FIFA Futsal Coaching Course Nicosia (Cyprus), 29/6-3/7/2009 Instructor: Mico Martic (Croatia)
Defensive Tactical Actions
Defensive Tactical Actions CONCEPT OF DEFENSIVE TACTICAL ACTION TYPES OF DEFENSIVE TACTICAL ACTIONS Defensive transition actions Withdrawal Stalling Back-up actions Help Coverage Exchange Marking Actions Marking Pressure Charge Tackling Ball cut-off actions Interception Anticipation COMBINATION OF DEFENSIVE ACTIONS
Concept of defensive tactical action - a defensive tactical action is a set of tactical actions used by a defense to block or impede the ball’s advace during the opposing team’s attack.
Defensive tactical actions can be performed on their own, as occasional actions in a given offensive situation, or as a part of the defensive tactical system. A combination of actions is also common, in order for the two actions together to be more effective.
Types of defensive actions Defensive transition actions Withdrawal – is the action performed individually by each player, and the entire team collectively, when ball possession goes over to the opposing team. - positional withdrawal - non-positional withdrawal (video + ppt)
Types of defensive actions Defensive transition actions Stalling – is the action performed by one or several players to delay the opponent’s attack with the main aim of gaining time for their teammates to organize themselves defensively Stalling is performed over the opponent possessing the ball.Therefore, it will be done by player nearest that opponent, alone or with the assistance of a teammate, who helps applypresure or prevents the opponent from putting the ball into play quickly. If stalling is impossible, or has not met its goal, and your withdrawal is not complete, it is possible to commit a tactical foul. (video + ppt)
Types of defensive actions Back-up actions Help – is defensive support action for a teammate marking the opponent who has the ball, to increase pressure (a 2x1) Defensive help can be performed very close to the attacking opponent, pressing the ball, or at a short distance, pressing the balls trajectory, to cut off the pass.
Types of defensive actions Back-up actions Coverage – is the assisting action made by a player over a teammate at risk being beaten by an opponent, aspecially one in possession of the ball: the opponent would gain numerical superiority by beating the teammate. As opposed to help, coverage is carried out from behind the teammate and at the certain distance (sliding off) so that, if the opponent manages to beat the teammate, he immediately runs into another defender who cuts off his route. (video + ppt)
Types of defensive actions Back-up actions Exchange – is the trading of positions (marks) with a teammate after he has run coverage for another player, because that player has been beaten by the attacking opponent. The aim is to mark opponent that the teammate has left free by performing coverage.
(video + ppt) (praha-1-3-exchange)
Types of defensive actions Marking Actions – include the actions related with direct interaction (of greater physical closness) of the defender with the opponent Marking – is the action of close marking and physical pursuit that a defender performs on a given attacking opponent (man-to-man marking) or on the attacking opponent in his defensive zone (zone marking). In the first case, tha marked attacking opponent becomes the pair of the defender marking him. Depending on the specific aim desired, marking cen be: - Interposing mark (prevent ball receiving) - Containment mark (prevent progressing with the ball)
(video + ppt)
Types of defensive actions Marking Actions Pressure – is the action that, individually or collectively, is performed on an attacking opponent who may or may not possess tha ball (man pressure and ball pressure) or on the possible passing lines (trajectory pressure) to actively recover the ball or make the opponent lose it.
Types of defensive actions Marking Actions Charge – is an action of direct, active pressure that is carried out with the shoulder and part of the torso as elements of physical contact, with the aim of the stealing the ball from the opponent or gaining possession of it in an open dispute (“a split ball”) The physical strength used in a charge should be correctly measured so as to not commit a foul.
Types of defensive actions Marking Actions Tackling – is a direct, active pressure action performed with the legs and feet. Tackling has the same aim as the charge: to steal the ball or kick it away. This is the action whose performance places the defender most at risk of committing a foul. If instead of striking the ball he strikes the attacking opponent. Nonetheless, the aim of a tackle can be a foul , as a last resort to prevent an attacking opponent’s progress toward your goal, for example, in a breakaway.
Types of defensive actions Ball cut-off actions – are those that directly interfere with the ball trajectory, with the aim of gaining controll of it or, if this is not possible, kicking it away or sending it out of bounds. Interception – is the action of interrupting the ball trajectory to keep it from reaching an opposing player, kicking it away, deflecting it or recovering it in an opponent’s pass or play. It tends to be combined with anticipation.
Types of defensive actions Ball cut-off actions Anticipation – is the action of anticipating an offensive action that an attacking opponent aims to make, surprising him with the aim of intercepting the ball. It requires quickness, vision of the play (knowing the opponent and analysing the possibilities of success) and timing (being in the right place at the right time).
Combination of defensive actions - defensive tactical actions have their own separate purposes, but in real play it is common for certain combinations of them to be used. The combinations can be: - simultaneous (performed at the same time by 2 or more players) - sequential (actions are performed one after the other by a given player) Some of the usual combinations are: - withdrawal – stalling - coverage – exchange - anticipation - interception
Thanks for your attention !