Dance Unit Day 4

  • April 2020
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LESSON PLAN Unit: Dance Lesson Focus: Choreographing Technology Used: music video Sequence: Day 4

Date: 3/29 & 4/1 Grade: Freshman Girls PE

Standard: S1.H2.L2., S4.H2.L1., S4.H5.L1. Facility/Equipment: Gym Group packet Speaker Projector

Lesson Intro (What will you say to get the students’ attention, communicate the lesson objectives, and motivate students to achieve them?): Today is the first of a couple days that you will have to choreograph your aerobic dance routine. Before I let you get with your groups and start the process, I am going to show you a few examples of routines. Watching these will give you an idea of what Mrs. Preston and I are looking for when you perform your routine. After that, I will pass out your packets and a pencil so you can jot down your ideas for counts and moves because on the rubric it states that you have to turn in a document with your routine written out with counts. So, lets all move in closer to the board and take a look at a few examples of routines from previous years so you can get started on your own. Learning Objectives


Each objective should include: a) Performance (the knowledge or ability the learner will gain as a result of this lesson), b) Conditions (under which the learner will perform, and c) Criterion (the level of performance considered acceptable):

For each objective include your procedure for determining whether objectives have been met:

1. Students are able to start the process of choreographing a routine 2. Students are able to work well with their group and contribute ideas to routine steps/counts 3. Students have the ability to memorize their routine perfectly so they are able to perform it to a point where others can follow along and they can add enthusiasm and style

1. informal observation 2. informal observation & guidance
 3. informal observation & rubric aspects

Safety considerations and/or modifications for special needs students: -students should be aware of their surroundings so they do not injure themselves or another classmate 

Learning Activities Time



Transitions; Comments

5 min.

in squads

take attendance introduction/explanation of the layout of the class

let’s come closer to the board to discuss a few things and watch a few videos!

10 min.

close to board

watch videos of dances from previous years -as you watch these, have a member from your group to write down moves on the
 back of your packet you notice that you like and would want in your routine -watching these routines will give you an idea of what we are expecting when you
 are performing as well as more ideas you can incorporate into your own dance -quickly describe then hand out how to count/choreograph worksheet (see

you have plenty of ideas for different movements and your songs chosen which means it’s time to start choreographing! I will be walking around checking in and helping out with writing out your routine with counts, if you are stuck and unsure of what to do next, or just answering questions you have! So, get with your groups and get started!

50 min.

in groups

choreographing -throughout the duration of the class period, I will walk around and assist groups
 with any/everything they need and just to check in on each of them. -once I see that groups have some choreography done, I can play the songs over
 and over so they can listen to the music and/or practice their routine

Closure (What will you say and do to help students recall the lesson objectives and recognize what they’ve learned? How will you meet one or more of the following goals: review, accountability, cool-down, recognition, interpersonal communication, future plans?): I am loving what I am seeing with your routines so far! Remember to reference the packet I gave you. The worksheet can give you plenty ideas if you need any. The rubric is there for you to reference as well! By reading that and following along to the steps, you can/should be able to complete this routine and have it be excellent! Before you leave, I would like each group to share one move that they have in their routine so far. Also, if you have an idea for another group or any group to use or add in their routine, please share! Do not hesitate to ask questions about anything, I am happy to help! I will take your packets again and hand them out when you come back next time. Great job today! Reflective Comments (to be completed after the lesson):

Description of Activities elements of dance worksheet


Group Members: 


Song: Aerobic Dance Routine Rubric 0-2




Steps of Aerobic Dance Routine

Less than 5 moves are shown Routine is not complete

Less than 10 moves incorporated in routine Moves do not flow and/ or routine does not last the entire song

More than 10 moves Moves flow with music Routine lasts the entire song

Presentation to class

Most or all of the routine is out of sync Very unrehearsed and unorganized Routine is impossible to follow

At least half of the routine is choppy and unrehearsed group members are not in sync Routine is difficult to follow at times

Presentation has been practiced and all group members move in unison Routine is easy to follow

Participation of group members

Group members fought, argued, socialized, and/ or sat around most of the time and did not cooperate on routine Only one person did most or all of the work

Most group members participated and contributed 3/4 of the time Used most class periods and time wisely

All group members participated and contributed significantly to routine Every class period was used to practice and time spent efficiently

Enthusiasm in Aerobic Routine

Routine was not aerobic Routine did not show enthusiasm

Routine had some aerobic moves Showed enthusiasm throughout the entire routine

Routine was aerobic and showed lost of enthusiasm Kept the audience’s attention

Written Routine

No written routine

Routine is hand written Not typed Misspelled words Names, block, and/or song not listed on paper

All moves typed out with counts No misspelling or grammatical errors Names, block, and song listed on paper

Total : ____/30

how to count/choreograph

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