Decoding And Understanding Internet Worms: Presented By Ryan Permeh & Dale Coddington

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  • Pages: 49
eEye Digital Security

Decoding and Understanding Internet Worms Presented by Ryan Permeh & Dale Coddington

eEye Digital Security

Course Overview I.

Basic overview / history of worms


Worm analysis techniques


Worms – under the hood


Worm defense techniques


The future of worms


Questions and answers

eEye Digital Security

Basic Overview / History of Worms

Internet WormseEye Digital Security


A worm is a self propagating piece of malicious software. It attacks vulnerable hosts, infects them, then uses them to attack other vulnerable hosts

Internet WormseEye Digital Security

Who Writes Them

• Hacker/Crackers • Researchers • Virus Writers

Internet WormseEye Digital Security

Worms vs. Viruses

• • • •

Viruses require interaction Worms act on their own Viruses use social attacks Worms use technical attacks

Internet WormseEye Digital Security


• Morris Internet Worm – Released in 1998 – Overloaded VAX and Sun machines with invisible processes – 99 line program written by 23 year old Robert Tappan Morris – Exploit xyz

Internet WormseEye Digital Security

History • First worms were actually designed and released in the 1980’s • Worms were non-destructive and generally were released to perform helpful network tasks – Vampire worm: idle during the day, at night would use spare CPU cycles to perform complex tasks that required the extra computing power

Internet WormseEye Digital Security


• Eventually negative aspects of worms came to light – An internal Xerox worm had crashed all the computers in a particular research center – When machines were restarted the worm re-propagted and crashed the machines again

eEye Digital Security

Worm Analysis Techniques

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Capture: Capturing from the Network

• • • •

Sniffers IDS Netcat Listeners Specialized Servers (earlybird, etc)

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Capture: Capturing from Memory

• Memory Dumps • Memory Searches • Crashing to preserve memory

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Capture: Capturing from Disk

• • • • •

File searches File monitoring Open handles Email Replicated/Infected files

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Dissection / Disassembly: Loading

• Loading files in ida • Initial Settings • Trojans vs. Exploit Style worms – Trojans load as programs – Exploits load as baseless code

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Dissection / Disassembly: Defining

• • • • •

Setting variables Examining functions Examining imports Examining Strings Define flow of code

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Dissection / Disassembly: Drilling

• Finding important code – Via imports – Via calls – Via strings

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Debugging as a Disassembly Aid

• Examining in memory constructs • Runtime factors – decryption/decoding – Variable sets, variable data – External factors, not in a void

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Attaching to Worm Infected Processes

• • • •

Attach to process Debugging running processes Finding worm code in process Forcing breaks in worm code

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Sacrificial Goats / Goatnets: Isolation

• Disconnected • Replicate important services • Attempt to simulate real environment

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Sacrificial Goats / Goatnets: Infection

• Netcat injection • Poison servers/clients • Turn off AV, turn on tools

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Sacrificial Goats / Goatnets: Analysis

• Debuggers – VC6 debugger – Softice – Windbg

• Dissassemblers – IDA

Worm Analysis TechniqueseEye Digital Security

Sacrificial Goats / Goatnets: Analysis

• • • •

Filemon Regmon TCPView Pro Procdump

eEye Digital Security

Worms – Under the Hood

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Code Red I: Infection

• IDA vulnerability • Sent entire copy in HTTP GET data • Static worm

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Code Red I: Propagation

• 100 threads of propagation • HTTP spread • Use in-memory copy

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Code Red I: Payload

• Attack • Hook web page delivery

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Code Red II: Infection

• Ida vulnerability • Similar to code red I • Leaves a trojan

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Code Red II: Propagation

• Statistical distribution of random address, favoring topologically closer hosts

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Code Red II: Payload

• Trojan Horse – – – –

Trojan embedded in worm Simple compression Modifies web dirs Multiple system weakenings

• Adds cmd.exe in web roots

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Nimda: Infection

• • • •

Outlook/IE vulnerability Unicode Double Decode Open shares

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Nimda: Propagation

• Email • Open shares • Web servers

Worms Under the HoodeEye Digital Security

Nimda: Payload

• • • •

Opens guest share Infects system binaries Adds Registry keys Adds itself to system startup

eEye Digital Security

Worm Defense Techniques

Global Alerts / DisseminationeEye Digital Security

Standard Reporting Mechanisms

There is a need for a common reporting mechanism. This would serve to qualitatively correlate incidents regardless of reporter or reporting agency

Global Alerts / DisseminationeEye Digital Security

Data Sharing

• Individual Network sensors sharing data with a central network console • Network consoles sharing data with a reporting agency, like ARIS, CERT or SANS • Sharing data between stores at ARIS,CERT,SANS and others

Global Alerts / DisseminationeEye Digital Security

Statistical Analysis

• Having All the data poses new problems – Reduction of duplicate datasets – Large scale statistical analysis – Storage, processing, and network resources can be large

• Worms have distinct statistical signatures


eEye Digital Security

Modifying Aspects of a Worms Environment

• Lysine Deficiencies • Monoculture • Assumptions – Network addresses – Memory locations – Architecture

Counter Worms-

eEye Digital Security

Using Aspects of a Worm to stop the Spread

• Using same propagation • Contains a fix, or code needed to identify • Should contain extreme limits • Generally not well regarded

eEye Digital Security

The Future of Worms

Multiple Attack VectorseEye Digital Security

Client and Server-Side Flaws

• • • • •

Buffer overflows Format string attacks Design flaws Open shares Misconfigurations


eEye Digital Security

Covert Channel / Stealth Worms

• • • •

Hiding in plain sight ICMP Encoding in normal data stream Nonstandard


eEye Digital Security

Keyed Payloads

• Keying a worm before sending, requiring the worm to “call back” to decode itself. • Clear text worm never transmits • Higher chance of missing key transmissions, less likely to get a worm to disassemble


eEye Digital Security

Standard Polymorphic/Mutation Techniques

• • • •

Worms meet viruses Continuously changing itself Brute forcing new offsets Adapting to the environment to become “more fit”

Bigger ScopeeEye Digital Security

Flash Worms

• Faster, more accurate spread • Complete spread of all possible targets in 5-20 minutes • Very low false positive rate • Too fast to analyze/disseminate information

Bigger ScopeeEye Digital Security

Intelligent Worms

• Worms meet AI • Worm infected hosts communicating in a p2p method • Exchanging information on targeting, propagation, or new infection methods • Agent-like behavior

Bigger ScopeeEye Digital Security

Multi-Platform / OS Worms

• Multi-OS shell code • Attacking multiple different vulnerabilities on multiple platforms • Single worm code, large attackable base

eEye Digital Security

Questions and Answers?

eEye Digital Security


• eEye Code Red I Analysis / Advisory:

• eEye Code Red II Analysis / Advisory:

eEye Digital Security

Contact Information

• Ryan [email protected]

• Dale Coddington [email protected]

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