking: Because John, Jacob was very important. He needed to be protected until the time was right. John: Was? You mean he’s not anymore? Ms Hawking: I’m afraid not. John*now very interested: What happened?

Ms Hawking: What happened….such a complicated question. Hs Hawking opens up a folder she has sitting beside her, and removes a photograph and hands it to John. John takes it, and seemingly can’t believe what he’s seeing. John: How did they get there? We pan around and now see John is holding the photograph of Jack, Kate and Hurley as part of the DHARMA Iniative. Ms Hawking: When they returned to the island, they took a plane, Aijra flight 316. Because not everyone who left the island had returned, some of them ended up where they weren’t supposed to. John: They ended up in the DHARMA Initiative? Ms Hawking: Yes. John: And what happened then? Ms Hawking: When you walked into our camp, do you remember the large bomb we had suspended? John nods Ms Hawking: Jack took that bomb, Jughead it was called, and detonated it above the Swan station. This negated the energy below the Swan station, and thus changed the course of history. John: So…that’s why I’m not dead. Ms Hawking: That’s right. John: So what happened to Jack, and the rest of them, and how did you survive? Ms Hawking: My son will help explain what happened to Jack and his friends. Eloise pauses here. Ms Hawking: As for me, A few moments before they detonated the bomb, Jacob came and found both Richard and I. He gave me his journal, and placed his hands on each of touched us. I heard a loud humming noise, and saw a white light. I blacked out after that, and woke up next to Richard off the island.

John: So Richard’s here too? Ms Hawking: Oh yes. He’s off doing some very important work. John: Did Jacob say anything before he moved you away? Ms Hawking: He just told me his journal would tell me what I needed to do. John: And what did it tell you? Ms Hawking: It told me, a great many things. It also told me, I had to find you. And That you where still important. John: *Obviously still hurt* if I’m so important, why did the island let me die in the first place? Why did Jacob even let anything bad happen to me? Was I such a bad leader? I never even got a chance to lead before the flashes started. I justMs Hawking: I’m very sorry to tell you this John. But your not as special as youv been told. John: Not, AS Special? What does that mean? Ms Hawking: *Sighs* John, you where never meant to lead our people. John:*Shaking his head, clearly in denial* That’s not what Richard told me! Ms Hawking: Richard was mistaken. Because John, you walked into his camp and told him Jacob sent you. When this was not the case. You lied to him John. John: I never lied! I am too special! Jacob spoke to me in the cabin! He asked me to help him.! To save the island! Ms Hawking: *softly* That was not Jacob. John:*Angrily*, then who was it? Ms Hawking: His name is Lorenzo, he is Jacob’s…rival for lack of a better term. John: So…why would this, Lorenzo, pretend to be Jacob? Ms Hawking*carefully*: He did this, so that he could con you into moving the island, and so that Benjamin Linus could kill you. John: He, wanted Ben to kill me?

Ms Hawking: Yes, and once you died, and where returned to the island, he used your body, and tricked Richard into following him. He then*Pause* John: *impatient* And then what? Ms Hawking: He… conned Benjamin into killing Jacob. John: Jacob…is dead? Ms Hawking: Yes. And now Lorenzo is in charge of the island. That’s why I need your help John. John: Let me guess, I’m supposed to go back to the island and stop him. Ms Hawking: No. John: No? Ms Hawking: Your supposed to help me with something else*looks out the window* we’re here John: Where is here? Ms Hawking: We’re going to talk to my son. Who can hopefully explain things better then I can. Ms Hawking gets out, and we’re left viewing Locke, who’s deep in thought. CUT TO: Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Locke moving through the woods. Jack: Sayid?! We’re here. Sayid: We’re over here Jack! They move quickly into a clearing where Sayid is sitting with Ethan near a river. Ethan looks up and smiles Ethan: Jack smiles back Ethan*To Sayid*: Are these the rest of our hunting party?

