Lms News Letter Oct09

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Lenape Meadows News

OCTOBER 2009 Volume 1, Issue 1

Christine Zimmermann, Principal Maria Acosta, Vice-Principal

Principal’s Message

Table of Contents Principal’s Message


LMS Staff


And….we’re off!

HSO President’s Message


HSO Committees


Safety Reminder


Message from Committee Chairs


Message from Committee Chairs (cont.)


Message from Committee Chairs (cont.)


Kids’ Corner



It’s also good to have Mrs. Harrington (Art) and Mrs. Cerame (Library) back with us from their maternity leaves. We missed them!


The 2009-2010 school year had a great start, thanks to Lenape Meadows School’s terrific staff and families. By now, summer vacation is but a memory and we’ve all settled into a familiar school routine. It has been wonderful to see our returning students and families and to welcome new ones to our school. Though we’re the district’s largest primary school (at almost 500 students), we are a close and supportive community dedicated to ensuring that these early school years build a strong foundation for future learning in a safe and nurturing environment. In addition to welcoming new children and families to our school, we also welcome some new staff members: • Kelly Santonacita, Teacher, Gr. 1 • Courtney Booth, Teacher, Gr. 2 • Andrew Gold, Teacher, Gr. 2 • Jennifer Fitzgerald, Teacher, Gr. 3 • Michelle Dock, Paraprofessional, Gr. 1

It was wonderful to see all the parents and guardians who came to Back to School Night on September 10th. It was our first time having all the grades on one night, and despite a few logistical challenges, we hope that all who attended left feeling good about our school and programs. We value our partnership with our students’ families and welcome your thoughts, suggestions, and assistance at all points throughout the school year. Our school objectives this year focus on utilizing assessments and differentiated instruction to strengthen students’ math (especially computation) and reading skills. Parents can help with these goals by encouraging regular daily reading time (either reading to your child or having him/her read independently) and memorizing basic math facts appropriate to your child’s grade level. Our school will be closed to students on Columbus Day, but our staff will be learning all about “Response to Intervention” (or RTI), a method that provides critical information about the instructional needs of students and helps the

teacher to create effective educational interventions that maximize student achievement. We are continuing to use the Responsive Classroom approach at both the classroom and whole school level to help children build socialemotional and academic competencies. Some important components of the practice are class meetings, student involvement in rule creation, interactive modeling, positive teacher language, logical consequences, working with families, and collaborative problem solving. Lenape Meadows teachers have been utilizing Responsive Classroom methods for a couple of years now and we have seen a positive impact on social skills and school climate. Our school’s technology capabilities continue to grow. Thanks to the generosity of the Mahwah Schools Foundation, our Home School Organization (HSO), and the district, Promethean interactive white boards are now in all of our second and third grade classrooms, most first grade classrooms, and one kindergarten classroom. As the funds become available, we are



Principal’s Message Continued… committed to installing a Promethean board in all K-3 classrooms. Research has shown that interactive whiteboards increase student engagement and motivation and aid in knowledge retention. The teachers who have been using the boards to date have been excited by their dynamic classroom applications. As we focus on important academic and social-emotional issues, we are also keeping watch on the latest developments for the H1N1 flu virus. While we are hopeful that the impact of the virus will be minimal, the district is developing plans in the event of possible school closures due to H1N1. For the first time, the state of New Jersey has said that if districts can show that instruction can continue even if schools are closed, those closed days may “count” toward the mandated 180 annual school days. The

Staff List Principal Christine Zimmermann Assistant Principal Maria A. Acosta Secretaries Linda Grev Gaynell Ferber Nurse Jean McSweeney Child Study Team Linda Edwards Maryellen Reid Jean Sluka Gladys Fernandez ESL Nancy Merrigan Pre-K Jane Donlan Marilyn Haberman Marjorie Powers Susan Silberman

district is presently working on “at home” learning plans that students and parents can access either via the Internet, e-mail, or hard copy. We will keep our families updated as our plan develops. If you haven’t provided us with your e-mail address yet, please do so immediately (e-mail Mrs. Acosta, our assistant principal: [email protected]). Communication via the Internet and e-mail will become increasingly important in the event of school closures due to the flu. In the meantime, we are ensuring that our students use good sanitary and hygiene practices in school and that our custodians are doing all they can to keep surfaces clean. Parents can help by keeping children home when they are sick. October is a very busy and exciting month. We hope to see you at the Walkathon on Saturday, October 17, our HSO’s biggest fundraiser of the year.

Kindergarten Jane Fahey Dana Griesbach Julie Smith First Grade Janelle Aharoni Anne Hackett Ellen Mahoney Cathy Muscarelle Kelly Santonacita Urszula Uzar Second Grade Courtney Booth Andrew Gold Jennifer Lederer Crista Mapes Eileen Quann Kathy Sabella Third Grade Beth Clark Julie Contey Jennifer Fitzgerald Kristin Pacelli Gillian Rogers Sheila Sharp

Resource Center Maria Gramuglia Jennifer Koby Mark Phelan Library/Media Specialist Dorene Cerame Physical Education Jason Calhoun Marvin Glaubach Mary Pisani Art Courtney Harrington Music Greg Baker Barbara Owen Math Improvement Denise Varricchio Sharon Ticchio Reading Improvement Lori Edwards Eleanor Novack

Funds raised through the HSO directly benefit your children (by paying for assembly and cocurricular programs and defraying the cost of field trips), so please try to help any way you can. I encourage your active membership in our wonderful HSO this year, at whatever time commitment you are able to make. As the old saying goes: Many hands make light work! Look for information about our Fall Book Fair, Picture Day, and our annual Halloween parade. If you can make it, we’d love to see you at our first “Second Cup of Coffee” meeting of the year, which will take place from 9-10 A.M. on Tuesday, October 27 in our cafeteria. It’s an informal meeting of parents, Mrs. Acosta, and me and offers an opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about what’s going on at school. We hope to see you soon! Christine Zimmermann Principal

Speech/Language Therapists Hannah Brodsky Valerie Massrock Kristen Oroszlany Peggy Kollmann Paraprofessionals Stacy Azevedo Susan Begg Patricia DeFreese Michele Dock Diane Drejman Tara Florio Carol Fylstra Peppi Gardner Priscilla Giancaspro Darryl Johnson Lisa Lamontagne Connie Lehmann Dottie Mann Susan Manziano Jackie Pepe Laurie Rosen Elena Sgambati Lorna Silberbush Head Custodian Bob Aromando Cafeteria/Pomptonian Andrea Soha



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HSO President’s Message Welcome back to school everyone! I can’t believe September has come and gone already. By now everyone has settled in to the new school year and has made some new friends.

coming up quickly.

If you attended Back to School Night, you were able to see your child’s teacher and learn a little about the HSO and what we are here to do.

The Lenape Meadows Walk-a-thon is being held on Saturday, October 17th, from 10:00 to 2:00 right in our gym. It is held rain or shine! Plan on coming to support our school and let the children enjoy a funfilled day. We are still in need of volunteers; please contact someone on the committee if you can help out.

The HSO is here to benefit our children. We are working hard on so many fundraisers that enable the children to go on field trips and enjoy so many other entertaining activities throughout the year. Our biggest event of the year is

I would like to remind everyone that HSO meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. A schedule was sent home in the beginning of the year with all the other information you need to know. If you

missed it, our next meeting will be October 14th. It starts at 9:00 AM in the cafeteria. Please mark it on your calendar. We would love to see you there. If you would like to get more information about anything that goes on throughout the school year, please contact me at 201-236-8583, or [email protected]. We are all looking forward to a wonderful school year here at Lenape Meadows School. Linda Grippo HSO President

HSO Committees and Chairs 2009-2010 Assembly Coordinator – Lisa Lamster Astronomy Night – Karen Finneran Board of Ed Rep – Denise Pikowski Book Fair – Lisa Himpele, Phyllis Iannucci Books and Beyond – Waseekah Rizwan, Carolyn Urbaniank Box Tops for ED – Bonnie Latona Class Parent Coordinator – Lisa Himpele Cookie/Pie Fundraiser – Phyllis Iannucci, Allison Schlackman Custodian Day – Lisa Lamster Directory – Waseekah Rizwan Fall Fundraiser – Linda Grippo, Phyllis Iannucci Family Fun Night – Benjamin Kezmarsky, Colleen Woelfel Field Day K and First – Beckey Shields Field Day 2nd & 3rd Grade – Rachel Devine, Michelle Kornfeld-Loewy, Carolyn Urbaniank Green Meadows – Cindy Buchallter, Laura Spain, Holiday Gift Fair – Jennifer Crissey, Linda Grippo, Colleen Woelfel Hospitality – Linda Grippo, Denise Pikowski HSO Appreciation - Colleen Woelfel HSO Booster Drive – Sue Reardon HSO President – Linda Grippo HSO Secretary – Carolyn Urbaniank HSO Treasurer – Lauren Wall HSP Vice President – Lisa Himpele Library Coordinator - Carolyn Urbaniank Kids Stuff Fundraiser – Michelle Kornfeld-Loewy Kindergarten Celebration – Suzanne Daniels, Lisa Himpele, Tara Santora, Beckey Shields Kindergarten Registration – Suzanne Daniels, Lisa Himpele, Lisa Lamster, Dhara Patel Newsletter – Amy Frost, Waseekah Rizwan Nominating Committee – Wendy Brooks, Phyllis Iannucci, Allison Schlackman Note Card Fundraiser – Wendy Brooks, Allison Schlackman Pizza Sale – Gerri Graniero Playground - Phyllis Iannucci Publicity – Laurie Sargenti, Su Spira Science Day – Lisa Lamster, Kerri Sherer School Beautification – Michelle Kornfeld-Loewy, Annette Powers, Carolyn Urbaniank





HSO Committees and Chairs 2009-2010 continued… Simple Supper – Victoria Ackerson, Christina Wilczynski Spirit Days Coordinator – Wendy Brooks Staff Appreciation Lunch – Dhara Patel, Laura Spain Staff Holiday Luncheon – Sue Reardon Chung, Dhara Patel, Annette Powers Start of School Packets – Amy Frost, Maureen Kayal, Waseekah Rizwan Start of School Supplies - Phyllis Iannucci T-Shirt Sale – Estela Blaustein Third Grade Celebration – Linda Grippo, Lisa Lamster Walk-A-Thon – Linda Grippo, Lisa Himpele Walk-A-Thon Basket – Karen Finneran, Gerry Graniero, Laurie Sargenti Walk-A-Thon Volunteer – Kerri Sherer, Amy Frost Walk-A-Thon Registration – Terri Arciero

Lights, Camera, Smile!! School Picture Day is Wed., 10/28/2009

Safety Reminders for Car Drop Off and Pick Up 1. 2. 3. 4.

