Deadly Dominion - Episode 21

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  • Words: 9,604
  • Pages: 37
EXT. DIMENTIA - SHORELINE - NIGHT Two scornful chuckles from Vice. He throws back his head and releases an earth-shattering roar of a laughter, brimming with derision, into the silent night. The waves go silent, as if stopping along with Leona in order to listen and use the scorn as fuel for burning rage. VICE You sad, sad little girl. You're good for talking smack, but you never back it up. Here I am right now, completely whole, and not a drop of blood on me! Leona's scorching stare intensifies, and the waves of the sea resume their intrusion more acutely than ever. LEONA If there is one thing no one can say is that I can't kill. The reason you still stand is simply because I refuse to grant you the silent death I am used to giving. I want to experiment with you, Vice... use you so that I can see what hurts more... what causes more blood to flow from the body... what brings death more slowly... She beams at the emerald-encrusted blade in her hand as if dreaming of it piercing Vice's flesh. LEONA (CONT'D) But for that I need you defeated, so you won't move when I begin. Vice cracks his knuckles and loosens the muscles of his shoulders and back. VICE This is your chance, babe. You won't be gettin' another one. Just sucks that I'm gonna have to hurt such a young girl. LEONA As if you have never laid a hand on a woman before. Someone like you would behead a child. VICE And someone like YOU would behead a child for money.

The exhale Leona now utters comes out quivering while her red lips shed disgust at the hulking figure before her. Careful steps to her right... she begins to circle Vice like a starving shark. Her notorious rival completes the circle in the opposite direction, throwing his navy jacket to the sand so that nothing hinders him but a black sleeveless shirt that seems to be a size too small. Fists are ready, and teeth are showing as lordly snickers escape through them. VICE (CONT'D) I hit home, huh? Ha! Leona puts away the one Double-Edged she'd been holding. VICE (CONT'D) Gonna take me on without your little knife, eh? That's your choice, babe. LEONA Stop talking... Beat. LEONA (CONT'D) ...and fight! With a brutal growl, Vice stampedes to Leona. The very instant he is but five feet away, her right leg flies up and nails him in the face, returns, and never touches the sand as it follows up by striking his stomach. Vice doubles over, clutching his midsection. Leona touches her right hand to his back and flips over Vice's body, landing on his other side. He spins around as Leona throws her left leg backward at him. When Vice blocks, the assassin's right one repeats the same, in vain. Leona turns to face him and receives a two-handed, open-palm hit to the torso. Vice's force knocks her a good distance away. His laughter rings throughout the beach and grows in loudness as he rushes to his fallen target, hungry for endless offense. Leona rolls back and flings her legs upward, bouncing back into action and forcing Vice to step back in order to evade a hit. Before he can attack again, Leona bravely dives at him with a combination of swift punches and knees. Vice's arms are like unbreakable medieval shields, absorbing all otherwise possible damage from the girl's assault. Then, in a cunning display of skill, Leona quickly sets her hands on Vice's shoulders and uses them to jump and cast her body back,

simultaneously punishing his jaw with both her boots. Vice stumbles, saliva flying from his pained mouth. He almost falls onto the ground but supports himself with his right arm. Leona takes off after him and connects hand with sand, turning her body upside down and allowing Vice to suffer yet another kick to the face as her leg moves in a perfect semicircle before touching the floor again. The camera shows Vice as his face is buried in the sand as a result of this latest move. Though he has been knocked off his feet, Leona refuses to give her adversary a break. It has been but a second since her last hit, and she is already delivering her right heel to Vice's fallen back. He deftly rolls over as her bare thigh meets the dry shore, angrily wipes grime from his face, and commands his left combat boot to take Leona down before the latter can get back up. She falls on her back, shoots back up, but fails to address a violent tackle from Vice before it catches her in its devastating path and has her body cutting the air and finally colliding with an odd variation of a palm tree. Leona rubs her back in pain, but is denied any time for proper recovery: Vice is already charging for another dire assailment. Now thinking on her feet, she grabs a hold of the thin tree behind her and, as if it were a pole for play, revolves around it as Vice arrives; in the middle of her impressive motion, her body disappears behind the trunk for a moment, reappearing on the other side and catching Vice by surprise with both legs. Vice yells out gruffly but, though he staggers, does not fully lose balance. When the screen shoots back to Leona, we see that she has not let go of the tree trunk just yet. With superb limberness, she flips back while keeping her grip firm, hugs the trunk with her legs, bends back one last time, and finally finds herself atop the tree, smugly grinning down at Vice. VICE If you survive tonight, you'd make one hell of a dancer. She scowls. VICE (CONT'D) Stop running away, you fucking coward! Get down here! Leona withdraws a Double-Edged. LEONA Not before I get one good hit.

Vice's mixing emotions of resentment and worry come through physically. He looks around him, finding nothing that could be of use against the feasibly-fatal precision of a professional assassin. VICE You seriously got no courage! I thought you wanted to take me down fair and square! Now you just gonna try and kill me with one shot? Leona extends her right arm back, narrowing her eyes. LEONA Won't aim for your heart... or your head... or any other crucial body part. A delighted smile. LEONA (CONT'D) Trust me, you won't die from a blade between the legs. She laughs darkly at Vice's wide eyes filling up with fret. VICE (to himself) You sick little bitch... you really do hate my guts... (louder, to Leona) We'll see if you'll get your wish! A SLASHING sound: the spikes have emerged from Vice's gauntlet. Leona gasps and sends a Double-Edged flying. Vice rapidly severs the air, a jagged portal surfacing on it. He dives headfirst, vanishing. Leona's modified Sai only manages to slice the last fragment of light from the portal before it hopelessly burrows into the shadowy sand.