Sayid: Yes. This is Jack Shepard, Kate Austen. Sawyer, and John Locke. Ethan reaches out and shakes each of their hands. He smiles briefly to Locke. Sayid: Ethan, would you mind filling up our canteens? Ethan: No problem Ethan walks over to a nearby supply pile. There are 6 canteens and a pile of rope. Ethan takes one of the canteens and begins filling it from the steam. He doesn’t notice Jack passing one of the hand guns to Sayid. Sayid walks up and points the gun at the back of Ethan’s head. Sayid: Put your hands up, and stand….slowly Ethan does as he’s told Ethan: Sayid….you don’t needSayid: Please do not insult our intelligence by pretending to be innocent. We know you were not the plane. Ethan: And how do you know that? Sayid looks to Jack, and Jack meets his gaze, nodding once. Sayid: We found the flight manifest. Your name was curiously absent. Ethan: Was it now. Sayid: Turn around. Ethan slowly turns around to face Sayid, and as he does, Sayid slams the butt of the hand gun into his face, mid-turn, the momentum knocking Ethan clean out. Locke*almost laughable calm*: So, what do we do with him now? Sayid: Now we’re going to show our people what they are up against. *To Kate* get the rope over there and help me tie his arms to that tree. *To Sawyer*, I want you to stay with Kate and keep an eye on him till we get back. Sawyer: And what are you gonna be doing G.I Joe? Sayid: I’m going to go with Jack, and John to the drug plane, and make sure Boone doesn’t end up dead.

The group goes to work binding Ethan as Locke stare’s doubtfully at the scene.

CUT TO: Alternate timeline-Faraday’s apartment -2004 John is being rolled by Ms Hawking into Faraday’s living room. Inside is a couch, a reclining chair, a television, a coffee table, and a large chalk board. Faraday is writing equations furiously on the board as they enter the room. Ms Hawking: Hello Dan. Good to see you. Dan turns around and notices them for the first time. Dan: Hello Mother.*Steping forward to hug her* and John, what a please to have you here as well. John: Hello Dan. I have been to you can give me some answers. Dan: That I can.*To his mother* have a seat. Ms Hawking sits on the recliner and Dan is ready to get down to business. Dan wipes the chalkboard clean and turns to Locke. Dan: So, what’s the last thing you remember before, you woke up here. John: I remember, being strangled by Benjamin Linus. Right after I told him we had to find your mother. Dan: and where did you wake up? John: I woke up*pause* in side a car. I had been in an accident. Then I was rushed to the hospital. That’s where I received the news; the car crash had paralyzed me. Dan smiles at this and nods. Dan: But that’s now how you where paralyzed before was it John? John: No. It wasn’t Dan: John. Let me tell you about my theory. There are two kinds of people in the world. The constants. And the variables. The variables are people whose life, for lack of a better

world, is not an important piece of the puzzle. They can change, make choices, and have free will. Because the path they walk is their own choice. While you John, and everyone who ended up in the 1970’s, are constants. Your path in life is pre determined. Even when you try to change your path, things are always going to end up the same for you. John: I’m not sure I understand. Dan: Let me explain a little better He draws a solid line on the chalk board Dan: This is your original timeline John. Where you crashed on the island, some people left, and you ended up dead. He draws a second line. Dan: While THIS is the timeline we are currently in now. Where Jack detonated the jughead bomb, and prevented the Swan from being built. When he did this he created an alternate, timeline. Dan pauses here. Dan: Now, it’s important to remember, both timelines still exist. Your original timeline is still playing out, while this one is going in a different direction. You see, because Jughead went off, it caused small, seemingly insignificant changes to the entire world in the 1970’s. This lead things to happen slightly different then they did before. For some, the change was large, while others, their lives remained the same. Dan: Now, you where paralyzed differently in this timeline, but it still occurred. Your life is constant. Your friend Kate, still ended up a fugitive. You where both even dressed similarly to what you had on the original flight where you not? John:*never really noticed until now*: I think your right. Dan: Did you happen to notice anyone who looked really different compared to the first time? John: Rose….and Boone. Both where dressed different from the original flight. Ms Hawking: That mean they where never supposed to arrive on the island. And that their lives now are their own. They will continue on. John: What do you mean never supposed to? Wasn’t everyone on 815 supposed to go the island?

