I passilerty Hospitaland c.ontinueon past illaylandsyacht Gluband through .Beringa-Park, the BeringnPadrweilands. Gontinueuntir ros.*hioiltnil,, (Thesign is brokenso check).Don't go pastthe ilayhnds-GoifCiurr"l--'' "na turn L. GrossPeninsulaRd,into Richardst, and donr onto sran uiew Tce.Turn L, andafter 100 mettes,past llo.sl, turn R into pubticaccess_patfr*my aronglrre the patt towardttrl carylt Rd. Bridgeandtfn picniiarea-it-ihesrvannirei'ag;in. Follow rowingctuh.Gontinuepast the hrsnrater Rowing-Glub, andiust beforuthe Bayswarer sea scouts clubhousetake the y fork to the L Follovthe cyilewayaround ra* unriiir"-hit a narrowcanal.veer to the lre L until t/ouGro$rthe canaloyeralmafi footbridge. ['You-arein-th! singletonBird sanctuaql,andfollow the paur,to whereit turns tfte cornerto !!t" n Logk diagonallyL to a roundlimestoner.roru-naql.. cut across to this and onto the road(tlemorial Dr) headingeast Alongthe path ir rigi *ith suburb distances.Turn L hercandshv on tlhe-track,alongsidesore hou# fit " t; hfi ile safetyfenceat ronkin Hwy. Tum L andthen R (ItunstoneRrl)to go underthe Hrry. Turn R underilte Hwy,andthen L into Kenyry-eAveto tfre T iunction at Moojebingst. Turn R to AshfieldPde, whgrcyou continu., at flre te"o nrt, dt. tt. stepsdownto the riyer. Keepon flre track nowand enjoyieautifill -d ries* Whenilte track turns sharpL (SandyBeachReserue) follow it as it becomesWestRd. Follou w-estRd up ttre signpost ;Reid st lBassenoean pcr.J,Trrn R into Bassendean tl 5Pde',and continue.rt Rd., which meetswiilr GuildfordRd.just beforethe bridgeovertlre sran. lecomerl{orth Takea R and you'rr walkinginto Guildiord.0nly l.3km to go! Continueuntil tmdow St andturn L overt{rer:ailwayline and besidethe park.At the roundahoutcontinuestnight and 100 metresatongturn into it. ctrarles-slmi;fi.-