Deadly Peril In The Western Pacific

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  • Words: 2,419
  • Pages: 5
Today, sixty-four years after the end of The Great Pacific War, the former evil Empire of the Rising Sun has been replaced by an equally evil but at the same time even more deadly peril in the western Pacific. Since the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, the world has found itself ruled by a single sole superpower, and this super superpower (or the mother of all superpowers) is none other than the aforementioned deadly peril in the Pacific. This evil and deadly peril's name is the United States of America or 'US' for short. The US military has been the killer of countless innocent lives throughout the globe since the end of 1945. People everywhere have been used as readily available cannon fodder for its army, navy and air force to expend their ammunition on. American conduct in Asia and the Far East since 1945 has been anything but an honourable one. Starting from Japan, just a short while after her defeat, Americans started to exhibit the kind of attitude that they would show against people of Asian descent from then on. During the occupation of Japan, the American military administration refrained from prosecuting Japanese wartime members of Unit 731 who had conducted forbidden human experiments in occupied China. The sufferings of the many Chinese civilians did not matter at all, what was more important was that the Americans wanted the important research data kept by the Japanese experimenters. The American navy interfered in the Chinese civil war by blocking the way to the island of Taiwan thus helping to divide Chinese society despite their non-stop suffering since the previous century at the hands of foreigners. The Americans even employed the nuclear threat. Even when the guns were finally stilled, American fighter planes were provocatively stationed in Taiwan along with portable nuclear weapons. So cheap are these Asian lives. Later on in Korea, during the Korean War, the US military just kept going its new found disdain for Asian lives. US soldiers were ordered to shoot civilians approaching their positions as the fighting intensified and American casualties mounted. US troops shot dead many Korean civilians at places such as No Gun Ri and Namyangju. Civilian lives are indeed a boatload a dime. Just barely a decade later, the American experience was repeated again, first in Vietnam , then in the other parts of Indo-China. American soldiers massacred civilians at My Lai, the Mekong Delta and other remote places where American soldiers found the going difficult against the shadowy VC fighters. There were stories of how US soldiers would enter a village, got hold of a farmer's daughter and demanded information. If their demand was not met, the soldiers then proceeded to rape the girl and afterwards shot the entire family dead and set their hut ablaze. Male prisoners suspected of being VC were interrogated with the help of South Vietnamese collaborators, then loaded onto Army helicopters and pushed out while they were in mid-air.

Female prisoners suspected of being VC were handed over to pro-US militiamen for a spot of fun after they were finished with the questioning. More then once, female VC fighters in the Mekong river delta preferred to fight to the death rather then be captured. During the height of the fighting in Vietnam, many local women became infected with various venereal diseases such as "Vietnam Rose" as a result of the unbridled immoral behaviour of American soldiers. As the US forces struggled vainly to keep their client state afloat, American commanders started to attack Laos and then Cambodia in an attempt to stem the North Vietnamese military supplies through the two countries. Tons and tons of bombs and napalm and delayed-action munitions were dropped on the land without the slightest bother of guilt. Till today these deadly items are still killing and maiming innocent people. American support given to the pro-US Lon Nol puppet government paved the way for the Killing Fields episode when the US finally disengaged completely in the early seventies. The immense sufferings of innocent civilians meant little to the American nation. When their client state finally fell in 1975, American helicopters and aircraft went on a PR exercise and airlifted many Viet babies to the US, obstensibly to get them 'away from communism', not caring whether these babies when they grew up, would face lifelong racial discord in their adopted land. When the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan in the seventies to help their puppet regime in Kabul, Americans self-righteously proclaimed their indignation and proceeded to ferry planeloads of weapons to "freedom fighters", among them, Osama bin Laden, in Afghanistan so that the Afghans could settle their disputes with bombs and bullets, not negotiations. The casualty totals were not of much concern to the US, what was more important was that the blood of Soviet soldiers needed to be spilled in a big way. Even when the Soviets had left Afghanistan completely, the US was still sending weapons to the fighters, including Osama, as the pro-Soviet Najibullah was still ruling in Kabul. As far as Washinton was concerned, he needed to die and that was what happened in the end. Fast forward to the Bush era, and it was the turn of west Asians to face the business end of the mighty American military machine. First it was Bush senior, then Bush junior, and the end result was that Iraq and Afghanistan became the equivalent of human abattoirs. The killings and atrocities commited in the 2 countries were shrugged off as collateral damage because the US war machine needed practice and the 2 countries were full of useful targets. Today, now, the new president in the White House wishes to show that he is just as good and capable as all his predecessors. The word "Pakistan" is already much mentioned together with the word "war". When all is finished and completed in the far-off future, Pakistan could possibly get rewarded with a Islamic version of