CLOSE UP ON LEONA She grits her teeth. Her feline, jade eyes glide from side to side, searching the stillness of the shoreline for her tricky opponent. LEONA Damn him! Not again! That is when a portal BURSTS INTO EXISTENCE behind her. Its

blinding light cloaks Leona, and so does Vice, who plummets from it directly to the top of the tree and attacks. Leona yelps as his spikes cut at just below her neck when she attempts to bend her body and escape them. She purposively falls back when Vice slashes at her again, then grabs the trunk of the tree halfway. Vice stretches out his right arm; the spikes of his gauntlet fly from their secure sanctuary and race toward Leona. In the blink of an eye, she swings her remaining Double Edged, its long front blade successfully knocking the spikes away from their mark and into obscurity. Vice summons a second portal below his feet and sinks into it. Leona knows what's coming this time. With necessary quick wittedness, she kicks from the trunk of the tree and throws herself into the night in hopes of dodging any unforeseen threat. Alas, the inhibited darkness is eliminated as the portal reopens right above her as she falls. Vice descends from within with a plunging swipe of his fists, clouting Leona's already-falling body and sending it to forcibly collide with the terrain. Leona grunts as she unwillingly embraces the rough ground. We see Vice following in her tracks from up above, intending to finish her with a deadly stomp... ...but she promptly regains her lost steadfastness. The screen tracks her when she rolls sideways and continuously tosses her body in the same direction. When Vice angrily stamps the sand with his combat boots, his foe is already yards away near the rushing waters. One could almost make out a corporeal manifestation of raw hatred that links these two fighter's shared, animalistic glares.

INT. ADMISSION CONTROL BUREAU, PORTAL AREA - NIGHT We are in a small, circular room that is draped inch by inch in sterling silver. The camera rises in leisure from behind an equally-round platform in the center. A set of sliding doors that seem to blend in with the wall becomes visible across the room. We shoot into and through it, journeying into the sector just outside...

INT. ADMISSION CONTROL BUREAU, SCANNING OFFICE - CONTINUOUS This one is noticeably larger. Complex-looking computers and other unrecognizable machines stem from the walls, each one supervised by a uniformed official. An authoritative figure paces through the crowd of workers, apparently supervising each one's performance. He is addressed by one of them. WORKER Sir, I am getting an unauthorized entry from District 1 of Dimentia. The supervisor hurries to the speaking worker's computer and inspects the screen with a distressed motion. SUPERVISOR But how? Did you not receive a request prior to the opening of the portal? WORKER No, as strange as it may be. Somehow this intruder was able to summon it from home location. SUPERVISOR Regardless, this being has no permission to come into Heilig. Call for the Defense Unit immediately. We will wait outside the door and apprehend this Dimentian the moment he steps here.

INT. ADMISSION CONTROL BUREAU, PORTAL AREA - CONTINUOUS A strong blue light develops on the surface of the platform and slopes straight into the roof. Diavol materializes from a translucent image to a full presence. He searches the empty room with wandering eyes, then warily steps down from the platform and faces the exit. The sliding doors hurriedly sink into the wall with a soft whirring sound, creating an opening. Diavol goes through...

INT. ADMISSION CONTROL BUREAU, SCANNING OFFICE - CONTINUOUS ...and is greeted by a dozen firearms, all targeting him and being handled by furious-looking gunners. The supervisor of the Scanning Office steps through the armed crowd and glares at Diavol. SUPERVISOR You are under arrest for unauthorized invasion of Heiligian territory. He extends a metallic cube with two metal semicircles extending from the sides to Diavol. SUPERVISOR (CONT'D) Please place your hands on the sides and come peacefully. He approaches Diavol... and receives a swift punch to the face. GUNNER (shouting) Not another step or we shoot! Diavol assumes a fighting stance, though hesitantly affronts the intimidating point of the numerable guns. GUNNER (CONT'D) Put your hands in the air and take one step forward! Diavol is far from obeying the gunner's threatening command. He breaks into a frantic run straight for him as the wind whipping past his body appears to turn bright red and his propulsion grows. The gunner shoots. His weapon releases a glowing blue, lengthy, straight projectile. Diavol kicks off from the ground. The projectile darts beneath his feet and disintegrates as it encounters the sliding doors. With a barrelling spinning kick, the Dimentian slugs the single gunner into the steel-like flooring. Every gunner present now attacks at once. Diavol is rendered helpless as four blue projectiles manage to reach his body, each one coiling itself respectively around his neck, arms, waist, and legs. He falls, a struggling fish caught in the net. The supervisor closes in on his fallen body. Ignoring Diavol's fuming exclamations, he speaks.

SUPERVISOR Why are you here? DIAVOL I'm part of the coalition King Malickus is aiding! I was separated from the group! SUPERVISOR What is the code? DIAVOL What? The supervisor shrugs. SUPERVISOR Take him away. DIAVOL No! Wait! A startling BOOM spreads through the room and catches everyone's attention. The screen turns along with the supervisor as his wide eyes catch sight of the sliding doors leading into the Portal Area: four LONG BLACK CLAWS are protruding from each door. SUPERVISOR What the hell is that? Diavol grins. There is a flash of dark green coming from inside the Portal Area; not a moment later, both doors FLY OFF THE WALL and sail forward, each one SLAMMING into a different number of gunners and thrusting them off-screen. Viper pounces at the supervisor (who finds himself the only one still standing) from beyond the gaping hole where the doors used to be... but the latter refuses to go down without a fight. The supervisor exudes impressive skill when Viper goes in for the kill: he ably dodges the monster's unpredictable size shifting claws as they hungrily attempt to maul his face and body. When Viper makes one false move, the supervisor grips his rough left arm, delivers a punt-kick to his back, and hops backward. Like a frightening lion amazingly knocked down by its would be prey, Viper hurries back onto a standing position and bares his horrid, dripping fangs so that a heart-wrenching ROAR may escape. The supervisor picks up a gun from the floor just as a group

