Dawn School - News Letter

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  • Words: 2,405
  • Pages: 8
11 September, 2009

"We Have Got Only One Planet Don't Trash It" The Principal's Message : Oh! It is 11th Sep, a day dawn inviting kids of Chennai to shelter under Dawn School's soothing rays of wisdom. Every year this day is celebrated as our Founder's day. The founder of the school Mr. A. Vetriazhagan always insists that every celebration should have a meaning and convey a message. So this year we are celebrating this day as Dawn's Green Awareness Initiative. Why and what for this awareness?. Let us all open our eyes to see what is happening to our Mother Earth? Day by day the earth is getting warmer and warmer. Don't we feel that this global warming is a serious issue?. God created a I intend to convey on this day, on the release of beautiful place, ie the Earth for man to live news letter that our journey towards the third year is comfortably. But what have we done? We may fill the garlanded with an idea of linking Dawn School with a earth with comfortable bungalows, factories etc. by green awareness initiative. cutting all the trees. Will our future generations get pure water to drink and unpolluted air to breath? After At this very important 100 years or more will Earth be a place fit to live? It will moment we are glad to share not be a joke in future if students answer as “summer, with you all that we are grandly marching towards our “Vision hot summer, hotter summer and hottest summer” to of building knowledge centers the question 'Name the four seasons'. So let us all take Venturing together for of excellence there by the cause of education this as a serious problem and work hand in hand with providing a true learning our rulers to find a solution for this problem to save our experience in a world class environment“. mother earth. Let us plant and grow as many trees as possible to cool our earth. If we want to live healthy without diseases let us avoid the things which cause pollution. So my dear children of Dawn School, this is the message I give you on our Founder's Day. From the Correspondent's desk :

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Fight enemies of earth as we have among us people who are destroying earth. Take 'Global warming as a warning'. We have 'Only one earth' save it. Make the 'earth green', so plant more trees.

GLOBAL WARMING Global warming makes the earth hotter and hotter due to the severe heat rays of the sun. In the beginning I was not aware of the word global warming my principal and my teacher have created an awareness of global warming among us. My school has conducted many activities based on global warming. Climate change is affecting human lives and sadly it is we the humans have brought this disaster. Global warming by planting more trees I really thank my correspondent for initiating the Green Way Program. Deepika ( V Std )

FOR A GREEN EARTH We hear many things about global warming. But do we really know what is global warming? My school has created awareness about how we can reduce global warming. Pollution causes global warming eg. Air is being polluted by industries, cars and AC. Our school has taught us how to reduce global warming by planting trees not using vehicles for short distance and avoiding use of plastics. So FRIENDS the choice is ours. Let all our efforts be towards making mother earth green. Vinod Naraen (V Std )

SAVE THE EARTH About 75% of the solar energy reaching the earth is absorbed by the earth's surface, which increases its temperature the rest of the heat radiates back to the atmosphere. Some of the heat is trapped by green house gases, mostly carbon dioxide. As carbon dioxide is released by various human activities. It is rapidly increasing. This is causing global warming. Most of us are always complaining about the deteriorating environmental situation in our country. We also blame the government for inaction. However how many of us do anything about our own environment? We all can think about the things we can do that support the environment in our daily life, in our profession and in our community. We can make others follow our environment friendly actions, a famous dictum is to “think globally and act locally” to improve our own environment. We can make a difference to our world. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Plant more trees of local or indigenous species your home and your work place If you live in an apartment, grow a terrace garden Look for ways to reduce use of paper Buy recycled paper products for home Present a potted plant instead a bouquet of flowers Turn off lights, fans, air-conditions etc when not necessary Reduce the amount of water used for daily activities Walk rather than drive whenever possible Try using public transport system Turn off the stove immediately after use Do not throw waste into toilets because finally it goes into water body Let's all carry a cotton cloth stitched bag and say NO to plastics and plastic bags

Several great philosophers have thoughts that have been based on, or embedded, in pro environmental behavior. Mahatma Gandhi and Ravindranath Tagore are among the many internationally well known scholars whose thoughts have included value that are related to environmental consciousness. We need to understand and adopt these values to bring about a better way of life on earth for all people and all living creatures. Laxmi Prakash(Teacher)

GLOBAL WARMING MY CONCERN Hundreds of years ago the earth on which we live today was an entirely different place. Lush green forests with a cool breeze wafting through the air, pure fresh water cascading down the mountains to form streams flowing into rivers. It was indeed a heaven on earth. Today on the contrary, we have hundreds of vehicles rushing through the streets letting out smoke and carbon dioxide, huge factories with smoke gushing out of their chimneys, making the air we breathe impure and leaving the atmosphere hot and sultry. Scientists predict that the 21st century might see temperature rise by about 3 to 8 degree Celsius. What caused this drastic change making life on Earth miserable? It is none other than the phenomenon of global warming or green house effect. Just as a green house for growing plants lets the sunlight in but doesn't permit the heat to escape, gases which people have released into the atmosphere form a barrier that lets the sunlight in but traps the heat radiated by the earth. Emission of green house gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are responsible for raising the global temperature. Power plants though of immense benefit to us are the major source of CO2. while they generate electricity they are emitting large amounts of CO2 by burning fossil fuels. Automobiles emit CO2 and carbon monoxide which add to the green house effect. Methane is another gas which is 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in trapping heat. Nitrous oxide is produced during burning of organic matter and by usage of fertilizers. How is this dangerous phenomenon going to affect us? An increase in temperature causes the polar caps to melt resulting in an increase in the sea level. Severe climatic events such as floods, famines, heat waves, tornadoes, emerged as a result of global warming. Severe damage to crops can cause famines and food riots. Isn't it time to put a stop to all this? Each of us should taka a conscious decision to restore our planet to its old beauty. The future generations deserve this. Tarun George Thomas ( V Std )

NEWS AND EVENTS It is our pleasure to walk with your children as they grow physically, mentally and intellectually. We want to share with you the important events of the year 2008 2009 at DAWN.

