Dawa'h Centre ( Islamic Institution ) - English Pamphlet 2009

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  • Pages: 2
DARUL ISLAM FOUNDATION TRUST This trust is devoted to the cause of Islam, its propagation and promotion. The charities of this trust is for all citizens of India. Its immediate aim is to take Islam to the gross roots level. As of now Islam is the most misunderstood religion. Islam now, is not only misunderstood, but is also under attack. Opinion is mobilised throughout the world against Islam and Muslims. Alliances are forged to wage war against Islam and Muslims. Under these circumstances conveying the true message of Islam to one and all, is all the more an important duty. Herein we present a brief about our services, charities and activities. ISLAM TO THE GROSS ROOTS LEVEL We are in the field of dawah (inviting people towards Islam) for the last 29 years. As such we have taken Islam to nearly 11,000 villages through various programmes. One of them is dawah tour. DAWAH TOURS We have a set of people who are experts in conveying Islam to the villagers. They are in the field for the last 29 years. They travel in our auto almost everyday to the villages and invite them towards Islam. Earlier These experts visited the villages for a select number of days. Now we have made it a daily affair. We could have covered many more villages if we had adequate vehicles / Conveyance. Now we own only an auto. Insha allah we will with your philanthropy get more vehicles and accelerate our activities. Annually we spend nearly 3 lakh rupees in this noble cause. EID GET TOGETHER A f t e r every Eid we arrange Eid gettogethers to s h a r e o u r pleasure with members of other faiths. These gettogethers were marked by a feast, a talk and Q&A session on Islam. Usually a good number of brothers from all faiths are participating.

ANBAGAM 17, 3rd Cross Street, Srinagar Colony, Kumbakonam. Tanjore District.Pin-612001 To Contact : 9444239594. Having conveyed the message of Islam to a good chunk of villagers, we felt the need for an institute to impart Islamic knowledge to those who aspire to acquaint with various aspects of Islam. Infact our field workers impressed on us to start one such institute. As such we started an institute at Thirupanamthal n e a r Kumbakonam in1993. Later shifted this to Muthuthevanpat ti near Theni (in S.India). This is for men. As time passed, our dawa activities grew in various dimensions. Five years back we felt the need for an institute exclusively for women who embraced islam ,and we started an institute at Nellai Eruvadi. With these institutes we continued our mission of taking Islam to the gross roots level. Allah blessed out efforts, many families choose islam as their way of life. These coupled with the conversion of T.M. MANI, now T.M. UMAR FAROOQ a veteran Dalit Leader gave new thrust to our mission. Then again our field workers insisted that we should open a centre to educate the families who wanted to know all aspects of Islam. We had in our mind such an institute for a long time. We started this Anbagam to fulfill the aforesaid need on 12th September 2007 in a rented building . 89 Families comprising of 300 members have taken their education from this institute. We are working to shift this to our own building. Some good hearted people have accepted the responsibility of constructing the new building. May allah reward them. DOWRY FREE MARRIAGES During the last year we have arranged 8 dowry free marriages among those who joined our institute (Anbagam). Two converts were pregnant at the time of accepting Islam. We looked after these deliveries at our own expenses. LITERATURES FOR DAWAH We are instrumental in promoting literatures in the field of dawah and in general Islamic studies. Of these the book by the veteran dalit leader T.M.Mani (now T.M. Umar Farooq),"THE END OF CASTEISM” is a big hit instigating many

to accept Islam. The book effectively debates the various ideologies available for the age old evil of un-touchability. We have also brought in three editions of this book in a short span of eight months. Totally 6000 copies of this books are in circulation. The english version of this book is available in online. (www.pdfcoke.com/hasanmmk) Another book, entitled "Senthamizh Nattu Cherigal" (The life at Tamilnadu Slums) is also released during this year. Nearly 2000 copies are in circulation.

We are continuing these for a long time. This year we conducted a summer courses at 5 places in Tamilnadu including Anbagam. Tests, both oral and written were conducted, at the end of the course, certificates were also issued to the participants. CAMPAIGN AGAINST UNTOUCHABILITY

We select a few current topics and conduct seminars throughout TamilNadu. This year the topics selected were (a) Islam yesterday and Today. The deliberations were based on the book "Losing Battle with Islam by David Selbourne" . (b) The strength and the weaknesses of modernday Muslims.

Untouchability is a Crime Against Humanity, but is effectively practiced in India. The Untouchables can get anything in India but not social status.(as human beings) Various Solutions have been advocated to eradicate this malady, None, other than Islam has succeeded in liquidating this crime, so saying the Veteran Dalit Leader T.M. Mani, who faught for 52 years against this menance of casteism, embraced Islam. He is now T.M. Umar Farook. He has come out with a detailed account of his war against Casteism and the causes of his conversion. This is a document in th form of a book entitled “The End of Casteism. We are arranging debates on this book and invite the proponents of other ideologies to deliberate on their solution. In the end every one gets convinced that Islam alone can mitigate this problem permanently. This discussion has taken place in 19 of the 31 districts of Tamil Nadu. These debates are giving momentum and Islam is accepted as the only solution. Even mainstream media are focusing this attention on these debates, sometimes to dissuade us from pursuing our cause. Yet we are steadily moving ahead. (Alhamdulillah!).