of still-conscious gunners beside him manage to get one of the bulky doors from atop their crushed bodies. He then fires twice at Viper. Viper defends his body with his hands, only to find his claws imprisoned by the weapon's helixes. But with another barbaric ROAR, he extends his claws and rips the ethereal coils apart, thus freeing himself. The supervisor and the recovered group of gunners prepare to shoot once more. Viper falls forward like a quadruped and resembles a wild animal more than ever as he runs at an incredible speed, straight for his hopeful victors. Before anyone can aim a proper shot, he dives at the supervisor, digs his claws into his shoulders, and slams his feet into his stomach, painfully hurling him across the room. He hears more shots. That very moment, Viper reaches into the pocket of his leggings, takes out the peculiar object given to him and Diavol by Luther, and throws it to the floor. The object emanates a brilliant conjunction of bright-white energy, which quadruples in size in less than a second and fills the room with its flare. There is silence... Viper looks around... Everyone present with the exception of a now-free Diavol is frozen in place: their bodies are unmoving, as if time had paused for them. DIAVOL Shit... that came in handy, huh? VIPER Luckily, I was the one carrying it, or its power would have never met the light of day. How could you get caught so quickly? DIAVOL Give me a break, mutant! You took too long to arrive, they were going to lock me up if I didn't defend myself! VIPER Maybe I was a fool to stop that from happening! Viper starts toward the exit. VIPER (CONT'D) Come. More of this defense unit

will arrive soon. We must sneak out of this building before they are too many. Diavol reluctantly follows.

INT. DIMENTIAN FORTRESS - THRONE ROOM - NIGHT The towering double-doors of the Dimentian Fortress's Throne Room loudly open themselves and allow Bianca into the lavish scope of its interior. Luther watches her walk in without a word. BIANCA Thank you for allowing me entrance, my lord. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. LUTHER What is it you have to tell me? BIANCA I bring you official word from your highness's tax collectors... the ones that made it back, anyhow. Luther straightens up in his throne. LUTHER What are you saying, girl? BIANCA When your group of tax collectors reached the Community of Valora, they were refused any gold. LUTHER Valora still refuses to obey my orders? BIANCA Oh, do they. And that's not all. It seems some of their citizens got together and actually attacked the royal tax collectors. Some of them have been killed, others have been imprisoned God-knows-where. Luther rises, heavy breathing escaping the diabolical, steel bull mask. LUTHER The audacity of those petty bastards reach no limit. Attacking MY guards is the last straw!

Bianca fans herself with her hands and sighs pleasurably as though a sudden heat wave had struck the fortress. BIANCA Ooh, I think they need to be punished... wouldn't your highness agree? LUTHER I would agree whole-heartedly. Find Maverick. Tell him that my beautiful Sabre is not to fed tonight OR this morning. Bianca massagers her right shoulder with her left hand while beaming joyously. LUTHER (CONT'D) The fate of those cretins will be a glorious example for the rest of Dimentia.

EXT. DIMENTIA - SHORELINE - NIGHT Sparks fly at the screen as the spikes of Vice's gauntlet clash with the long blade of Leona's right Double-Edged. PULL BACK: Leona releases her weapon from Vice's, fully spins around, and drives the blade of her left one over the surface of Vice's midsection. A line of blood flies from the cut and drenches the sand. Vice wobbles, temporarily weakened, in place. Leona sets both of her blades parallel with Vice's chest and drives them forward. Vice frantically raises his left hand and wraps it around Leona's right wrist, then captures her right blade on his spikes a millisecond before it grazes his heart. When Leona unsuccessfully attempts to free herself, he catches her with a rising kick that has her body revolving in the air, and would also have her slammed onto the ground if she did not skillfully land on her hands and orbited back into her stance. Leona bites her lower lip in insulting amusement. LEONA Alert. That's just how I like 'em. She chucks her blades into the air momentarily, tactfully catching the handles as they fall so that the front blades

target Vice menacingly. LEONA (CONT'D) Well? Come and get some more, big boy! Vice sneers maniacally. He teleports once again with the use of his spikes, reappearing unpredictably to Leona's left and immediately propelling them toward her head when his feet touch the ground. The girl seems almost impetuous with the agility in which she reacts, gracefully ducking beneath the incoming spikes and rising the back of her right boot before Vice and escape. Her heel pummels into Vice's stomach, and as if she was entirely made of rubber, Leona ascends her leg almost in alignment with her head, consequently casting Vice overhead and away. Vice collapses head-first to the ground, and Leona is already above him. He rolls forward. The Double-Edged Blades slice the spot where he was, leaving a deep X-shaped gash on the sand. Leona begins to rise when Vice's combat boot fills her view. She strikes his leg with both forearms for added force, and still only manages to barely stop it from landing due to Vice's superior, raw strength. But where Vice beats her in strength, she beats him in speed: Leona effortlessly bounces back into an offensive state and attacks Vice with her blades head-on. The camera pans at moderate speed to the left in order to keep up with the battling duo. They ache for the next hit with equal ferociousness, projecting spikes and enhanced Sais scratching at each other, alive with loathing. During this fast-paced struggle, Vice performs with brute brawn, stabbing motions abound. In contrast, Leona is graciously flexible and speedy with each movement, flowing like a veil in the wind but pushing Vice back with slashes worthy of a supernatural swordsman. The contest for dominance of the fight comes to a conclusion when Vice drives his spikes downward, aiming for Leona's face, but is stoppered one more time by one of his rival's blades. We go into brief slow-motion as Leona then jumps, throws her legs forward, folds them fixedly around Vice's neck, and flips back with a release to effectively wallop him face first onto the terrain. As soon as we return to normal speed, it is to see an almost indiscernible motion of Leona's right hand and a Double-Edged traveling through nothingness and finally digging into Vice's right upper arm as he recuperates. The imposing fighter yells out and scampers back onto his feet, blood flowing from the wound.

Leona smiles at the sight of the red. VICE Damn you! You motherfucking bitch! He grabs the handle of the Double-Edged and slowly pulls it out of his arm, crying out. LEONA Strike one... He glares at Leona in a way that plainly shows his desire to murder her that exact moment. He then glances at the emerald filled weapon in his hand; the sight of the blood decorating its silver blade is like a second stab, and he vehemently slings it away. We see it fall with a soft splash into the waters of the dark sea. Vice faces Leona again with hateful, explicit eyes. He outstretches his right fist. The spikes of the gauntlet unbind themselves and navigate angrily towards Leona, just as another set extraordinarily take their place, only be shot as well... followed by another set... and another set... Leona makes use of all her know-how to evade the endless assault of flying spikes, with acrobatic leap after acrobatic leap toward the water. Vice finally gives up on impaling her anytime soon, and instead acts on impulse by storming at the adversary with untamed might. Leona stands her ground, courageously prepared to deal with her towering aggressor. When he reaches her, she lashes at his throat with her Double Edged. Vice ducks. She comes right back with the same motion. He rises and simultaneously grabs her assaulting arm, spins to gain momentum, and launches Leona with such power that the assassin lingers in the air like an usually-fast bird before smashing heavily onto the sea and disappearing beneath its murky surface. Vice runs after her without a moment of thought and dives into the sea after his mark. We are underwater with Vice. He has no problem holding his breath while tentatively exploring the depths for a sign of Leona. It comes soon enough, but not as he intended. Our view fills with a red-and-black-gloved fist that slides straight through the water and kisses Vice's jaw earnestly. Vice pops out of the water with a grunt, a streak of blood escaping his mouth. Leona comes into sight right after, landing two sequential punches to Vice's face, one to his stomach, a left one to the cheek, a jumping kick to the chest, and yet another uppercut to the jaw.

Vice's back meets the water, and Leona plunges at him without even catching her breath. We see that she has recovered her lost weapon when her next attack consists of a synchronous descent of two blades. Unfortunately, the rush of the water impairs her speed, and the blades cut nothing but liquid when Vice swims slightly backwards in evasion. Suddenly, a spiteful hand surges at her throat and envelops it. Vice rises out of the water with Leona's throat secure in his abhorrent grip, and before she can do anything to turn the tables on him, he pushes her underwater and summons all of his strength to keep her there, without any hopes for air. Bubbles surface above Leona's submerged head. Vice cackles brusquely. VICE Finally! You're staying right there until I don't feel you moving anymore, you annoying little pest! The screen swoops into the waters to show us Leona, who is fighting against Vice's full weight, her Double-Edged floating beside her helplessly. She finally calls quits on equaling his muscle and acts differently. She allows Vice to force her head and torso even deeper down so that her long legs rise closer to the surface. Then, with a last conjuring of what durability she has left, she kicks upward so that they break through and past the water. Vice has only time to gasp before she sets her left boot behind his neck, then kicks his throat with her right boot, stinging and constricting it at the same time. Vice's bulky hands release her neck and she swims up, gasping for air. Vice himself holds his throat and coughs and sputters and spits at the water. Leona's speedy eyes locate her blades. She catches them and goes on to hurry back toward the shore before Vice has a chance to pull another near-fatal stunt again. By the time he has regained his breath and soothed the pain possessing his throat, she is already back on land. He sighs in exasperation and teleports back onto shore a safe distance in front of Leona. Her hair is dripping wet, her eyeliner slightly smeared.

INT. SUNKEN HAVEN - THE NEXT DAY Lord Vladimir sits on an elegant black sofa beside his bride, Davila, who has clearly regained her false features. A swirling flame flows into view before them. A humanoid

shape on fire gradually materializes into Hamon as they flicker out. VLADIMIR Welcome, Hamon. Hamon bows. HAMON Thank you for welcoming me into your lair once again, my lord. His eyes shift suspiciously to Davila. HAMON (CONT'D) Mistress Davila... you are looking dashing, as always. She smirks scornfully. Vladimir stands, his statuesque figure forming a physical dominance over the other two as he paces around the room. VLADIMIR She had lost certain aspects of her... "beauty"... not too long ago, Hamon. It is only recently that she has had it restored. DAVILA (to Hamon) Oh, yes. I was foolish to refuse submission to our lord's commands, and he punished me justly. But he is a merciful master, and has restored me once I humbly begged for forgiveness. While Vladimir pours them a drink with his back to his bride, she silently laughs with blood-red eyes fixed on Hamon's. The cloaked devil exhales sharply in revulsion as to her success. VLADIMIR But I did not summon you here to speak of my bride, Hamon. He hands him a drink. VLADIMIR (CONT'D) I have news for you. Davila clings to his words. HAMON Yes, my lord? VLADIMIR I have discovered that there is

going to be another tournament fight tomorrow. You, my champion, will be taking part in the one following it. HAMON What? But... how did you find this out, if I might ask. VLADIMIR Let's just say that I... "saw through the eyes" of one of the weaker-minded Watchers of the counsel. Hamon's eyes broaden. HAMON Truly, the level of your powers will always be beyond comprehension, Lord Vladimir. DAVILA As impressive as your abilities are, my lord, I would warn you against recklessly possessing beings as acknowledged as these Watchers. VLADIMIR Don't be a fool, Davila. Any of the Watchers would kneel before the extent of my spite. Regardless, your opinions matter little to me. She sighs noisily. VLADIMIR Now that you know what to expect, Hamon, you will train. You will do whatever you possibly and impossibly can to prepare yourself for your upcoming fight. I want your opponent to be in a near-death state when Taranis declares you the winner. Trust that I will be watching you! Do not disappoint me. HAMON I refuse to disappoint you, my lord. When my time comes, your wishes will be realized on the battlefield. I will unleash the wrath of hell itself upon my opponent. VLADIMIR I do hope so.

HAMON I will go now, and begin my training immediately. Hamon bows once again. The same swirling flame appears out of thin air around Hamon's feet, but Vladimir's words cause them to vanish just as quickly. Stop.


Hamon shoots his superior a look of irksome confusion. HAMON Yes, my lord? VLADIMIR I want you to assure me that you remain as loyal to me as you ever have. HAMON Sir? (CONT'D) VLADIMIR You live in the Dimentian Fortress... you follow the Dimentian ruler's orders... and claim to be a native to all inquiring minds. I must ask myself whether that is enough to change who you really are deep down. Whether you might begin to truly believe you are a Dimentian, and not a hell-spawn. Hamon is at a loss for words. He utters a broken breath. HAMON I... Of course not, my lord! I will always remain loyal to you! I falsely serve Luther under your orders! Were you to tell me to cease this very moment, I would-VLADIMIR That's enough, Hamon. Beat. VLADIMIR (CONT'D) You may go. HAMON Yes, my lord.

Hamon dematerializes.

CLOSE UP ON DAVILA A thoughtful expression outlines her features and adds to her ominous demeanor as she boasts a dark smile...

INT. EARTH DWELLING - LEONA'S BEDROOM - MORNING The wardrobe opens. Lara, alone in Leona's bedroom with its securely-shut door, reaches into the oak furniture and withdraws a close-fitting white tank top. She sets it on the sheets of Leona's bed and reaches in again, this time choosing to inspect a mini-skirt and a pair of white tennis shoes. Content with her selections, she closes the wardrobe. The look on Lara's bright face is of pure delight as she admires the pieces of clothing laid out on the bedspread. FADE OUT / IN Camera rises slowly from Lara's feet to her head. It is the leather attire that now finds itself atop the bed, duly replaced by the articles taken from Leona's wardrobe. Lara hops over to a full-length mirror and praises her look with a hypnotic and lively stare. Her hands run over the fabric outlining her curves and feel the skirt's thin hem, well above her knees. Spins around. Laughs to herself. She now studies her surroundings with an odd curiosity. The sight of the furniture, obviously so different from the common Dimentian style, seems to snatch her and draw her into their otherworldly atmosphere. She touches a few pieces: properly feels the bedspread, intuitively examines the lamp, opens a few drawers and admires the content. One would think she had discovered a gold mine from the chipper light radiating from her features. But then something happens to end her exhilarating exploration: the not-so-distant sound of the housing's front door being opened. Lara gasps and drops a gold necklace to the floor. Oh, no...


She frantically seizes her outfit from the bed and throws it over her shoulder. Yanks her high-heel black boots from beside the mirror and hugs them with her right arm, then quickly opens the bedroom door and peeks out into the hallway. There is no one there. Lara silently makes her way through the hall, encountering no difficulty in doing so when wearing the sneakers. A noise comes from downstairs. She reaches the staircase, leans over the railing and finally gains insight into who has walked into Mace's housing.

LARA'S POV Master Akio looks blankly around him and takes a seat on the sofa.

OUT OF LARA'S POV LARA (CONT'D) (to herself) It's not Leona. I don't believe it... Vice actually managed to kill her! She beams in triumph. This appears to eliminate any sense of caution within her as well, for Lara marches down the steps to the first floor as loudly and extravagantly as she wants to. Master Akio almost leaps from the couch when he sees her. MASTER AKIO Who... excuse me, who are you? LARA Who are YOU? MASTER AKIO Well, my name is Marimoto Akio, I am Mace's old martial arts master. LARA Oh. She looks interested for a split second, then struts past the master without offering him a second glance. MASTER AKIO Pardon me, but you still haven't

introduced yourself. Lara stops walking and gyres so as to deal with Akio's not curious, but concerned, guise. MASTER AKIO (CONT'D) Are you one of the Earth competitors? LARA No. I am Dimentian. The revelation flushes the color from Master Akio. MASTER AKIO What are your ties with my ex student? LARA I am a friend. Why, is the fact that I'm not an Earthling a problem? MASTER AKIO That is not a problem, no. I only fear the... extremely dark aura around you. LARA I'm sorry? MASTER AKIO Regardless of what world you were born to, something malicious springs forth from your soul. I don't have to know you or speak with you to sense it. It's as clear as daylight. Lara looks as if he had just stabbed her in the back. LARA Who in the hell do you think you are, you pitiful man, to be insulting me like this? MASTER AKIO as insulting you, but I more than state the are driven by vileness, not sure why, but...

You see me do nothing truth. You girl. I am

He clutches her heart. MASTER AKIO (CONT'D) My heart sank when you walked into the room...

LARA A usual side-effect that befalls men, especially weak ones such as you Earth males. MASTER AKIO Do you know of the Wild Bloodroot, my girl? She raises an eyebrow. MASTER AKIO (CONT'D) It is a flower of undeniable beauty and allure... but harbors poison, a flesh-eating juice. LARA Don't go there... MASTER AKIO It is unquestionable. Your exterior is bewitiching, and yet it serves as a ruse for your nefarious nature. Master Akio begins to breathe more heavily... MASTER AKIO (CONT'D) I have a horrible feeling... for some reason, I see nothing but darkness before me when in your presence... LARA I don't have to listen to this. Lara leaves without faltering. Master Akio heaves a profound sigh of relief and shuts his eyes, as if an unbearable weight was just lifted off his shoulder. MASTER AKIO What does the darkness mean...? MACE (O.S.) Master Akio? Mace walks into the scene, fully-dressed and sporting the red jacket we've often seen before. MACE (CONT'D) How are you? MASTER AKIO I... am feeling better. Forgive my intrusion, but strangely enough, the front door was open.

MACE (surprised) It was? MASTER AKIO Yes, I was taken aback as well. But I chose to welcome myself in and wait for you to wake. I hope I did not cross the limit of my welcome. MACE Of course not. So, what's going on? MASTER AKIO Well, Mace, I actually have a summon for you from Taranis. He hands Mace a bronze-toned envelope. MACE What? Really? MASTER AKIO Yes. Seems you have been chosen to participate in Round 3 of the tournament. Now, I hear that Earth was not so lucky during the last fight when it competed, so I have high expectations of you to reverse our status. MACE Yeah, one of our guys lost, unfortunately. But... He skims the summon. MACE (CONT'D) Wow... I'll definitely win this one, don't worry. Earth will skyrocket to the top soon enough. MASTER AKIO Undoubtedly, yes. My memory is far from failing me, and I have clear remembrances of your skills. Mace laughs modestly. MACE I wonder what Leona's gonna think of this. MASTER AKIO Why don't we find out? Where is she?

MACE Oh, she's upstairs. I'm surprised she's still sleeping... she barely sleeps as it is, and when she does, she comes up with the sun. This is... odd. MASTER AKIO Mace, are you sure she is upstairs? I just saw a Dimentian leave that level. MACE Yeah, she's a friend, but... do you think she did something to Leona? MASTER AKIO I felt something horrible when I saw her, Mace, I can tell she is capable of horrid things. Let us go check on the girl. And the two dart up the stairs with not another moment of hesitancy, reaching the second level and Leona's bedroom at record speed. Its desolation sends a wave of distress into Mace and Akio. MACE She's gone... MASTER AKIO Mace, are you sure the Dimentian has nothing to do with her disappearance? MACE I'm sure. There are no signs of a struggle here, and Leona isn't one to go down easy. No... she must have left intentionally. His face sinks into a frown. MACE (CONT'D) But why?

EXT. EARTH DWELLING - MOMENTS LATER Elandra walks out of her housing and encounters a stressed Mace followed by an equally-uptight Master Akio. MACE Elandra! ELANDRA

Mace! She shows him an envelope. ELANDRA (CONT'D) We're all getting the invitations for the third fight. You're going to be in it! MACE I know, I know, but that's not important right now! ELANDRA What? Mace, this is VERY important! Earth's future is on the line-MASTER AKIO Elandra, the girl whom Mace is accommodating has vanished. We need to find her immediately. ELANDRA (upbeat) Leona is gone? MACE Yes, we want your help to find out where she is. ELANDRA Mace, if she isn't here anymore, then clearly she CHOSE not to be. I knew this was going to happen sooner a later. MACE Leona is not gone. I know it. ELANDRA She lacks any type of positive emotion, wouldn't think twice about leaving the man who's helped her so much. Just let her go! MACE Look, something may have happened to her. If you're not coming with us, that's fine. Elandra sighs. ELANDRA Lead the way.


The screen focuses on the particular area of the sand-filled ground marked by two deep gashes in the shape of an X. Lara gently touches the openings and scouts the shoreline with baffled eyes. LARA They fought here. But no body. The now-calmer sea catches her attention. LARA (CONT'D) Could it be? She reaches into the chest area of the leather outfit on her shoulder and feels for the Heiligian communication device within it. Presses the light blue button on its thin side. Viper!


After a few seconds, Viper's hologram rises before her. VIPER Yes, Miss Dalton. LARA I need to speak with Vice. Where is he? VIPER The Earthling has not been seen or heard from by anyone in the Fortress. I kept a lookout as you commanded. Lara's jaw drops. She deactivates the device. LARA What the hell could have happened to them? A chance to get the answer to her question comes in the form of a section of the shoreline where the sand has been severely displaced. She approaches it. The sand is drenched in blood. Her survey travels over it and is drawn by a horizon composed of tropical trees growing in number, two of which have been severed, and another which is bent. She walks in their direction. Eight steps forward and, along with Lara, we heard voices:

utterances clearly relating to a physical endeavor. CUT TO:

EXT. DIMENTIA - SCARP - CONTINUOUS Lara scrutinizes something from behind a tree trunk.

LARA'S POV A line of rocky overhangs, its walls being struck by rushing waters. Not too far from the edge are Leona and Vice, amazingly enough still locked in intense combat. As Leona executes a combo of high kicks, we see that her skin is moist with sweat. Her heavy eyeliner is now noticeably more smudged, and the strands of hair falling over her face stick to it as if by glue. Her right cheek is bright red, and the side of her lip is cut. Her fast-rising left thigh has four fresher and neat grazes. Vice blocks each kick, fueled by definite wrath. Sweat pours from his neck and face, both which have suffered a clean cut. The skin under his left eye is slightly purplish. When he raises his left arm to block a spinning kick, we see four smaller gashes: the first two are crossed in a way that almost seem to spell an "L", while the other (even smaller) ones are one on top of another as if the "artist" was unable to continue the supposed "violent masterpiece" with an "E".

OUT OF LARA'S POV She seems to be astounded by the sight of the two fighters. We are taken from a view of Lara to that of the raging battle occurring over the rock-ribbed surface. Vice breaks Leona's endless combo by swerving out of a kick's way and delivering the sequential duo of a back-handed left punch and a right hook. Leona falls face-forward, but refuses to land; she stops her fall with the palm of her hands and sends a sweep to Vice, who jumps guardedly over it. The girl ends her sweep, but uses its driving force to gyrate her body back into a standing position and instantaneously attack again with a hopping half-moon front kick. The moment she sends her leg forward, Vice musters up enough power to leap an impressive distance and not only dodge the attack,

but safely land on the other side of Leona and hammer her in the back. Lara breathes a "yes". Leona growls, infuriated, when he faces Vice again... but notices he is closer to the edge. She valiantly charges at him. When but three feet away, she extends both of her Double Edged-wielding hands forward and soars into the air, proceeding to perform three full flips as she journeys over Vice's head. With each flip, Leona's blades slash down at Vice when she's upside down, then her legs to the same when she straightens. Vice finds himself unable to fully dodge such a persistent and accelerated series of slashes and kicks; Leona's blades dash over his chest during the first flip, but he capably defends himself from the rushing boots. He feels an abrupt sting as the back of his neck is then cut and his head is scourged by the kick during Leona's second flip. On Leona's third and final flip, she lands and pierces his lower back, twirls, ascends, and bashes the side of his face with a hopping roundhouse. Vice crashes, bounces up slightly, and crashes again onto the rocks. Lara gulps. LARA Shit... she's gonna defeat him. She runs off in the battle's opposite direction.

INT. DIMENTIAN FORTRESS - THRONE ROOM - MORNING Lara storms into the Throne Room, slamming the door behind her. Luther rises. LUTHER Do not punish my doors for your bad mood. And where did you get those clothes? You're half-naked! LARA Luther, I need your help. Now! What?


LARA Vice is fighting that assassin who's been after his head as we speak!

The emperor sits again, basking in the comfort of his throne. LUTHER I am not one bit worried about that Earthling's life. He's YOUR concern. LARA Listen to me, Luther! The assassin is the daughter of Luke Wellington! LUTHER Doesn't ring a bell. LARA He's the Earthling you had killed before the last tournament. A light comes on inside Luther's mind. LARA (CONT'D) He was scheduled to compete. You wanted him dead before he could do so because he was supposedly able to prove that you wanted to use the Adonis Stone to invade Heilig this time around. LUTHER Ah... yes... the meddlesome Earthling who played "detective" instead of minding his own business. Can you tell me what his daughter in doing here? LARA I don't know how she got here, but she wants Vice dead because he's the one who did your dirty work. LUTHER Ah, correction: he's the one who did YOUR dirty work. Luther laughs in amusement. Lara fumes. LUTHER (CONT'D) I only gave the order. YOU were supposed to carry out the murder. But you probably didn't want blood staining your outfit, so you got a random killer to do it for you. And thanks to the bad job he did, you now have even more problems to deal with. LARA

Details are not important right now! At any moment, Vice is going to open his big mouth about the whole thing, and the assassin will come for us! Do you really want that kind of headache? Luther shakes his head in a manner befitting someone whose pillow wasn't fluffy enough.

EXT. DIMENTIA - SCARP - MORNING We literally cannot see Leona's Double-Edged Blades while she swings them both in joint circles and slowly walks toward Vice, who finds it an enormous burden to proficiently avoid them and still look for a chance to strike. He jams his right hand forward. The spikes successfully intercept the motion of the blades and put an end to Leona's hazardous actions. Vice pulls his arm back and throws it forward again. Leona bends her body backwards, but can feel the wind against her skin due to the proximity of the spikes. When Vice retreats momentarily, she rolls on the ground and stands again, simultaneously releasing her right leg in a straight upward line so that her heel bangs against Vice's jaw. He grunts and staggers... glares at Leona and spits out blood. The rivals draw in deep breaths. VICE You look exhausted, Lily. LEONA You know I hate it when you call me that. VICE Just 'cuz we're fighting don't mean you don't like me deep down. He chuckles vilely. VICE (CONT'D) Come, now. Maybe we should pick this up another day. You're tired! LEONA Not one bit. And she lunges at him with a flying kick. Vice sidesteps. Leona launches her left elbow at his face. He stops it with his left hand and grabs her arm, constricting it.

Leona yelps. She then tilts her upper body back a short distance, and as if prompted by her movement, her left boot flies into Vice's face almost unnaturally. He holds his nose in pain, but reacts in time to another straight kick by hooking Leona's leg, swinging her halfway, and sending her on a trip nearer to the edge with a boot to the torso. Vice is about to follow up on his attack when he hears running footsteps coming closer. He turns. Mace, Elandra, and Master Akio have arrived. MACE Get the fuck away from her! You wanna fight someone, fight me! VICE Oh, and what the hell are you, her fucking boyfriend? (to Leona) Lily, when'd you go so soft? Dirty looks all around as soon as Leona is back on her feet and begins to step closer to everyone. LEONA No one touch him! MACE What? Let me at this guy, I'll deliver him on a plate for you! VICE Fuck you, Mr. Courage, I've put bullets in more intimidating men than you! Mace starts toward Vice. It's Leona who brutally grabs his arm and pushes him back without even a simple attempt at being gentle. LEONA Vice and I will both forget the score we have to settle and kill the next person who touches us! MACE Leona, if you let me help, we can put an end to-LEONA I said NO! Either back off and wait for me to finish this or leave! ELANDRA You stubborn girl, you're going to get yourself killed!

Leona points a Double-Edged at Elandra. LEONA My warning is to you as well, you failure, even if it's HIM you'd rather help! Elandra scoffs furiously. MASTER AKIO Leona, please. Thirst for revenge is clouding your judgement. Please come back to the Dwelling with us and we'll talk-LEONA Not another word out of you, damn preacher! Beat. LEONA (CONT'D) Anyone who comes closer from now on has his OR HER blood spilled. VICE (to the others) Hehe... guess she ain't the damsel in distress you thought she was. Leona shoves him coercively back into the fight and lands a mighty kick to his chest. LEONA Keep quiet and keep fighting! Vice obeys with by swaying his bulky arms in succession. Leona deflects the hits with her arm and knees his stomach. Vice grabs his midsection. Leona places her right index finger under his chin and tenderly raises his face only to bat it with a right hook. Vice falls on his open hands. Leona raises her leg and socks his beck with her calf, completing his fall. Vice snarls and sweeps her with his powerful forearms, knocking her down. Mace seems an eye-blink away from joining the fight. MACE We have to do something! ELANDRA You heard her! She's unfeeling enough to attack any one of us if we even try and help her. MASTER AKIO

I cannot stand to see this anymore. With each strike, her heart becomes colder. Master Akio runs in the fighters' direction. ELANDRA Master Akio, stop! Vice swings a right fist at Leona. She ducks. Swings a left one. She blocks. He then rams his shoulder into her and, as if she'd been struck by a bull, Leona wings back. The sound of Akio about to attack prompts him to aim his aggression at the master instead. Large fists shoot at Master Akio with no sign of slowing down. Like a machine, the latter smacks each blow away with swift motions of his hands. Master Akio throws himself astonishingly high into the air. Then, like a hawk after a helpless lunch, he comes blasting down faster than an average descent, joins his fists, and wallops Vice's face before he can even move whatsoever. Vice does not go down, and roundhouses Master Akio. To his further disdain, however, Akio ducks briskly, then, with shocking speed yet again, goes on to deliver a chain of three punches and a final chop to the neck that swats Vice backward. The illicit fighter stops his fall by landing on his knees and hands. That's when Leona comes into view out of nowhere. She mounts Vice's back and catapults herself off it. Master Akio stands frozen in place until her right boot clobbers his face with such force that he is hurled back where he once stood. Mace and Elandra catch him. MACE Master Akio! ELANDRA To hell with this! Elandra whips out her Sais and takes off. Leona poses arrogantly... smiles... extends her right arm... wiggles her fingers, signaling for Elandra to "come on". And she does! Elandra has barely reached Leona and her weapons are already dancing along with her arms and body in a determined combo. Leona responds by moving in what seems almost like the reverse routine of Elandra's performance, twirling her Double-Edged so that both the front and rear blades work together in traversing her attacker's Sais. Leona finds a chance for offense during an interval of