INAUGURATION 11th Sep 2008 Dawn started its exciting journey of imparting quality education Dawn school was inaugurated by Mr. A. Veeraswamy Minister for Electricity. Mr. M. D. K. Vallinayagam (Retd. National Insurance) Justice P. R. Gokula Krishnan (Former Chief Justice, Gujarat Highcourt) Mr. Jegarajan (Joint Mng. Director) Sambandam Spinning Mills Ltd

15th Sep The first working day of the school. Active children with their innocent faces and the crying children of Pre KG filled the campus with life.

A festival of light 25th Sep The school has a secularist outlook and the Management has decided to celebrate the festivals so as to make the children understand the values behind every celebration.

Chief Guest Note of Message Welcome Address Programme Scripted

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Chairman Mr. Anbuchelvan Correspondent (Mr. A. Vetriazghagan) Principal (Mrs. Mercy Angela) Mrs. Laxmi Prakash & Mrs. Bindu

Deepika, a student of UKG, welcomed the guests. A tableau on Deepavali in the Southern and Northern India was enacted. The correspondent initiated a concept on Dawn's Value on Diwali and also made the students do it. The celebration came to an end with the children singing the vision of our correspondent. “ Standing on my school ground I can tell my mother land Dawn my school is number one Dawn Dawn number one “ Richard a student of LKG said the vote of thanks. Our Chairman distributed sweets to the children.

DAWN TOTS DAY 14th Nov. : Children of Dawn are the keys of paradise. Our dream is to make every parent of Dawn to feel this about their kids. As the saying goes “What you give to the children they give to the society”.So we want to give our children high values and a thought of social obligation. We are aware that in some part of the world children go with one meal a day and in another they are deprived of education. Our management, particularly our correspondent, intends to work out an effective plan to help the under privileged children down the line. Children's Day was celebrated as Dawn Tots Day with various competitions and Sports so as to bring out the talents of the children.

Chief Guest Note of message Welcome Address M.C of the Programme

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Correspondent (Mr. A. Vetriazhagan) Principal Mrs. Laxmi Prakash Mrs. Bindu

All children participated in the Fancy dress, Recitation, Quiz and Sports. Quiz competition was the high light of the day as the kids were quick and spontaneous in answering. Prizes for the winners of the competitions were given away by our Correspondent, Principal and the Project Head of KTCM.

A FESTIVAL OF JOY 21st December : Christmas and New Year celebrations took place after the second terminal examinations. Christmas play was enacted. Children sang Christmas carols. A meaningful Christmas message conceived by our correspondent was conveyed through the dialogue between Deepika of UKG and Santa Claus. It was emphasized in the message, to create 'awareness' is the first step of solution for global warming. Chief guests Welcome Christmas play Christmas message

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Mr. M. D. K Vallinayagam (Red. National Insurance) Mrs. Nila Vetriazhagan Principal Scripted by Principal Conceived by Correspondent

Chief guests distributed Christmas gifts to the students. Children had their Christmas holidays from 22nd December to 4th January 2009.

PONGALO PONGAL 13th January 2009 : Pongal is a festival of 'Thanks giving”. Dawn's Pongal was celebrated with the feel of a village. Dawn's Pongal message is 'Gratefulness'. Sweet Pongal was distributed to all at the celebration.

I GO TO EXPLORE……. 12th February : A field trip to Guindy children's park was arranged. It gave the children an opportunity for self management, sharing and getting more friends 10th June : School re-opened for all the classes from Pre KG to V Std. With more number of new teachers and more number of new students a vibrant atmosphere was felt.

I LOVE MY FATHER 19th June : Children were helped to make greeting cards for the 'Father's Day'. During the Assembly prayer children thanked God for their parents and children came forward to share 'Why I love my father'.

OUR LEADERS ARE GETTING READY 3rd July : Election of the 'School Leaders' by the students took place. It is a point to note that each contestant talked about the good qualities of his / her opponent. We want the children to develop the habit of seeing the good in others.

11th July : Our school leaders assumed their respective duties in a ceremonial parade by taking their oaths. Leaders' badges were given by our correspondent. The purpose of this investiture ceremony is to take the children in leadership qualities.

15th August : Independence day was celebrated in the school. II and III std students under the guidance of their teachers took the lead in the celebration. National flag was hoisted by Mr.A.Vetriazhagan our correspondent. The children enacted a dance drama with the message that as citizens of our dear country we should always live in harmony, without magnifying the differences. Some of the children dressed up as our national leaders reminded every one the struggle for independence. 1st Sep : Medical check up for all the students took place. Students underwent a general check up and special check up for swine flue. Thanks to Dr.Mahesh and his team.

5th Sep : Students honored their teachers with love and gratitude on teachers' day. IV and V std students entertained the teachers by enacting “Ekalvya” . Our correspondent honored the teachers. Games were conducted for the teachers.

8th September : International Literacy Day was observed. 'Each one teach one' is the request put forth to the students. Students are told to teach at least one person may be their servants to write their names. 28th August to 8 September : On Global warming (to create an awareness) various competitions were conducted for all the students from Pre KG to V Std. This is a fore runner of our Founders Day on 11th September which is to be celebrated as Dawn's Green Awareness Initiative.


Further details please visit our website



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THINK AND ACT FAST BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE……. Only after the last tree has fallen Only after the last river has been poisoned Only after the last fish has been cut Only then will we realize that money cannot be eaten

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