SE Asia's Khmer Rouge. All the sufferings of the innocent beings in Pakistan will never count at all. Nothing is going to change as Asian lives have little value in the eyes of the US military. Obama wants to emulate Bush and is very keen to set his sights on the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The fact that the Taliban never attacked US cities does not dawn on him at all. As for Osama, he has virtually disappeared into thin air, but that again does not bother Obama. Truly the US have no reason to get mired in those 2 countries but their hunger for military conquests is simply just too overwhelming. Meanwhile, in NE Asia, the US are already mumbling unspecified threats against North Korea, never mind about the need to seek peace and reconciliation through negotiations. Asian lives are cheap and Asian territories and possessions are cheaper still. Bombs, bullets and missiles are easier to handle compared to negotiations. Long talks make one go to sleep. The threat against Pakistan and North Korea carry ominous meanings for China. One is located at her front door and the other at the back door. North Korea might seem to be a natural target for future US aggression but actually Pyongyang is just small fry. The big fish is none other than China. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon got their backs whipped in Vietnam, Carter got his nose pulled by Iranian mullahs, Bush senior failed to unseat Saddam and Bush junior got his lights blanked out by Osama, thus any US president who is able to catch that one big fish would surely be gloriously remembered for eternity. The US forces or what is also known as Coalition Forces have no intention to leave Afghanistan any more than the US Navy ever wanting to quit Guantanamo. They will be there for decades or even centuries to come. The presence in Afghanistan and maybe even in Pakistan serves to maintain a back door to China's western region. One day a showdown between the US and China will become inevitable and having 2 entry points to launch attacks is like almost having half the battle won. Those who think that such a showdown is unlikely should think back to the April 1 2001 incident. Even before that date US planes and ships had been busily probing Chinese territorial areas. The US has in the past threatened China with military force over the Taiwan issue and with the right wing still as deeply entrenched in US society as ever, there is every likelihood that American military might would surely be brought to bear against China one day. China must now ensure that the US remained minimally tempted to harm her now and in the foreseeable future. There are many steps that could to be taken. One step would be to stop financing American military adventures in Pakistan and Afghanistan by not buying any more US debt. Another equally important step is to become self-sufficent in basic foodstuffs. No more buying of foreign cereals or edible oils. And the most important of all is to be always be well and fully prepared for any war imposed by any imaginable or unimaginable aggressor. China's defence forces need to study how the Soviet Union achieved victory against the mighty German war machine during WW2. The USSR

shifted its vital industries to the interior and was able to produce huge quantities of war materiel to feed the frontline. Despite the Germans' qualitative advantage, the USSR wore them down in a grinding struggle of relentless attrition. The Soviets suffered very enormous casualties, but they succeeded in replacing all that which was lost and kept producing even more. They outnumbered their opponents from over 2 to 1 in men and up to 10 and even 12 to 1 in artillery. By the end of 1945 the USSR had produced over 99,000 tanks and SPGs, and over 100,000 aircraft, second only to the US among all the combatant nations. China must beef up the numbers in the PLA ranks and pay attention to the air force. The air force needs to have at least 5,000 singleengine fighters and an equal number of twin-engine heavy fighters. Aircraft production factories could be located underground in remote regions. Such factories need to have testing facilities as well since during times of conflict, rapid innovation is vital to keep up with the enemy. The presence of the enemy so close to China's civilian population must be taken into account. The US has never experienced any wars waged on its own territory for a very, very long time and it could afford to be highly emboldened to start a conflict near somone's else vital heartlands. The maximum damage and casualty after all would occur there. Asian lives are cheap and will be continued to be regarded as cheap. It is not just only the close proximity of its military might near China's borders that makes the US a deadly peril in the Western Pacific, but there are a lot of other things that need to be kept in mind. The US has a very capable missile interception shield based in Alaska and the central Pacific area, plus the additional hardware already available with its Japanese ally. This could be used to full advantage in any potential conflict in NE Asia. The US is also doing research into very advanced military-related technologies, including cloaking technology, plasma propulsion, and advanced laser weapons technology. China's present purchase of US national debt has meant that such research goes on unimpeded and its end products would be available for use against China one day in the future. The US also has the largest pool of cyber warfare experts in the world and that area is just as lethal and dangerous as its battlefield weaponry. Currently, the USAF's top fighter has no equal within China's air defence force and this situation needs careful attention. An enemy who has control of the air can pretty much do what he likes. Since American warplanes such as the F-22, F-117, F-35 and the B2 are equipped with stealth features, ground defences are only minimally effective against them and the air force needs to maintain a fleet of aircraft constantly airborne to challenge such aerial threats. Thus, China's defence industries must be able to come up with the pilotless UAVs that can possibly do that job. China must never forget that its people were once called "slaves to slaves". China was a slave to foreign powers and the common people were slaves to the local warlords and foreign-appointed puppets. Thw PLA was born out of this immense and indescribable

sorrow and China must never neglect the PLA just to please the foreigner. Appeasing the foreigner will never do any good. The PLA is the backbone of the Chinese people and no one who has any sense at all would ever want to neglect or injure his backbone. The foreigner has already been proved to be capable of being totally merciless plus possessing an unquenchable thirst for blood besides an equally unsatiable appetite for violence. The PLA has to fulfil its duty of defending China during wartime and during times of peace, the PLA needs to focus on its work brigades as well as taking care of food security. Napolean once said: An army marches on its stomach. There is absolutely no need to please or appease the foreigner. The US, as the sole superpower realises that it is now standing on the threshold of unbridled military supremacy, and therefore will not allow any obstacle to stand in its way. The hunger to completely dominate the future battlefield in a way that has never been seen or experienced before is like a drug to the US military which already now behaves like a government-within-agovernment. It will not hesitate to bring total destruction to anyone regarded even remotely as a potential threat. China must be prepared day and night for this aggressor to knock on its doors. It will be a titanic match but the one who is well prepared and fully able to outlast the other in an epic struggle of unimaginable attrition will emerge with its life intact. The US is the deadly peril in the Western Pacific but it might also ultimately be the final one. When that time comes, then China and all the others on the western Pacific rim could finally enjoy millenaries of peace. And no more violence and bloodshed. And lives would no longer be regarded as cheap.

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