Please stay in one lane and pull SLOWLY up to the sidewalk in front of the school. The first car should pull all the way up to the “green man,” with all cars behind following. Please do not block the crosswalk. Children should exit/enter on the right side of the vehicle directly adjacent to the sidewalk. Exiting can be done all along the sidewalk, not just at the front of the drop off line. 5. To keep our line moving in a timely manner, children who are dropped off/picked up in our driveway should be able to exit/enter the vehicle on their own. 6. If you feel that it is necessary to get out of the car and assist your child in any way, you must park in the lot or in a legal parking space (along the drive and not marked by yellow lines) and walk your child to the front door. 7. Once your child has exited your vehicle, please stay in line and follow the car in front of you out of the driveway. 8. Parents/guardians who choose to walk their children to the front door in the morning are asked not to enter the building at that time unless they have business in the office, an appointment with a teacher, or are dropping off a child to KEP. Safety patrol students escort kindergartners and first graders to their line-up area in the gym. Second and third graders walk unescorted to our cafeteria. 9. For the safety of all pedestrians, please refrain from using your cell phone while in our driveway. 10. Students may be dropped off between 8:25 and 8:50 only. After 8:50, they are late and must be accompanied into the building by a parent/guardian and be signed in as late. We appreciate your cooperation with our procedures. They are for the safety of all of our students. If you have any questions, please call the Main Office.

Take a Health Break Dear Parent/Guardian,


The Mahwah Schools are neither recommending for nor against having your child receive this vaccine.

The Northwest Bergen Regional Health Center is planning to offer vaccinations for the H1N1 Flu free of charge, through a grant from the federal government. The vaccination will be offered to individuals from the ages of 6 months to 24 years, along with other individuals who are considered at-risk due to certain medical conditions. The vaccinations will be administered in a Mahwah school facility, either in the evening or on a Saturday. It is anticipated that the vaccinations will be offered in either late October or early November. In an effort to assist the Mahwah Township Health Department in their planning for the number or vaccines that will be needed, we ask for your assistance by completing a very short survey. The survey should take less than two minutes to complete.

To access the survey, please click on the link below. As always your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Response to the survey does not bind you to a decision at this time. If you have questions about having your child receive the vaccination or not, please consult with your child's doctor. Additional information regarding the vaccination program will be sent from the Health Department as it gets closer to the date of the vaccinations. Vaccinations may also be provided through your child's primary health care provider.


http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=4H5_2bNY7NDQ N2w5_2bwQ01oIA_3d_3d


Charles V. Montesano, Ed.D. Superintendent Mahwah Public Schools



Note from the Lenape Meadows School Library Welcome back to a new school year!!! We are happy to start another exciting school year during which we will all learn and grow. The following is some information for you about our Library program. The aim of our library program is to enable students to develop a lifelong love of reading. Through visits to and learning about the library, students will learn responsibility for someone else’s property. You can help by keeping library books and borrowing privileges your child(ren)’s responsibility. There are things that you could do at home to foster this development. Some ideas include: _

Posting your child’s school schedule at home where he/she can clearly see when Library Day is. _ Create a reading model for your child. _ Create a special reading space in which to keep library books safe from babies and pets. _ Treasure the written word- make collages with your child, play word games, read together. _ Provide support in the form of praise when your child(ren) accomplish(es) reading progress (such as finishing a book, reading a whole sentence without help, learning a new sound). EDITOR’S DESK Rules, standards and policies - Borrowing Welcome to the first issue of the When students finish books before their library day, we encourage them to come back to Lenape Meadows School Newsletter the library to choose another book. This year, our school library will be opened all day of the 2009-2010 school year. Monday for these exchanges. This will be possible if students follow certain guidelines. Thank you to all those who Some of these are walking to library quietly and responsibly. Our borrowing policy is submitted content. We wouldn’t simple: if you borrow a book, you return it the next week you visit library. If more time is have been able to put this together needed, then a student may renew a book. without your support. Overdue Books When a student has forgotten a book, they will not be permitted to borrow another. A note Look forward to our LMS newsletter on the 1st week of every month. will be sent home including the name of the student and the title of the book. Upon Please contact us with your returning library materials, the student will be allowed to borrow again. If a student comments, suggestions, and, of continues to forget a book, another note will be sent home, including the cost to course, your articles! replace the book. We need your help to keep books in a safe spot at home, somewhere your child can reach them. Thank you! Volunteers Waseekah Rizwan and We are always in need of volunteers. We need help getting the “just right” book into the ([email protected]) readers’ hands, re-shelving returns and gathering resources for teachers. If you have a special talent and could offer something special to our classes, please let us know. We Amy Frost ([email protected]) would like to plan a special activity and have you in! Looking forward to a bright new year, Dorene Cerame LM Library/Media Specialist

Walk-A-Thon – October 17 All Lenape Meadows School families and friends are welcome to come and enjoy the fun at the school's Carnival/Walk-A-Thon fundraiser on Saturday, October 17, rain or shine. The fun runs from 10:00 to 2:00 pm. Our annual walk-a-thon is held at the Lenape Meadows School and is our biggest fundraiser of the school year. The event is held indoors and includes a walk-a-thon, as well as many other activities for the children (air rides, face & nail painting, tattoos, spin art, and games) – all this for $13.00 per child. There will be refreshments available as well as a 50 / 50 and great prizes to be won. We need your help! If you can volunteer, please call Kerri Sherer at 201-512-1166 or Linda Grippo at 201-236-8583.





WALK-A-THON – October 17 YOU ARE NEEDED!! The big day is Saturday, October 17, 2009. We need volunteers for the checkpoints, refreshment stands, registration, raffles, face painting, bake sale, and more. We would really appreciate two hours of your time to make this a great success!!! IF YOU CAN LEND A HELPING HAND, PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM BELOW OR GIVE US A CALL!! Name: ________________ / Phone___________ I will be available at the following time(s): 9 AM -11 AM ___ Chairpeople

11 AM- 1 PM ___

Lenape Meadows Scholastic Book Fair! *CLASSROOM # 1 (first floor)* Monday, October, 19 - Friday, October 23, 2009 Monday - Thursday 9am 3:15pm Friday 9am – 12 noon

(10-02 / 11-06) Show your LM pride! Wear our school colors, blue & gray



Kerri Sherer 512-1166 Amy Frost 529-0016


LMS Sprit Day!

1 PM - 3 PM

BOOK FAIR FAMILY EVENT: Saturday, October 17th 10am2pm (at the Walk-A-Thon) Please look for the Book Fair flyer and Volunteer Form that will be sent home during the first week of October.

BOOSTER DRIVE The LMHSO Booster Drive is still underway. If you have already supported us... thank you! If you haven't done so yet, there's still time! We are asking for donations of $10.00 per student, with a maximum of $20.00 per household (although any amount will gladly be accepted). Please make checks payable to LMHSO (do not combine with other programs) and return it to your child's teacher in an envelope marked BOOSTER DRIVE. *Every parent/guardian is automatically a member of the HSO with or without a donation. Thank you for your support! Sue Reardon Booster Committee Chairperson



Get Your Artist Smocks Ready! Lenape Meadows Annual NOTECARD Fundraiser will begin in October. Order forms will be sent home with your child from art class. Be Creative! Create Thank You notes, Birthday Cards, Holiday cards -- the ideas are endless..... Each box of My Art Cards contains 20 note cards and 20 envelopes. The note cards arrive in a gift box with a ribbon. The note cards are 8.5” tall x 5.25” wide when flat, and fold to 4.25” tall x 5.25” wide. Each card has a place on the back for the artist’s signature. Also available to us this year: Each My Masterpiece, takes the “front-side” art and dramatically enlarges it to

8.5” x 11”. The enlarged artwork is then printed on the same brilliant white 120lb ChromeKote cardstock and placed inside an 11” x 14 inch, 99% acid free, museum quality matte with backing. The Masterpiece is then placed inside of a glassine envelope to protect it from fingerprints.

also acceptable. All orders MUST be in NO LATER than November 9, 2009 to get an early December delivery! Wendy Brooks and Allison Schlackman Notecard Committee Chairs

To ensure vibrant colors our printer suggests: bold colors created with colored markers, crayons, and paints work wonderfully, whereas pastels (light blue, light pink, light yellows created with crayon or colored pencils do NOT reproduce as well). Photo collages, and photodrawing combinations are

Drum roll please!!!  Here’s the  moment you were waiting  for…the drawing winners for  September:  PreK ‐ Cristian  ‐ Mrs. Haberman    Race Car 17  Kindergarten – Kelly‐ Mrs. Fahey  Race  Car 18PM  st 1  Grade – Nicholas ‐  Ms. Uzar  Race Car 7  nd 2  Grade – Sean ‐ Mrs. Mapes  Race Car 26  rd 3  Grade – Emma ‐ Mrs. Clark  Race Car 35    Make sure that the children  check out the bulletin board to  see their cars move along.  The  exhaust cloud behind each  class’s race car will have the  total running amount of fuel  collected.  This will be updated  th shortly after the 15  of each  month.  The children can also  see who is in the lead and where 

Help sell tickets and help with the raffle for the THEMED BASKETS at the Walk-A-Thon! Please call Karen Finneran at 201-327-8017

Box Tops Sorry to interrupt your regularly  scheduled program…this just in…  THE RACE IS ON!.  Thank you for  fueling your Box Tops race cars.  This month you have collected  $219.30 in fuel for your Race  Cars (and our school)!  The  School’s goal is $200.00 per  month.  This makes the yearly  goal $2,000.00!  We can do it!      We’re off to a great start!!!   Congratulations to Ms. Uzar’s  class!  Their Race Car 7 is in the  lead with $30.50!!  Following is  Mrs. Mahoney’s class’s Race Car  8, which is in second place with  $25.00!  In third place this  month is Mrs. Mapes’ class’s  Race Car 26, which has $22.20!   Way to go to the top three!      Remember to bring in your fuel   (Box Tops collection sheets) on  th the 15  of every month,  even if  the sheet isn’t full.  Thank you  for not using staples!   

Volunteers NEEDED!

their class’s race  car ranks.    Each classroom will have a  collection sheet hanging inside  their room.  This sheet will give  them their monthly goal, how  much they collected each  month, if they met their goal or  not, a sticker if they reach their  goal and, finally, their yearly  goal.    Thank you all who submitted Box  Tops this month!  As you can  see, those little ten cent Box  Tops do add up quickly! Best  part yet…It’s FREE MONEY for  our school!!!!!!  I’m looking  forward to seeing how much fuel  you bring in next month!  Don’t  let your race car run out of fuel!   Don’t be left in the dust!      Big thank you and great start!     Bonnie Latona  [email protected]  

  Tyson Project A+  Program  This month you have collected  35 flaps/strips for the Tyson  Project A+ Program!  This  means that you earned $8.40 in  FREE MONEY for our school this  month!  Remember, when we  collect a total of 100  flaps/strips, Mrs. Zimmermann  will play the Chicken Dance  over the loudspeaker.  If we can  get 500 labels this year, Mrs.  Zimmermann and Mrs. Acosta  will personally dance the  Chicken Dance with all of the  children in the hallways!  Put on  your dancing shoes and keep  sending in those Tyson Project  A+ flaps and strips.      Thank you for collecting and  supporting the Tyson Project A+  Program!  Bonnie Latona    [email protected] 






Celebrate being in Lenape Meadows with us! Show your Lenape Meadows Spirit by wearing your Lenape Meadows T-shirt OR our school colors (Columbia blue and gray). Mark your calendars: Lenape Meadows Spirit Day will be held on the first Friday of every month! Wendy Brooks Spirit Day Coordinator

Lenape Meadows has gone green!! Our one year old recycling program is growing stronger every day! Green Meadows is here to educate and inspire the students to make informed choices for the environment. Your children have terrific enthusiasm about all different aspects of recycling and becoming green! Since its inception last year, Green Meadows has started recycling plastics, cans, bottle caps, office paper, magazines, and cardboard. We’d like to acknowledge all the wonderful support for Green Meadows. Gaeta has been picking up our paper and cardboard and has been a pleasure with which to work. Miss Quann has been gathering and sending all the bottle caps to the Aveda Hair and Skin Care for recycling. Thank you to all of

you at home who have sent in the many bottle caps! Mrs. McSweeney has volunteered to rinse out ALL of the many Capri Sun drink pouches so that they too may be recycled. We are working with an organization called Terracycle (Terracycle.org) that produces all types of organic plant products. Terracycle, more importantly, has been working with schools and other organizations like Lenape Meadows to collect chip bags, drink pouches, granola/power bar wrappers, and other recyclables to create backpacks, purses, pencils, pencil cases, and the like. Terracycle gives the organization $.02 for every usable item. Green Meadows will be having a student contest towards the beginning of

2010, involving recycling and the reuse of items. Just for your information, The Town of Mahwah Recycling Center collects cans, glass, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, magazines, other paper/cardboard, and household batteries. Home Depot collects used CFL light bulbs, Shoprite collects plastic bags (except black), and Best Buy collects electronics. Bergen County also periodically collects electronics and hazardous materials at different locations during the year. Welcome Fall! Laura Spain and Cindy Buchalter

MAKE YOUR OWN PLACEMAT! - What you need: Autumn leaves; Wax Paper; Large Heavy Books; Construction Paper or Colored foam Board; Clear Contact Paper; Glue. What to do: 1. Collect Autumn leaves on a nature walk this fall. 2. Place leaves in between sheets of wax paper and press them in the pages of the heavy books. 3. In a few days collect the leaves. 4. Place them on top of the construction paper or foam board using a little it of glue to keep them in place.5. Carefully cover with the clear contact paper. Cut off any excess.

Around Town The Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce is st organizing Mahwah’s 1 WinterFest, an eight-week community celebration scheduled to begin on December 4, 2009 and end on January 30, 2010. The festival will include charity drives, contests for adults and children, historical exhibits at the Mahwah Museum, and much more. WinterFest will be a family-friendly, intergenerational, interdenominational way for area residents to enjoy the season, to help those in need,


and to bring the business and civic communities together. The WinterFest committee has created several contests aimed at involving Mahwah students. 1. Poster Contest for Jr/Sr high – Oct. 30 deadline 2. Pearl Harbor Essay Contest for Jr/Sr high – Nov. 16 deadline 3. Lighting Contest for Mahwah schools, residents & businesses – Dec. 18 deadline 4. Heritage Essay Contest for Jr/Sr high – Jan. 11 deadline

5. Coloring Contest for K-5 – Jan. 15 deadline 6. Passport Contest for all ages – Jan. 25 deadline The prizes and rules for each contest are detailed in the attached .pdf files. If you have any questions about the contests or WinterFest, please contact the Chamber Office at 201529-5566, or go to www.mahwah.com. Thank you so much for your support.





Color the scarecrow and count the number of patches on his clothes!

Knock-Knock! Who’s there? Dewey. Dewey who? Dewey have to go to school today? Knock-Knock! Who’s there? Bustle. Bustle who? Bustle be here in a minute!

A poem written by Kindergarten - PM

Color the scarecrow.

Submit it to your teacher.

Friends go together like… pumpkins and pie flowers and petals Fall and leaves frogs and ponds Superheroes and bad guys You and Me caterpillars and butterflies paper and pencil pumpkin pie and marshmallows tea and sugar milk and cookies mustard and bread peanut butter and jelly bread and jelly nice people and sharing.


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LMS Sprit Day

Mahwah 2K/5K/10K Walk-Run Event

Assembly – The Illusionmaker

Columbus Day – NO SCHOOL for students

HSO Monthly Meeting


HSO Fall Book Fair

“Second Cup of Coffee” meeting, 9 AM in cafeteria


Picture Day

Birthday Lunches

Halloween parades

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