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  • Words: 972
  • Pages: 2
The present moment now is exactly two years to the day a US plane took off with very deadly nuclear weapons on board and flew halfway across the US without any commanding officer knowing about it. On 30 August 2007 a B-52 bomber landed at the Barksdale air base in Louisiana with six of its twelve missiles loaded with deadly nuclear warheads. The bomber sat on the runway for at least some eight hours with the nuclear weapons still on the plane. This incident showed how dangerous the US nuclear arsenal is to the safety and security of the world. A rogue pilot could have easily escaped with the weapons and perhaps used it to start a nuclear conflict with some other country. Also, a place like Cuba could very easily become a victim and get vaporised by some rogue US soldier. And to think Nato countries worry so much about Iran which does not have any warheads or long-range airplanes. Obama recently called for the abolition of nuclear weapons but his statement was seen as just merely paying lip service to the voices campaigning for a nuclear-free world. There is no way Obama could ask his country to get rid of those weapons in its arsenal just as he could not expect the US Navy to obey any possible request from him to vacate Guantanamo. The US military would rather stage some kind of revolt than surrendering totally its nuclear arms. The B-52 had departed a day earlier from the Minot base in North Dakota carrying twelve missiles. Minot was a US Air Force facility that kept nuclear warheads for use in any conflict that involved nuclear strikes. The missiles were apparently headed for proposed decommisioning at Barksdale but poor supervision and operating procedures allowed six missiles to be taken out with their nuclear warheads still attached. All the missiles were loaded onto the B-52 and the plane was left unguarded parked on the tarmac for at least fifteen hours. The next day, the pilot took off without properly checking what he was carrying and landed at Barksdale. After landing, the plane was again left unguarded on the tarmac until evening. Near midnight a supervisor of a munitions team finally discovered the real nature of the missiles and alerted the base. A report was then made to the US National Military Command Center and the incident was described as very serious. The Defense Secretary & the White House were also informed and it was regarded as one of the worst breaches in US nuclear security. The Pentagon and the US generals as usual, tried to play down the incident and wanted to regard it as 'nothing unusual' but news of it were leaked outside and in early Sept the incident was reported in the media. As a result, the US air force was forced to conduct an investigation and this led to the dismissal of the Minot base commander and several officers were disciplined and one high ranked general was asked to retire early. The incident forced the US Air Force to adopt a stricter policy for the storage and safekeeping of all nuclear weapons at its air bases. Nuclear warheads could no longer be kept together with conventional weapons. All the nuclear weapons had to be tagged identifying them as such. The personnel authorised to supervise the movement of the

warheads were properly designated and the procedures and checklists were tightened. A program of surprise checks on bases such as Minot and Barksdale was introduced. All those improvements however did not stop another incident later in 2008 when a consignment of at least four missile sub-assemblies possibly containing fuses or parts used in US nuclear weapons were 'accidentally' sent to Taiwan. Again, there was an investigation, and the incident was described as another breach of 'standards and technical competence' and two officers were forced to resign. Eight others received letters of reprimand. These incidents together with other (much earlier) incidents forced the US government to reorganise the structure within the military to ensure a safer system of storing and transporting nuclear weapons and nuclear devices in the US. The chain of command was more clearly spelt out and a wholly new position created to oversee the command. As a result, the US Global Strike Command was created. This command now controls all the US B-52 and B-2 bombers and the Minutemen and all other missiles loaded with thermonuclear warheads. The Global Strike Command is incidentally a different setup from other entities with similar sounding names. The GSC is for one purpose only: to wipe out humanity through a worldwide nuclear Armageddon in case of an all out global conflict. The US is without a doubt the most dangerous threat to peace and security and world prosperity today. All its generals and officers often take the rest of the world for granted and the US military is unsurpassed in its aggressiveness and callousness towards the rest of humankind. Other countries would be well advised to take all the necessary precautions needed to safeguard their wellbeing. Truly, the entire world is now confronting a most deadly kind of peril not seen since the end of the era of the Axis powers. The US is now, more than ever, the Genghis Khan of our time. It is the most dangerous neighbour that one could ever have imagined or asked for or gotten forced upon you. Surely, if there ever was an Armageddon, you would know the US was right at the very centre. This is just only one insight on the evil Uncle Sam. This US has never hesitated at all to play god to suit its agendas and it would not ever hesitate to play nuclear god. Its evil is boundless. Very boundless. Indeed so very boundless. Be warned. Be truly warned.

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