Dan: I’m afraid not John. You see, 815 was never supposed to crash. Only, pass over the island. you, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Sun, Jin, and Hurley where supposed to be flashed to the island. John: What about the rest? Ms Hawking: They where supposed to land safely in LA with flight 815. John: But how could you be sure 815 would have passed over the island? Ms Hawking: Widmore had an agent on the plane. His name was Seth Norris, The pilot of 815.. He was going to pass the plane over the island. It would have went according to plan, except Desmond didn’t press the button, and the entire plane crashed on the island. John*trying to work through all this info*: Okay…so why did Jack seem to remember Rose, but not me? Dan: In the original timeline, Jacob blessed each of you with a portion of the island’s energy. It, incased your mind, protected it from harm. Once Jack set off the bomb, the combination of electromagnetism and radiation caused their minds to become unstuck in time. The minds of those who set off jughead are now jumping back and forth through both realities. When Rose spoke to Jack, his mind was in this reality. Now, they are somewhere in the old reality. John: Is that why I remember? Dan: Yes. Once you died in that reality. Jacob’s blessing allowed your mind to jump over to this reality. Because you where not exposed to the radiation of jughead. YOUR mind is stuck here. John: Wait, if Rose was never touched by Jacob, then why did she remember me? Ms Hawking: I don’t know. Perhaps she received a similar blessing from someone. We will have to ask when we visit her. John: Visit her? Ms Hawking: Yes. You see John. While their minds are in the original timeline now. Dan theorizes that they are going to jump back to this one very soon. We have to find them, and discover what point in time their minds jumped to. We need to know much time we have to work with. John: To do what? Ms Hawking: To get them back to the correct timeline.

John: But you said they are already there? Ms Hawking*sighs*: in the original timeline John, Jack never set off jughead. Their future knowledge, allowed them to remain a part of the DHARMA Iniative for the rest of their lives. Then in 1992, They where killed in the purge. Once their minds flash to that point, it’s their end in that timeline. When they are purged, their minds will flashback to this timeline. Once they do, they will be stuck in their bodies HERE, with no way to get back. John: So how do we get them back? Ms Hawking: First we have to find them. It will be difficult to figure out where each of them went after getting off the plane. Richard is trying to work on that now. Once we find them all, we must bring them to the old DHARMA Headquarters in Ann Arbor. DHARMA built a device that could teleport bodies through two teleporters. One is in Ann Arbor, and one on the island. We have to send their bodies through. John: Why did DHARMA need a teleporter? Ms Hawking: Because the highest ranking DHARMA officials wanted easy access to the island. They wanted to be able to come and go from the island whenever they pleased. Instead of waiting for the lamppost to re-locate the island each time it moved. John: What makes you so sure the teleport won’t just send them to the island in this timeline? Ms Hawking: Because this island was destroyed by jughead. John: So where do we send the bodies too? Ms Hawking: To 2007. Once their minds flash to the point where they are purged, we have to send their bodies to the original timeline. Once we do. Their minds will jump into their new bodies in 2007, and hopefully be stuck for good in the original timeline. John: When do we leave? Ms Hawking and Dan share a glance. Dan: I’m afraid, John…..because your mind isn’t flashing…you can’t go. John: You said I was touched by Jacob? My mind is protected, so why can’t I go? Ms Hawking: Because DHARMA’s transport is a failed experiment John. They could only figure out how to transport, the bodies. It could not transport their minds. Those who came out on the other side, where crazy. Insane. Or dead.

John: What? Then how can we be sureMs Hawking: Because your friends minds, after the purge, will only have your 2007 bodies to jump to. The Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, and Hurley from THIS timeline, their minds will be ruined by the transportation. The bodies from this new timeline will end up on the island. Their minds, empty. This will allow the minds that are jumping around, to enter the bodies, take FULL control, and fight in the coming war. John: and what if their minds are there right now? What if the next time they jump back here, they’re here for good? Ms Hawking: Then wev already lost. After a long pause, deep in thought John speaks again. John: So your saying I’m stuck here. That doesn’t make any sense. Why would Jacob touch me if I wasn’t ment to fight in the war Ms Hawking*quietly*: You always had a choice John. Your death wasn’t writtin in stone….you could have survived. But you let yourself become a pawn. John is extremely angry at this. John: *who has been getting madder the entire time, snap* Don’t talk to me about being a pawn! You’re the one who couldn’t even protect Jacob. You let him die! That’s your fault not mine! I’m done working for you, I’m done being the island pawn. John turns his wheelchair around, and swipes a bunch of glass of a nearby coffee table in anger. He rolls out of the room. Ms Hawking and Dan share a worried glance. CUT TO: Original timeline, 2004 Jack, Sayid and Lock are at the drug plane. Sayid has more of the rope strung over his shoulder. John: So what is it we need to do? Sayid: We need to use this rope, and pull the drug plane down. John: Is that how Boone died? The drug plane fell on him?