STUDENTS’ ESSAY COMPETITION This is a definite way to take Islam to students. Induced by competitive spirit students search books on Islam, read them, understand them and reproduce them, but for this effort student will not be entering into this venture. The topic of this year is "The Global melt down and the Islamic alternative". The competition is held on all India level. The best contribution will be awarded with Rs.10,000/followed by an award of Rs.5000/- for the next best contribution. SEMINARS

An overwhelming majority of our Indian citizens are young. As such everyone try to woo them to their way. Muslims students are also falling a prey to this invasion of ideologies. In the absence of a m e a n i n g f u l introduction of Islam, they are being carried away by other ideologies. It is our bounden duty to acquaint them with the basics of Islam. Students are also over burdened with academic study materials. The best time to educate them is to avail their holidays. We use these holidays to educate them the basics of Islam.

VERGAL PATHIPPAGAM Apart from all these we are instrumental in promoting literature on various aspects of Islam which are of topical interest. In Tamil so far in our efforts 90 books

have come. We have planned few more books for the coming year. Insha allah.

Dowry is a serious menance, which virtually drives away our women folk from our family structure. Though teenage girls suffer everyday, the society pays only scant attention to this evil. We have been campaigning against this evil by arranging public meetings. Apart from these we encourage our youngsters to go for dowry free marriage.

disastrous consequences of smoking in mind, the government agencies and other voluntary organisations do a lot to dissuade smokers. We do make serious campaign against smoking. We join hands with other NGO’s (Non Governmental Organizations) to do our best to get people rid of smoking. We have distributed nearly 20,000 leaflets in Tamil and English. We also joined the May 31 anti smoking campaign with the international community. This was a grand success an many regulations were imposed on smokers. We are effectively campaigning against the habit of drinking. We participated in the deliberations with the chief minister of Tamil Nadu.



We are in the human rights front since 1990. We educate the downtrodden and minorities particularly Muslims on human rights. We have filed nearly 124 human rights violation cases in various forums and law courts . We have succeeded in many of them. We were invited by other human rights organisations also in their campaigns. We readily joined them to further their cause. We were effective participants in the campaign against fake encounters.

When a conspiracy was hatched by vested interest groups to decriminalise gay sex we effectively resisted it. And the resistance is going on in the form of street meetings and distribution of awareness leafelts.



DISTRIBUTION OF PAMPHLETS This is another means through which we take Islam to one and all. Quotes from various non muslim reformists like E.V.RAMASWAMY, DR. AMBEDHKAR are collected and published in leaflet format. So far we have distributed 40,000 such pamphlets. We have also brought one more leaflet during this year. JAMAATH LEADERS MEETING Local Jamaath Leaders are the first to come across any problem that may come to confront Muslim. But for very few leaders no one pays the attention they ought to give. We convene meeting of Jamaath Leaders and enlighten them on the issues that confront the society. After our programs they readily come forward to take on any issue that may affect the community. INTERACTION WITH THE GOVERNMENT

SINGLE COPY Rs. 10/YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION Rs.120/This is the second biggest successful effort on our part in launching Tamil Magazine for the discussion of Islamic ideology. It was published from december 2007. Alhamdulillah! ANTI SMOKING CAMPAIGN Smoking kills slowly but surely. It causes many diseases. It is also an indecent public behavior. Keeping the

The ruling DMK Government in Tamil Nadu went one step ahead in uplifting muslims. This came in the form of "Ulama (Masjid workers) Welfare Board. We felt that we should convey our heartfelt thanks to the Government, as we did when

reservation was awarded to Muslims in Tamilnadu. This time we met Mr. Anbazhagan, (Finance Minister, TN). RELIEF AND REHABILITATION Though we are for Dawah we are mindful of the Islamic social responsibility of providing relief to the needy. During the Tsunami Havoc we rushed to help the affected. When we came to know that our Palestenian brothers have reached our capital New Delhi as refugees we rushed our help through charity alliance which distributed a big amount for the r e l i e f a n d rehabilitation of the Palestenian Brothers. We have contributed Rs.30,000/towards their relief. DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS Apart from what was narrated above we have so many other programmes to promote the cause of Islam, but running short of funds to back them. If your philanthropies gush forth, Inshaallah, we can effectively serve the cause of Islam.. We request you to contribute generously towards this end. Wassalam. Thanking you. Brotherly yours, M. Gulam Mohammed M.Com,M.A.Journalism. (Managing Trustee) Moulavi.M.Mujeebur Rahman Umari,Secretary. Moulavi.K.M.Ilyas Riyaji,Tresaurer. S.A.Abdur Rauf, Joint Secretary

Please draw your cheques/DD’s in favour of DARUL ISLAM FOUNDATION TRUST and send to 235,Peters Road, Royapettah, Chennai - 600014. Phone No: 044 - 45566909 Email : [email protected] Website : www.darulislam.in

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