Definition of a Muslim according to the Govt. of Pakistan (Taken from Hajj Application Form)
SOURCE: (Click the link below to view original form) _scheme.pdf
Definition of a Muslim from Holy Quran (Translation of the meanings of Holy Quran gifted by Shah Fahad Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia)
Definition of a Muslim according to Prophet P.B.U.H (Sahih Bukhari Kitab-us-Salat Bab Fazl-e-Istaqbal alqibla vol#01 Hadith no. 391, 392, 393)
Fatwas about Killing Ahmadis in the light of Ahadith-e-Nabvi
(Sahih Bukhari Kitab-ul-diyat vol#08 Hadith no. 6865)
Ahmadis who say Kalima “La Ilaha Ilallah”, should be killed? (Sahih Bukhari Kitab-ul-maghazi vol#05 Hadith no. 4269)
Abusing Ahmadis and calling them “Kafir” in the light of Ahadith-e-Nabvi (Sahih Bukhari Kitab-ul-adab vol#07 Hadith no. 6044, 6045, 6047)
Why “Molvis” gave Fatawa-e-Kufr for Ahmadi Muslims? (Sahih Bukhari Kitab-ul-ilm Bab Kaifa Yuqbaz-ul-ilm vol#01 Hadith no. 100)
Above evidences make this thing very clear that Ahmadis are Muslims but if someone still says “NO”, then for such people Allah (S.W.T) says in Quran: