Day 4 Directions

  • June 2020
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This dayis easyto follow. As we leavePeaceBe Still, hrm and stay on Ghittering Rd.all & tfte *ay to Gt l{orthem Hrry.we do not rdk into Bindoon,'[utare ficted up by tfie SupportTeamon the junction of the two roads Ghittering Rd. remainstricky for walkersttough t{rerc is not erpected to be much traffic. So caution rcmainstfte focus for safety. 0n tfre oilrer handtte sceneryis beautiful and uplifting. The ovenll disf,ance will be approrimately27 kms.BUT' forflre superblyfit who ruantto train or add a fier kms lor the challenge,lftenabout3.i*am peacl te itin there is off to right GhitteringUalleyRd shich loopsaruundand rejoinsGhitteringRd.The rcvrardis lovely vievrl and ilre price is an extra 4 kms in distance. 17 kms from PeaceBeStill on the cornerof JulimarRd.flrerc is a sculptureof the "Trarelling tonk" in honolr of Salvado,ulro tavelled the eadylourniy. Fromherr continuealongthittering Rd.until it hits Gt l{orUrernHwy.Stii and wait to te nicteo up to goto WindmlllFam.


This metalsculpturewaserectedin 2fi14,andwasprt of an art project coordinated by artist GarolynGolemanto erpandtouiism in ttre Uistrict.She ovensawthis 1u!f!ure' alongwilh,othercalongthe road.Therewerealso40 paintedpowerpoles includingpaintings_of Van Gogh,and ToulouseLautrec.Thereii a painteapolewith Salvadorrsthe subjec! on a pole in front of Peacebe Still. Garolynused2id and 3d yearstudentsfrom TAFE.Threegirb dirl the sculptureof Salvado.Eaclr useda sheetof metal anddrewand cut out their model.ttre tatin wordswith the Engtish translationarc the motto of the Benedictinemonks. It is suggestedthatBishop $alvado,wit[ an Aboriginatguide,stoppedsomewherein what b now a hut eearpeaeege SUll.-

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