Elandra's moves: she swings her front blades upward to catch her face. Elandra falls on her side and holds herself up with her left elbow as the blades slice the spot she previously was. She is about to sweep Leona when the Double-Edged's rear blades come flying down at her. Elandra rolls back and escapes. One step forward from Leona, and Elandra then jumps and revolves midair, landing on the assassin's opposite side. Leona promptly turns, eyes never leaving Elandra... yet (even though Elandra is clearly ready to go all-out) she does not attack... only grins... Something like a boulder slams into Elandra's back and she is sent toppling forward as a result of Vice's surprise hit. Leona readies her Double-Edged in order to harm Elandra the moment she is close enough. She does not get the chance to: even though Elandra has lost almost all balance, she still swings her Sais as she stumbles, forcing Leona to snap back in avoidance. Elandra recovers, soon enough to turn but not to retaliate the blow by Vice that steals her equilibrium yet again. This time, Leona races to meet her halfway, grabs her shoulders, spins overhead, lands, and axe-kicks Elandra off-screen. She is on her way to beat the ground with her body when Mace's arms save her, right before they grab hers and stop her from going back. MACE Stop, Elandra! It's no use! ELANDRA Are you just gonna let them kill each other, then? Mace fretfully stares at the ever-battling Leona and Vice. Then a voice like booming thunder takes over the scene. STOP!


Mace, Elandra, and Master Akio turn to see Luther and Lara approaching. Leona and Vice do the exact opposite. Luther stretches out his right arm and opens his hands. A black assemblage of energy climbs out of the rocks beneath Vice's feet and wrap around his body. The moment after, he finds himself cutting through Leona and the three other Earthlings until he unwillingly reaches Luther's hand, which ferociously snags his arm and pushes him back, as far away from Leona as possible.

Vice attempts to run back into the fight, but Luther's left palm smacks into his chest like iron. LUTHER (CONT'D) (to Vice) Playtime... is over. Dimentian's tyrant leaves Vice with Lara and walks up to Mace, Elandra, and Master Akio. Mace seems to be the only one who defies his presence. Master Akio is so affected by Luther's approach that he gapes at him as if he were Death itself. Elandra steps back and grips her Sai's handles with quaking hands. Yellow eyes analyze each of them. LUTHER (CONT'D) That Earthling... is coming with me. Leona steps up. LEONA He's not going anywhere. LUTHER That is where you're wrong, my dear. That man is paid to work under me, and therefore is to remain under my control. I say that he will leave, and so he will. MACE If he works under you, then he should be kept in a leash! He attacked one of us! Any Watcher would make you pay for allowing it! LUTHER Certainly. I, in turn, will speak to the Watcher about the girl in blue and her invasion of the fortress with the intent of attacking this world's king. While I'm at it, why not ask them to verify that your friend, a confirmed killer for hire, walks among legitimate competitors. Mace scowls. LUTHER (CONT'D) Yes, exactly. Now if you will be so kind as to excuse us. Luther's black cape flows wickedly in the wind as he leaves.

That is when the unexpected happens. With a cry of rage, Leona charges at Luther with violence in her green eyes. With a simple hand gesture, a Double-Edged glides and reaches Luther's upper back, sinking into it. Luther utters a short shout as Leona comes closer and prepares a slash to his neck. A black and silver emanation explodes around Luther when he sways his left hand. The blade on his back is expelled from his presence, as is Leona, who crashes onto the ground as if struck by a sudden hurricane. Mace, Elandra, and Akio rush over to her. LUTHER (CONT'D) Keep that foolish girl away from me or I will destroy her! Leona is helped up... then pushes her helpers away and goes for the kill of Luther a second time, without a thought. LUTHER (CONT'D) What-- You-With a lot of effort, he dodges the hacking of Leona's weapons... until her left one grazes his left abdomen, and she follows it up with a flashing rising kick to the torso. Luther furiously grabs her arms as she attempts to impale his heart and raises her a foot into the air. Black flames erupt from the ground and consume the two of them. MACE Leona! Leona ignores the pain of Luther's powers and struggles to free even if one hand for a fatal hit. Her right fist escapes. Fuck you!


She goes to stab his head, but Luther retakes her wrist in the nick of time. Mace runs up for her defense. Vibrant mists join together and give way for Lara to materialize in front of him. She places a fixed clutch on his arm and gives him a warning look. LARA Don't... (to Luther)

Sir, I think you've made your point. None will be stupid enough to attack you again. With a flash of light, Luther's flames vanish and Leona is knocked back. Lara steps away and allows her to fall into Mace's arms, which she begins to wiggle her away out of to assault Luther a third time. MACE Leona, please! Stop this! LEONA I can beat him, just let me go! He's taking Vice! I can kill them both! Master Akio and Elandra help Mace to keep her in place. This time, she does not find enough stamina to run free. LUTHER (to Vice) Let's go. Now! Vice summons a portal and enters. LEONA NO! You fucking coward! You will burn in hell, you hear me? YOU WILL BURN IN HELL! How is unknown, but Leona frees her right arm from the pressure of all three warriors and sends the Double-Edged flying at Luther like a bullet. Time slows and the camera follows the blade on its airing to end the life of the Dimentian Emperor. It closes in on the back of his head... he cannot turn around in time... Lara swings her right arm in a wide semicircle. An electric blue projectile is let loose and belts the flying blade away. Luther snarls. LUTHER Insolent Earthling... He steps into the portal. Lara follows. It disappears.

CLOSE UP ON LEONA Her faze is frozen... she is petrified with a abhorrent inferno that rises inside herself... MACE You'll get him. WE'LL get him,

Leona... this just wasn't the time. All three let her go. Leona storms away.

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