Jack: Yes. He climbed up to the top of the plane, and when he went inside, his weight caused it to fall. John: Who on earth would be dumb enough to send a kid like that into a plane hanging on the edge of a cliff? Jack You would John. John: Excuse me? Jack: Boone was up there because of you. John goes silent at this and Sayid steps forward, and begins letting out the rope. John: So what exactly happened with Ethan in this other life? Jack: He snuck in amongst us. He kidnapped Claire, and hung Charlie from a rope. It nearly killed him. Claire eventually escaped but Ethan came after her and promised to kill someone ever night until we gave her back. Finally we set a trap for him, and Charlie killed him. John: So does he live on this island Jack: Yup. Him and all his people. After we take Ethan back to camp, and bring this plane down, we’re going to go to their camp. You can come with us if you want. John: I think I will. Sayid: Okay,*the noose is tried* That should be good enough. Sayid starts twirling the noose in his hand, around and around faster and faster it. He finally throws it up, and the end of the noose hooks around the planes front propeller Sayid: There. Now all we have to do, is pull on it together until it falls. Jack: Do you really think just three of us will be enough to pull that entire plane down. Sayid: If not, *pause* at least we got some good exercise. Jack, Sawyer and Locke begin pulling on the plane. Harder and hard. Sayid: Keep….trying…. They continue to pull and pull. Untill finally, the plane begins to slide. Jack: Almost…..there

They pull one last time, just as the rope snaps, the plane calls lose and comes crashing down. All three jump back as it crashes down. As the dust settles. Jack looks to John and smiles. John smiles back. Jack:*To Sayid* So, where to now? Sayid: Now we go back and pay Ethan a little visit. CUT TO: 2007 The statue Richard and Ilana are now strolling through Jacob’s old room Richard walks over to a far corner where the tapestry is. He pulls it aside, and knocks on wall behind it. He knocks on several bricks until he find the correct one. He pulls it forward, and it slides lose to reveal a small Egyptian box. Ilana: What is that? Richard: Jacob once told me, that if anything ever happened to him. I was to come in here and get this box, and his journal. Ilana: and where is his journal? Richard looks around the room. He notices a small wooden table against a far corner. He walks over to it, opens it up and sees its empty. Richard sighs. Ilana: It’s gone isn’t it? Richard: He must have taken it after he killed Jacob. Ilana: Atleast you have the box. Richard: The box is useless without the journal, I don’t even know what I’m supposedVoice: Richard! She needs help! Richard come quick! Richard and Ilana share a brief glance, and go rushing out of the room. CUT TO:

Alternate timeline-2004-Dan’s Apartment. John Locke is sitting in a darkened corner of the apartment. Ms Hawkings slowly enters the room. Ms Hawking: John… John: *Sulking* What is it? Ms Hawking takes something out of her bag. It’s a small, hand held journal bound in old leather. Ms Hawking: This is Jacob’s journal John. It helped me find my way ever sense I left the island. There’s something in here I think you need to see. John takes the journal and opens it up, and begins flipping through it. Ms Hawking: it’s the 3rd last page John… John flips to the 3rd last page, and when he sees it. His eyes go wide. We don’t see what hes looking at, but it makes him a lot happier. John: How…how many people know about this? Ms Hawking: Just me, Richard, and my son Dan. John: Is it true? Ms Hawking: If Jacob saw it, it must be. John closes the book, seemingly calmer. Ms Hawking: I just thought you should understand John. Everyone has a part to play. John: Thank you. Ms Hawking: So…will you help us. John *nodding*: Who do you suggest we visit first? Ms Hawking: Kate would be the easiest to find as shes still with the marshal. But it’s up to you John. John: Okay. Let’s find Kate.

Ms Hawking nods, and she rolls him out of the room. CUT TO: Outside the statue 2007 Sun has collapsed. Ilana’s people and Frank have crowded around her. Richard and Ilana quickly run to her side. Richard: What happened? Frank: I don’t know, she was fine a moment ago, now she just collapsed. Richard bends down and holds her head up. Richard: Sun, Sun can you hear me Sun: *confused* What..happened? Richard: I don’t know, they said you just collapsed. Sun: I….it was horrible. I suddenly had a huge headache. And…its like a flood of memories came flooding back. But they where different. Ilana*intrigued*: Different how Sun: I remember….Boone. Except….he wasn’t wounded. He never went with John. I remember him surviving longer how. I remember, him being one of the 06. He….he’s alive now. Off the island. Richard…how can this be possible, why is this happening. Richard gives a knowing look to Ilana. Ilana: this changes everything. Richard nods. Richard: Sun….your friends. They may be alright after all. If they are, I have a feeling their going to be coming back soon. Which means we have to get moving to the temple. They`re going to need our help. Can you make the journey? Sun: I…I think so… Richard: Good*To the group* The rest of you, start preparing to move out. Frank: What about the rest of the 316 survivors? Not everyone came with Ilana.

