Dav Id Perdu E

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  • Words: 203
  • Pages: 1
Dav id Perdu e From :

Sent : To: Subject :

Richard Janis Thursday, August 05, 2004 1:04 PM David Perdue FW : Contact info .

f yi . .. .. 1 will cal l Brian and Shei l a

-----Or i gi nal Message----From: aleit [email protected] s [mailto :aleitch@senate. stat e .n y .u s] Se nt : Thursday, Augu st as , 2004 11 :19 AM To : Richa rd Jani s Subject: Contact info.

He ll o Ric ha r d J

I apologi ze f or the del ay i n getting thi s information to you.

Here i s what I have :

Brian Stenson Vice Chancellor for Fi nance & Busines s Stat e University of New York 518 -443 -517 5 (o f f ic e phone ) [email protected] .edu Sheil a Seery

Dire ctor of Re search Commission on I ndependent Colleges and Universi tie s 518-436-4781 (office phone ) [email protected]

If there i s any additional i nformati on that you need , ple ase don 't hes itat e to ask . Ta ke ca re , Amy Leit ch Executive As s i stant to Senat or Bruno


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