Richard looks to Ilana who shrugs. Ilana: unfortainly not all of my people where able to board the plane. It did have some outsiders. Richard looks to Bram Richard: Take Frank, and a few of Ilanas people, grab the outriggers, and head for hydra island. You need to make a few trips back and forth, but get them all to the beach, and then meet us at the temple. Can you do that? Bram looks to Ilana, and Ilana nods. Bram: Sure thing. *to Frank* come on captain. Let’s move. Frank, Bram, and a few of Ilana’s people go running down the beech as we cut to CUT TO: Ethan comes clean. The beach as Charlie and Claire are sitting close to each other having a conversation.

Charlie: Hiya. Do you want a blanket? Claire: Oh, thanks. I got one. Charlie: Well, you're warming for two, take mine. Claire: Thank you. Charlie: So, first plane crash? Claire: [Sarcastically] What gave it away? Charlie: Ah you can always spot the newbies. We're gonna be OK, you know. Claire: Are we? Charlie: We're alive, we're on a beautiful Island. We'll sleep under the stars, and before you know it the helicopters will come and take us home. Claire: You really think they'll find us? Charlie: Well, yeah. Why wouldn't they? Claire: Thanks. Charlie: I'm Charlie.

Claire: I'm Claire. Nice to meet you, Charlie. Charlie: It's nice to meet you. Suddenly lots of shouting and commotion. A large group of people have gathered In a circle. Charlie and Claire share a glance, and slowly begin moving towards the cause of the noise. They join the group just as the real action starts. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, and Sayid have returned with Ethan. His arms are bound around his back. Sayid throws him roughly into the circle of people. The force of the blow brings Ethan to. Sayid: *To the group* This man was not on our plane. His name is not even on the flight manifest. He was already here on this island. So come clean Ethan. Tell everyone where what it is your doing? Ethan*Sobbing:* He’s crazy….please…please don’t let him Sayid coldly shoots Ethan once in the leg. Ethan lets out a scream Sayid: I will not ask again. Ethan: Alright….*gasping in pain* My people, life in the woods. I was…sent here…. to…*gasp* make a list of names. Sayid: And what happen’s to those on the list? Ethan: My people*gasp* where…going to …taken them Sayid: There was someone here you where specifically looking for wasn’t there? Ethan: *gasps* I was….*gasp* going to take…Claire….her…baby. Our leader wants her baby…. Claire covers her mouth in shock and buries her face in Charlie’s arms. Sayid: *to the group* His people, live all over this island. So no one should venture into the jungle alone. Tomorrow, myself and a group of ten are going to go into the jungle and take neutralize his people. Ethan laughs at this. Ethan: You will never find us. You’ll never win. Our leader is merciless; he will kill all of you.

Jack walks forward and stands over Ethan. Jack: I’m not afraid of Benjamin Linus. Ethan’s eyes go wide in shock and confusion. As we cut to: 2007- Fake Locke’s camp. FakeLocke’s group has stoped not far away, to make camp for the night. Ben and FakeLocke share a single fire, while the rest of the group has made their own. FakeLocke removes something from his bag, its Jacob’s journal. FakeLocke: Do you know what this is Benjamin? Ben:*sarcastically: probably another wonderful Steven King book…. FakeLocke: No. It’s Jacob’s journal. Within this journal is everything he thought he knew about the island. But he was a fool. He never truly understood this island like I did. FakeLocke drops the journal into the fire, and Ben’s face doesn’t show a hint of interested. Ben: Richard once told me Jacob knew everything about the island. Although now that he’s dead, I suppose you’re the one with all the answers now right? FakeLocke: That’s right. And when we get to the temple. Everyone is going to understand the secrets of the island. FakeLocke gets up, and walks off-screen. Ben waits for him to leave and quickly reaches into the smoldering fire, producing the slightly burnt journal. He begins slowly flipping through the pages, until he sees something that really startles him. His eyes go wide with shock. Ben: What have I done?.....


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